A trip to Iz'noth

Story by Minsc9 on SoFurry

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My first proper Kronthyr story for you guys! Also one of my oldest stories, the first half was the first Bustyman story I submitted, the second half being written aaaages after, so bare that in mind as you're reading, though I still think it's pretty darn good. In this story, the party travel to the demon town of Iz'noth on the edge of the Plagued Marsh. What happens there though is much steamier than they'd planned for. Enjoy!

The group were trekking through the murky and dank atmosphere of the Plagued Marsh, set on finding the small demon town of Iz'noth. Garv, the strongly-built human warrior, lead the way, along with Hirlef, the half-elven druid who had only recently joined the band, agreeing to help them make their way through the marsh free of charge. He was beginning to regret that decision, wondering what compelled him to help out a bunch of strangers through one of the more dangerous parts of Faerdeil.

He was reminded of why as the hulking ranger, Blake walked up beside him, his mountainous bust bouncing lightly beside his head. His face burned as he tried his best to concentrate on his task of leading them onward, occasionally though his eyes wandered back to those colossal globes, watching them rise and fall rhythmically.

"'Ey, the map here says that Iz'noth is on the -edge- of the marsh, why are we trekking through it", Lance scoffed as he trudged through the filthy swamp-water, the human thief not happy in the slightest.

Garv signed and turned back to him. "We save a day or so of walking if we cut through some of it, and with Hirlef here we've got nothing to worry about anyway", he shot a slight smirk to the druid who he caught getting an eyeful of the ranger's monumental rack.

"Ah! Yes! Infact we should be there shortly, look there, you can see it in the distance", he pointed over yonder, and indeed the silhouette of the demon town was visible on the horizon.

As the party approached they saw the residents of Iz'noth going about their daily life, the demons being a mixture of imps, incubi and even a few much, much larger demons. Many of the men had to do double takes as they stared at the sheer size of some of them, bigger than even the biggest orcs they'd ever seen.

"Eh, I suggest after such a trek we should take a rest at the inn", the half-elf gestured to a large, black building that looked to be built from metal, the roof adorned with dozens of spikes, giving it a rather intimidating look.

They entered what looked to be a tavern, Blake leading the group now, so it was no surprise that almost every patron soon had their eyes locked on one thing, well, two things. The immensely-muscular human walked over to the barkeep whose eyes only widened as that fleshy valley of cleavage swept closer.

"Wh-What can I do for you lot today then?", as best as he tried he couldn't halt himself ogling those godly orbs that stretched the leather of the ranger's vest to bursting point.

"Five tankards of your best mead, thanks", he nodded his head and moved over to sit at a large empty table, the rest of his band joining him. Lance quickly grabbed a seat beside Blake, smacking his lips together as he enjoyed his current proximity to the much larger man and his famous assets. The party's cleric, James, sat himself on the ranger's other side, blushing darkly and averting his gaze.

From another table on the other side of the tavern, a particularly large demon smirked, watching the gang with interest, his hands faintly glowing.

"Here's yer drinks guys!", a tray of five tankards slid onto the table, moments later an imp hopped up beside it, bowing before the group. "Hope ya enjoy!".

"Ah, thank you", the deep voice coming from behind the imp caused him to turn, he nearly jumped out of his skin as he was now faced with Blake's enormous breasts, his face inches away from the cavernous cleavage. Each globe was easily larger than he himself.

After a long while of mindlessly gawping at them, his jaw dropped and drool dripping down onto the table, the ranger scratched the back of his head. "You eh, have other customers to serve I'm sure". This seemed to snap the imp out of his trance and he scampered away in the blink of an eye, but not before knocking one of the drinks that spilt a larger amount of it's contents over the man's jerkin and chest. This incited an onslaught of howls and wolf-whistles from the other patrons.

"Take it off!".

"Get those bad boys out!".

"Let's see the goods!".

A deep blush crossed Blake's ruggedly chiselled features as he stood up in his chair, trying to locate the stairs so he find a private place to change. However, he soon felt an odd sensation. What? His jerkin was opening?!

The demon across the bar snickered as he waved a large hand, then his other; an eruption of cheers sounded as Blake's vest burst open, his giant breasts bouncing free, dripping with mead. They looked even bigger out of their confines, a huge nipple topping each goliath globe as they heaved with the ranger's panicked breath. He tried to cover them but with their size only barely hid his nipples, looking desperately to his team-mates who were too dumbstruck at the sight of them to do anything, it was the first time for many of them setting eyes on those bare expanses of flesh.

"Now, how about we get this party started?", the large demon let out a deep breath, the air in the tavern soon felt heavy as a subtle pink haze fell upon everyone. Many of the patrons now slumped back in their seats, huge erections clearly visible in their tight clothing which many quickly released.

Blake tried to step out from behind the table, stumbling over a chair causing that glorious bosom to bounce again. He then let out a loud groan as he felt a pair of hands upon the naked mounds, looking down and gasping as he saw it was none other than Hirlef, groping what small amount of them as he could, finding those oversized teats and stroking over their vast areolae. The druid then proceeded to bury his head deep between them, his entire head and shoulders were easily enveloped by the gigantic mountains.

