The Nightmare's Prey

Story by Kalan on SoFurry

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WARNING: This story has to do with a nightmare's prey, it is not a happy story. ;) You've been warned.

Lydia hated fall nights sometimes. The day had been bright and sunny with a sky so blue it had looked as if someone had woven sapphires around the sun. The leaves had fallen thickly in every color imaginable. The crisp smell of apples and pumpkins had teased her nose as she'd gone to the market in the middle of town. It was the type of day that she had strived to spend out of the house and enjoying the last breath of warm weather. The high 70s no less! At the end of the day she'd decided to go out to the bar to enjoy a drink with her friends. It had been a lovely evening as they sipped mixed drinks and teased each other. As always she was teased for her love of books. They'd even gone so far as to point out that she had an entire purse that could hold a library. At least that's what they hinted at. She took it in stride and in good humor despite the slight sting to her ego.

All her life books had been her dearest friends and constant companions. Whenever life had taken a turn for the worst she'd always find comfort in worlds that had seemed created to let her live a life of adventure and romance. It didn't matter that the worlds only existed in the dog eared pages of her books, what mattered was that she had an escape. No matter how formidable the enemy or how bleak the main characters life was, they always overcame it. So there was little surprise that she preferred to lose herself in fantasy novels more than anything in the world. That was another reason they often teased her. In the books dragons were fantastic beasts that held the power of fire and were nigh uncatchable. They were brave fighters or fierce warriors. They were the color of jewels, not a dull brown with a sprinkling of black on the nose and legs. They weren't dumpy book worms that spent nearly all their time with their nose in a book.

She didn't fit any image of a dragon she'd read about, though she often wondered why author's chose to lionize her kind. She stood at seven foot tall from the tip of her spiraling striped horns to the bottom of her clawed paws. She wasn't willowy or thin, instead she had extra padding on her that made her figure generous and curved. Despite how hard she tried, she'd never truly been able to get to the state that models were in. Her friends often told her that a model's were an unrealistic goal for any real woman. She knew that several of her male friends found her attractive enough, but she never saw herself that way. Especially not with glasses perched on the bridge of her muzzle. Who ever heard of a dragon with glasses? Honestly! Add together the fact she was a dull dun color with black stockings on her legs and a dark mane and she looked as if someone had super glued scales to some oddly formed horse The only saving grace was the long whip like tail and the copper colored claws that graced the tips of her fingers.

As she walked through the thick orange-tinted fog towards the bus stop she couldn't help but dwell on those facts that made her seem lacking. Not enough. She would never be enough. Lydia hated fall nights sometimes. The thick billowing mist made it seem as if she walked in her own world and it was a world that she felt inadequate in. If it weren't for the fact that she was nearly drunk she would have driven home. If it weren't for the fact her friends had been calling her "the librarian" again she would have taken a cab with them As it was she had to make the last bus of the night if she was going to get home before one in the morning. A fine day, but it had ended on a sour note. She could hear her mother now telling her how dangerous it was to walk around after dark, but the very idea of her day getting worse made her snort. Their town was small enough she never worried that something would happen to her and even if it did she had her can of mace. In some ways, she'd almost welcome an adventure like those in her book. At least then she'd live some of her life rather than reading about fictitious characters.

~ ~ * ~ ~

Deep in the heart of the park a dark hollow had been formed by three trees that had twisted together from the first day they had been planted. Centuries ago they had grown thick leaves and their twisted shape had been something of an attraction. Now their gnarled bark visages were imposing as they seemed more than half dead. The base of the each trunk was wide enough around that it would take several people to wrap their arms around it. The park had been named after them. Three Trees Park. That was the only reason they still remained untouched, despite the fact they were nearly dead. They were a part of the scenery and local legend, though not many people visited them and no children played on them. In the last decade they had grown almost eerie and frightening in the day time as well as at night as they slowly withered away and died. Though at night they seemed especially foreboding with their sharp branches look as if they were reaching out for people. No one wanted to visit them when evening came, every person had an excuse as to why, but they rarely knew the real reason.

The trees roots were thrust deep in the ground and formed a cradle for a creature that had once walked the earth in flesh and blood. The modern world spoke of unicorns in the same breath as deer or lions or goats with little knowledge that they were nothing but shades of what had once existed. It was the same way with dragons. The creatures the world recognized as the beasts didn't compare to the graceful kings of the sky that had once controlled the world. It seemed that as the age of science took root the age of magic faded away. One by one the great creatures of the past faded into the shadows until only their legends remained. The phoenix and gryphon had met a similar fate though they had lingered longer. Of all the creatures that had been cast from the face of the modern world, unicorns were the one that were most keenly missed. People awoke with a sense that there was something missing. Something that should have been, but had long since disappeared.

