Population Control 4 - Naturalization

Story by Serathin on SoFurry

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#4 of Population Control

Four friends picked off, can the ringleader and his friend reach safety in time to save themselves, or will they succumb to the city like their fellow compatriots?

Commissioned by gotomax

Population Control 4 - Naturalization

"Al, move it!" Mick cried out as the two ran through the streets, several latex furred creatures hot on their trail with their erect cocks bouncing in the air.

"We just want to talk to you humans!" One of the furs, a very large orange and black striped tiger, shouted as the group continued to follow. "Come back here and join the fun!"

Both humans would have none of it though, darting down into a nearby alley to try and lose the mob. It had only been a few minutes into their search for their missing members when they started to see the 'citizens' of the city coming out, all of them covered in latex and very, very male. Whatever virus that had been released into the population must have did that to them, they reasoned quickly, as well as give them a severe increase to their libido. More than once as they tried to wind their way back to the hotel they saw two or more males in varying degrees of copulation, from mere kissing and groping to having sex right there in the streets.

"We're in trouble Mick." Al said when it appeared they lost their pursuers, both of them breathing hard as they sat in the shadows. "As much as I hate to say it I think you may have been right about coming here."

"You think?!" Mick replied angrily, shoving the other man. "Our friends were probably taken by those creatures, and now we will be too, and all you have to say is that I might have been right?! We should have just let you go on by yourself and let your own stupid ass get caught in this situation!"

"Now now, no reason to fight." A voice said in the darkness, both of them quickly backing away from the source of the noise as a blue-scaled naga began to slither towards them. "Sssuch a foolish way of wasting one'sss time and energy."

"Stay back!" Mick threatened, grabbing a board from the nearby trash can and holding it up as menacingly as possible. As the two young men were pushed back by the advancing naga the creature was soon joined by another, and another... soon it was five nagas slithering towards them with lustful grins on their faces as continued their advance. "Al..."

Suddenly behind the two a steel door opened, a rather large lion man sticking his head out of the doorway. "You two boys need a hand?" He said as the Al and Mick were nearly against the wall. "Come inside, I'll give you asylum from these rowdy reptiles."

Mick and Al looked at each other before glancing at the two parties they were between. On one hand they had a mysterious mutant that was beckoning for them to come inside with no way of them knowing what his intentions were. On the other hand they had a gang of naga's whose intentions were quite clear, especially since some of them had already started to stroke themselves as they encroached upon them. The two humans quickly found themselves choosing the perceived safety, running through the door before the huge lion anthro slamming the door shut and barring it.

"Thanks man, you really saved our skins out there." Mick said once he regained his breath, though his grateful tone was tempered by suspicion as he looked the lion man over. Though he was still like the others he at least seemed to have some sense of modesty about him, his body clothed in a vest and leather pants. He also had bracers on his wrists and a necklace around his neck and his feet were in a pair of rather large combat boots.

"No problem, ain't very often that we see humans out here." The lion man replied as he shook their hands, the two boys amazed at the strange synthetic feeling of the creature's fur. "Why don't you come on into the bar for a drink and you two can tell me how you managed to get all the way into the heart of the city that your kind won't normally touch with a ten foot pole."

Sam and Mick looked at each other before they followed the large male through the hallway, eventually going through the black swinging door into the bar proper. Inside there were a number of male creatures having a drink, some of them throwing darts while others just sat around the tables or at the bar talking to one another. It was a welcome respite for the two humans after being chased by the sex-crazed mob, breathing sighs of relief as they sat down at the bar themselves. They were surprised when the lionman went behind the bar, coming up to them with a smirk on his face.

"You boys want a drink?" He asked them. "We have a fruit punch special, on the house."

"Yeah, thanks." Al said as he ran his hands through his hair, his brain still in overdrive as he looked down at the varnished wood. "What are we going to do..."

"I don't know man, we're in way over our heads." Mick replied as he slumped his own shoulders. "Even if we somehow get out of this city alive there's no way we can go back to the village without everyone asking where the others are. Even now I'm sure they're probably out looking for us, which means that we are going to be in serious trouble. We may be going back only to be banished once more."

