Charles' Growing Pains III

Story by Kenneth Beltan on SoFurry

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The adventures continue, and Charles endeavors to realize another dream of his.

Charles' Growing Pains III

by Kenneth Beltan

Everything © Kenneth Beltan

The first snowfall of the year had started around noon. The wind smelled fresh and crisp, but as the snow fell, the sounds of the world became somewhat muffled. Even the school track field in the middle of Brooklyn seemed muted, the footfalls of the senior class almost silent as they ran over the ever-accumulating snow.

Charles was kicking a soccer ball around with a few classmates who had since finished their laps and were waiting for the final bell to ring. It was the Friday before Christmas vacation, and everyone was eager to leave before the snow got any worse and city buses were delayed more than usual. None of that was really on Charles' mind at the moment. He was thinking about Mr. Beltrami again, who had come to join the small group in kicking the ball around. Like Charles and other thick-furred species, Mr. Beltrami was barefooted and wearing shorts and a T-shirt. The cold did much affect him, being an arctic fox. Charles wished the man would take off his shirt as he already had. Charles was still comfortable enough in these temperatures, and he had inherited his father's thick northern European fur even if his color was quite as Syrian as his mother's. Against the whiteness of the world around him, his rich color stood out, framing the muscles of cream-colored pectorals and abdominals. As usual, he had received plenty of flirtatious and appreciative looks from most of the female students, and he was pretty sure a few males had cut such looks as secretively as they could. He knew that Mr. Beltrami had, sometimes giving him very pointed looks with that easy, friendly expression of his. For much of the time they had been playing with the soccer ball, Charles had been cutting looks at Mr. Beltrami's groin. He was wearing very short gym shorts, and on the inside of his legs, from his groin to just a few inches above his knees, were rough triangles of pure white fur, all surrounded by his glorious, thick gray coat. They seemed designed to draw they eyes' attention right up to the hems of the leg openings, making the viewer wonder just what things looked like a little further up. Charles had of course seen it before, but he never tired of his little game of seeing just how much he could see up his teacher's shorts. He tried to imagine if Mr. Beltrami was wearing briefs or a jock today. There never seemed to be a rhyme or reason for why the arctic fox chose one or the other, and Charles was beginning to suspect the choice was purely down to what Mr. Beltrami fancied that day. Thoughts of licking the gray fox's underwear-clad cock filled Charles' head. He could almost imagine the taste of it.

So lost was Charles in his erotic fantasies that he failed to notice the ball coming at him before it smacked him square between the eyes, knocking him on his ass in the snow. Laughter sounded around him as he rubbed the top of his muzzle and swore under his breath.

"What were you doing, Saxon?" Mr. Beltrami asked as he padded over and offered a strong paw to help up the young fox. "Thinking about a girl?" There was a slight grin on his face, one he wore only when he was not being serious. No one else but Charles could see it.

"I was just getting a good mouthful before that stupid ball hit me in the face," the red fox grumbled as he took the paw and stood up. He met his teacher's eyes briefly, cut them for a moment down to his groin, and then back up, a flirtatious grin on his face. Hoots of laughter, full of surprise and ribaldry, replaced those of amusement at his distraction. Charles was not known for being a major flirt but rather more of a gentleman, which made his licentious comment all the more amazing to hear.

Putting his foot on the soccer ball, Charles whipped it back so the ball rolled onto his foot. The fox lifted the ball into the air and bounced it alternately on his knees a few times before kicking it back into the group.

"I really think you should play soccer this year, Saxon. You'd be good at it," Mr. Beltrami said not for the last time as he took up position in the circle of people, now passing the ball back and forth without letting it touch the ground.

About fifteen minutes later, the bell rang, and the field began emptying fast, everyone running for the showers. Charles went around with a mesh bag, collecting the soccer balls left around. It had been his job for three years now to help out after class, and he was always happy to have some time alone with Mr. Beltrami. This year was the first that he had his class at the end of the day. He could take his time now and chat, which gave him more time to be naked with the older fox. There had been a few other perks as well.

When the swimming team was not practicing, Mr. Beltrami sometimes offered his pupil the use of the school pool -- and without the need for swim trunks. The arctic fox had even joined in the last three times. Nude swimming was technically against the rules now, but as the gym instructor pointed out, as recently as 1983 all swimming classes had been segregated by sex. Classes were in the nude in order to save on pool maintenance costs, as bathing suites shed fibers and clogged equipment worse than fur. Mr. Beltrami doubted that there would be serious consequences if they were discovered using the pool this way. Times may have been changing, but teachers were still permitted a great deal of freedom to make decisions at their own discretion. All the same, they still kept a low profile.

By now, Charles was certain that his attraction to his teacher was reciprocated, but low-level flirting and looks were all they seemed to exchange. He wished that they could do more but understood why his teacher would only go so far. In fact, he was surprised that things had gone so far as they had. In his position, it was very risky and could get them both into a lot of trouble. Charles found himself also trying to exercise a bit of discretion for his teacher's sake as well, namely by not making any overt overtures, even when it was just them. He always made sure that his cock stayed (mostly) flaccid and never looked too long at Mr. Beltrami's. It was enough for Charles if that was all it ever was, and there was nothing to say that after graduation, they could not hook up for some good times.

Charles remained squatting where he had picked up the last ball and deposited it in the bag. He synched the clamp down the drawstrings and looked up at the sky, watching the snowflakes fall all around him, thicker than ever. He let himself fall back onto the powdery snow, put his arms behind his head and took a deep breath of the early winter air. The world seemed so peaceful when it was like this, he thought, his nose occasionally twitching when a cold flake fell on it. He could almost tune out the traffic of the city, and he felt himself relaxing completely, grateful for the brief time alone. His senior year had been a busy one with applications for scholarships, visiting colleges, making plans, and even looking for a job. He had turned eighteen over the week, which now meant he was a legal adult. He planned to move out before graduation if he could. He had been doing jobs over each summer and fitting in other industrious endeavors where he could to raise money. He had enough money for a downpayment and saved enough for basic furnishings. Not a day went by in which Charles did not imagine what it would be like to be on his own, free to come and go as he wished, to decorate to his own tastes, and to spend glorious hours padding naked around the place.

A wide grin spread slowly over the red fox's face. More than anything, he wanted the freedom to be as sexually active as he wanted. The hunger was always present, and he had a good outlet that could even lead to other ones. Arthur had promised to take him to a real nude beach once the fox was on his own. Charles had already entertained many fantasies of them rutting in the sand or pawing off together around a fire under the stars. Sometimes Charles would have Mr. Beltrami joining them in a glorious threesome, exploring the possibilities of various positions. A soft, guttural moan escaped the red fox as he began to imagine once more licking his teacher's warm pouch. Charles could feel the warmth on his tongue, taste the musk, and feel the ridge of the head where it met the shaft. He was holding his tongue over it, slowly moving back and forth, just to feel that ridge more pronouncedly. Unknowingly, his own paw had moved down to stroke himself in the same spot to inform the accuracy of his fantasies. Just as he was starting to get into it, his keen ears picked up on the gentle tread of heavy feet on snow, and then the wind brought the scent of Mr. Beltrami to his nose. He stopped and looked up; about twenty-five feet away was his teacher, padding slowly over to him, the wind and snow whipping around him and blowing his long fur dramatically. The middle-aged fox smiled easily at Charles, his eyes fixed firmly on the young man's groin where the black-furred paw was still laying over an ever plumping shaft.