The earth still remembered the touch of the creatures that had danced over the forests and glens when it was newly born. The earth remembered because it held what was left in the bones of the creatures that had once danced through the world. Though the bones faded and turned to dust, the magic could still be found in the lush forests and jungles. Places so beautiful that they were legendary, the last trace of their magic lingered there even if their bones were long since gone. Only one place held a unicorn that hadn't away, that still held proof that unicorns had once been real and magical. Within the roots of the trees there still remained one unicorn in the world. One unicorn that was not wholly unicorn. The earth wrapped around the bones as it had for centuries, but they didn't turn to dust over time. It was as if the earth didn't wish to part with the last part of what it remembered. It was a romantic thought, but such tales rarely have such a sweet explanation.

Long ago when the science first started to become common place and displaced the beliefs of the past a few began to practiced a hybrid practice of alchemy. One such man found the bones of a unicorn cast aside beside a creek and a forbidden thought entered his mind. He gathered the bones together late one evening, when he wouldn't risk being overseen, and took them to his house to work on. For nearly a year he closeted himself away in an attempt to find the secrets the strange bones contained. He had tried to bring the bones back to life, melding clockwork and brass to the milky white remnants of magic. His name and his fate have fallen away in legends, but the whispers of what he created did not. The French called it Cauchemar. Nightmare.

~ ~ * ~ ~

Lydia ducked beneath a few of the swings and watched them sway for a moment as she let out a soft curse under her breath. The world was still pleasantly edged from the drinks she'd had earlier and that made it feel warmer, but it was getting late. Three Trees Park was one of those sprawling parks that made city folks gape at. It wasn't a few acres, but spanned nearly ten city city blocks in any direction. There were rolling hills and even paths for people to ride horses. One day she wanted to see Central Park. She'd heard it was comparable, but in a grander scale.

She made it past the swing set and darted down the hill to where she could dimly see the street lights. Thank god this town had a bus system, even if it was out dated and unreliable it was better than nothing. She sped up into a trot and not for the first time wished that she had wings. Most evolutionary diagrams showing dragons theorized that once they had been able to stand erect the wings had faded away to better support the spine for bipedal movement. She wished she knew why anyone would ever give up the power to fly to simply walk on the ground. It certainly wouldn't appeal to her.

The dragon passed by the large gnarled trees that the park took its name for and sped up. She went faster to catch the bus, at least that's what she told herself. The trees loomed so high in the air that they seemed to disappear in the night sky. There was an air of death and decay around it that made her feel as if eyes were watching her. She moved her hand down to her pocket to clutch at her mace as she made her way up the hill. The moment the trees were out of view she felt better and more relaxed.

"Some heroine you'd make.." She mumbled to herself, "A few trees send you running."

Lydia sighed at that. The trees weren't anything to be afraid of, though she knew most people were uneasy around them. She was afraid of a lot of things though. She slowed her pace as she saw the side walk and the covered bus stop through the swirling fog. There were a few people milling around waiting for the bus. She'd made it. She let herself slow her pace with a glance at her watch. She still had twenty minutes before it came. By that time she'd probably feel sober enough to drive home, but better safe than sorry. She had one too many friends who had lost their licenses to driving drunk to want to make the same mistake.

The group at the bus stop didn't look particularly savory, but that was about right for this hour at night. A few rats, a heavy bodied bull dog and a feline that looked like she might be a prostitute or homeless stood together. Another glance at her watch made her make up her mind as she slid down to sit on a park bench within view of the stop and pulled out a book. The overhead light would allow her to read and she wouldn't have to listen to people ask for money or crude music or proposition cars going by. Her book always let time pass swiftly.

~ ~ * ~ ~

Beneath the Three Trees the ground was stirring as the roots sought to bind the creature that had been relinquished to its prison. Cauchemar drew in the essence of the plant life and swallowed it down even as the magic that had first given the trees life fought to push it away. The strange being that was cradled beneath the earth stirred and threw itself against the bindings. It had been so long since he had first been ensnared, and in that time the hastily thrown magic began to grow brittle and frail. Those who should have come to renew the bonds didn't return. The night air above the trees began to thicken with mist as it dug and burrowed upwards. The magic that had been placed to keep it in the earth faded and snapped away under the steady hammering of age. Gears clicked and whirred, shifting the long elegant legs along the earth.

