Happiness in Slavery: Chapter 1

Story by Tanner on SoFurry

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#1 of Happiness in Slavery

Even though the spring was slowly making its arrival the nights were still cold and as I walked down the street I was reminded of this every time the harsh wind blew against me. Time and time again people would always tell me that one has to put comfort before fashion, but it was unfortunate that comfort never picked up customers in the world's oldest profession.

I walked further down the streets along the sidewalk and would turn and hesitate under the glow of each street light, hoping that someone looking for a fun night might stop and pick me up for the night or maybe even for just a few minutes. Stopping from street light to street light as I made my travels back to what we affectionately referred to as "the den" I couldn't help but turn and look at my reflection in one of the windows on a nearby store. "Aw fuck, no one is going to pick me up looking like this", I said to myself and the street as I walked closer to the window, trying to use my claws to arrange my head fur as much as possible and fixing my shirt up a bit before taking a step back. The lanky shepherd they would call me, my reflection looked so thin that I was even starting to scare myself. Most of the other whores and hustlers in the den were starting to think that I was starving myself and just trying to get rocks with the little we made, although I always stayed away from that kind of crap and they could never find anything on me.

I realized that the night wasn't going to be any good as far as customers go so I made my way around the corner onto one of the side streets which led me right to the den. I stared at the door and tried to contemplate exactly how I would manage to get in, get some rest, and even if I was so fortunate maybe even get a bite or two to eat before being pushed back out on the street again. With a last deep sigh to seize my hesitation I lifted my paw and gently knocked on the door, hoping one of the other workers would answer, anyone but Jake. I was not so fortunate.

The door swung open slowly and there was Jake, the asshole in all his class and style. I looked him up and down in envy as he stood there in his three piece suit, the black nicely offset by his bright fur and leopard spots. I looked back up to the much larger and better built feline pimp and then moved toward the inside trying to get past him before I found his hand on my shoulder and was shoved down onto the sidewalk. Clutching at myself a bit, I looked back up at him slowly as he reached out with a paw. I didn't say anything, I didn't have to. No work, no money, no entry, no food, no shower, no sleep. He only held his paw out for a few mere seconds more before realizing I had nothing to give and went back inside, slamming the door behind him.

I slowly got back to my feet and shook myself off. It had been a hard couple of nights and the reality of my situation was starting to hit me a little harder with each passing day. A tear started to well up in my eye but I rubbed it away and regained what little composure I had. Tears would only fall unnoticed at this point and I knew it wouldn't do me any good. I took a deep breath and put one foot in front of the other down the side walk and before I knew it the cold street had me once more.

I only made it about half way down the street before I heard the running footsteps rushing up behind me. I didn't turn around at first, figuring with the way my night was going that this couldn't be anything good. I picked up the pace a bit but it still came closer and closer and at the last moment I turned around, getting ready to protect myself. Of course I was a terrible fighter so I stood there with my arms curled over my head and with my eyes tightly closed.

The footsteps stopped, probably just in front of me. I continued to wait and wait until I heard a laugh... a very familiar laugh...

"I swear Sab, what the hell are you doing?!"

It was when he spoke that I knew who the voice belonged to. I threw my arms back down to my sides and for the first time that night I felt a smile slowly form on my muzzle. It was Vince, a wolf not much taller or older than I and just as lanky, the look that seemed to fit most of those that I worked with. Vince was the one that found me on the street corner when I had just become homeless and showed me the business. Sure, things could have gone better, maybe if I had gone out on my own I would have never ended up being a worker for Jake, but maybe I could have gotten a lot worse. This is why I never resented Vince and why we became very close friends.

I reached out with both arms and embraced my close friend there on the street corner and told him about my streak of bad luck that I had been having for the past couple of nights. He consoled me for a bit before our hug broke and we had a chance to stand and talk for a few minutes.

"..and that's when Jake pushed me and wouldn't let me back into the house... I'm not sure but I think it's been about 3 days now since I've been in the house", I explained to the wolf as we stood under the street light.

