Oklahoma's Story Part 03

Story by Charrio on SoFurry

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#2 of Oklahoma's Story

Part onehttp://www.furaffinity.net/view/4540005/

Part twohttp://www.furaffinity.net/view/4561992/

Oklahoma's Story By Charrio (Charles Uriarte)

Part Three

Warning: This is an Adult Story intended for Adults! This story is complete fantasy and intended for erotic entertainment purposes.

The morning was still and the house dark and quiet. Coming back from a fading cloud of a dream Oklahoma woke up. She was snuggled close to her Uncle Gary, and then as her mind cleared, she realized she was completely naked. Oklahoma's mind reeled, the actions of last night remembered and the implications and consequences.

Oklahoma had got quite sexual with her Uncle Gary, she didn't have intercourse but had been eagerly sexual with him. Gary stirred and gently Oklahoma got up and grabbed her crumpled pink robe from the floor and fled to her room, her mind and heart racing. Waking and coming to his senses, Gary bolted up right.

"What the hell have i done?" he asked himself and sat there as a wave of fear washed over him.

Hearing the door open across the hall and the shower run made Oklahoma cringe and her panic level rise. She was so scared and worried, she was also remorseful. Her night with her Uncle Gary would surely be scented by her Aunt. Oklahoma cried in her panic and shook with fear, fear of the unknown moments to come. Waiting for the shower and the door to close to her uncles room as he returned to dress, Oklahoma bolted for the shower.

Standing there in the bathroom she saw herself in the steam fogged mirror. Even tho it was mostly obscured she could see her hair and fur, it was a mess. Sighing and feeling quite down she took her shower. She lathered herself up from head to toe with the faint flower scented fur-shampoo. She was very self conscious of how much of her Uncle's scent was in her fur and was hoping it would wash out in the shower. In the back of her mind however, she knew it wasn't so easy. Several times in school she and the other girls knew when one had been with a male, their musky odor could linger for days, regardless of how they showered.


Upstairs waking up from a dream of a memory, Olivia blinked her eyes and rubbed them. Laying there she could hear the movement on the floor below, her heart beginning to race. Swallowing with difficulty she pondered what to do, her heartache making thinking harder than it should be. After some moments, Olivia nodded as if affirming to herself of her own decision and got up out of bed. Her face brightened a little, it was going to be hard but she had to be strong and follow through with the plan forming in her mind.

Olivia showered in the upstairs bathroom and got ready for her day, making as if everything was normal. Oklahoma's Uncle Gary had now by this time had gone back upstairs and got dressed in a fresh set of clothes. While in the bedroom he quickly dabbed a touch of his cologne on his neck fur, worried about scents lingering. Gary's mind was in a turmoil, he was remorseful of his actions last night and hated the fact he surely has hurt his loved wife and probably Oklahoma. He never had any intention of straying as a faithful mate, and least of all with his Niece.

He wanted to tell his wife and walked to the bathroom door, hearing the shower on and standing there unable to move forward he retreated. This was going to be a very difficult day, he just wanted to open the door and rush in and tell Olivia everything. His fear of her reaction and the fear of her not loving him and losing her made him turn away.

Going back downstairs Gary came upon Oklahoma sitting at the kitchen table and she blanched as she saw him. Seeing her reaction made his heart stop, it hurt badly seeing her react that way to him. Grabbing some coffee and sitting down at the table, he cleared his throat and started.

"I think we need to talk hon," he said as calmly as he could force.

Oklahoma's ears fell and she looked up at her Uncle, she was shaking, "Yeah we do, I.."

They both stopped short as they heard footsteps coming down the stairs, they both looked at each other, panic flashing across Oklahoma. Gary stood up and held his coffee not sure what to do, his own panic starting to rise and the hair on his neck beginning to rise till he willed it down.

Oklahoma grabbed the nearest magazine off a shelf and made as if she had been reading it for some time. Gary taking the cue put down his coffee and started making toast.

