Murrsuit Moon

Story by tygacat on SoFurry

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#1 of Lyre City

Ted's fursuits have grown tired of the way he treats them, and want to do something about that.

Late at night, or rather early in the morning, the crescent moon of the October sky shone through the window of Ted's apartment. The moonlight was the only thing illuminating the room aside from the white glow of the computer screen.

The man sat in his office chair with his tongue pressed against his upper lip. His mouth curved in a salacious grin as he clicked through the images on his screen. The hand that did not work the mouse wrapped about his stiffened cock that protruded from his jeans. Precum dotted its tip. "Oh, yes," he whispered so as not to hear bitching from his housemates in the morning. His tongue crossed his mouth.

Otters. Cats. Wolves. Birds. Lizards. Skunks. Squirrels. Dinosaurs. Taurs. Ted had no preference. So long as there was a swollen cock dripping with cum or huge tits that ballooned larger than the woman's chest he would masturbate to it. And sex, that was even better. Someone getting plowed in their ass or drinking down some guy's copious cum - again his tongue crossed his lips.

About him his bedroom floor held the discarded pizza boxes and carryout containers of meals passed. Clothing that had yet to be washed joined the miscellaneous trash. To anyone entering the room, they noticed the odor of the place before even seeing the litter on the floor.

As the moon shifted in the sky, its light struck the seldom used mirror hanging upon the wall. The light reflected down upon the pelts of the fursuits he heaped in a pile. The empty bodies were what he used in his many romps at conventions. Late at night in a room with those others of similar mind to him would play and romp in those suits until they could barely keep conscious, from either the heat or the sex.

The suits themselves had been lovingly crafted by their makers to show off the height of their skill. The intention of the makers was to eventually see those suits walking and smiling through the parade of a con, hugging passers-by, and generally bringing smiles to all those who looked upon them. But now those suits lay in a pile, their fur matted and stiff in places with various dried fluids. They all emanated the stench of sweat, having gone without a proper cleaning since they left their makers' hands. They were now simply the playthings of a backroom fetishist. If they were looked on by anyone else, they were scowled at in disgust.

It is the nature of anyone who puts great care into making something, that the hopes and dreams and desires of the maker will be soaked up by that work. And same here, the suits carried their creators hope that they'd be items of fun, not 'fun.' And that October moonlight carried magic in its silver beams. And the poltergeists of revenge were out this evening.

The pile of furs shifted. And they began to rise.

First there was Rosepetal, the most recent of Ted's acquisitions. Rosepetal was designed as a red unicorn to resemble the character style of the current popular cartoon show. His horn had been places no unicorn horn should be, and given standard legends of unicorns he should be nowhere near the activities Ted engaged in. Upon his hip was an embroidered rose, a symbol of the love that was absent from all of Ted's trysts.

The second suit to stand was the red fox Todd was probably Ted's favorite and most used suit. And he was quite bitter for that. His stitching had been torn and repaired many times, and he had been sent back to his creator with many an angry letter complaining of the feeble construction. His fur had soaked in his maker's tears as she made the requested repairs. Each drop of water from her eye carried more meaning than any of the other fluids that had soaked his fur.

And the bottom of the pile was the last to climb to his hindpaws. Sparky the Sparkledog. Sparky was Ted's oldest suit. His body was that of a dalmatian with multicolored spots, and a collar whose rhinestones had mostly fallen off. His body lacked the finesse of the other two, being Ted hadn't paid as much for him. But still he had been the heart and soul of his maker. And as much as he loathed Ted for using him in the manner Ted did, he loathed more the neglect he'd suffered on the bottom of the pile, the other two being preferred to him. He knew he should be happy about that, but still it was the principal of the thing.

The three suits nodded in unison at one another. Ted was too engrossed in his activities to notice the sounds of them shuffling carefully through the trash behind him. At once Sparky grabbed the back of the office chair and spun it about. Ted screamed his horror for the time it took Todd to shove the sock in his mouth. Rosepetal forced the chair forward, dumping Ted's gracious weight onto the pile of Styrofoam. Todd already grabbed the man's blue jeans and yanked them over the ends of his legs. Rosepetal worked the pair of scissors to cut his shirt from his body. The three had their plan to make him suffer the same torments they had endured for so long.

Sparky sought through the rubble for the largest of Ted's 'toys.' A dildo from a furry toy company known for its large dildos. And this one was cat modeled, complete with barbs. They knew Ted had only used it once. Rosepetal was given the honor of placing the thing, without lube, to the tip of Ted's rosebud. The pony slowly worked the thing inward, Ted grunting about the sock with every set of barbs that pressed in further.

Todd threw the man's body over. The fox straddled Ted's face, placing his worn and stinking crotch-hole above Ted's mouth. Todd laughed at Ted's predicament. Todd's own fingers rubbed at the fabric of that area. "Oh, yeah," the fox moaned his pleasure.

Sparky was the first to speak truely. "You have tormented us and abused us for so long, Ted. Now you will get a taste of your own medicine. You will get a feel for what it is to be used and abused. And... " The dalmatian's eyes saw the glint in Ted's, and then they darted to the man's straining cock. "Are you enjoying this?"

Todd ripped the sock from the man's mouth. "Oh, yeah!" exclaimed. "I can't believe you guys are real. It's like my greatest dream come true! Oh, we can have so much fun together! Push that thing in deeper!"

The three fursuits looked at one another. Sparky spoke again, "You aren't suppose to enjoy this. We are manhandling you in the way you deserve. Punishing you for abusing us. You will suffer."

Tedd stared into Sparky's eyes for a moment. Then a flash of recognition. "Oh, yes, of course. I'll 'suffer.' Woe is me, don't hurt me, guys. Stop." The three fursuits again looked between one another.

Through the night, the fursuits assaulted the corpulent man. They used every dildo they could find without lube. They shoved his face in the trash and laundry. They beat him and his genitals with the objects about the place. They forced him to lick the two abused holes at the base of each of their construction. And in the end all the suits had to show for it were more stains added to their collection.

Tedd lay amongst the piles of boxes, winded. "Can we go again, guys? Just give me a few..." Sparky and Rosepetal and Todd all looked through the window. The glint of sunlight was on the horizon. Soon the day would come and it would rob them of the moon's magic, returning them to piles on the floor. Their revenge unearned.

They all looked down at the fat man. Sparky spoke again, "Fuck it, let's just kill him."

"Wait, what?" were Ted's last words.