"Hun, things will eventually get better. You are still pretty new to the business and you have yet to get repeat customers. It'll come with time hun and eventually you will make enough that you won't have to give everything to Jake", he said with a soft smile and a bit of a nuzzle.

Vince then reached in his pocket and pulled out a twenty and put it in mine, "There, that should be at least enough to get you in, get a shower and a little bit of sleep. While we're in there I'll get you something to eat even if it means sneaking something", he paused while looking me up and down and said with a grin, "And lets see what we can do about getting you some fresh clothes hun, you'll never pick up a lonely sailor in that outfit!"

He chuckled and I blushed a bit before hugging him again and then made my way past him to head back toward the house. It was then that I felt his paw grab my shoulder and hold me back. I turned to face him again, "What's wrong?"

"Well if you turn around right now and go back in there, Jake is going to know for a fact that I just gave you 20 bucks and that you didn't actually earn it and he may keep the money, keep being a dick, and keep you out until you earn some."

My ears splayed at the realization that he was probably right and I looks back up to him, "So what do we do now?"

He gave be a reassuring smile and a lick on my nose, "We'll go out and walk for an hour or so and then we'll just happen to arrive home at the same time. Who knows? We may even have a little fun while we're out and you may actually earn that money." He said with that grin still on his face.

With that we made our way down the street, talking about recent business, new places to hang out, different sexual techniques, and other things pertinent to the business. It wasn't long before we found a nice quiet alleyway and had a bit of fun of our own.

Sex with Vince was always very different then sex with a customer. When you are making money you are always focused and trying to do something or anything that might convince your customer to pay more, or just get off quicker so that you can get to the next. With Vince we could both just relax and have a good, relaxing screw. Knowing that business was going to be light for the night and that our "talents" weren't being strongly called for, we took our time and enjoyed ourselves a bit more than usual while trying to keep quiet and not alert anyone of our presence and activities. After it was all said and done, we snuggled there naked in the alleyway together with my back against his chest, enjoying the afterglow that I usually never have the chance to. We knew we shouldn't stay there for too much longer and eventually got up, got dressed, and made our way back to the den.

It didn't take us too long to get back. A few months ago I wouldn't have said that, but I got used to having my feet as my only method of transportation and had actually started to enjoy the lengths of time between the proverbial point A and point B. I guess it gave me a little bit more time to think, and when I wasn't distracted I could at least try to find a little bit of peace.

Upon our arrival, Jake was still there in the front room. Vince had been working in the den long enough that he no longer had to knock and walked in with me close behind. Jake didn't seem to appreciate my presence as much as Vince did and got up quickly to stop both of us from going any further. I could tell that his mood hadn't gotten any better since I had last left.

Before Jake could even say anything Vince pulled out the cash he had earned that evening and held it out to him. I followed suit and took the twenty dollar bill out that Vince had given me earlier and offered it to him.

Jake, looking a little surprised, took Vince's money and carefully counted it before giving him back a bit. He then took the money from my paw and held the single bill out in front of him, just slightly out in front of his nose as if to smell it with disgust. He looked back to me with that same expression on his face, "Is that it?"

I was caught a little off guard, I knew that most of the other workers brought in more than that for the evening, but I had still hoped that Jake wouldn't still be in such an asshole mood when I got back and would have let me stay for that amount. I figured it wouldn't be in my interest to argue the point, or even respond for that matter, so I simply drooped my muzzle and nodded as my ears splayed.

Jake had looked at me and for a moment I almost thought that he was capable of showing some type of compassion for anything. I think that Vince might have seen it to and cut in before Jake could say anything else.

"We had just met up after he had just finished up with a customer Jake. I know he doesn't have much but I told him that he could share sleeping space with me if you would let him stay for the night", He said almost pleadingly.

Jake considered it for a moment, obviously not looking pleased with the situation as he stuffed the twenty dollar bill in his pocket. "He can stay, but only tonight and tomorrow he's back on the street Tonight he stays with you, and I had better not catch you two bitches fucking, 'cause if I do I'll put you both back out so you can burn off that steam on the customers that are willing to pay for it." He turned his muzzle back to me and then added, "Don't expect to stay here again without a lot more then what you brought in tonight. I'm starting to think that you're just a waste of my fucking time."