"You could get into trouble doing that, Saxon," the arctic fox said in his friendly yet gruff baritone. "Wait until you get home, and you can think about the ladies all you like."

"You know perfectly well that I don't think about women," came Charles' bold reply. It was the first time that he had ever openly acknowledged his homosexuality in front of a teacher, but then Mr. Beltrami had to have figured that out long ago. Nonetheless, his teacher, who had stopped just short of Charles, raised his eyebrows in surprise, obviously not having expected his student to ever actually come out and say it. He was trying to hide his discomfort, even though he himself was all but out to the young fox. Both men would have agreed that it was one thing to be out without saying it and one thing to voice it unequivocally. Only they were here to hear it, though, and they were nothing if not allies.

"Yes, I reckoned so," Mr. Beltrami finally answered, simply. He put his paws in his shallow pockets and shifted his weight onto one leg. "I've reckoned so for a long time. You out to anyone else, son?"

Charles shook his head automatically before his mind could offer Arthur up as a confidant. He would not reveal the wolf's identity to anyone, for Arthur's safety as well as his own.

"You ever say anything about me to anyone?" The older fox asked next, his face completely unreadable but calm.

"No, sir. I'm not that foolish. I like you anyway. I don't want to see you get into trouble or get fired," Charles answered.

That made Mr. Beltrami smile. "I'm glad to know you appreciate me, and I appreciate your discretion, Saxon. You know you can come and talk to me if you need to, right? You can trust me to keep it private."

"Thanks, Mr. Beltrami. I'll maybe take you up on that sometime. It's nice to not be totally alone." Charles returned the smile.

Mr. Beltrami nodded slowly. "Don't I know it. By the way, I wanted to wish you a happy belated birthday. I forgot to say it earlier this week what with the winter break coming up."

"That's okay, coach. You're the only teacher who's ever bothered to remember it apart from Mrs. Nemstova, my music teacher," Charles replied.

Mr. Beltrami gave a lopsided grin. "She's voiced opposition to you joining a sports team. She wants you to focus on music. I think she once threatened to choke me with a piano string if I managed to get you on a team."

Charles laughed loudly. "That sounds like her!"

"You sure you won't join the soccer team, Saxon?" asked Mr. Beltrami, as he started forward again, coming closer to the young fox, looking down at him from above.

"Well, I do like playing soccer, but I'm not really the competitive type, you know," he answered truthfully as his eyes followed his teacher. Mr. Beltrami soon stood just behind where Charles' head was laying in the snow, who could now see directly up his teacher's shorts. Mr. Beltrami was wearing a jock, evidenced by the grey fur on his ass that Charles could now clearly see. The pouch in the front hung heavily and fully, and Charles began hardening again in his own trunks.

"Then play for fun. There's nothing wrong with that, and it would look good on a college application. Play well enough and you might even get a partial scholarship." A decidedly licentious expression came over his face. "It would help you to keep that body of yours in good condition. I know that's important to you, and being as big as you are, you should maintain it. You'll certainly have your pick of men if you do, Saxon." Mr. Beltrami's gaze turned to the mound in Charles' shorts as his own began expanding as well. He was enjoying the scent that was coming up to him from the young fox on the field. He had to fight not to simply lower himself over Charles' face so the fox could rub against his groin.

"Point taken," Charles purred back, his paw itching to reach down to his cock.

Reluctantly, Mr. Beltrami finally moved away but only to circle around to Charles' other side, still enjoying the sight of him. "The snow's going to pile up fast, Saxon. You know how bad the buses will be, or do you take the subway?"

"The subway."

Mr. Beltrami nodded. "Well, come on. Hit the showers. You don't want to hang out here with me forever, do you?" He held out a large paw.

"You think so, do you?" Charles replied flirtatiously as he grasped Mr. Beltrami's paw and was helped to his feet.

The two regarded each other, both of them with smoldering looks. They stood so close to each other, their muzzles merely inches apart. They were both hardening steadily, finding it harder to keep control of themselves. They were also still holding each other's paw.

"You want a nice steam in the sauna before you shower?" Mr. Beltrami asked softly. "It'll warm you up nicely. I need to clean it anyway before I shut it down for the break."

"I'd like that, coach. Thanks."

The arctic wolf paused a moment before he nodded and let go of Charles' paw, turning away before they ended up kissing each other on the field. It was highly unlikely that anyone would see them, but that was no excuse to start getting careless. Mr. Beltrami picked up the sack of soccer balls and slung them over his shoulder. "Come on, Saxon. Let's get out of this snow." He put his arm around the young, brawny red fox and led him off the field.


Charles padded out of the equipment room, having stuffed the bag of balls in their wire holding basin. The lights in the gym were out, and only the remaining dim light of the afternoon drifted through the windows to illuminate it. The floors had already been swept and mopped while the last class had been outside, and Mr. Beltrami had told them to wipe their feet and stick to the periphery of the gym floor so as not to track it up. So Charles was doing as he made his way to the locker room. The training room was connected to it, as well as the sauna. He pulled the heavy door open and padded in. Three different switches illuminated banks of lights over the lockers, and only one third were currently switched on. It was unusual to see the locker room so dim. Beyond the lockers, Charles could see the showers lit by only a single overhead fixture. The lights in Mr. Beltrami's office were also on, and his door was open.

"Mr. Beltrami?" Charles called out.

"Be right there," came the arctic fox's response, and a few seconds later he emerged from the office wearing only his jock. Charles' eyes went straight to the white pouch; the outline of Mr. Beltrami's cock was clearly visible. "I think I'll join you, Saxon. I could use a good steam myself, and then we can shower and get out of here. I've already locked up and all, and we're some of the last people left, I'm sure. Everyone else will have hauled ass by now." He reached to take off his jock, but his fingers lingered on the wide waistband. Feeling in a playful mood, Mr. Beltrami decided to keep it on and just turned and led the way to the sauna. "Take off your shorts and come on," he threw over his shoulder as he strode away.

Charles gave himself a rub between his legs as he watched his teacher's fine ass move down the corridor, his white tail tip disappearing around a bank of lockers leading to the sauna. He wasted no time after that and stripped off everything and put his shorts into his locker. He paused for a moment, his fingers stroking the waistband of his own jock. A sly grin spread over his face as he contemplated doing like Mr. Beltrami and wearing it into the sauna as well. He was completely hard now, his thick member pointing up and out from his groin unashamedly. His substantial paw stroked slowly up and down it as he let out a moan, thinking about his teacher. Charles wanted him so badly it almost hurt. Surely the arctic fox had intended this last move to be an opening prelude to something more. Mr. Beltrami never wore a jock into the sauna but a towel. No, it had to be just more teasing, the excited red fox reasoned. They did flirt occasionally, so he should not read too much into it -- yet this time it had a rather more direct eroticism to it, something that had not quite been there before. He let go of his cock and tried to regain his senses for a minute. Looking down at his still rigid cock, he bit his lip and sighed. "That's not going down for a while," he muttered to himself. He pulled his jock back out of his locker and slipped it on. There was really no hiding it, but maybe at least keeping his jock over it could at least give the impression he meant to be discreet. He shook his head as he shut his locker and made his way to the sauna.

