Would you like a Happy Ending?

Story by Nicholas Realeza on SoFurry

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#1 of Alden's Chronicles

Disclamier: if you do not like anything pertainining to Homosexual acts then please leave now or forever hold your peace, if you are not old enough then please leave. and im not even going to mention peace. your're not supposed to be here =P

all characters belong to me, please ask permission if you wish to use them.


"197! 198! 199! 200!"

"Good job Alden! It seems you're finally recovering from your shoulder injury" said Ricardo as he congratulated Alden on reaching 200 push-ups.

"It was good but hard. I still haven't gotten all my strength back man" Alden said taking a large gulp of water from his water bottle. Alden, a black wolf and 6.8. He towered all of his friends. He had an awesome ripped body from constantly going to the gym all day everyday when he wasn't at the attorney's office going over cases. And was good looking. Smart and buff and attractive, he was a god.

"Do you have to be a perfectionist, I can barely do 75" Ricardo said, jumping to pat Alden on the shoulder. Ricardo was a snow leopard with an average build. Though psychically fit he was a foot smaller than Alden and not as strong as he was or as attractive but attractive none the less, his greatest feature were his bright blue eyes.

They've been friends since Alden saved Ricardo from a group of thugs that stole his jacket that had all of his valuables. He tried to fight back and punched the leader in the mouth. Because of that they were going to rape him in order to "teach" him a lesson. Alden was walking by and ended up fighting all of them at once and unfortunate for them. He restrained them all and dragged all four of them to the police station and had them arrested. Ever since then Ricardo has been going to the gym with Alden in hopes to become just as strong as him. And every other night they would go to the bar and have about three or four women flirt with them at once. And almost all the time bringing one of them to their homes.

"I gotta keep in shape and healthy. I don't want this to get to bad that I'm gonna have to get surgery" Alden explained as he ran his paw through his spiky head fur.

"You're not going to need surgery. Maybe your muscles are just tensed up. Maybe if they were more relaxed then u could probably have more stamina, and it wouldn't hurt as much" Ricardo said as both of them walked to the locker room to change out of their work out clothes.

They reached the locker room and got out of their shorts and grabbed some towels.

"So, do you know where I can find a massage place, I think I saw one but I'm not sure" Alden said as he grabbed some liquid soap from his bag.

"Well, I don't know, I think I would just drive around until you do" Ricardo said grabbing his soap and heading in to the showers.

"Alright then, I guess I know how I'm spending my evening"

"So I guess were not going to the bar then and I'm spending my night with my right paw and computer am I"

Alden chuckled as he punched Ricardo lightly on the shoulder as both of them walked to the shower.


Both Alden and Ricardo walked out of the fitness center to the parking lot, both of them practically wore the same thing accept that Alden wore a white shirt and Ricardo wore a blue shirt, but for the most part both of them wore jeans. Both of their cars were parked right next to each other so they could keep talking until they got in to their cars and drove away.

"So you're just gonna drive around town until you find a massage place" Ricardo said opening his trunk and throwing his gym bag inside.

"Nah, I think I'll walk. I need the exercise" Alden said opening the passenger seat of his car and throwing his gym bag there.

"Yeah, buffest guy in the gym needs exercise" Ricardo said sarcastically as he got inside his car and rolled down the window.

"Well hey, you may never know. I might get a massage from some hot chick. Maybe a happy ending" Alden said winking.

"Well if you do tell me about it, so I can curse you out you lucky bitch" Ricardo said laughing as they knocked knuckles and went their separate ways.

(One hour later)

"What the hell?! This town has practically everything except a massage parlor!" Alden yelled causing some passerby's to look at him. Embarrassed Alden calmed down and continued to walk. As he was walking he clutched his shoulder. Suddenly he felt a tap on his shoulder.

"I can help you" a voice said from behind him. It sounded slightly feminine but Alden could tell it was a guy. Alden turned around. The voice came from a light brown colored rabbit; unlike most rabbits he had a long bushy tail like a fox instead of a rabbit. He wore orange and black striped tank top and had baggy black pants. He looked pretty thin but still looked like he was in great shape. Alden took a moment to take in what he was seeing.

"Did you hear me; I said I could help you. I work at a massage parlor in Briar's Tail" the rabbit said.

"Briar's tail is like 45 minuets away" Alden said groaning.

"And its 15 minuets by car, ill give you a ride there. You look like you need it"

"Thanks man, I appreciate it"

"No problem, my car's across the street" the rabbit said pointing to his car.


