
Story by Taiko on SoFurry

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I'd call this an oldy of a story, but it's really only from 2012. :-p All the same, this is another of my previous works, and another gift, this time to one Ren the dragon. However, I'll admit that a certain contest mister Wolfen Solus hosted helped get this picture along (it actually placed high on the list, surprisingly!). A picture was even made for it, showcasing the characters Jack and Umber!

Anyways, that bit of history aside, I hope you guys all enjoy the story. :-)


Written by Taiko Akito Editted by theonehowl and Sevlow Wolf All characters were used with the permission of their owners and are listed below.

Umber sighed as he rubbed his cheek dry with his beach towel, his ears and tail drooping from being so relaxed from his just finished swim. He shifted the towel over his head as he stepped further up the sandy slope of the beach, closing his eyes as he massaged his soft ears, sighing happily as his markings glowed a near-white blue. His forehead, ears, arms, and tail all glowed gently in the afternoon sun with his pleasure, all set in a circular pattern, a matching couple settled beneath his shorts on his thighs.

Purring under his breath as he reopened his eyes, taking in the salty air and the hot sand clinging to his feet, the Umbreon slowly left the waves behind himself. He was heading towards an upstanding, concrete grey building, the change rooms, set smack in the middle of all the food stands. His bag and wallet were inside one of the lockers set up by the change rooms, which he was reassured by their tight and closed security. He checked around every so often, though, just in case.

Humming to himself, he gripped both ends of the towel and stretched across his back and dried the short black fur. Umber took the time and glanced around to see the other visitors of the beach. On both sides, he made out most of the people... people who wouldn't have minded getting a bit closer to - people who were strong, polite people...and yes, quite a few well-endowed people, as well. Not that he was anything to snicker at either, as his wet trunks hugged his package very appreciatively.

Adjusting them inconspicuously, lest anyone got too good of a view of it, the pokemon stepped out from the sunlight and under the shade of the overhanging roof covering the change rooms. The Umbreon shuddered for a moment, getting used to the cold air that ran through the open doorway within the air conditioned partition. His slick fur took a bit more than a mere towel to dry off completely.

Still, he didn't need to go far. In fact, the lockers were just along the inner wall of the entrance, set off to the side so as to keep them from being completely visible from the outside. Slipping a key from the pocket of his trunks, Umber counted down to the locker that he'd chosen to use, opening the lock and pulling out his wallet from within.

"Hmmm, what should I have..." he muttered to himself as he thumbed through the bills within, trying to figure out how much he had to spend on a late lunch. "The steak bar sounds promising..." he started until a particular jingle caught his ears. It was a bell - a hand bell, specifically - set to a tune that he couldn't place, something that sounded eerily familiar.

Looking to where it came from, his marks rhythmically dimming and brightening with his heart beat, the Umbreon came upon an unusual sight. It wasn't the most different thing he'd ever seen before - hell, it looked pretty natural compared to the presence of a restaurant on a beach by the highway.

The thing about the stand that confounded the mind was that Umber was positive that he hadn't seen a mobile icecream stand anywhere before he'd entered the change rooms. The mere fact that it was mobile made it stand out from the other stands, and its colors naturally drew the eye to it, so it wasn't a case of just glancing over it. It hadn't been at one end of the beach, nor at the other, and he was sure he'd have heard it if it'd been wheeled from behind the concrete structure itself. He wasn't even sure if he could make out any marks in the sand, now that he looked closer...

"Good day, sir," a male's voice came from behind the stand greeted, a pair of visible black lips curled into a friendly, inviting grin. That was the first thing the pokemon noticed about him, oddly enough - the next thing he noticed was a bear behind those black lips, and that the bruin seemed to be wearing nothing at all save a paper hat on his head with the a strange, bland logo of a capital "M" on the stand. "Might I interest you in a 'creamy' treat today?"

Swallowing for a moment, his golden eyes roamed the snow white fur among the vendor's muscled form, hunched over the cart. Umber slowly looked around to see if he was the one being addressed. Seeing nobody around within the first ten metres, he turned back to the bear and pointed at himself, getting the slightest of nods back.

"I, um..." the pokemon started, his blue rings flaring for a moment out of nervousness, before he shut his wallet and looked back to the wood building in the opposite direction. "I was actually going to go get something else to eat, so..."