The short corridor from the locker room to the steam room was dark, the light already out. Charles pulled open the door, letting out a billow of steam. He walked in and soon stopped to behold his teacher positioned alluringly on the first tier of the wooden benches. Mr. Beltrami sat with his legs open and his arms splayed along the rim of the upper bench. The fox's full, heavy package was on perfect display, and the white fur on the inside of his legs still pointed the way up. The white jock was stretched well, and Charles could partially see Mr. Beltrami's balls where the garment no longer hugged close to his body. The humidity and heat of the sauna did little to mask his gym teacher's heavy scent, and Charles could smell the arousal quite easily. He could not recall a time that Mr. Beltrami had smelled so strong, yet the pouch of his jock only indicated a plumped shaft, not an erect one. Charles, on the other paw, was as hard as he could be and very obvious, and his musk was pouring off him heavily. His mouth was open, and his tongue was slightly forward, tasting the air as he panted. He could not control it even if he wanted to. He knew also that they were all alone and that no one was going to stumble upon them. It would be a stretch to say Mr. Beltrami had seduced him by merely coming out of his office in a jock and telling him to strip and join him. He had steamed occasionally with his students, especially the teams, discussing strategy and games. The most clothing that was even allowed in the sauna was an undergarment, and most of the students only wore a towel. Even Mr. Beltrami's relative state of undress was innocent enough, and anyone who had his final class or who was on a team had likely seen the arctic fox naked as he showered at the end of the day like everyone else. Yet the very simple, innocent display had nonetheless resulted in a seduction of the young fox. He waited eagerly for his teacher's next move, almost begging for a sign of what to do. He so wanted to act on his own, but out of sheer respect and self-preservation, he was frozen to the spot as he stared at his teacher and was in turn being examined by the older fox's easy but pointed gaze.

Mr. Beltrami casually reached down with one paw and adjusted himself. Actually, it was more like an all-out grope that just made him look even better. He was becoming stiffer by the moment and would be pushing out like Charles before long. Slowly, the gray paw withdrew and went back to resting on the ledge of the upper seating tier.

"Come here, Saxon. Let me get a better look at you," he rumbled softly as he watched pre beginning to leak through his pupil's jock.

Charles felt lust surging through every nerve of his body. It made him weak in the legs and knees, and he was panting more quickly. The very situation itself was stimulating his cock, every pulse making it rub against the ridged texture of his jock. If this kept up, he was almost sure that he would cum without even touching himself. Slowly, he plodded forward until he was standing in front of his teacher, still looking down at the ever growing mound in the older man's lap.

"A little closer, son. There you go," Mr. Beltrami encouraged, his paw reaching out to cup one of Charles' buttocks in order to pull the young fox gently forward. His other paw then came up to fondle the other one as he sat up to get a better look. Mr. Beltrami continued to rumble appreciatively as he looked from the erect pouch, up Charles' flat stomach, up his shapely, fit figure, and up to his face. Slowly, he stuck his muzzle under Charles' groin and let the lot rest on it. He inhaled the young man's scent slowly, held it, and then exhaled it just as slowly. Charles suddenly felt his teacher's tongue cup his heavy balls and travel up firmly but with an aching lack of haste. He actually started whimpering as Mr. Beltrami's tongue finally reached the upper half of his shaft. He wanted so badly to cum so they could go again that his paws were balled up in frustration, trying not to force things along faster. Pre was surging out of him now, and its scent was thick in even his nose. Mr. Beltrami was in no hurry and simply ducked his head down from time to time to lick away the accumulation. After putting Charles through a few rounds of this, Mr. Beltrami stopped and looked up, giving his best vulpine smirk.

"Have you really wanted me this much, son?" he chuckled, patting the red fox's ass affectionately.

"Yes. Oh God, yes... You have no idea," Charles gasped, his head spinning slightly with all the pheromones and stimulation.

Mr. Beltrami shook his head, amazed to see his usually so clear and level-headed pupil in such a desperate state of pure rut. "Well, I'm sorry you had to wait so long, son, but I know you can understand why."

"Please, coach, please," Charles whined, his eyes shut tight as he shivered from the intense lust that sporadically erupted from his cock.

"In good time, Charles," Mr. Beltrami said soothingly. Though he was perfectly in control of his own lusts, his voice was getting thicker and huskier. He was wondering if the young fox would cum out of sheer excitement, though his degree of control bespoke of some experience. He wondered who Charles was fooling around with, but now was not the time to ask.

Charles, to give his paws something to do, reached forward and put them on his teacher's shoulders. He gave a gentle sign that he wanted the older fox to continue, and when he felt that wonderful tongue on his shaft again, he moaned in relief as much as pleasure. Soon the licks started also being accompanied by actually sucking at the tip and then a sideways engulfing in Mr. Beltrami's teeth, the heat of his mouth stimulating every bit of the huge black cock that was still hidden behind the jock that strained outwards. Lick after glorious lick traveled over him, sometimes only over the head, sometimes over the upper half of the shaft, and sometimes from the balls and to the tip. Charles was getting closer each time. For five minutes, he felt just on the edge of climax, his toes curling, his hips bucking ever so gently, and his claws digging ever so slightly in Mr. Beltrami's shoulders. It was never quite enough to put him over the edge, but Charles was beginning to suspect that with enough tension, it would not matter. He wondered just how good it would feel. Suddenly, it stopped. For a moment, Charles thought perhaps Mr. Beltrami was just taking a moment to rewet his tongue after running it for so long over cloth. He opened his eyes and looked down. Mr. Beltrami was grinning up at him. The older fox reached up with a paw and gave Charles' pouch a squeeze.

"You know, I never really cared for the taste of cotton. What about you?"

Charles hardly thought this was the time to be cracking jokes, and his look of sudden alarm that no more stimulation was forthcoming made the arctic fox laugh for them both.

"Don't worry, son. We're hardly done yet. I just want to see you without this stupid thing." Mr. Beltrami pulled the elastic band out and let it snap back against Charles' waist.

Quickly, the red fox began shoving the garment down and kick it aside so he now stood completely nude, his huge, needy cock rigid and dripping in the very dim sauna. Charles was so tense with anticipation that he looked like he was getting ready to run. He did not care how eager he looked or how inexperienced it made him appear. All he could think about was getting his cock into his teacher's maw and finally climaxing. He was shifting his weight back and forth, his fingers clenching and unclenching, and he was still panting with his tongue hanging out of the side of his jaw.