The grass covered earth bulged up until a flash of moonstone gleamed beneath it and the sound of clicks reached the air. The whirring noise grew louder as the beast arched and kicked with sharp cloven hooves at the roots that twisted around its ankles. The dying trees rustled and branches groaned as the weight threatened to crush the creature that started to emerge. Like an obscene butterfly from a cocoon the line of a spine emerged with brass pins and wheels churning through the crumbling soil. The bones glowed and reflected light, not hint of yellowing age had tainted them. A strange grinning skull yanked up and the blackness of the eye socks began to show a faint sickly light. Freedom, finally... Freedom.

~ ~ * ~ ~

Time passed more swiftly then Lydia intended. She found herself wrapped in a story of horses who were raised with their wild brethren. The enticing tail of love and fate that twined together with a war drew her in until the sound of her alarm going off made her jump and let out a sharp noise of shock. She fumbled for the cell phone to flip it off with a grin at how entranced she had become in the story in such a short amount of time. The bus ride home would let her finish up a few chapters at least. She closed the book and shoved it in her bag before lifting her eyes to check on the bus stop. At least, where the bus stop should have been.

The park was writhed in a thickening fog that was rising from the ground. The mist from earlier had been bad enough, but it looked as if a large cloud had landed on the earth. The light above her barely made a dent in it while she couldn't see the lights down by the road at all. She tucked her bag in close to her side and slid her fingers through the air a bit nervously. This was why she hated fall nights, when the weather flip flopped things like this happened. The way the city was set in the valley made it perfect for large fog banks to appear out of seemingly no where. There was little choice for it, she knew the direction of the bus stop and she'd hopefully find it before the last bus came. If not it was either calling a cab or trying to wake up one of her friends who would no doubt be asleep already. With those unhappy thoughts in mind she slipped through the mist carefully. She moved her feet gingerly with each step as the comforting light of the lamp she'd been using to read was swallowed up behind her. If it weren't for the fact she still had to get home she might have enjoyed the strange fog. As it was all she wanted to do was have it slip away. Which wasn't likely until the sun came up.

Lydia had made it nearly down the small hill from where she'd been sitting when she heard a noise muffled by the fog. It was faint as if it was far away, but strange enough that she stopped and strained to hear it again. An odd musical note chimed out and reached her ears. It didn't fade away either, it sounded like bells tolling in a set pattern that made her lips curve up in a smile. The chimes shifted until she turned about trying to find the source of the music before she saw a glitter of light through the fog. At first she thought it might have been a simple glimmer from the street lights, but it grew closer and as it moved the music rang through the fog. The chaotic strikes of melody erased the smile from her lips as the fog started to fade around the light. It swirled and twisted in an unnatural pattern while whatever it was started to come closer and closer. The music held terror and beauty. The dragoness couldn't find the will to pull away or turn her eyes as the creature walked out of the fog. The moon fire hooves struck the ground like the tolling of deep mournful bells and she found herself staring at an abomination.

The creature turned its head to one side as it regarded her, but from what she had no idea. The head looked like a deer or horse skull with mad grinning teeth and black sockets that were framed with brass pins that had been driven into cracks. There was a pair of strange sickly silver ears were on its head where bits of flesh clung to the bones. Between the eyes a pad of bone formed an indentation while wires connected a strange pale gem against the forehead. Strands of loose mane clung to the vertebrae of the neck all the way down to the shoulder. The bones of its body were bare to the light and seemed dry. It looked like an herbivore's body, that much she could see clearly. It was repulsive save for the fact she'd never seen bones quite like these ones. The bones seemed to be made of pale white crystal and shimmered with an inner glow that let rainbows tremble of it. The legs were longer, but they ended in a perfect set of opal cloven hooves that balanced on the ground. Behind it a large twisted tail lashed and sent whips of light into the darkness. Throughout the skeleton she could see dark patches and the flat patina of old metal where repairs had been made.

It was grotesque and sickening, but the bones and sparse flesh left behind were also beautiful. It was a terrifying beauty as it stepped forward to move closer to her. Instead of jerking with clockwork movements from the gears she could see twisted through the chest, it moved smoothly. Even the hide and fur that had been left contracted and moved smoothly. The silver of it caught the eye and detracted from the hideous realization that she was staring at wasted flesh. The clatter of the hooves rang against the paved path as the black eye sockets seemed to hold her in place. As it moved closer she could hear the whirring sound of gears and the faint metallic click as slender rods contracted and extending to allow it to move.

"What are you..." She breathed out the words as the device stopped an arms breath away from her.