"Oh, don't worry," the friendly ursine replied, dragging a frosted claw along the top of his wheeled stand, drawing Umber's eyes to it. It didn't look like anything too special - two large wheels at one end, a bar at the same end to presumably drag it around. The capital "M". Not too practical on a beach setting, in Umber's opinion, but it was, at least, tastefully colored. No pun intended. "This one is on the house. A promotion, if you will, for our newest flavor," the bear continued, taking out a scooper and waving it to flick the droplets of water clear from it. "Care to have a bowl, or a cone?"

Glancing backwards to the steak bar once again, a pair of tiki torches tantalizingly close to him, the Umbreon licked his lips before glancing back to the cart. As a general rule, Umber didn't usually eat sweets and ice cream lest it messed with his proud white teeth...but, on the other hand, he was going to have lunch afterwards, anyways, and what a drink of water didn't remove from his teeth, some hot slabs of meat surely would. And it was free, so even if he didn't like the flavor, he wouldn't feel guilty about tossing it when out of sight.

"Well...okay," he slowly nodded back, a smile slipping onto his face as he closed the distance between himself and the cart. "A bowl would be nice, thanks." The closer he got, the sooner he realized that his server was, in fact, not in the nude...although the more he examined the big bear, the more Umber thought he wasn't far off from the first presumption.

Most ice cream vendors, he decided, be it on the beach or not, didn't wear a mere speedo that looked to burst... unless ice cream vendors were using their sex appeal to garner more sales. He added "most" onto the thought because it seemed a bit redundant to assume someone would try using their groin to attract customers while having a huge stand in front of themselves. The bear was behind a box that came up to his belly, after all, and Umber could only see the speedo itself after he'd come within two feet of the cart itself. He decided not to think on it when the bear caught him glancing at that, seemingly bouncing, pale blue bulge between his legs.

"S-So, um..." Umber started, his eyes immediately flying to the sky as he tried to pass off his glances for merely wandering eyes. It was transparent he wasn't successful. "What's this new flavor you've got?"

Realizing that he hadn't thought to ask before he'd accepted the offer for a free creamy treat, Umber frowned and tried to remember what had been running through his head at the time. He managed to get up to the part where the cart had seemingly appeared out of nowhere when he found a styrofoam cup being settled before his face, jumping back to the cold that seemed to hit his black nose.

"Hmm, take a guess, and I'll let you know." the polar bear grinned as he daintily set a plastic spoon into the bowl, three large scoops poking out over the rim slightly. Surprised at how much he was being given, for a "promotional event", Umber accepted it with both hands, although he nearly dropped the cup in equal astonishment at how cold the cup itself was. He was almost convinced that frost was rubbing off it and onto his fingers.

"Oh, ah, okay then," he grinned, nonetheless, and pried the spoon free of the treat, which in itself required an odd amount of effort. Scooping a small spoonful into his mouth, Umber waited for the taste of the treat to sink into his taste buds, a wet, creamy feeling washing over his tongue. His eyes widened as he realized what it tasted like. "Is...this, blueberry cobbler?" The question was laced with a certain amount of excitement as Umber took three more spoonfulls into his mouth, his marks glowing a steady white in his happiness to the taste.

"Hmm, smart tongue you have there." the bear grinned as he took out a sign and set it on the edge of the cart, reading [Brand New Flavor - Blueberry Cobbler].

"But, how-?" Umber started, before being cut off by the bear.

"Real cooked cobbler, cut up and coated in a light layer of crumbs before being put into the icecream. Keeps it from absorbing the moisture, and from becoming ice as a result." Umber's reaction put a noticeably larger grin onto the bruin's face, making it light up like a firework. The Umbreon rather liked it.

"Mmm, great~" Umber was silenced as he occupied his mouth with more ice cream and the spoon, trying not to eat it all at once while at the same time being sure that as little of it as possible melted. Despite his best efforts, before long, the cup was completely empty, Umber's tongue dipping in to get every last blue colored spot that remained inside. He didn't notice how admired his own body was until he finished the treat - though he liked the attention that the ice cream server gave him, it made him feel...naked.

"Enjoyed that?" the bear asked, grinning as his blue eyes scanned over the Umbreon's defined chest.

"Bree~" Umber instinctively replied, the happy sound followed by a giggle, before he realized what he'd said and immediately shut his mouth, his cheeks turning from black to red in less than two seconds. "I-I mean, um-"

"I'll take that as a compliment to the chef." the bear chuckled warmly, accepting the used bowl from Umber and tossing it into the trash bin beside him. He continued with a nod to the building behind his client, that same friendly smile still on it even as he gently said, "Now, I believe that you were about to have lunch?"