"Do you have to pee, Charles?" Mr. Beltrami joked with a smile.

Resisting the urge to respond tartly, Charles just growled in irritation.

The gym teacher laughed merrily as he reached up and took hold of the hefty shaft, making Charles hiss suddenly. "All right, all right, son. If you need to go, just let me know." Without further comment, Mr. Beltrami sat forward and finally engulfed the entire member in his mouth, right down to the balls.

Charles growled more loudly, his paws clamping fast onto the coach's head and holding him in place. He felt the older fox's nose twitching and breathing out against his groin. Charles still could not cum, but he was still producing plenty of pre that was filling the gray muzzle fast. He felt Mr. Beltrami finally swallow a whole mouthful, followed by a moan that traveled up his cock and into his balls. He cried out loudly, feeling himself reaching a new plateau. How many more he could reach before the point of no return? It was so frustrating, but his lusts kept his irritation to a minimum as it was a distraction from the goal he was so ardently focused upon.

Mr. Beltrami slowly pulled off the cock until it left his mouth. Sighing contentedly, the arctic fox looked it over, amazed at its sheer size and bulk. Everything about Charles aroused him. He knew that he could not be luckier to attract the attention of someone with a body like this that also lusted after him. He gently cupped Charles' heavy, white balls. They hung so loose and took up his whole paw. He knew that had to be carrying a hell of a payload. He touched his nose to the black shaft and worked up it, soon sticking the tip of his tongue to just brush the underside. He stopped just under the ridge of Charles' mushroom head. He held himself there as the young fox pumped out more thick pre, letting it gather on his tongue and trickle into his mouth and down his throat. Soon he resumed just licking up the shaft torturously slow as he had been doing earlier.

Charles was moaning openly now, his paws having returned to his teacher's shoulders as Mr. Beltrami started building that incredible tension once more. The red fox was now even beginning to shoot pre in arcing spurts, and each time, his teacher would stop his vertical technique and would slowly lower his muzzle over the shaft and clean it over thoroughly. It felt very good, but it also meant that Charles' tension was able to cool slightly. He tried not to spurt but could not help it. In fact, it was happening with increasing frequency. It was also taking much less time to build up to where they had left off. His balls had never felt so full. They ached with as much anticipation as his whole body did. His prostate felt as solid as a brick from being kept so long on the edge. Sometimes Mr. Beltrami would even stimulate it from the outside with his finger while the rest of his paw continued a gentle, rhythmic stimulation of his heavy sack.

Slowly, steadily, Charles felt himself worked right up to what he was sure was the edge. Mr. Beltrami was now only licking along the underside of the upper half of the shaft, having since found it to be his student's main trigger. The gray fox would alternate between only stimulating that part and other times letting the whole shaft rest in his maw while doing it, pulling Charles back and forth from the edge of orgasm. He knew the young fox was now trying to make himself cum by sheer force of willpower, and maybe it would help things along, but Mr. Beltrami knew that it was only a matter of time. He could tell the kid was ready to blow and was looking forward to the show. He paid close attention to Charles' movement to gauge his progress. The more the red fox clenched his paws and shorter his pants, the closer he was to shooting. Sometimes sharp whines accompanied them. Mr. Beltrami had kept him at that stage for quite a while now, and the pre was spurting every few seconds, so he kept his mouth mostly over the cock to catch it all. It was so thick and rich, it was almost like cum. Still he kept his eagerness in check and kept on at his steady pace.

Charles' head swam. His eyes stayed tightly shut and his teeth clenched. His body swayed in short, stiff motions back and forth in an effort to not thrust his pelvis. He felt his prostate very acutely, always filling. It was so tight it hurt, yet the pleasure was so intense everywhere else that it hardly mattered. Suddenly he felt his lower regions tightening much harder and the movement of semen. He was suddenly about to cum. He moaned more urgently, and his body was actually convulsing with the effort of climax. His paws stopped clenching and now simply gripped the arctic fox's shoulders hard. His moans turned from loud and tense into barks and roars of ecstasy as the tension finally melted into a veritable flood of cum that blasted out hard and abundantly into his teacher's mouth. The orgasm was so intense that Charles was seeing stars behind his tightly shut eyes. Mr. Beltrami meanwhile was reveling in it all, amazed at how violent a climax it was. He swallowed several times before lifting off and simply watching Charles shoot like a geyser. He held the shaft and continued to stroke it, watching the black cock tense as each creamy volley shot out, surge several inches up into the air, and then rain back down on them both. He kept his tongue out to continue catching the load and soon had his muzzle back over it to continue the harvest. A puddle was already forming on the floor -- next to the puddle of pre Mr. Beltrami had been leaking for some time now.

For what seemed like ages, Charles' world was nothing but one surge after another, his body contracting and exploding again and again in the hot, humid, dark room. He felt every start from the bottom and spurt through his cock, and all the time, Mr. Beltrami's hot mouth and tongue egging him on. He was not sure when he finally stopped, but he was suddenly very lightheaded and weak in the knees. He was vaguely aware of Mr. Beltrami helping him to lay down on the top bench so he could catch his breath. He suddenly realized how hot he was. His fur was plastered to his body with the humidity of the room. Mr. Beltrami took the wooden water bucket and gently ladled out a stream of cool, refreshing water over Charles' forehead, neck, torso and groin. With his paw, the coach gently stroked his student's belly, waiting for him to recover himself. He had not seen someone have an orgasm like that in ages. He was impressed with how big it was for someone so young. Charles was no ordinary fox for sure.

"How are you doing there, Charles?" Mr. Beltrami finally asked quietly, his paw simply resting above the young fox's flaccid member. It glistened with moisture and saliva from where the gray fox had cleaned it thoroughly.

Charles' head was clearing now, and he felt fantastic. The endorphins coursing through him were relaxing him beautifully. "What happened?" he asked in jest.

"You achieved Nirvana," Mr. Beltrami answered in kind with a chuckle, smiling down at his satisfied pupil.

"So you don't need prayer or meditation to get there."

"Guess not."

Charles looked over at his teacher's groin, suddenly feeling hungry and remember what he had wanted to do. The older man was still as hard as could be and producing plenty of wonderful musk. Charles again stuck his tongue out to taste the air and get more of it. He no longer felt hesitant about reaching over and getting his paw around his teacher's cock.

Mr. Beltrami followed Charles' gaze, still grinning. He swung his legs onto the bench and slid back to rest against the wall, spreading his legs apart invitingly. "All right, son. Your turn. Knock yourself out. I know you've wanted to get at this for quite a while."

Charles pushed himself up and began to crawl over to his teacher, debating where to stick his nose first. Now up close, he licked his chops as he stared hungrily at the bulging jock. Part of him wanted to make this last longer, to prolong the whole episode. The red fox felt himself moving his muzzle forward, and soon his nose was buried in Mr. Beltrami's thick chest fur, breathing deeply and slowly all the musk it contained. Charles felt headiness again and let out a low moan. He drew his legs under him so he could sit between his teacher's legs. Slowly, the young fox placed his paws on Mr. Beltrami's chest, feeling the fur and muscle there. He looked up when he heard his teacher's moans. Their eyes met once more, as they had on the field. They were as close as they had been then, but now they were alone and no longer held themselves back as their muzzles came together finally. Charles in particular had wanted to do this for so long, having always found Mr. Beltrami's broad, bearded muzzle attractive. The inside of the older fox's mouth was as hot as the sauna, his tongue strong and insistent.