"Sounds like you two are between a rock and a hard place." The lionman spoke up as he set down two large glasses of icy punch in front of them. "Sorry, I couldn't help but overhear the jam that you two are in. If things are going to be so bad back home, why don't you just stay in the city then?"

"Stay... here?" Mick said with a laugh, taking a drink from the glass. "Sorry, I don't feel like being chased day and night by the hordes of infected, sex-crazed mutants out there that want to molest us. I mean, don't get me wrong, your group seems alright, but after what we just got chased by the sooner we get out of here the better."

"Here here." Al agreed, raising his glass in the air before taking a swig himself. "Mmmm, this drink is really sweet, but with something headier that I can't identify at the same time. Is there alcohol in here?"

The lion man chuckled, sharing a look with the other strange furs at the bar before turning back to them with a grin. "A little, this is a bar after all, as well as a few other special ingredients." He said as he leaned on the polished wood, watching the two humans as their ears began to stretch out slightly and grow a bit rubbery looking. "But back to your current predicament, I would be more than willing to help you out against the more... rowdy citizens of our fair city plus room and board, and in exchange you'd just have to help me with my bar."

The two humans looked contemplatively at their drinks, unaware of their faces beginning to puff out slightly as they considered the bartender's offer. The other man had already saved them once, they deliberated as they continued to drink more of the tasty beverage, and seemed like a rather nice guy. But while the consequences would no doubt be severe when they returned home they wondered if it would be so drastic that not returning home would be an option. Mick scratched absentmindedly behind his lengthening ear as they continued to muse, his fingernails thickening and turning black as they came in contact with the thin layer of fuzz that had begun to grow on his ear.

"This is a really hard decision..." Al said, his words slightly muffled as his tongue began to thicken, pressing against his expanding teeth as the layer of fuzz spread down his ears and onto his face. "It's hard to think..."

"Understandable." The lionman said as he tried to hold back his laughter as he watched the two confused males. "Why don't we go back into my office and we can discuss things a little further in private."

Both Mick and Al nodded numbly, shaking their heads slightly as they grabbed their nearly empty glasses and followed the lion man. As they walked through the bar most of the patrons had ceased their conversations to watch the two changing humans, able to hear the ripping of their shoes as their feet began to warp into a new shape. By the time they got into the office itself they were walking on a pair of rubber hooves, which clapped rather loudly on the wooden floor before they took a seat in front of the desk that the bartender sat down behind.

"So I'll make this as straightforward as possible." The lionman said as he clasped his hands together. "But before I go on would you two like another drink?"

Both boys nodded eagerly, having finished their first glasses on the way into the office. There was something about the taste of it that made them nearly salivate, which made them jump at the opportunity for more as the lion pressed a button on the intercom on his desk. "Hey Kenny, could you whip up two more Donkey Punches for our potential new employees?" He said, both Al and Mick's eyes widening as they heard a loud hee-haw noise like from an actual donkey before the lion man looked back at them, watching them scratch their chests slightly.

"You know, those clothes are filthy." The lionman commented. "Why don't you two get out of those clothes and make yourselves more comfortable? We're all reasonable adults around here, no need to be bashful."

The two looked like they were about to object, but as they continued to think about it they realized that the lionman was right. Their clothes were in pretty bad shape, they reasoned as they began to pull their shirts off of their heads, continuing to be oblivious about their physical changes even as he collar of the cotton fabric caught on their still lengthening muzzles. Once their shirts were gone their pants and underwear were quick to go next, allowing the nub of flesh that had been starting to bother the both of them erupt into a thin, ropy tail as they sat back down. The bartender looked at them both with a pleased expression, something that caused their hearts to swell with pride as the muscles of their already toned chests began to harden and define even further as their skin gained a latex like shine to it. By that time a large donkey man came in with two more glasses of punch, shooting a grin to the lionman as he watched both boy's cocks twitch as he handed them their drinks.

"So what I need is someone to basically help me around the bar." The lionman explained once the donkey left, keeping their already addled attention on him instead of their changing bodies. "Do some light cleaning, maybe a bit of tending bar once you've had a bit more training... but what I really need is two strong, able bodies to pull my cart when I go on delivery runs. Sure I could get a maglev car, but there's something magical about a drawn cart that seems to tickle my patrons. In exchange you will be able to share my food, my home... my bed..."