The long head lifted up and she watched the milk crystal teeth flicker with a rippling of light. Whoever had created this had done the impossible with mechanics. Despite the fact she was standing almost right in front of it she could only hear the faintest whirr. She didn't hear a motor or see how the pins and cogs worked together, it was perfectly designed to move in a life like manner. As she stared at the chest cavity and the flicker of brass cogs, one of the hands lifted and offered her its hand, palm up. The thick hoof tipped nails flickered and rippled with moonlight trapped beneath the strange bones. She could see pins like splashes of imperfection against the glowing bone.

Lydia stood frozen in place as she watched the fore arm extending out towards her. The black eye sockets flickered slightly and she almost caught sight of something that had been fastened there. She glanced around her for a moment and tried to get the nerve up to move in closer to examine the creation, but couldn't. The extended hand moved in closer to her as the finger tips curled in a strange silent plea. She drew in a breath and glanced around her. The creator had to be around somewhere watching her reaction. She finally moved her fingers out to hover above the crystal finger tips. As she came in closer she felt cold air brushing against her scales. It felt almost as if she were holding them above an ice cube tray. The thing didn't move its arm up or try to capture her fingers with its own. Instead it simply seemed to wait as the colors trailed beneath the surface of the strange bones. She drew in a breath and lowered her fingers until she touched the tips of the digits.

The light caress danced over the bone as she felt a sudden shock of cold ice trailing up her forearm. Too late she tried to jerk her hand free. She felt something large and alien pressing against her consciousness. The gaping sockets of the grinning skull flared to life showing a strange sickly green color that pulsed and changed the color along the ridges of bone. The brass pins that had been worked into the hard material glittered like fire while the sensation of something pushing at her mind grew. She tried to yank her arm back, but she felt frozen in place. The green of the eyes grew brighter and dominated her vision as she let out a incoherent cry of fear. The sound of her scream and the strange eyes followed her down into darkness.

~ ~ * ~ ~

It's been so long.... The voice was dry and harsh as it creaked out around her. So much has changed.

"Let me go!" She opened her eyes to darkness. The nothingness seemed to surround her as she twisted her head around seeking an escape. The darkness was so absolute that she couldn't even see her hands as she stretched them out.

You thirst for adventure and life. I taste it in my bones. Do you so swiftly run away? The mind pushed harder against her own until she felt a sickening sensation of her thoughts being pushed about.

Lydia dropped down to grasp her head as if that alone would stop the way that her thoughts and memories were being dragged to the surface. Each one of her most forbidden thoughts were ruthlessly yanked from her and examined before thrown back as it was found unsatisfactory. She felt her hands against her forehead, but couldn't see her arms. She didn't even know if her eyes were open or shut as the world grew cold and dark around her. It was searching her mind, every dark desire, every hidden hope, every dream and nightmare were being examined and searched. Brought to the surface before cast aside again as unsatisfactory. Stories she had read and stories she had invented roiled together as the cold dry voice whispered in the darkness.

Fitting. So very fitting... The world dropped out from under her and she let out a wordless scream as she fell.

~ ~ * ~ ~

The sound of water dripped down against a hard floor as Lydia stirred and furrowed her brow. She didn't want to open her eyes. She was terrified she'd open them back up to the awful cold darkness again. She tried to move her hands forward to cover her eyes, but instead felt ropes bite in against her wrists. She twisted and pulled against them before snapping her eyes open to a dimly lit cave where water dribbled down towards the ceiling in thick drops. She blinked her eyes slowly trying to clear them before something slipped past her.

It was darkness and terror. The creature didn't seem substantial, instead it seemed to be made of the shadows as he passed back and forth. Dimly she heard the sound of whirring gears and cogs as she pulled her head back and looked around frantically. Everything seemed faded around the edges and the world seemed to be made up of shadows and bits of twilight. The creature stopped and she watched the outline form a vague equine shape against the back wall. The eyes burned sickly green as terror welled up inside of her. She struggled harder against the bonds when suddenly she felt the rope snap and the dragoness fell forward.

Sacrifice... The word hissed out around her as the shape melted in against the cave wall. Sacrifice....

"Where am I?!" Her voice echoed in her own ears as she stumbled up to her feet.

The cave was large and lit from some strange sickly green glow. She moved her hands down to touch herself and found that she hadn't been harmed. She was whole and intact, save that her clothing and glasses had been removed. She glanced around trying to see if they'd been thrown to one side when she heard the dry rustle echoing off the stone walls. She twisted around and moved her hands to cover herself as the sound crept closer and closer. She tried to use her hand to cover her breasts as a soft trilling hiss came from somewhere in the cave. The sensation of someone watching her grew as she sucked in a shuddering breath. It was like some horrible part of one of her stories come to life.

Mine? Yesssssss mine.... The voice was deeper then the first one she heard. Left for me...