With a growl, Mr. Beltrami pushed with his shoulders so his rump slid along the bench, pushing against Charles' knees, until he was on his back. Charles found himself now laying atop his teacher as the older fox's arms embraced him tightly. Their muzzles had never parted company, never closed, and never stopped tasting one another. Pre was again beginning to run out of Charles as he ground himself into his teacher's groin. He could feel his shaft riding along Mr. Beltrami's, only a piece of cloth keeping them properly apart. Charles could not take it anymore, and breaking free of Mr. Beltrami's muzzle, he roared into the small, dark room in complete frustration.

"Take that fucking thing off already! I want to properly touch your cock!" Charles barked, his incisors bared.

Mr. Beltrami was grinning even though he was shocked by yet another display of seemingly out of character behavior by Charles. He chuckled gently, his paws up in a gesture of peace. "All right, all right, son. Fair enough. Just get off of me for a second, and I'll have it off in a jiffy," he said diplomatically.

Charles quickly and impatiently complied, and Mr. Beltrami slid his jock off in a quick, easy motion. He playfully tossed the garment so that it fell on Charles' broad nose. The red fox displayed momentary surprise, even a bit of irritation, but suddenly his eyes closed as he took in the powerful, thick aroma of the aroused arctic fox. He was soon pressing the jock more forcefully onto his nose, his paws cupping around it so the scent was at its most undiluted.

"Why don't you toss that aside, son, and sample the real mccoy?" Mr. Beltrami rumbled as he slowly stroked his own cock.

Charles' eyes opened again, and he became transfixed by the display before him. Slowly, he took the jock away and dropped it onto the bench. He watched his teacher sit up and rest against the wall once more, his paw still holding his rigid shaft. Mr. Beltrami was not as big as Charles, but he was still a very respectable size for a normal fox, with a pleasing shape and generous proportion. It was black like Charles', too, and it was dripping pre liberally. Mr. Beltrami used a finger to gather a good helping of it and offered it to his pupil. Charles opened his maw and then closed it gently around the arctic fox's finger, savoring the complex flavor. Whereas his friend Arthur's was very musky and earthy, Mr. Beltrami's was more buttery and spicy, more like a fox should be as far as Charles knew from tasting himself countless times. He felt Mr. Beltrami gently withdraw his finger and then felt his paw gently cup the side of his muzzle.

"Come here, son. I'm waiting for you," the coach rumbled affectionately.

"Yeah..." Finally, Charles reached out and took his teacher's hard cock into his paws and gave it a gentle squeeze. He had been fantasizing about this moment for years, and now Mr. Beltrami was right in front of him, naked as could be, hard as granite, leaking pre everywhere, and just as eager to play as Charles. Not for the last time did the young fox realize just how damned lucky he was. He decided then to join the soccer team. If it meant he would have more access to Mr. Beltrami, he would do anything. He ducked his muzzle down quickly and inhaled the entire shaft to the base, sucking on it hard. The flavor of arctic fox exploded over Charles' tongue, and he moaned ecstatically again and again as he moved his tongue over the whole member while rotating his muzzle to feel and taste new places. It was everything and more than he had imagined. Mr. Beltrami even had a paw resting between his large ears, gently guiding him and encouraging him; he kept rumbling and groaning deep in his thick body as he was sucked; and there was a never ending supply of his thick, mature essence.

Charles was oblivious to time as he sucked greedily, his index finger and thumb of one paw locked around the base of the shaft while the other simply held his teacher's plump sack, enjoying the feeling of balls rolling over his paw pads. His eagerness never waned, his pleasures acting as fuel. Charles was hard again; his heavy member was pouring pre onto the bench copiously. Steadily, a growing puddle was inching closer to where his knees was supporting him while his other foot stood on the lower bench. He was grateful to have dropped Mr. Beltrami's jock where he did, because he had since bunched it up and put it under his knee for comfort. It made his task physically easier, which suited him fine as he did not want to stop for anything. Even his teacher's repeated warnings of being close did not deter him. If Mr. Beltrami came sooner than later, Charles did not care. He was being controlled by his lusts now. Besides, he saw no reason why they could not go another round or two.

Mr. Beltrami started growling now, and both his paws took hold of his student's head as he got ready to fire. Charles' ears perked, and his tail was lashing rapidly. He even took his paw away from his teacher's balls to stroke himself quickly, hoping to cum with Mr. Beltrami. The pre in his mouth was thickening, and he could feel the change in the older fox's bodily tension. It was a sure sign of a climax, as were his teacher's vocalizations.

"I'm cumming, son!" the stocky gray fox said tensely before growling deeply as he began to erupt again and again.

Charles sucked harder, even as Mr. Beltrami kept his head perfectly still in his powerful grip. He now had both his paws working on himself as his muzzle filled with the coach's seed. He was soon growling himself around the thick shaft in his mouth as he began to fire as well, his shots hitting Mr. Beltrami directly on his balls as well as on the underside of Charles' own muzzle. He was so tensed as he climaxed that he could not swallow properly, and he had to let his teacher's cum spill out the sides of his muzzle until he had stopped shooting. He swallowed finally and just as soon missed the taste and sensation of his muzzle being totally full of Mr. Beltrami. Fortunately, more shots followed and began to refill his muzzle. Charles loyally savored them and managed to not spill anymore even as Mr. Beltrami's climax continued on powerfully. Their musks filled the sauna so it reeked of them, not just from their bodies but from the puddles of pre and cum that surrounded them on the tiled benches.

The sounds of their rutting eventually began to subside, gradually and slowly, until Mr. Beltrami was finally spent. As he leaned limply against the wall, his broad chest rising and falling as he caught his breath, Charles stayed perfectly still, his teacher's plump penis resting in his mouth. He did not think he could ever get tired of its texture, the fat head, its ridge where it connected to the rest of cock, or its long, hot body against his tongue. He was more than content now to just let it rest there, hot and salty and musky. After giving Mr. Beltrami a while to cool down, he began to gently clean the member until not a trace of cum could be detected on it.

"That's nice, Charles. Why don't you lie down with me now?" Mr. Beltrami cooed in the darkness as he petted Charles between the ears tenderly.

The young red fox soon was curled up snuggly against his teacher, held firmly by a muscled arm. His muzzle lay in the thick carpet that was Mr. Beltrami's chest fur. His eyes were closed as he hugged the older fox close. It felt so good to do this, even though he wanted to go for another round. For now, he simply enjoyed his teacher's heavy, toned body, feeling his head being raised gently as the older fox breathed in and listening to his steady heartbeat. They stayed that way for a good while, relaxed but also making sure not to fall asleep, no matter how tempted they were to give in to do so.