The lionman seemed to watch their expressions eagerly as he waited for their response. "So, we'll have like different shifts or something?" Mick asked as Al greedily drank nearly half the glass of new punch in one go.

"Oh no, it'll be at the same time." The lion mused, his smile widening as he noticed that aside from a bit of confusion neither of the two showed any negative emotions towards the innuendo. "I'm not going to lie that I have been admiring you since you came into my establishment and knew that if I did not take you both as my lovers I would regret it. Two strong yet obedient donkey boys... who could pass up a chance at that?"

Again Mick looked at him with some confusion, something that the lionman was saying not clicking right in his brain. Al, however, gave an enthusiastic nod as he stood up from his chair. "I don't know what Mick thinks, but I'm definitely in!" He said as he reached over and shook the lion's hand, a small hawing noise coming out of his mouth as his hips and ass shifted to accommodate his new body. "I promise I can be a good, hard worker for you!"

Mick rubbed his eyes as he saw his friend for what felt like the first time, though had he not known any better he would have surmised the donkey man was another citizen of the city. He dropped the still-full glass of punch as his vision traveled down to himself, realizing his own bodily modifications have been happening. "What's... what's going on..." he muttered, the pieces slowly coming together in his mind as he looked at the lionman and slowly got up from the chair. "You... spiked our drinks..."

"Actually Kenny did, that's why you're becoming donkeys." The lionman replied before turning to Al. "Why don't you show your friend the benefits of being a good gay donkey boy for the city?"

Al gave the lion man a thumbs-up. "Yes master!" The former human said before he went over to Mick and pushed him back down into the chair. All Mick could do was gasp as Al's new donkey muzzle quickly engulfed his cock, which immediately responded by hardening in his friend's warm maw. Mick's black fingernails dug into the armrests of the chair as his former friend began to lick and suck on his cock, which became fully erect at his normal length and then began to push further. The shape of his member also began to become altered, the head becoming more equine as it grew in length and became shiner and shiner with each bob of the other donkey's head on his shaft.

"Good boys." The lion purred as he got up, his own rubber cock fully erect as he swiftly rounded his desk and positioned himself behind the already fully changed former human. "I think this will be the beginning of a beautiful partnership, don't you think Mick?"

Mick could hardly respond, his teeth biting his rubbery lip as Al continued to go to town on his now nearly foot long cock. He struggled to continue to think of himself as he was to possibly try and escape, but those thoughts quickly faded away as they were replaced by the image of the strong, muscular lion that had already eased the head of his feline phallus into Al's rubber donkey tailhole. Al let out a loud hawing noise as he pulled up from Mick's cock, which caused him to do the same as he felt his face begin to swell outward. It felt a bit like someone was pushing on the inside of his mouth and nose, his eyes closing from both the strange sensation of his face remolding itself and his friend's renewed sucking on his member as the lion man began to thrust into him.

"Oh yes... hnng... you will both make fine new employees and citizens." The lionman growled as he grabbed onto the synthetic grey fur of Al's hips and began to push in earnest, which caused Al to push more and more of Mick's thick cock into his mouth and eventually began to press into his throat. "Once we're done here I'm... I'm gonna take you on the grand tour of the city!"

Mick dug his fingernails into the leather of his chair as his friend continued to service him, trying desperately to hold onto the last of his former humanity as the short latex fur continued to spread up his body. His muscles popped and contorted as they grew strong, though not overly bulky as his shoulders and chest reconfigured. The pleasure that was emanating from his cock was so exquisite that his fragile grasp on wanting to stay in his former form was quickly slipping away, being replaced with different instincts that would have caused his former self to balk. It just felt so... good, so natural to have those thick lips on his pole, to have that rubbery tongue lick and swirl around his member...

It was the lion who came first, letting out a loud roar as he slammed into Al's toned cheeks with his groin. This caused Al to fall even forward on Mick's equine phallus, the head pushing into his throat and causing the changed human to climax as well. Thick latex spunk filled Al from both ends, the donkey in the middle squirming from sheer bliss as the two males climaxed inside him. Al's own body spasmed in orgasm as well, his thick donkey dick shooting its latex load all over the hardwood floor.