I slowly nodded again, not wanting to make him any madder then he already was. Vince then took me by the paw and led me downstairs to where the workers would usually sleep. It was a fairly large unfinished basement with little sections marked off by what I'm assumed was stolen cubical walling that gave little to no privacy. Each little section was furnished with whatever bedding the workers could bring in or had taken from other workers that had been forced out of the den.

Vince didn't have much, but he did have more then most of the other workers. He actually had a mattress and a couple of pillows that he managed to collect over a period of time and he even had one of those fire safe lock boxes that he would put what little money he could save in.

I stood just outside Vince's space and the knowledge of knowing that I was going to finally get some rest soon just made me more and more tired. I almost zoned out just standing there before I felt my wolf friend's arm around me from behind, holding me up while he undressed me as best he could and then guided my naked body into his bed.

He joined me shortly thereafter and I could feel him snuggling me tight, holding me like he did not so long ago back in the alley. I felt safe in his grasp and used what little strength I had to snug back against him before slowly drifting off. My ears perked just a bit before I finally fell completely asleep, picking up the sounds of drops hitting a nearby window well pane as the rain outside began to fall...


The rain outside began to fall and the sound of it hitting a nearby window pane caused the Alex's ears to prick up as he sat at his large oak desk in his office. He stopped what he was doing and got up out his chair to walk around his office for a bit, taking a look at his dark lit surroundings. The furniture that filled his office was mainly made of wood, but not carrying an older antique look to it. The wolf never could really appreciate things that looked old and worn. He preferred his office to have a newer look to it. His home, which his office was attached to, was also decorated in similar fashion.

He smiled, pleased with his surroundings and the work he had accomplished so far this evening as he made his way over to the window. He looked out over the land that separated his home from civilization. Although the wolf had grown up in a suburb that brought him very close to the city, he enjoyed being a bit further away. He found it a bit easier to breathe and relax out here. He also found it to be a lot easier to manage his business from a distance and preferred to work from his home, hence why he had changed this spare room into his office.

He had just started to relax a little bit more and his ears dipped back down again before there was a soft knock at the door. Unshaken from the sound the wolf returned to his desk, sat, and then replied "Come on in", with a tone in his voice that reflected his generally good hearted nature.

The door slowly opened and a smaller figure entered the room and came closer to the desk. Stepping closer to the desk the figure appeared to be a much older wolf, at least in his early 70's and took slow but sure steps toward the desk. He wore a simple black and white suit which showed that its age probably wasn't far off from the wolf who wore it.

The older wolf stood as tall as he could with his arms folded in front of him. "I'm all packed young master Alexander, and shall be ready to depart tomorrow afternoon. I've called your city headquarters office as you requested and informed them of your impromptu time off that you have requested. One of the other VPs will stand in for your duties while you take your leave and will bring you back up to speed upon your return", The older wolf reported with a light British accent that had faded slightly with years spent in the United States.

Alex then stood and walked around the desk and took the older wolf's paw in his, which led to a tight hug between the two. "I'll drop you off at the Airport tomorrow since I have the time off, and before you go I just want to say thanks again for all the years you have spent here helping mom and dad take care of the place before they passed on. I don't think they could have asked for a better butler and I hope that you'll truly enjoy your retirement."

Alex broke his hug with Charles and sat back down at his desk and referred to a ledger that he was writing in earlier that day. "I added a special something to your account back home so to be sure that your retirement will be most comfortable. If you ever need anything just let me know." With that the older wolf simply nodded with a large smile and walked surely out of the office before either of them could discover the tear that was in the other's eye.

The wolf distracted his emotions with his work but was still unable to take his mind off the fact that if his parents were still alive they would have definitely wanted him to get a butler to replace Charles. There was no way he could take care of the house on his own, but he still longed for something different. Though he wasn't sure what, he left himself some time off to figure out what that was.