"Well, son. What did you think?" Mr. Beltrami asked softly, his voice not much above a quiet rumble.

Charles gave him a gentle squeeze. "I don't think I've ever been that turned on before. Man, you are amazing. I've never cum so hard. And your body..." He inhaled loudly, burying his muzzle deeply into Mr. Beltrami's carpet of thick fur. "Man, you are perfect. You smell like everything a man ought to be. You look like a man should. You sound like a man should. God, I love men!"

Mr. Beltrami was grinning widely and chuckled, his ears perked happily. "If I can make a young man like you love your own sex so fully, then I've done a good day's work," he joked with great mirth. "So, you going to tell me who you've been playing around with? Somehow I doubt it's one of your fellow students. You never look at anyone your age."

Charles looked up, a little startled. Quick as a flash, he repositioned his ears to look neutral, hoping his teacher had not noticed. He thought for a moment before laying his head back down. "I can't tell you, Mr. Beltrami. I'm sure you understand."

"I do. I do. I just hope you're being careful. Is he trustworthy?"

Charles nodded. "He is. Don't worry. I've learned a lot from him, and a lot of it pertains to other important matters besides sex."

"Do your parents know you're gay, son?"

"Nope. If I'm lucky, they won't until I'm done with college at least. I plan to tell them when I'm completely independent. I don't want them nagging me forever about finding a wife and giving them grandchildren."

"I'm familiar with that refrain, believe me. I hope they're more open-minded than my parents were. They wanted nothing to do with me after they found out." It was a sad memory for him, but Mr. Beltrami kept it inside. His face was utterly expressionless.

Charles remained silent as he contemplated the possibility of that fate himself. "My dad's the son of English parents but was born here, and my mom's Syrian. Much of my family is Syrian Christian, except my dad who is not really religious. The Syrian Orthodox Church is not exactly an open-minded institution."

"Neither is the Catholic Church," Mr. Beltrami added. "My parents prefer to think that I'm dead. It's better than gay in their eyes."

"I don't think my parents will be happy, but I'm not so sure they'll outright reject me either," Charles said thoughtfully. "We're pretty close, and there is a certain rebellious streak in my family as well."

"I hope you're right, son. Just remember, you can always come and talk to me. You know that, right?"

"I do, coach. Thanks." Charles was in no doubt about his teacher's trustworthiness. Mr. Beltrami had an impeccable reputation, was very involved in school affairs other than gym class, and always maintained an open-door approach to his students. It made Charles smile to know that he had another ally in the world, especially one so easily at paw.

"Call me Joe, son, at least while we're doing this." Mr. Beltrami grinned.

"Joe? I didn't know that was your first name. Doesn't it start with a 'g?'" Charles wondered.

"My given name is Giacomo, but I always had everyone call me Joe. It sounded more American -- and more manly."

"I sometimes wish I had a more manly name than Charles," the young fox confessed.

"Why's that?"

"It sounds so studious and collegiate, but now I don't mind that so much."

Joe chuckled. "I like that about your name. You're a burly young man, but you also have brains to spare. In my job, I deal with enough dumb lugs. It's good to be strong and fit, but you gotta have a mind to match if you want to be a useful person. Besides, it makes you sexier in my opinion. I like you with your name."

"Really?" Charles looked up again, smiling erotically. His paw had creeped down and was fondling Joe's cock which was starting to plump again.

"Oh yeah." Joe bent down and kissed Charles passionately.

The red fox was soon on top of his teacher again as they made out eagerly and frotted their hard cocks against each others'. Joe soon broke it off, though, aware of the time.

"We should not take too much longer. They'll want to close the school eventually, and we need to be totally discreet," Joe cautioned.

"Oh, all right..."

"Why don't you help me clean up? We've made quite a mess in here, haven't we?"

"Yeah, we did, didn't we?" Charles was grinning from ear to ear proudly, a look that his teacher was also wearing.


It had not taken long to clean out the sauna, but they had managed to make it fun. Joe had used a very paws-on approach in showing his charge the proper way to do it. He even insisted on showing him the proper motions for running the wide, heavy duty broom over the sudsy floor. Joe's entire body had been pressed into Charles' as he "taught" him the motions, all the while his hard cock nestled between the younger fox's cheeks. In spite of his greatly rekindled lusts, Charles had been amazed that not a single trace of their exertions remained. Joe explained that using industrial cleaning products had its advantages, even if some of them were unintended. He then quickly shooed Charles out of the room before he began leaking again on the floor. The red fox went to get a large drink of water while his teacher put the cleaning supplies away. He was thirsty as hell from all the sweating, yet he also felt the need to relieve himself. Thinking about cock, he smiled as he thought about the first time he had seen his teacher's dick. Joe had taken a urinal nearby one day after gym, and Charles had cut his eyes to get a glimpse of the man's tackle. He gave his own heavy gear a squeeze, making sure to collect the pre that was starting to flow before it hit the floor. He needed to get to the showers before he made another mess. He figured he could always relieve himself there as well. It would all wash down the drain anyway.

Charles quickly made his way through the dim locker room to the shower. Joe came around at the same time, his eyes looking hungrily down. They both knew that more fun would follow before they could really get fully clean and dried. These lusts had been building for far too long, and they had an ample opportunity. The gym was clean, and the locker room would not be touched until Joe had left.

"Let's hit the showers, son," Joe said in a paternal rumble that had always made Charles melt.

Charles let himself be led in, his teacher's brawny arm over his shoulder. As they approached one of the shower heads along the wall, Joe turned Charles around and backed him up to the tiles as he sank down to sit on his legs. His mouth immediately went over Charles' head and began to work on the half-hard member. The red fox's breath caught momentarily in his throat as Joe started sucking in a whole different way. Unlike the slow, easy, tortuous pace of the first round, Joe was now sucking him quite vigorously and strongly. It took little time for Charles to harden completely and even start leaking continuously. It was obvious that his teacher meant to drive hard and enthusiastically to a fast climax, maybe several in a row. Charles certainly hoped so and participated with gusto, thrusting himself back and forth in time with the movements of Joe's head, which Charles had gripped firmly in his paws. The older fox never made a single protest, no matter how rough, fast or deep his student wanted to go, seemingly eager to indulge in the red fox's youthful energy.

Charles drove himself as fast as he could to his next climax and held his teacher's head just at the head of his cock as he fired over and over, coating the older man's tongue thickly. "I think maybe once more. What do you think?" Joe asked with a grin. Charles was only given half a minute to recover before Joe began working his cock back to hardness once more. After a second climax, Joe decided unilaterally to go once more. After two more, Charles felt pretty spent and a little tired. Their initial fun in the steam room had really taken a lot of his energy, and these fast quickies were taking the last of his stamina. He was amazed that Joe still seemed as eager as ever to continue. He wanted to sit down for a bit and just enjoy the lingering remnants of so many orgasms. He also still needed to pee, and Joe was increasingly focusing his tongue and lips around the top of Charles' cock head as well as the opening, which had the unintended consequence of increasing his urge to go. He then felt the arctic fox's paws move to rub over his abdomen, which pushed on his full bladder.