"Good morning loves!" Oklahoma's Aunt Olivia chimed coming into the kitchen as chipper as can be.

"Good morning Olivia," Oklahoma returned, not at all sure how to respond, feeling the guilt start to suffocate her.

"Good morning baby," Gary said and kissed her cheek.

Olivia leaned against Gary and chittered, Gary was frozen, his mind racing to what if she smells Oklahoma on me?. Olivia just rubbed muzzles and kissed him as usual, a little more affectionate but nothing unusual.

After several extremely tense moments Olivia cheerfully told them she had a appointment she had to go to at the doctors and kissed them both goodbye. They just stood there mute and dumbfounded as she left them alone closing the door on her way. Oklahoma was sure she would of scented her Uncle on her when she was kissed goodbye, and was expecting a confrontation. The cheerful way she went about things and the ignorance displayed had confused and relieved the two.


"Oklahoma We really need to talk about what happened last night." Gary said in practiced way.

Sighing heavily and nodding, "I know..." Oklahoma said lamely.

"I'm sorry I let last night happen, it shouldn't of happened. Were related, it's not right, and I'm married." Oklahoma's Uncle began.

Mentioning every sort of reason why they shouldn't and couldn't let themselves do that again. Oklahoma just sat there looking down at her foot-paws, her ears drooped and sad. Finally when Gary had finished his lecture on why they were wrong, he stopped and watched Oklahoma. Oklahoma just sat there and then looked up, her eyes were serious.

"Do you love me?" Oklahoma asked as directly as possible.

Caught off guard, Gary took a moment to respond.

"Of course I love you. I love you as if you were my own" He said, stopping before he filled in the next word.

Oklahoma's eyes flashed wide a moment, as she mentally placed the next word he had withheld. "Child"

"I know what we did was wrong last night, I know I love you. I also know what we did was wrong mainly for it hurt or will hurt Olivia once she figures this out or finds out." Oklahoma said fighting back tears as she spoke her mind.

"I hate that we hurt her, we have to tell her. I'm so sorry i hurt her, but i wanted to be with you so badly... I wanted you to be my first... I knew you would be safe." She continued, getting to the edge of her control, her voice shaking.

Gary wasn't prepared for what she had just said, this day was catching him by total surprise.

"Honey..." he croaked, and cleared his throat.

"I wish i could be your first, I honestly am highly surprised and wish i could, you know how i do" Gary continued.

Speaking to her for the first time as an adult and not the child he always seemed to treat her as before. Taking her paw in his, Oklahoma resisted a moment before relenting her paw.

"If i could Hon, i would be with you in a heartbeat. I have to think of Olivia, I need to be strong for her. Not to mention what others would think, me mating my own Niece." He said ending with a chuckle.

"I know..." Oklahoma responded but softened and seemed to relax.

"We NEED to tell Olivia about what happened." Gary said after a long quiet pause, his voice decided. Oklahoma silent only nodded, feeling the terror of disappointing someone you love dearly.


Walking out the doors of a large medical building Olivia stood pale and shaking like a leaf. Standing there with a manilla envelope and a blank look across her face, she looked down at her paw holding the envelope and let it go. Walking to her car with a smirk forming across her face as the envelope is carried by the wind settling in the gutter by the curbside.

"Why?..." Olivia asks looking up in a silent plea as she sits in her new car.

Starting the motor and driving off she drives on for a long while, stopping at a roadside rest stop. The area had a few other cars and the sun was high, the wind blowing gently from the west. At the stop there was a area where tourists and fans of ocean views could stand and look out over the sea. The wind brought the clean ocean air and the smell of salt and the smells of life below the waves.

Quietly she walked the viewers paths, a couple of humans were out and about enjoying the view, gawking at the waves on the rocks below. Finding a lone bench she sat there wanting to be alone and with her thoughts. One of the first things that flew through her mind was how easy it would be to just climb the railing and jump. She could just climb over and fling herself over and end it, end the pain she felt inside. The pain she felt thinking about her Husband and her recent rape. She felt alone, abandoned, replaced, she thought about jumping and leaving her husband to be with Oklahoma.