Lydia opened her mouth to ask what they meant with a portion of the wall flared to life. An immense coppery colored eye opened up in what had seemingly been a part of the wall. She stepped back and stifled a scream as the creature twisted and writhed against the wall. A pair of massive wing claws dug in against the rock crumbling it down while the head tore free from its covering. It was calling itself from the rock, growing more and more substantial by the moment. The copper eye blinked at her with a slit reptilian pupil as the head swung towards her. She let out a stifled whimper as a pair of large avian legs peeled free and changed into a brilliant blue-black.

The head was shaped with a slender reptilian muzzle that ended in a sharp hard beak. Fangs were exposed from beneath the hard lips before a thick purple-black tongue flickered out and drug upwards over the bridge of the nose. The scales were shaped in broad leaf like patterns almost like leaves or feathers as a set of heavy spikes rose up along the head. The dark green color it had taken on from the wall was replaced with brilliant greens, blues and blacks as a pair of scaled wings settled against its side. The creature stepped forward and the dragoness glanced down with hysterical amusement to see its legs looked like a rooster.

The thought of a rooster brought the entire animal's shape into being. The avian like head, the feathery scales, the long whip like tail crowned with a thick round barb. A cockatrice. A creature melded between reptile and avian. One of her favorite stories featured the creature, one of the ancient beings that several of the reptilian and avian species' worshiped and made sacrifices to. The creature settled its wings again and fixed her with the intense gaze for a moment. The jaws parted and she watched the tongue dart in and out tasting her scent. The neck curved into an S pattern before a shrieking cry erupted from its jaws. The shrill scream made her cover her ears before the cockatrice launched itself towards her.

Lydia let out a scream of her own and bolted to one side. The beast was nearly three times as tall as she was and heavily muscled. The wings snapped out as its head twisted and followed her movements with a low hissing sound. She made it to a set of rocks and clambered behind them before crawling along with her stomach pressed against the ground. What had happened? Where was she? What had allowed that thing to come out of hiding?! Fear knotted her stomach as she inched her way towards a direction she hoped would bring freedom. The sound of scrabbling claws followed close at her heels as the creature used one spurred foot to claw between the rocks looking for her.

It was like something out of one of her books. She was trapped by some monstrous beast in a cave that was likely in the mountains. It was a story she'd read a hundred times, except it couldn't be happening. It was impossible. If she was dreaming she should be saved by some sleek scaled hero coming to challenge the beast. She twisted and wriggled between to rocks as her generous figure had to try and thin down to get through. A hot blast of breath hit against her legs while she tried to kick and struggle past them. The hot feel of the air made her tense and go still. It was thick with the scent of reptile, not the warm spiced scent of a dragon, but a feral musk that flooded her senses.

Sssssssee you. The voice hissed out at her. Come out, come out and plaaaaay.

The last was spoken in a sing song voice before a hot thick tongue pushed up against her bare scaled legs. She yelled out and tried to kick back only to feel it twining around one of her legs. She set her claws against the rock to try and keep herself in place as the tongue pulled at her leg. The slippery saliva coated over her while she twisted and pulled harder. The hot rancid breath of reptile blasted into the small opening between the cave wall and rocks as he struggled with her. Her heart pounded against her chest as she imagined the feel of teeth shredding her vulnerable skin. The jerks loosened her hold on the rocks until she felt her talons dragging over them. Her tail lashed back against the muzzle as she writhed and twisted against the attack. The cockatrice suddenly yanked back and she felt herself drug into the light before a massive clawed foot slammed down over her back. The black talons rested almost against her shoulders and side as the weight pushed roughly down against her. The scales along the bottom of the foot pinched against her back as she kicked and pushed against the ground trying to push it off.

"LET ME GO!" She screamed out and heard her own words bouncing around the strange cave.

Sssss.... Ripe... The words hissed out before she felt the tongue against her neck and the saliva coating her scales.

"I want to go home! Let me go!" The words came out in a chocked sound as the tongue flicked up and suddenly slathered over her muzzle.

The rank scent of reptile flooded her nose and she started to gasp softly for breath. Her chest felt tight as the weight shifted over her and the slender muzzle bumped and jabbed against her. The examination was humiliating and painful as sharp teeth scraped against her scales and pulled them. The wetness from the tongue spread over her leaving her feeling sickeningly filthy. Her breasts were shoved down against the cold rock letting her feel just how naked she was. It was going to eat her. It was going to tear into her and eat her alive. She didn't even know what was going on! Was it a dream? Was it reality? Was it some in between place where her death could be real if she died in dreams?