"Um..." The situation felt awkward to Umber, as he glanced back to the place that, not even a minute beforehand, he'd been geared towards going to. "Y-Yeah...listen, thanks for the free treat. It was really great." He smiled to the vendor, slowly becoming aware of just how much of a detailed gaze he was receiving from the larger man. While it added to the awkward atmosphere that Umber was immersed in, he couldn't help but be flattered at the attention he was getting. "Are you part of a chain, or is this your own business?"

The polar bear was silent for a moment, before he straightened himself up, standing up taller above Umber and gave a grin that seemed to hold a promise within it. "I'll be here tomorrow, if you are." he simply said, nodding to the Umbreon curtly, although his eyes seemed to be locked further below than Umber's face.

Getting the feeling that it was time to get going, for a reason that he couldn't quite place, the Umbreon slowly turned around and set off towards the steak bar, swallowing what little remained of the cobbler on his tongue. As he walked, he imagined a chilled wind floated past his ear, whispering "Enjoy yourself, now...", but when he glanced back there was nobody even remotely close to him. Very curious.

Of course, that little distraction was completely knocked out of Umber's furred head as the hard muscled body of a tyrannosaurus rex, a stud who'd previously been tossing a football around his mates, decided to introduce itself. "Bree!" Umber shouted in surprise, as he was toppled over and under the big bodied saurian, the hot sand cushioning his fall as he was weighed down.

"Urmph!" the tan reptile above him stated, similarly, squirming as the object he'd been trying to catch bounced off beyond them. Squirming for a few moments, giving the Umbreon a very thorough feel of the dinosaur's impressive back. The buff beachgoer looked over his shoulder to see what it was he fell on. His eyes immediately widened as he realized that it wasn't a question of "what", but rather "who". "Fuck!" he shouted as he pried himself off the pokemon, reaching down and taking Umber's hand to pull the smaller male up. "I'm so sorry!" he apologized frantically, still holding the pokemon's hand as he brushed the black fur clean of sand.

Needless to say, Umber was far from impressed by this.

"It's fine..." he said nonchalantly in a controlled voice, his own free hand moving to finish the job for his accidental tackler. The fact that he only had one hand to do this keyed him into the fact that the man a head taller than him still hadn't released his hand. "Um, you can let go of me now. I feel fine."

"Hm? Oh, uh, right." the dinosaur sheepishly said as he rubbed at the back of his head, pulling his hand away from Umber's own, seemingly reluctantly. "And, again, sorry, I didn't-"

"It's okay, it was just an accident." Umber was sure to use a calm voice and smile to reassure the larger man, not the least bit to keep things amiable between the two of them. From the look of things, the guy and his playmates could very well have been on the international football team. Turning to continue his journey, and being sure that there were no other sports going on that could knock him back down, he waved and started off. "Seeing as there was no harm done, I'm just going to-"

Immediately, the Umbreon felt himself being pulled away from his path to the restaurant and once again meeting with a hot, hard, sweaty saurian body. He also found that there wasn't a single hand on him while it'd happened.

"Bree?" he asked as he looked at his feet, half expecting to see something he'd have tripped over, or his foot in a hole of some kind. Nothing of the sort was there - in fact, he could see his own tracks a bit ahead of him, like he'd jumped backwards or something. "Um, sorry about that, I-" he apologized to the dinosaur, only for the stud's great arms to suddenly slap themselves to Umber's sides. "H-Hey, what's going on?!"

"I, I don't..." the saurian frowned, as he wriggled against the Umbreon again, visibly struggling to get his arms out of their awkward placement and into a better position. One of his wrists was pulled back while his fingers were practically tied together, all of them touching against Umber's form. However, for all intents and purposes, it was almost as though they had been glued together - even Umber's ears and tail were sticking to the dinosaur. The more he struggled, however, the more the stick seemed to increase, to the point that Umber was actually lifted from the beach a few times. "I..."

Umber himself felt odd, as the buff reptile struggled behind him, the Umbreon himself unable to pry them apart no matter how many times he thrust himself forwards. He was starting to appreciate how a fridge magnet felt. He felt a bit of relief as the dino's hands began to be able to move, finally, his own arms having been pinned by them.

However, that relief turned to confusion as those very same hands slid over onto his abbes, feeling over each and every one of them.

"Huh?" Umber asked as he glanced down at the digits gliding through his fur, blushing when they started feeling...good. "Um, what's going on?"

Umber's blush turned deeper as he felt a pair of scaled lips touch his left ear, immediately glancing back up to the man who'd "caught" him. His eyes widened as he watched the loving expression on the saurian's face, gasping as more kisses were given to him. Realizing how open he was in this public display of affection, however, made the pokemon immediately glance about, missing the fact that his head was now allowed to actually turn.