These were all just thoughts though, she had no intention of jumping. Taking a deep breath she gathered her thoughts and had to find a way to tell Gary. She had to find a way to approach him about what was racing around in her mind. She had to make her mate know how much she loved him and that if she has to she will fight for him.

Taking her time while out for the day, Olivia spent several hours just sitting there watching the sea. She finally came up with a decision in her mind and started home. Taking the long route as she wasn't really sure if she was ready to come back home.


"Where is she?..." Gary asked, his voice getting worried and his tail and ears hanging low showing it.

"She'll be home soon, don't worry" Oklahoma responded trying to be reassuring.

Chittering worried and looking out the windows every few minutes Gary sat waiting for Olivia to return. He was busting to get the terrible burden of telling his mate about his actions last night with Oklahoma off his mind. Oklahoma was just as eager to get it over with, even if it meant consequences.

With a squeak Oklahoma let Gary know Olivia's car was pulling up. Gary stood and looked out the window. Olivia got out of the car and walked up the path, her body posture showing she was troubled. This made Gary shrink, his heart was pounding a million beats a minute. In his mind he prepared himself for the worst, and watched intently as the doorknob turned opening the door.


Walking into the room Olivia puts up her purse by the door on the table. Her smile which was bright when she walked in faded quickly. Facing her were two very guilty looking mice, Gary was sitting on a chair in the living room and his whole body said he was guilty. Oklahoma was on the couch and looking just as guilty, her feet up next to her, her paws playing with her long tail. Olivia knew exactly what they were guilty of, and smiled inside knowing they were obviously needing to get it off their chests. This was exactly what she needed, a way to approach the subject and feign ignorance still.

"OK you two, what's going on?" Olivia asked barely able to keep her voice steady.

"I have to tell you something..." Gary started.

"STOP, right there!" Olivia cut him off.

"I know... I know all about what happened last night." She continued not intending to do so.

Olivia's tears came now, and her voice broke with rage and sobs. She had not intended to let them know she knew. This caught everyone off guard, Oklahoma turned red and hid her face crying. Gary stood there like a deer caught in headlights, speechless and terrified. Olivia sat down heavily on the large plush chair next to Gary.

"I'm so so sorry Oli..." Gary spoke in a whisper.

Olivia stopped her Husband speaking, she leaned up and kissed him and held his muzzle in her paws, tears staining their faces. Oklahoma was so scared and was waiting for the yelling and fighting. Looking up she watched as her Aunt and Uncle kissed, still waiting for an explosion of rage.

Kissing long and deeply, Gary pulled his wife closer and kissed her again and again. Olivia kissed his eyes gently and licked his face grooming him.

"I love you." Olivia whispered to him as she groomed him, her tears still flowing. Kissing him again and then taking his paws in hers she sat up and looked over at the terrified eyes watching them.

"Oklahoma!" Olivia said after clearing her throat and wiping her eyes on a tissue she produced from her pocket.

"Oklahoma, we need to talk. I want to talk to your Uncle first, in private. Then I want to talk to you." She continued.

All Oklahoma could do was nod, and watched as Olivia go up and led her Husband up the stairs to talk. Gary had been completely submissive, not daring to say a word or resist.


Upstairs, Olivia led Gary to the bed and without a word sat him down. Gary was shaking and just started, he told her everything that happened between him and Oklahoma. Olivia sat there not saying a word and risking interrupting his confession. After he stopped and sat there looking like a shaking so nervous and sick. Olivia hugged him to her and kissed him deeply.

She held him close and they kissed for a long time, both crying and needing the comfort of the other. "Oli, I never meant for it to happen and never wanted to hurt you." Gary cried in a whisper. Olivia gently rubbed the tears form his eyes with her paw, tears running down her own face "I made you run away, I needed you but made you run."