It wasn't until she felt something hot splashing down against her shoulders that she realized the creature had other thoughts on its..his mind. Her eyes rolled back to see a slimy cock pushing out from a genital slit. It was heavily marked with ridges as the act of being pushed out spilled out thick syrupy goo. It was larger than anything she had ever seen, bestial, without the remotest hint of something she was familiar with and some of that wetness was spilling out against her. The wetness marred her back as she felt the tail wrapping itself around her ankles as it panted in her scent. The hot rank breath brushed against her side as the foot lifted upwards.

"Please..don't..." She choked out the words and squeezed her eyes shut.

The cockatrice moved above her and she heard his claws dragging against the ground before it yanked her up by the legs. The tail dug in against her muscles as she was forced into the air and twisted around. She shouted out and wrinkled her lips back in a snarl before the appendage snapped again. She knew a moment of weightlessness as the motion threw her body across the cave until she hit the wall with a sickening sound. Her head hit against the rock before a massive body crashed in against her. One clawed foot dug in against her hip until she felt her scales being pierced while she was forced onto her stomach again.

The hot thick scent of the beast was in her nostrils as she screamed out only to feel the weight shove down against her. The chest pushed up against her shoulders and she tried to pull forward. Wings mantled blocking out her view of the cave wall. She felt something heavy pushing up against the curve of her ass and felt nauseated. A hot drop of precum drooled out and then dribbled along the base of her tail. She could feel it sliding against her ass as she choked out a denial. The cockatrice was going to rape her!

The form twisted and arched about her, the head sliding up until she felt it gripping behind her neck and scruffing her. The teeth sank in against her scales until she felt them being crushed against the sensitive curve of her neck. Her head was forced backwards in an arch as she spread her jaws. The hips moved behind her and rocked slightly so she could feel the cock grinding against her. The drops of precum spilled and were rubbed off on her scales while the beast let out several lewd grunts. It wasn't long before she felt the slippery tip rubbing up against her inner thighs, grazing along the smaller scales until she was twisting herself around and clenching her tail down tighter in an attempt to protect herself. She felt the cock tip jab against her tail and felt a moment of triumph at thwarting the beast.

The jaws on the back of her neck shifted, spreading open wider until they gripped her neck itself. The teeth biting against the curve of her neck so that her next breath came as a wheeze and the jaws tightened again until she barely was able to suck in the next breath. Lydia thrashed against the ground wildly, trying to get another breath in only to feel the teeth clenching tighter stopping her from sucking in any air. They pinched off her air way until her was forced to freeze in an attempt to get air in. Instead of mercy the teeth clamped down until she felt hot blood spilling around the fangs.

Her eyes bulged in her terror and she struggled with her tail lashing against the haunches. She forgot the probing tip as her body tensed up and her tongue protruded out. Through it all her tail snapped and relaxed as the need to breath overwhelmed every thought in her mind and it wasn't until the tapered hard tip pushed up against her folds and the jaws relaxed was she able to draw in a breath. The breath came out as a sob as the cock tip ground up against her folds. Her muscles tensed as she squeezed her eyes shut. The creature was massive! He was going to kill her trying to fuck her.

The tail wrapped round one of her leg and jerked it out so that she felt the tip starting to dig in against her. The tip pried open her outer lips and then she felt the jaws tense before he slammed forward. The beast gave her no chance to brace herself or try to get ready. The ridged cock pierced into her body and tore her passage open as his crushing weight kept her pinned against the ground. She shrieked out in pain while her vision wavered for a moment. She felt as if her loins were on fire while he burrowed deeper inside of her. Her stomach was forced to distend in a sickening way to make room for the too large shaft.

The cockatrice rumbled and snarled above her. Hot drops of drool spilled down as she choked out a sob and felt her walls contracting around him. The only thing that made it bearable was the fact she couldn't see how he was ruining her. The hot drops of precum that drooled out were forced out around his cock as the ridges slammed in. Her body twitched and jerked with pain as she dug her claws against the ground. She tried to drag herself forward only to feel a sudden jerk that stuffed her even further. The bruised inner muscles were being shoved aside to the point that she wanted to scream out in surrender. She'd do anything, say anything to make this stop. The creature's cock hadn't been made for her and she wasn't made for him. He forced it to fit heedless of the pain and injury it caused her. The beast didn't thrust or buck into her with furious feral desire, it seemed more intent on making sure she knew what each inch felt like. Each time a ridge popped into her she muffled a scream, the ridge ran over her g-spot or worse pinched against her clit until her legs kicked in the air.