"U-Uh, hey, I, I'm not exactly against this, big guy, but don't you think that we should take this somewhere els-!?" His question was immediately silenced as another body collided with them, this time from the direction the Umbreon had left, a large, muscled wolf pressing himself to their sides. "Bree!"

His eyes locked on this mysterious muscle-wolf, and his ear still being teased along with his chest, Umber watched the masculine canine pant towards him, a shock of dark brown fur laying itself over the wolf's otherwise light face. Breathing hard by that point himself, the Umbreon resumed his struggles out of the dinosaur's arms, although he quickly found himself just as stuck as before.

"Hey, um, guys, not that this isn't fun and all, but we-" This time he was cut off faster than before, as the wolf's muzzle shoved itself down against his lips. Umber, surprised by this turn of events, immediately shut his mouth, his blush growing as the lupine's tongue lapped at the side of his own muzzle instead. Realizing he'd be silenced with that very muscle if he were to try and shout out, the pokemon instead turned to his right and tried to escape the tongue, only succeeding in transplanting it from his muzzle to his cheek. Still taking the improvement for what it was, Umber opened his mouth wide once again.

"Hey-!" In record time, however, yet another man was pressed against the Umbreon, a black bull that was a shade lighter than Umber's own fur. This time he was being silenced by the sheer amount of muscle beneath the bovine's pecs, to the point that the pokemon could only think about girls he'd gone out with who'd had smaller chests than this man. "Mmrrmmmrm!"

"Awww, look at him..." the bull rumbled down into Umber's ears, his hands joining the two other pairs that teased and played with Umber's taunt body. "Mmmm, I could eat you up if I could get you alone..." he whispered as he leaned down to Umber's free ear, licking it where the white band flared with light. "Then again, who says I should hog all the fun?" Finishing his statement was a double grope with his firm hands, one palm settling in to weigh just how much the Umbreon was packing, while the other slid down and under the waistband of the still damp shorts.

It was as his ass was cupped that Umber realized that there was more going on back there than he'd initially caught on to. Umber's blush turned even brighter than before as he felt the thick endowment pressed up against the small of his back, the spandex material covering it just barely staying hooked at the tip of the end it was so huge. The next rocket to come to his attention belonged to the bull himself, his thick, trunks covered cock coming free and throbbing against the back of Umber's hand. Umber wasn't sure where the wolf's shaft was, but with the way things were going, he was sure he'd come across it eventually.

"Ooh, good boy..." the bull groaned as he began to grind his groin against the smaller male, his eyes closed as pre began to drip free from the tip.

Umber, unable to move from the flexed pectorals surrounded his muzzle, gasped as he felt his own package being massaged, his ass being given a similar treatment as well. Any and all thoughts as to why this was happening to him faded into the ether of the man's mind, forgetting about the wallet and key stored in his pocket, as well as about lunch, or anything beyond the three studs surrounding him in general. He thought it was weird, seeing as he was about to do something, but the moment he tried to think of it...ooohhhh, he just took a deep breath of the musk that belonged to the bull-man, and Umber just shuddered helplessly, his own groin responding happily into the hard hand.

"Hey!" someone from afar shouted, someone Umber couldn't see past the shelf of man-muscle nor really cared to pull back to investigate. Instead, he felt himself, and the other two men who surrounded him, being pulled back and onto the beach itself. The pokemon's back was laid atop of the muscled bed that made up the saurian's torso, pulled up just enough that the thick erection just barely hidden by the stud's speedo ran between Umber's twin ass cheeks. His face was pulled free by the action, as the wolf and bull lay themselves against his sides again, the heads of their respective cocks throbbing into his palms.

"HEEYYY!" the voice from before shouted again, as Umber felt his swimming trunks being slowly pulled from his waist. The pokemon's only reply was to gasp happily as his hard shaft throbbed in the air, his rump was allowed to feel the dino-cock below him. His eyes closed in the pleasure that was welling up in his mind, Umber didn't notice the form of a thick, muscled dragon, standing between Umber's legs as he was teased by the three men. A small life vest covered the dragon's own, red with a cross over the chest.

"What the hell do you think you're doing here?! This is a public beach for fuck's sakes!" the newcomer roared, glaring down at the mass of men lying on the tan sands. When he didn't get any response, the winged dragon knelt down to them, reached out and grabbed the head of the wolf in his hands, pulling the canine up and forcing them to look eye to eye. "What, is, going, on?!" he growled heatedly, sparks leaping between his teeth as he glared into the canine's eyes.