"Oh Oli" Gary squeaked and kissed her deeply, holding her tight and sobbing a new. They talked for quite awhile, Olivia never said a word about what happened at the Dr.'s office or the results she received. Both of them were severely emotionally worn out after they had talked. Olivia had told Gary about how she was terrified of losing him and he mirrored her fears completely. Each of them would be lost without the other to complete them, two broken halves making a functional whole.

This whole time Oklahoma sitting downstairs is in a state of dread, sitting on the couch for a little bit. Moving to the kitchen as time goes on and makes a snack of an apple and some grapes. While munching down a slice of apple she heard the bedroom door above open and she swallowed hard, almost painfully. Footsteps and quiet talking came closer as Olivia and Gary descended the staircase. The quiet voices she heard were not angry or sad they were playful almost happy.

Oklahoma was not expecting the mood to change so drastically, she took a drink and went out to meet them in the living room. Stepping just off the final steps Olivia and Gary greet Oklahoma with a smile, Olivia hanging on Gary's arm like a teenager. Looking at Oklahoma, Olivia quickly take a more adult demeanor, "Well kiddo, let's go for a walk."

Not sure what to say or do yet Oklahoma replies, "S..Sure, is everything OK?"

Oliva: "No, not yet. But were going to work on that." Olivia says with a sigh and expressing her tired feelings across her face and posture.

Oklahoma: "Should i grab my coat?" Oklahoma asked hoping to move forward and get it over with.

The two of them left the house, walking out to the large lawn and taking a seat at the large metal bench set on the hill in the yard. The lawn was only half an acre but well kept when Gary was home and able to maintain it. The past few weeks in his quest for chores around the house he had practically landscaped the whole property.

Sitting there an quiet awkward moment, Olivia began.

Olivia: "I don't blame you..." She stops "I... I drove Gary away."

Oklahoma: "...Olivia, I'm so sorry" Oklahoma stammered.

Olivia : "He's your Uncle you know?" Olivia asked her voice turning cold.

Oklahoma: "........I...I know." Oklahoma's voice barely above a whisper. Her ears were down and her body was starting to shake with terror at the words she was anticipating.

Olivia: Clearing her troat and taking in the wilting young girl who she had seen grow up over the years and loved, she said "Honey, we all have moments in life that we regret."

Oklahoma lit up and replied before she thought, "I don't regret being with Gary, I just never wanted to hurt you..." The words finishing before her mind could stop them.

Olivia sat quietly, her mind deciding how to best respond and keep under control. Several seconds passed each achingly long till finally Olivia spoke. "I am hurt, and I'd be insane to not feel hurt from what happened." She said calmly and as gently as she could muster. Her paw reaching out and resting on Oklahoma's for support.

Oklahoma her ears and body shaking, eyes watering broke, she clutched Olivia and sobbed. Oklahoma cried and became the little girl she still was inside, Olivia was touched and held her while she shook with cries. Crying herself Olivia stroked Oklahoma's hair while she hid her face in her chest, "Shhhhh, it's going to be OK" she comforted.

Inside Olivia was confused, she was intending to be scolding and a little harsh. Holding her Niece in her arms who was crying like a little girl who had lost her pet, melted her heart. Time past and Oklahoma got it out and was asleep in Olivia's arms, she had told her everything. Oklahoma had told Olivia about how she loved Gary and wished he was her first and wanted to be with him sexually.

Olivia was tired, so tired herself she was very grateful when Gary came out to see if they were OK, and walked back with him as he carried Oklahoma in his arms. Gary was still strong from his youth, he had kept his muscles in shape when younger and still had some muscles just faded from lack of training. Being very mindful of his hands he hefted her up gently and carried her inside, Oklahoma murmured something in her sleep as he set her down on her bed.

Olivia was watching of course, her eyes flicking to and fro, she couldn't help herself. She was tired and led Gary by the paw back up their room, she kissed and snuggled with him both barely speaking just quietly enjoying being back together. Spent emotionally after a long hard day they all passed out drifting off to sleep so welcomed. End Part Three To Be Continued.

Writer Comments: If you liked the story, I love feedback