She knew not all that wetness was his, her body was torn and she could smell coppery blood on the air. He used the blood with his precum to force his way ever inwards. His cock was growing thicker all the time until she felt the plump outer lips thinning down in an attempt to hold on around him. Would he keep going until she was torn in two? Would he fuck her to death and then nibble up the pieces. Her tears rolled down her muzzle as she choked back scream after scream. Her muscles jerked slightly as the scaled body shifted above her.

The only noise was the obscene sound of shallow panting heard and when her eyes caught sight of the muzzle she saw the twin tipped tongue lolling out of his jaws. The hot breath hit against her shoulder as he grunted and rumbled in his pleasure. His haunches spread wide around her body as he gave a sudden jerk of his hips and she felt her body tearing even more. She shrieked out only to feel the jaws twisting against the back of her neck forcing her to stop it.

The scales pinched and pulled at her body, gripping against her own scales and flexing against her. The hips suddenly drew back and she found a new torture as the ridges popped out of her torn body. She let out a soundless scream as her walls contracted and clenched in reaction. Each one of those ridges pulled out of her, stroking over the precum soaked silken walls. The blood splashed out with his own contributions as her stomach cramped down. The thrust inwards though just brought out a flash of pain as more shoved into her and she felt something shifting inside of her channel. It bumped up against her cervix before the great creature hissed out and tensed up and started sharp short shallow thrusts against her. The thicker base bumped almost against her folds, but he didn't try to go any deeper then what he already was. Each tug back made her body clench down almost painfully tight as if molding around him. His tapered cock tip jabbed mercilessly against her cervix causing her stomach to cramp. And then she felt it.

Lydia felt something dig against her cervix, at first she thought the tip of him was about to slam into her but it felt different. It was hard, slender and it rubbed against the opening and slipped into her causing her to jerk her head back. The sense of penetration and the hard shaft that pushed past that barrier sent waves of panic through her. He was going to rape her to death! That was just the start, he'd slam in next and destroy her completely. Her shriek came out louder as the great cockatrice hissed out his pleasure and gave a sharper thrust that melded the base of him against her folds. The crown of his cock pushed up against her cervix, she felt it digging against her as the thin spine speared into her womb itself making her arch her body. It was as if it had been held in a pressured sheath and only now was triggered to be let loose with full force.

Her eyes were wide, bulging she tried to twist herself back and forth. The stab hit inside of her and suddenly something sharp pierced higher up in her stomach. She threw her head back as she gaped her jaws. Something had been torn deep inside of her, but she didn't know what he'd broken. She couldn't figure out what was in her, but the base of him was swelling out and growing larger. The base swelled wider and wider as it shoved up against her outer folds. The beast didn't try to shove inside of her instead he held still. She squeezed her eyes shut trying to stop the choking sobs. She could feel his cock bulging her stomach out against the ground. Her entire body was stretched so wide her legs ached being held apart. Suddenly he rolled his hips a bit harder and the spine that had impaled her pulled backwards. Something warm and liquid eased over the area she'd been stabbed and she relaxed slightly.

Deep inside of her the cockatrice's ovipositor had struck hard and true. The sharpened tip had jabbed deep enough to tear through her fallopian tubes and torn into the ovary itself. His body pulled the precious ova out and empty them into her womb destroying part of her forever. The warmth of the eggs spilled in her womb spread as he pulled back. The hook on the tip of the spine caught against the torn flesh pulling it in on itself to help seal it. Lydia dropped her chin against the rock as she willed this to be over. She tensed up before she felt the beast shift and let out a low groan. The cock pulsed and jerked inside of her while before the tip erupted. Something hot and sticky splattered out into her body while she retched in disgust at the animal's seed. She choked off her sobs as her body spasmed around the cock and tightened. That's when she realized that the creature wasn't simply content with raping her.

Something shifted and pushed up against her torn outer lips as the hips rocked back and forth. A bulge formed and spread it larger before shoving up against her. The bulge pushed up along her folds made it feel as if she were being split in two again while her legs spread open all the wider. At first she thought he was trying to force his knot inside of her, but the rippling of silken flesh over the orb made her realize it was something more sinister. It was trying to push something inside of her!

It was roughly as large as a orange and seemed more like an oval then fully round. It spread her open and started to force her body to stretch around it. It passed along the cock as she panted shallowly and scrabbled against the ground with her feet. The beast groaned and gave shallow thrusts, the coils clenching over her back and ass until it was almost painful, but not enough to distract from the ovid pushed up against her cervix. Not enough to distract her from the fact she could feel her body starting to be forced open around the orb.