Initially, the lifeguard thought that the slap that hit his cheek was an attack by the wolf, which given how muscled the male was wasn't that difficult to believe. However, as the reptile realized that his cheek wasn't stinging, and the hand was still pressed against it, his eyes turned to look at the male who was involved in all this. Without a single motion on his own part, almost as though a hand pushed against his back, the dragon's green chest connected with Umber's own, his snout pressed against the bull's inquisitive muzzle as it suckled at the Umbreon's neck.

Blushing himself to this, the dragon initially tried to pull himself back, but any and all attempts failed the moment his palms squeezed the twin mounds on Umber's own chest, and the pokemon's lips met his own. Holding his breath as the male tongue slipped into his mouth, the lifeguard's eyes drooped, and he felt a moan rise up into his mouth.

Before long, the foursome on the beach had turned to five, all four men covering Umber rubbing him, teasing him with their hands and mouths, with nary a single shaft from any of the studs anywhere close to being soft. As though a switch had been flicked in their heads, none of them even humored the thought of moving to a more private area, nor did the lifeguard bother keeping his own speedo on his body, the scaly instead tossing it behind himself as soon as he could.

"The-there we go," the dragon purred as he licked his lips, separating the kiss between himself and the Umbreon as he carefully shuffled himself forwards. Grunting as he shifted his legs up, he managed to get himself into a squatting position over Umber's face, the dragon sighing happily as he felt Umber's nose being pressed firmly against his shaft, his hands moving down to massage the back of the pokemon's head as well as to tease his ears. "Yeah, good boy!"

The dragon slowly ground his cock over Umber's face as the smaller fur licked and nosed it, the dinosaur from before nibbling down between the male's black shoulder blades. As the pace picked up, the lifeguard slowly pulled himself back all the way, and pressed his cockhead between Umber's lips. The Umbreon moaned needily to it, as he leaned in to try and lap at the drooling cockhead - he was silenced as the dragon kindly bucked forwards.

"Mmmm, just, suck on this for a while, hot stuff~"

Umber took those words to heart as his mouth was stuffed with dragon meat, moaning as loudly as he could with a full mouth to the taste. The rings on his own exposed shaft glowed brilliantly with arousal, someone's hand moving to stroke over it, while another hefted at his heavy balls. It was getting near impossible for Umber to keep track of who was doing what by that point, even if his head wasn't full of thoughts of cock and muscle. He didn't even start as he found a new mouth wrap around the head of his shaft, being too preoccupied with the one currently dipping his throat.

"Mrmmm, mmrrrrmmm!" Umber moaned out loud as scaled balls slapped his chin, a wolfen mouth nibbled on his ears, the wet nose of a bull pressed against his cheek as he was kissed, and the strong hands of a very experienced t-rex dragged his hips over the man's cock. The mouth of what felt like a mouse of some kind gulped around his cock, swallowing it to the base; lean hands moved to rub over his legs, spreading them apart as another mouth moved to lap as his balls; more hands moved to tease between his cheeks, over his chest, massaging his ears and more! The Umbreon had been caught in an orgy of men he could never hope to keep track of, and all he could do was take part and moan from it all.

Watching from afar, as more studs of various sizes and species began to pile in on the decidedly lucky pokemon, the polar bear chuckled as he closed up his cart, locking it tightly before he started for the lifeguard's tower. "Note to self," he chuckled to himself, not bothering to look back to watch his own cart roll after him, "Enhance the flavor of the blueberry cobbler to make the effects start up sooner."

As he walked and talked to himself, before clambering up the ladder, the bear smirked as he reached back and snapped at the ice-blue speedo that covered his waist. A bit of frost was dislodged as he readjusted it, rumbling contently as the garment all but vanished between the twin cheeks of his ass.

Planting that very ass into the padded chair of the tower, the bear, an entity going by the name of Jack, casually cast his hat off to the cart below, humming to himself as he relaxed in the warm sun. It had been a while since snow-bear gotten such strong results from his Mancream, although it still wasn't quite up to par. He'd have to make it a habit to have the hot little Umbreon test his wares in the future, if he could count on performances like these. As a connoisseur of men and tasty treats alike, it was only fair that he gave something back to the society he so mingled within.

"Hmm, I wonder if I should make myself a part-time lifeguard..." he asked himself with a cheshire grin, rubbing at his groin as he looked to regard the ever growing orgy surrounding Umber. "Might have to, if I make this haunt my own..."

Jack belongs to Taiko Akito Umber belongs to Ren Bloodthorn Umbreon belongs to Nintendo