"Hey, Joe, I gotta take a whizz, and you're not helping at the moment," he said softly as he patted his teacher's ears. To his surprise, Joe did not stop. Indeed, he did not seem to have even heard Charles' request. He kept up what he was doing. "Teach, you're making me have to go with you stimulating me like that. Let up," the red fox said a bit more insistently. In response, Joe doubled his efforts, and Charles had to strain to keep himself from pissing in the fox's mouth. He tried to gently push Joe off his cock, but quick as lightning, the arctic fox took Charles' wrists and pinned them against the shower room wall. "What are you doing?" Charles began to panic, knowing that he was going to crumble at any moment. He could feel his urine starting to work its way slowly, achingly up his urethra. Whether Joe wanted it or not, he was about to get a mouthful of a rather different offering than the ones he had received up to this point. He then heard Joe grunting encouragingly, followed by a renewed musk reaching his nose. Charles looked down and caught Joe's eyes, which oddly seemed to be saying that it was all right to let go. It was the strangest situation Charles had ever been in before, yet he found himself willingly relaxing his bladder muscles finally and began to piss hard like a hose into Joe's mouth. As weirded out as he was, Charles could not help but close his eyes and moan out loud, his head back as he experienced one of those fantastic pisses that came after holding it for a long time. He soon realized that Joe was actually drinking him down. The idea grossed him out a bit, yet it was also turning Charles on intensely for some reason. Having Joe's mouth completely surrounding him as he relieved himself like this suddenly struck him as intensely erotic, and he decided to give in and wallow in it. He relaxed himself completely and continued to urinate. He knew he was going, but strangely could not entirely feel himself going. He tensed down so that he went harder, and that seemed to make it more noticeable. He could feel himself deflating within bit by bit, and the ache receded. After two minutes, he was finally empty. He was panting in pleasure and tingling all over as Joe finally let his cock slip out of his mouth.

"My, you did have to go," the older fox said jovially as he gave Charles' cock a playful tug.

"Did you really just drink my piss?" the young fox asked in disbelief.

"You felt me do it, didn't you?" Joe answered unashamedly. "It's called watersports, a fetish in which the participants get off by means of each others' piss. A lot more guys are into it than you may think. In fact, many guys don't realize they like it because they would never allow themselves to try it. I can definitely tell that you liked it. Thanks for indulging me."

"Why do you think I liked it?" Charles immediately felt stupid for asking.

Joe gave him a look that confirmed how silly a question that really had been. "Your musk increased as you got into it, and you were moaning like the wind in an alley in winter."

"Won't it make you sick?" Charles wondered.

"If it did, I wouldn't do it, son." Joe slowly got to his feet, his legs having gone partly to sleep while he had been sitting on them. "Urine is a sterile substance, Charles. It's mostly water, especially when you keep as well-hydrated as you did during class. It's only when left to sit out for a while that it starts to grow bacteria and become a problem. It is medically safe to ingest as long as your partner is not using drugs or has an STD. So, you think you might be willing to indulge me again sometime? You can say no if you like, son. I won't mind. I just don't get to do this often."

Charles thought for a bit. It occurred to him that while he might not want a mouthful himself, he really had no reason to not let his teacher have one if he liked. They had both enjoyed it. Charles shrugged and said, "Sure. Why not?"

Joe's ears perked excitedly. "Excellent! That was quite a turn-on for me, you know. In fact, it's got me hard as hell all over again."

Charles followed his teacher's eyes back down to the rigid, black member. It was leaking pre once more, and the young red fox was once more licking his chops.

"I guess someone had better do something about that," Charles rumbled, grinning.


This time, Charles sank to the floor and proceeded to reciprocate the coach's efforts. The world once more became nothing but fur, musk, and hot skin with plenty of copious, delectable fox essence. He again enjoyed every ridge, every curve, every fat inch of mature fox cock on his tongue, working intently to make Joe groan and thrust. He so badly wanted to feel his teacher's climax in his mouth again. As he sucked, he stroked his own member again, seeing if could get one more out. He was only just getting into it when he heard and then smelled the telltale signs of Joe's impending peak. Cum started blasting over Charles' tongue, electrifying his tastebuds and filling his entire olfactory system with Joe's purest and most intense musk. The young fox would let his mouth fill partially up before swallowing and then taking more in. Everything blended so well, and it lasted almost as long as the first time. He barely gave Joe time to recover before he started again, keeping him hard the whole time and eventually getting as many servings as he had given his teacher. He suspected the older fox could keep going, but Charles' mouth was tired and could not do it any more. Instead, he just let the fat cock rest over his muzzle and breathed in the musk from between Joe's legs.

"Very good, son. Very good. I've been needing a good rut for sometime. I had no idea it would come today, though." He chuckled as he petted Charles' head.

"So you didn't plan this?" the red fox wondered.

"I would be lying if I said that I did not imagine or hope that something might happen. I have been for a long time. I did not plan it, though, no. At least not until the very end."

"When was that?"

Joe gave a small sigh and chuckled again as he let himself sink to the floor and pulled Charles into his lap, hugging him close and laying his head on top of his student's. "I think it may have started when I offered the sauna, though that was really more of an open offer."

Charles put his arms around Joe's wide frame and rested gratefully on his thick-furred chest, his cock nestled against Joe's. "I'm so glad you did."

"I hope so, Charles. I wouldn't want you to think I was some secret monster for this."

"I know you're not like that, or at least I wouldn't believe it of you. I mean, you don't usually do this kind of thing, do you?"

Joe shook his head. "No. You're the first. I tried very hard to resist, but you have been slowly seducing me for the last two years. I thought that if I could just make it to graduation, then maybe I could finally reciprocate without worrying. That didn't work out obviously, so again, Happy Birthday, Charles." He gave the young fox a friendly smooch on the top of his head.

Charles laughed. "Thanks, coach! It was the best birthday present I ever got."

"Glad to hear it, son."

"I love it when you call me that."

"Then I'll just keep calling you that, son." Joe grinned as Charles gave a small shiver of excitement. "Well, we should probably get cleaned up and get out of here. Just think what the trains are going to be like in this storm. A lot more people will have taken the subway than driving or the bus than usual because of it."

"I like doing this, though. Your fur's so thick and warm." Charles nuzzled his teacher's chest again. He simply loved doing that to a fellow.

"I know, I know. We have to be careful, though. We don't want to push our luck. That's the last thing either of us wants. Besides, I gotta piss as well, and unless you're interested in experiencing your first golden shower, I suggest you let me up."