The tender flesh forced open more than it ever should be apart from birth as the ovid pushed through it. She felt terror as another bulge was starting at the base and shoved against her. She kicked against the ground and tried to push him away, but the cockatrice only ground his hips up more firmly. As it spread her outer lips open she could feel the one against her cervix starting to gain ground into her womb. The bulge seemed stuck in her cervix and a tear rolled out of her eyes before a sharper thrust from the animal forced it past the strained barrier. She could feel it popping into her as she let out an animalistic noise. The weight thudded in her lower belly as whatever it was erupted from the very tip of the spine and stretched her womb. She twisted and writhed back and forth as she snapped at the air.

Lydia's terror came at her in waves, being held down in raped by the beast had been horrifying, but this had taken on a new level. She could feel another egg pushing into her, worse she felt another pushing just behind it as the beast seemed intent to fit more than one inside of her. Herlegs kicked at the air as she arched her back and pulled at the tail gripping her ankle. Her walls ached, they bruised and it felt as if he were ripping her in two when the third egg forced it's way in and the fourth soon after. The beast's groans and lewd grunts were heard in her ears, ringing in them to the point that she couldn't block them out any more. It was a further humiliation to her as she felt his tip jabbing at her cervix, shifting the spine that had pierced into her womb before the ovid pushed through her aching cervix. The bruised flesh being shoved aside again so that all she could manage was a whimper and feel the horror of her stomach stretching out wider and wider to make room for the bulges.

She could put together what it was, she knew that some species laid eggs with both sexes. The male could lay eggs, but the idea of the animal planting his eggs inside of her drove every other thought besides terror out of her. She kicked and struggled, twisted and snarled her rage towards him as the fourth shoved inside of her and the hot splash of wetness started to add to the mix within her belly. A horrifying feeling of pins and needles had started to form along her stomach each time he let out a rush of fluid inside of her. The fourth egg started to push against her cervix just as another pushed along her abused folds, the edges of the straining outer lips reddened with trying to deal with the intrusions.

The beasts hips jerked harder against her, the fourth egg being pushed into her soon pushing against the other three eggs as her lower belly started to feel more then full. It was straining the skin over them so that she was rounding out, not just with the ovids but by the constant globs of heated thick wetness that was splashing out into her to cushion around them. Her paws kicked at the air as the fifth rubbed along her clenching and squeezing passage so that her tongue hung out of the corner of her beak. The beast gripping her groaned out as his thrusts started to grow harder and faster, rubbing the ovipositor through her cervix stimulating her abused body.

The cockatrice lifted its jaws from her bruised neck and shoulder before shrieking out its own victory cry. The sound was accompanied by sudden hot globs of something thick and heavy in her womb. Lydia dropped her head down and felt the tears spilling along her muzzle as the gel pooled inside of her swollen womb. Her stomach was stretched taught with the vile clutch of eggs as the beast hissed down at her. He made no move to pull his cock free, instead he started to drive his hips purposefully forward. Deep inside the dragoness the gel like eggs that had been pushed into her absorbed her own ova. They cannibalized them to fuel their own rapid growth to breed a new generation. The pins and needles sensation grew as they latched onto her womb and started to send small veins out to tap into her strength and what nutrition she could offer them. The thick heavy gel the cockatrice had pumped out gave them the energy needed to conquer the foreign uterus.

"Stop...p..please.." The dragoness heard her voice come out rough from her screams. The cock stirred inside of her body.

Sssss stop when you're dead. I still have more eggs and they'll need food when they hatch... The serpentine voice slithered out as she felt the hard spine of the ovipositor pulling backwards.

Lydia felt her stomach turn cold at the words that made the sick promise. When she was dead? The hips pushed forward and forced her torn walls to stretch again as her gravid form was rocked against the ground. Her scream died in her throat as the cockatrice started all over again. Only this time her abused flesh was being nearly rubbed raw as one massive clawed foot trapped her legs. And if what he said was would be the first of many times...

~ ~ * ~ ~

The fall air in the park was muffled under the thick rolls of fog where a crystalline creature crouched above. One of his hands was pressed against her chest as her body shuddered and twitched against the ground. Cauchemar drew in the sweetness of her nightmares and terror as fuel for the hellish alchemy that had created it. It raped her dreams and fondest stories to twist it into something that damned her to hell within her own mind.

The grinning skull held a pair of sickly green glowing eyes as it skimmed her thoughts and memories from her mind. It would feed until the sun came to banish him back to the earth. To the world only a few hours would pass by, but to Lydia days and weeks of hellish rape and the slow devouring by parasitic eggs would draw out what it needed from her. By dawn she would be barely more than a dried corpse as he took everything from her. Her knowledge would let the nightmare pass through the modern world undetected. He would be able to hide his true form, both from common eyes and those few who still touched magic. And the world was waiting for him. A world of endless victims and feedings.