Driving along the road Alden and the rabbit sat quietly in the car. Alden didn't have any worries that the bunny was going to kidnap him or something since he didn't look as if he could even come close to being a threat to him.

"So what's you name" Alden said trying to break the silence.

"Corin and yours?"


"What do you do for a living?"

"I'm a lawyer"

"Well Alden, you mind telling me why you need a massage so badly"

"I got a shoulder injury from working out"

Corin giggled.

"So a big guy like you got an injury from working out, how the heck did that happened"

"I pushed my self too hard, I maybe strong but even I got limits" Alden said rubbing his shoulder for emphasis. Corin smiled.

"At least you're not conceded like most guys at the gym"

"I try not to be, I think anybody could be just as strong as me or stronger. Mentally or physically"

Corin looked at Alden and scanned him up and down to see if he was just trying to make himself look good.

"Big words for such a big guy, I guess you don't fit in to the jock stereotype. Big and strong but got brains the size of a nerd's candy.

"What's that supposed to mean" Alden said giving Corin a strange look.

"People start to become conceded after going to the gym thinking that they're the shit"

"Maybe your being a little prejudice"

"Maybe I am, maybe you can prove me wrong" Corin said winking at Alden.


Alden and Corin arrived at the massage parlor. On the outside it was blue green, advertizing what they do there. With the sign saying Corin's massage parlor.

"Nice place you got here" Alden said looking impressed.

"Yeah, took a lot of work to get it the way it is now" Corin said parking the car.

Both of them got out of the car and Corin unlocked the door. They walked in to the massage parlor, It was similar to the sign were it was painted blueish green. Making Corin and his orange tank top the most vibrant thing in the room. There were multiple rooms for different purposes such as: acupuncture, massages, spa, steam room, and more.

"Wow, it's even cooler on the inside. If you had a gym here then I would be set" Alden said chuckling.

"I'm surprised your gym doesn't have a masseuse" Corin said going behind the desk and checking over some things in the drawer.

"It's a pretty cheap ass gym but its convent and cheaper for me. Exercise is exercise no matter which way you see it"

"Interesting way to put it" Corin said coming out from behind the desk and standing in front of Alden.

"So where do you need a massage" Corin said looking up and down at Alden.

"My shoulder" Alden said rubbing his shoulder. Corin made his way around and felt Alden's shoulder and back area.

"Well you seem pretty tensed up in the back" Corin said moving his paws to the front of Alden's chest. Corin happily feeling Alden's chest.

"Damn...I figured he had a hot bod, but shit...not this good" Corin thought to himself.

"Uhh well, how about this. For the price of you're shoulder ill do the entire upper body how does that sound" Corin asked.

"Yeah dude that doesn't sound bad but, are you the only one who works here" Alden asked giving Corin a funny look.

"Well, were actually closed right now but I'm feeling generous. So I decided to help you"

"I see, alright then. I greatly appreciate it" Alden said.

Corin clapped his hands. "Alright then, come with me" Corin said walking toward one of the doors, with Alden following behind him. In the blue and green room there was a massage bed in the center; to the left of the bed was a set of drawers and cabinets that most likely contained massage supplies.

"Lie down on the bed face down, and take your shirt off" Corin said. As he checked his claws. Alden looked a little nervous.

"Um, won't I get scratched by your claws?" Alden asked nervously. Corin looked up at Alden.

"You've obviously have never gotten a professional massage before, have you?"

"Not exactly professional, but I've gotten one" Alden said winking as he took off his shirt. Corin rolled his eyes and giggled. Suddenly he paused as he got a look at Alden's shirtless body. Corin stammered a bit as he gazed upon Alden's chest. It felt good from touching it but with out his shirt he looked amazing. 8 pack abs, bulging arms that were huge but weren't totally bulking. And shiny black fur made Alden a god on earth. Corin was astonished.

"You alright?" Alden asked waving his paw. Corin shook his head, his floppy ears going all over the place.

"Yeah I'm fine, just thinking about abs...um err I mean Babs! Yeah the supermodel, I really love her clothing!" Corin said trying to cover it up. Alden eyed him suspiciously.

"Uh...alright then...so you want me to lie down on the bed" Alden said pointing to it.

"Yeah, lie down on your stomach and ill work around the shoulder area first" Corin said cracking his fingers and knuckles as Alden got on the bed with his muzzle going through a circle like pillow.

"Are you comfortable?"