"Hmm." Charles thought for a moment and concluded that he did indeed want to try that. It seemed a lot safer and easier than drinking from the tap. He looked up at Joe and held his gaze, intending to give his consent with it. He watched as Joe's eyes widened in disbelief and surprise, but there was also a growing lust in them at the possibility of a second round of piss play. He could hardly believe it, but when Charles moved his muzzle and began kissing him deeply, it left little doubt in his mind about the young fox's answer. As their tongues began to intertwine, Joe let himself go and began to soak their groins and bellies. The hot piss surged hard against them, flooding over them with a loud hiss. Charles was amazed at how hot it was as well as how good it felt against his cock and on his stomach. Out of curiosity, he soon broke off the kiss and simply looked down at the event. Joe's piss geysered up from his fat head, the stream thick and powerful. Charles watched as Joe took hold of himself and moved his member so it was aimed directly at his pupil. He soaked every inch of Charles' torso, his arms, even the underside of his muzzle. Finally, he put their cocks together and held them in both his paws, letting his load rain down over them both as he stroked up and down. Even after his bladder was finally empty, Joe kept stroking them vigorously. They were well lubricated, and the taboo of it all made them hot all over again. They only lasted a minute before they both started to cum together, fountaining a coating of white onto their fur. Panting, they laid their heads on each others' shoulders.

"I can't believe what I just did," Charles finally said huskily between breaths. "That was amazing, though. I never dared to even try that, though I had thought about it from time to time."

Joe grinned again and patted his student's back. "Does that mean you might like to do it again sometime?"

"Definitely. I'm convinced now."

"Oh good. I've corrupted my first youth," Joe joked.

"That's right. Aren't gays supposed to turn kids gay?"

"True. I think you already were before we met, weren't you?"

Charles nodded. "Yeah, I was. I figured that out in seventh or eighth grade, but you did manage to corrupt me into enjoying unnatural sexual practices besides homosexuality."

"We shouldn't really joke about that, though."

"Why not? Shouldn't we laugh at the dumb things people say about us, at least amongst ourselves? It takes some of the sting out of it."

Joe looked thoughtfully at Charles before speaking. He had a pretty good hunch now that whoever Charles was playing around with must also be an older man, a man that was also giving him useful advice. "Yes, I reckon you're right, son. Well, come on. Let's wash up."

The two foxes slowly rose from the floor and came together under a single shower head. Joe turned it on, and they were soon rinsing themselves out thoroughly. Though they were finally spent sexually, they still helped each other to wash, using the chance as an excuse more than anything to continue feeling and groping each other. They washed at a relaxed pace, making light erotic play out of it. At one point, Joe was embracing Charles from behind, his ample groin thrust firmly into Charles' rump, and his head resting on the younger fox's shoulder. His paws slowly rubbed over his student's white and red frame, working shampoo in and then helping the water to rinse it all out. Charles wished that he could spend the night in his coach's bed. As much sex as he had gotten by this time, he still had not experienced simply falling asleep with someone and waking up next to them the next day. He wanted to do that so badly. It usually frustrated him, but for now, he let it go and allowed himself to only focus on the present. One day, he knew, things would be different.

They finished showering and padded wet into the locker room to dry off, groom themselves, and put their street clothes on.

"You hungry, son? How about I treat you to a pizza?" Joe asked with paternal warmth. "You were kind enough to help me clean the sauna, and you just turned the big eighteen. I think you've earned it." He gave a wink as he cupped his groin in his white briefs and bounced the bunch provocatively.

Charles' eyes had hardly left the older fox's body the whole time. He was just as turned on by Joe naked as he was in a state of dress. "Wow. Thanks, coach! That'd be great. I'm starving."

"You can call me Joe, remember?" the arctic fox said with a chuckle as he started tucking in his shirt and doing up his trousers.

"Sorry, force of habit," Charles answered with a shrug.

"Maybe it's for the best, at least until graduation." Charles took a step up to his teacher, who was just finishing buttoning up his shirt. He cupped the now clothed crotch and pushed his palm into the package, delighting in the warmth and feel of it. "I like calling you Joe, though. It's a man's name, and it turns me on."

"You really like traditional masculinity, or at least aspects of it turn you on, don't they?" Joe asked, his paw snaking down to fondle Charles' ass through his jeans.

"Yes, I do."

"We'll have to talk more about this sometime, you and I, son." Joe bent down and shared another kiss with Charles.


"Well, it's about time you showed up, Charles. Where have you been?" asked the young fox's mother from the table where she was drinking tea, eating halva, and playing a game of backgammon with her husband.

Charles kicked off his shoes and hung his scarf and coat on the pegs by the door. "I'm sorry that I'm so late," he apologized. "I stayed after to help Mr. Beltrami to clean up the sauna. Actually, we took in a good steam before cleaning it. Because I always help him after class and because it was my birthday earlier this week, he treated me to a pizza."

"Well, that was generous of him!" Matthew said pleasantly surprised. "I always liked him. He always struck me as a very upstanding fellow."

"That he is," Charles responded with a straight face, even though he was thinking of just how truly "upstanding" the arctic fox really could be.

"Still, school ended hours ago. It surely doesn't take that long to have a pizza," Nasreen pointed out as she rolled the dice and made her move.

"Well, I took my time getting home," Charles continued easily. "I like watching it snow, especially when it's really thick like this." He was not about to tell them that after the pizza, he had gone home with Mr. Beltrami for a while to cuddle under the sheets and just talk. It had been a warm, relaxing experience, and it whetted his appetite all the more to move out.

"It's going to be a white Christmas for sure," Matthew observed dreamily as he gazed out the small kitchen window. "You know what you want, son? You never did give us any kind of list. There is still some time."

"What do I need that God's not already given me?" he asked as he bent down to hug his mother from behind and kiss her cheek.

"He's such a perfect son, isn't he, Matthew?" Nasreen asked with a smile as she reached back to pet her son's ears and kiss his cheek tenderly.

"I love you both," Charles said, "but I guess the only thing I really want, I'm afraid, is my own place. I'm eager to start living on my own. I have some interviews coming up, so hopefully I'll get a job soon. At the very least, I want to partially pay my way."

Nasreen sighed and simply held her son's arms around her, feeling like she would never be able to let go. The thought of Charles finally being grown up and moving out so quickly did not sit well with her. More than ever, she wondered how her parents felt when she finally left home -- though in her case, it had been from their home to Matthew's.

"We know, son. We wish you weren't leaving so soon, but I guess it cannot be helped," Matthew said a little sadly, even though he had long been resigned to the inevitability of his son leaving the nest. "You'll do all right, though. We're sure of that. Just remember that if you need any help, just ask. You'll always have us, no matter what."


"Of course -- that is, unless you decide to support the Celtics. I'll never speak to you again if you do." Mathew grinned.

"Mr. Beltrami says they're a great team to watch."

"I thought he rooted for the Knicks?" Matthew suddenly looked alarmed.

"Of course, he does," Charles assured him. "He still thinks the Celtics are a good team to watch. He says you can learn a lot from watching rivalries." "I think I'd rather see you marry Mr. Beltrami than support the Celtics," his father continued as he picked up his tea for another sip.

"Well, I'm going into music. Maybe I'll meet a man just like Mr. Beltrami," Charles joked, wondering what sort of response he would get.

"As long as he supports the Knicks, I can live with it," Matthew answered back offhandedly as he rolled the dice, counting his moves at the same time.

Charles wondered just how sincere that response was.