"Oh Blake! You are truly a god! So big, I want to spend every moment I have worshipping these as the magnificent things they are...", the half-elf murred as he squeezed the massive nubs, Blake groaning deeply, those oversized pads of flesh swelling even larger as they hardened.

"H-Hirlef...?", Blake thought the druid was rather reserved, but here he was, lapping between those giant tits desperatly, the ranger though was too overcome with pleasure to push him away, and he was about to get even more!

"Blake...you...you really are just too attractive", he blinked as -James- of all people had gotten up and approached him, eyeing one of his mighty teats hungrily, pressing his lips to it and kissing it a few times, before trying to take it into his mouth. Unfortunately for him it was a bit too big, so he settled on biting down on part of it, nibbling on it and tugging it, this of course only sending more waves of bliss surging through the ranger's body.

Garv shook his head, his senses clearing as he realised what was going on, his high constitution letting him shrug off the demon's magic, "Hey, what are you two doing?! You can't just go upto Blake and-", he was cut off as the demon across the bar snapped his fingers, feeling a tightness in his chest before his mail armour practically exploded, the chains snapping into pieces as his own chest had rapidly erupted in size, the dark-skinned warrior now equipped with an enormous pair of jugs himself, rivalling Blake's in size.

Lance's tongue was hanging from his mouth by now as he eyed Garv's new-and-improved chest, hopping to his feet and darting over, running his fingertips expertly across the soft, dark flesh, circling those fat nipples teasingly, this only sending shivers through the normally-stoic fighter, his own long moans joining those already filling the inn. "Mmmmh, who knew you'd look so good with a giant pair o' tits, old man", Lance snickered, latching onto one of those nipples and suckling from it harshly, Garv panting heavily, a deep blush crossing his rugged face. A series of rips were soon heard as Blake burst out of his pants, along with any patrons that had yet to release theirs, Garv soon hurriedly removed his leg armour, his own pillar of meat standing to attention, Lance pumping it quickly as he sucked, biting down every now and then.

Hirlef finally pulled himself from Blake's chest, eyeing that gargantuan manhood of his and leaning down, lapping slowly across the head, gulping down the reams of precum that were already oozing from it. He then slid himself lower, licking down that throbbing beast until reaching those titanic balls the ranger was gifted with, groping them as best he could, and burying his face in that vast sack, taking deep breaths of Blake's heavy musk, the half-elf almost fainting from the powerful haze.

Blake too was beginning to succumb to the lustweaver's spell, gripping his oversized cock and pumping on it furiously, feeling his nipples tensing as he roared out, releasing a ridiculously-copious tide of milk from his breasts, James nearly being blasted back by the force, wrapping his lips around the slit, he gulped down what he could of the thick, highly-addictive cream, though most of it escaped around his mouth. His free nipple was gushing milk out over the table they were near, as well as splashing many of his party members, not that any of them minded of course.

Garv too would be unable to hold himself back, Lance almost gagging as a sea of warm dairy flooded down his throat, though years of sexual practise meant he could guzzle down every last drop, his jerking only speeding up, and Garv soon reaching his final climax. "NNNGGGGGRAAAAH!", he arched his back, his roar filled the tavern, such a deep, masculine, primal sound was enough to cause half the men watching to shoot right then and there, many of the rest hitting their limit as they saw the torrent of cum erupt onto the thief, who was literally catapulted back onto the floor, painted with the thick seed which was now drenching the ceiling, being joined by the ranger's plentiful load as he cried out, the twin-rivers of spooge coating most of the ceiling in mere moments, smirks crossing their lips as they aimed their gigantic meatpoles to pour over the patrons, the smaller ones being forced to the ground, and the larger ones simply revelling in being splattered in the seed of such tremendously-manly men.

The large demon grinned as he took a deep breath, inhaling the pink haze which had caused all this, as well as feeding on the sheer sexual energy that filled the air, a very satisfied look on his face. This of course led all the men in the tavern to come to their sense, Blake and Garv's eyes widening, though they of course couldn't stop unloading their near-endless spunk and gallons of milk, instead pointing their huge members back away from the others, unintentionally now aiming at each other, splattering the other in their cream. James and Hirlef too were now being coated, and both shocked at their actions to say the least, the cleric pulled off that giant nipple immediately, though was forced back on by the jet of cum hitting his back, Hirlef pulling free from those balls, he just got to his feet and took a seat back at the table, as if nothing had happened, and that nothing was still happening. Lance was still laying back on the floor, covered and surrounding in hot man-seed, though he looked pretty satisfied himself, looking between the two titans.

Eventually both hunks would cease their cumming, looking profusely embarrassed as they looked round at the large room and dozen or so demons now covered in their arousal. The bartender cleared his throat, gesturing to the stairs, "Ehem, there's a shower upstairs", the ranger and fighter just nodded, slowly heading over to the stairs, keeping their gaze away from anyone else, and headed upstairs. James cleaned himself up with his hands, though the sheer thickness of the men's ejaculate made it almost impossible to do, so he just took a seat, Lance joining him. Some of the other patrons got up and left the bar, all of them grinning from ear-to-ear, just another evening in Iz'noth.