"Yeah I am"

"Alright then, now we begin"

Corin softly moved his paws from Alden's shoulders to his lower back. Feeling all the tight muscles and smooth silky fur. Corin mouthed "oh my god! He's hot!!!!" Corin said as he touched Alden's butt giving it a light squeeze.

"Hey! Why you're squeezing my butt!" Alden yelped.

Corin calmly to this, as this was not his first time in this situation.

"your spine doesn't end at your lower back it ends where your butt begins and I squeezed your butt to get a better feel of where your pelvis is" Corin explained.

Corin smiled to himself knowing that everybody always falls for that trick. Your spine does end where your butt begins but it's not necessary to actually squeeze the butt.

"Oh alright, sorry dude"

"It's quite alright" Corin said as he started putting a little bit of pressure on Alden's shoulders trying to relax and loosen up the muscles. Alden growled softly as Corin worked his way to his lower back and sides.

"You alright" Corin asked.

"Yeah, I like it. How long have you been doing this" Alden asked.

"Quite sometime, it's a job that I enjoy doing very much" Corin said moving his paws to Alden's upper soldiers and neck.

"And your done" Corin said clapping his hands. Alden got up and shook his neck, shoddier, and arms.

"Hey! My pain is gone, and I feel more flexible" Alden said happily.

"Well that's great" Corin said with a mischievous smile.

Alden gave corin a confused look.

"Uh, why are you looking at me like that?"

"Would you like a happy ending" Corin asked as he leaned very close to Alden.

"Whoa! Whoa! Hold on a minuet. I mean I had my suspicions you were gay but I didn't care. You're a good masseuse but I don't swing that way man" Alden said getting up and backing away from Corin.

"There's nothing gay about getting a blowjob. Of course I'm gay that's why I'm asking if you want one. Though I have to say you are one of the hottest furs I've ever had here.

"Well, thanks for the offer but I don't want a happy ending. Let me just pay you and ill walk home" Alden said nervously taking out his wallet.

"Alright then, your loss. Its 15$"

Alden opened his wallet and froze as he saw he had no money. He didn't even have his credit or debit cards with him.

"Oh shit..."

"Is there a problem?"

"I have no money to pay you at all" Alden said running his paw through his fur.

Corin smiled widely with his tail swaying in the air. "There's a simple solution to this, and you know it" Corin said.

"Are you kidding...?" Alden said groaning.

"I don't know why you're passing this opportunity, free massage and a blowjob"

"Because you're a guy. I doubt that I'll like it anyway"

Corin chuckled. "Then let's make this interesting. If you enjoy it which you will, you have to be a regular customer here and you will be assigned personally to me where you can use me to relive yourself. But if you don't then everything is free and you never have to come back here again".

"No way, I'm not agreeing to those terms"

"If you are so sure of your sexuality then this is an easy game for you. And personally you losing don't sound too bad either since I didn't mention you doing anything for me. And this isn't illegal since we are both legal for sex anyway, and nobody has to know"

Alden thought about it for a moment. He wasn't going to the bar today. And the terms seemed pretty good.

"Alright then" Alden said.

Corin went to the front desk and took out a piece of paper and started writing something on it. Corin came back with the paper and a pen.

"You're a lawyer so I'm sure you understand that you always have to have it in writing. Read it and understand it" Corin said to Alden showing him the paper with the deal and Corin's signature.

"Don't be so distrusting of me" Alden said chuckling as he signed the paper and handed it back to Corin, who set it aside.

"...I wasn't, just taking precaution" Corin said as he pushed Alden on to the massage bed and climbed on top of him.

"Damn you're stronger than I thought" Alden said.

"Your not the only one who works out" Corin said as he fumbled with Alden's pants. Getting rid of his belt buckle and getting the button and zipper out of the way. Corin pulled of his pants and groped his though his boxers.

"Not hard yet I see" Corin said giggling.

"For obvious reasons"

"You don't know me very well do you" Corin said pulling off Alden's boxers revealing his sheath and balls. Corin then started fondling Alden while licking his sheath as encouragement for his cock to come out of hiding.

"Heh this is cake. He's never going to get me hard" Alden thought to himself as he smiled confidently Until suddenly he started to feel a stir in his groins as he felt his cock grow out of his sheath. Corin smiled as he started to kiss the growing cock head, teasing it with his tongue.

"Oh damn, that does feel good. But I can't let him win, I just gonna pretend I don't like it" Alden though to himself as more of his cock started to grow out of his sheath.