"Mmmm, a very good ride indeed." The lionman said as he withdrew and cleaned himself up. "Speaking of such, it's time to get you into your new uniforms and take a stroll out into town." As Al and Mick recovered from both sex and transformation they suddenly each found themselves with a set of full body harnesses dropped on top of them. "Al, your friend still looks to be in a daze, make sure he understands the opportunity that he is getting while I make sure that everything is set up."

Mick was so wrapped up in post-orgasmic bliss he hardly heard what his friend was saying as he felt the thick leather wrap around his newly-defined chest and back muscles. Despite his lack of coherency every word sank into his pleasure soaked brain, Al telling him how good it was to serve their city and their new master. Mick muttered the words back, his brain rewired as his equine cock was stuffed into the skimpy leather thong, a cockring sliding over the sensitive flesh before it was covered up. When Mick was finally able to regain his senses he realized that Al had completely dressed him, even putting on the harness and muzzle components as his fingers felt against the leather straps that bound his face.

"Thanks Al." Mick replied with a smile as he hugged the other donkey boy. "You are a great friend."

"You too Mick." Al replied before holding up his harness. "Mind helping a friend also?"

"No problem." Mick said as he turned Al around, both of them grinning almost manically as Mick began to thread the harness around his body. The former human couldn't understand why he had resisted the change for so long Mick thought to himself as he took the opportunity to grope those strong, latex covered muscles with the addition of each strap. Not only was his partner's body amazing to touch it caused Al to shiver every time, something that caused him to grin.

"It isn't too tight?" Mick whispered, Al grinning happily back at him before their two muzzles touched in a kiss as Mick secured the last of the straps into place. He took special care around his groin area, his fingers rubbing against the sensitive flesh as he put the cockring and thong on. The groping continued as their kiss continued.

They may have gone even further, but as their hard cocks began to throb with their ministrations the lion walked in with a chuckle. "Well it seems that you are adapting to your new roles quite nicely." Their master said with a chuckle. "Got one last piece for you to put on, we'll do it once we hook you up."

"Hook us up?" Mick asked as the lion led the two of them towards the back of the bar. There the both of them had their jaws drop as they saw the large cart hovering there off the ground. "You're hooking us up to that?"

"The engine doesn't work, but everything else does." The lionman said as he put them in front of the cart. Before both of them had a chance to ask anything else they suddenly found a rubber gag shaped lot like a bit in their mouth, causing their words to come out as muffles as two rubber-suited men came out and hooked their harnesses to the cart itself. They wasted no time, and with the latex lion's encouragement the two boys managed to stay still enough for it to go even faster, even when they proceeded to put a plug in their tailholes that caused them to squirm only slightly. "Oh, and one more thing..."

Both boys let out a muffed gasp as they felt the loincloths get unbuckled and their still erect cocks bobbed out in the open air. "I do enjoy putting on a show." The two boys bucked slightly from the stimulation, their members leaking slightly as the two men slapped them on the butt and caused them to walk outside. For the first time since they were given their bodies they stepped out into the open air of the city, despite their restraints they kept their heads up high as they marched through the streets of their new home.

As the two felt the gentle swats on their hindquarters from their lion master they passed by an outdoor stage, a group of latex furs surrounding it as a young stag and rather large horse seemed to be on top performing. Both creatures had on matching cockrings as the stag laid on his back, sucking on the horses' huge cock as the stallion fingered the deer's latex tailhole. That only seemed to the opening act though, the two of them giving each other a loving kiss before the deer turned over on his stomach.

"Come on Rael, show them what you got!" The stag spurred on as he rose his tail in the air, an invitation the stallion was more than ready to accommodate.

"You got it babe!" The horse replied with a loud whinny as he slammed his hands down alongside the deerboy and pushing his hips forward. With practiced ease the huge horsecock found its way into the hungry tailhole, the muscles stretching wide as both males let out loud grunts of pleasure. The crowd went wild as the horse ran one hand across the stag's modest but respectable chest, his antlers bucking slightly as his well-used hole quickly took the entire length. Soon the two had built up a rhythm, the group of horny males that surrounded them chanting in time with the thrusts as they watched the deerboy get thoroughly taken.