"Heh look at that" Corin said with a mischievous smile as he took the large cock in to his muzzle. It took all of Alden's power to not moan as the bunny took his cock in to his warm and wet mouth.

"Oh god, this guy is really good at this. No girl I've ever slept with has ever been this good at sucking cock" Alden said as he grinded his teeth to try to keep himself from making noise.

Corin started to take even more of Alden's cock in to his mouth. Bobbing his head up and down occasionally bringing his head up to kiss the head of Alden's cock which was dripping of pre cum.

"You taste delicious" Corin giggled as he took the paw that he wasn't fondling and started to stroke Alden. Licking all the precum that leaked out.

"Aww...fuck...he's too good..." Alden though to himself

"I...give...give up" Alden said finally letting out the breath he was holding in.

Corin looked up at Alden with a wide smile on his face.

"I knew you couldn't resist" Corin said nuzzling Alden's cock.

"Well aren't you going to finish me?" Alden said nodding his head toward his cock.

Corin got up and started to undue his pants.

"I am"

Alden was confused as he saw Corin's pants and boxers hit the floor revealing Corin throbbing, leaking member.

"What the heck are you doing?"

"Its apart of the contract" Corin said taking the paper and showing it to Alden.

It read: If Alden does not enjoy oral sex with Corin then the massage he had received will be with out cost and he will be free to go. If he does enjoy the oral sex then he will become a regular customer to the massage parlor being personally assigned to Corin. Alden can and will use Corin for Sexual relief. Sexual relief falls under the category of Hand jobs, Oral, Anal, Fingering, and Rimming and can and will be done in different positions and different roles.

"Wait...your going to fuck me!" Alden said getting up from the bed and walking toward his pants. Only to have Corin grab his paw.

"Not exactly, you're going to fuck me. I only wrote that just incase you wanted to do something different" Corin explained.

"Oh" Alden said calming down a bit. "Why is it that this contract gives me more of an advantage, I get free sex"

"Because I am a sex maniac. I always need sex. But for some reason I like receiving it more than giving it. I love to suck dick and I loved being fucked"

"Well then" Alden said as he got out of Corin's grip and bended him over on the massage bed.

"You wanna be fucked so badly"

Alden spitted on his paw and rubbed it over his cock. He then procedded to lift up Corin's tail hole.

"I'll fuck you hard" Alden said as he took his large dick and stuck it inside Corin's tail hole.

"Oh god...that feels awesome" Corin moaned as inch by inch Alden's wolf hood penetrated him. Alden griped tightly to Corin's waist, forcing more and more of his cock in to Corin.

"God, your so tight...it feels fucking awesome" Alden said as he started to hump Corin. His beefy member entering in and out of him, the tight muscles clamping down. Made Alden thrust harder in to him.

"Oh yes! Harder!" Corin pleaded desperately. As he moved his paw to his dripping dick and started stroke it as fast as he could.

Alden howled as he started to savagely fuck Corin's tail hole as hard and fast as he could. The sensations driving him wild. It no longer mattered that Corin's was male. Instinct kicked in and it said "Fuck! Fuck as hard as you can!" Alden felt his knot swell up. Entering in and out of Corin.

"Oh god yes! don't stop! Fuck me with that swollen knot of yours!" Corin moaned loudly as he continued to stroke his cock.

"Fuck it I'm gonna cum!" Alden snarled as his muscles started to tighten.

"Cum...Cum inside me" Corin moaned as he reached his climax, shooting his massive load on to the wood of the bed.

"AHWOO!!!!" Alden howled as he reached his orgasm. The feelings so intense as he shot his wolf cum inside corin filling him with him with his seed. Both of them standing there. The euphoric intensity of their orgasms lasting even after they came.

"Wow that was the best fuck of my life" Alden said panting.

"See told you I was good" Corin said panting also with a confident smile.

"I'm defiantly going to have to come back after that" Alden said. As he pulled his cock out of Corin making him moan, especially pulling out his knot.

"Damn, your tail hole can really take a lot"

"I've had a lot of practice" Corin said turning around and giving Alden a mischievous smile. "So I guess this means your bi"

"I guess man, on the other hand. After that I'm ready to say fuck pussy" Alden said chuckling.

A couple of minuets later both of them cleaned up and got dressed and they were both ready to leave.

"Hey corin, can you give me a ride back to my car?" Alden asked as he adjusted his pants.

"Sure, but trust me you're the one who's going to be giving me a ride" Corin said giving Alden a mischievous wink.