After a few minutes Rael arched his back and got on his knees, the smaller male kicking slightly as gravity forced him down even further on that massive pole he rode. The stallion's free hand quickly grabbed the deer's erect, throbbing shaft and began to stroke it, the stag unable to do anything but squirm and moan in his lover's grasp as his stretched muscles glistened for all to see. Before long the deer's eyes squeezed his eyes shut as he let out a loud yell, both males cumming at the same time as the crowd erupted in a thunderous cheer.

With the show over the two donkeys were spurred onward, the leather crop swatting them on their toned butts. They continued down the street, passing by a small café that was adjacent to a book store. "Looks like the bar down the street has found a new acquisition, doesn't it Asmar?" The naga said as he sipped at the tea, causing the other naga to smile.

"Certainly has Reseph, those they're not as beautiful as you." Asmar replied, leaning over and kissing the other snakeman on the lips. As they began to make out their cobra cocks, which had been twined around each other rose up from underneath the table. When the two main nagas broke their embrace their snakecocks continued their kiss, their rubber scales squeaking slightly as their bodies rubbed against one another. "You are such an amazing find... I could just eat you right up."

"Mmmm, perhaps we should skip dinner and go straight to dessert." Reseph said as they kissed once more, their drinks forgotten as they began to grope and squeeze each other's rubber bodies, particularly their cocks as the appendages hissed in delight. "It seems my cobra is even more eager then I, if that's possible."

As Reseph chuckled and the two got up from the table the two donkey boys looked at each other with a grin, knowing that the two handsome citizens were about to go and make their city proud and have a lot of fun doing so. They were quickly reminded of their task though, another swat prodding them forward once more. The entire street was in a jovial mood, the various latex creatures relaxing, drinking, and having fun with their friends. The two donkeys hoped that once they were finished with their delivery they would be allowed a bit of fun themselves, there were a lot of potential friends that they saw at the bar...

"Oh look there, a brand new commercial." The lion said as he ordered them to stop at one of the holographic billboards just as a latex-skinned panther and fox wandered into the middle of the virtual field. "Always love the new public service announcements..."

"Hello there, my friends and fellow citizens of our fair city." The fox started, taking center stage with the panther right behind him. "I used to be a simple country dweller, fearful of the big city and the drastic but needed measures that it took in order to secure its prosperous future. But now thanks to my best friend Sol I see now being gay is not only fun but vital to the continued integrity of our way of life."

"I couldn't have said it better myself Xavier." Sol said as the camera zoomed in to their furless, shiny crotches, the panther sauntering up before holding the fox by his hips and pressing the erect synthetic flesh between those pert cheeks. As the two donkeys watched the names and story seemed to spark something in their minds, but that spark was quickly extinguished as they watched the feline's barbed phallus pushed its way into the fox's tailhole and caused the other male to yip in pleasure. "I like to remind him as much as possible the joys of being gay."

"Ohhhh... I don't know why I ever played in straight." Xavier moaned as he arched back and wrapped his arm around the panther's neck while still looking at the camera as the bigger male began to pound his tailhole. "Don't forget to be proactive! There are those who still think that our way of life is wrong, we need to show them that being surrounded by hard cocks and glistening bodies is only the next natural step for our population. Let them experience their own trip to gayness today! All it takes is one visit to our wonderful city and their opinions can't help but be changed!"

"That's right!" The panther nearly yelled, his hands roaming over the vulpine's taut body as he began to thrust into it in earnest, the two males quickly devolving their lovemaking into a full on fuckfest as the words 'brought to you by the population control initiative' flashed across the screen.

"Eh, the holograms never do them justice." The lionman said with a chuckle. "Now let's get a move on!"

The two male donkeys nodded, their hands slipping down and stroking the other's hard length as they continued down the street, unable to imagine anything past the perfect lives they had in their great and glorious city... and the pity they had for those outside its borders. They both shuddered as they thought of the possibility of life without their master and each other, though the absurdity of it all quickly brought a chuckle to both their lips as they continued down the streets of their new idyllic paradise...