
Story by anarchy_wolf on SoFurry

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By Anarchy Wolf

French ivory white tail tip fluttered and paced about from under a secretaries desk. A minute ago she'd let one of her pens roll off the desk. Two minutes after she went looking for it, it had become obvious to the lone, patient spectator waiting and watching the curious kitten from his chair, that she was now on an adventure under the depths of her mahogany desk. Though her business attire constrained her well endowed, soft chest a bit too well, she still persevered in picking through computer wires and finding her fifth envelope, seventh blue inked pen, fourth black inked pen and a kings ransom in crumpled business cards and sticky notes of business men who'd proposed meeting Chrissy outside of the stuffy office and out in a casual ritzy dining setting.

Finally popping her pink haired head up with a bright eyed and satisfied expression upon her face, she crawled into her spinning, bouncy chair, turned and plopped into it and dropped her bounty of dusty papers and pens on her desk. Immediately, she'd begun to organize the utensils, paying no mind to the shouting and breaking of costly vases and other such fragile decoratives behind the large, heavy double doors she sat before. The barking and growling of the two wolves in her boss's office was no surprise as the young silver grey wolf who stalked in did not look as though he had come on a pleasure trip. Lifting her pink, translucent eyes from her work, the realization of something particular about this appointment without an appointment. That the curiously serious young man had a weighted hockey stick resting over his shoulder.

Rolling this over in her mind and perhaps the popping of her head in to see if Mr. Dagger needed any assistance, she brushed the idea away. Mr. Dagger always became stern and demanding towards her when she'd speak without him speaking to her first. The first time she'd been scolded for it, she became cross as any feline would after being told what she can and could not do. Eventually she rolled with it to avoid trouble and when she abided his rules he was as pleasant as a spring breeze... well. As pleasant as a man who'd been rumored to have organized crime connections anyway. She'd worked numerous summers as Mr. Dagger's secretary while his full-time girl went on vacation and never had trouble with the man. He paid well, he brought her lunch or ordered for her when he stepped out for the day and even set up a limo to take her home when she worked late for him! She doubted her father had this much pull with her friend, the two being fairly close friends in college, but maybe he did! There was even occasional flirtatious promises wagged in her face of becoming a model! He would often compliment her though, not with words.

Smiling happily in her comfortable seat, wiggling her hips and butt back into the chair as her palms smoothed down from under her breasts and down over her knee-high skirt and she prepared to get back to organizing her treasure. However, now the double doors to Mr. Dagger's door flew open, rattling the hinges and out stormed the young wolf with the hockey stick once more. Kitty, recovering her senses bid farewell regardless of that dangerous look in his deep, green eyes. The young wolf paused hearing her small, cheerful voice and turned to stare at her. His fangs had been gritting to the bone in a wolfish snarl, his nose wrinkled as though he were prepared to tear the throat out of the closest mammal. Now, however, slowing in his stride he turned partway to look at Chrissy with a look of mild surprise in his widened eyes. Stopping only a few steps from the elevator, his hazel emerald eyes seemed to be absorbing Chrissy's impressive form. Chrissy's eyes too took note of the details she could make out in the young wolf. His shoulders broad, she could see the strength outlined in the tight and tattered t-shirt he wore and as the two interspecies rivals silently gawked at one another, she could see his shoulders relax from their previously predatorily hunched position. Finally, Chrissy offered a second renewed smile and wave. The wolf too grinned and offered a silent nod in greeting and goodbye, stepping into the elevator that had just arrived.

Then, out came Mr. Dagger, fuming and salivating as he yelled. His eyes blood shot, his fangs openly revealed as he yelled. He didn't even seem to mind the thick strings of drool that kicked and dangled from his lupin maw as he shouted.

"-no idea how much these things cost!? I'll have your stupid mick ass in a sling by the end of the day, mark my words!" Mr. Dagger's suit was an absolute mess. His jacket's button had been lost along with a few top bottons upon his shirt's collar. Though the man was fully dressed, Chrissy and the appointment in waiting could tell the businessman was tense with frustration and on the verge of tears. Whatever that young wolf had set in to do, it seemed that he'd gotten it with a bit of kicking and screaming from her employer. Chrissy looked back to the young wolf who was now in the elevator. His kind smile he'd given Kitty now gone and instead a somber expression upon his unreadable face. Squinting.. Chrissy now found the elevator had not been empty when it had arrived. To the wolf's right stood an almost identical female though her lips wore a self-satisfied smirk, her cloudy grey eyes boring into the seething Mr. Dagger while completely ignoring Kitty's gaping at the two.

Mr. Dagger, finally acknowledging Kitty ceased his complaining and empty threats and merely grit the back of his teeth together. The words caught in his throat died in a frustrated bark he let out which shook the thick glassed windows.

"Kitty! Cancel my day's appointments and get the fuck in my office! NOW!"

Chrissy's lower lip quivered a moment in sudden helplessness, glanced to the two wolves in the elevator while the doors silently slipped shut. Just before the two disappeared however, she saw something odd. Perhaps it was a trick of the light against the wolve's eye but she could see he had spared another glance to her, a curious gauging look that caused her ears to perk in her own curiosity. This erased any feelings of sudden fear she'd felt just a second ago and set her on her usual bubbly path.

"Kitty! Do NOT make me repeat myself!"

"Aye aye!" Kitty chirped cheerfully back. She rescheduled the shaken appointment , bent over her desk and shut off her PC and strolled into Mr. Dagger's large suite office.

It was strange how much cooler Mr. Dagger's office was compared to the rest of the building. His thick husky like fur would probably be the answer to the 'why' she mused as she quietly turned and closed the two heavy doors behind her. She could feel the heavy gaze of Mr. Dagger's upon her more sensual parts, picking and groping with his eyes. This somewhat unsettled the kitten as his gaze was usually weighted over her shoulder to see the satisfactory progress she made with the minor paperwork he let her handle. However, more and more these days she felt it slipping down into her cleavedge, feeling out her hips, down past her plump feline butt and down her strong and taut legs. This on top of Mr. Dagger's new, furious tone he took with her was the result of his carefully kept office torn asunder. Only now did Chrissy realize that her boss's paper spindle was protruding from the door; a clean throw and easily penetrated the hard wood as if it were basic sheet-rock. Papers scattered along the floor, chairs tossed and a guest table turned over and glass sprinkled around it. How she had not heard Mr. Dagger's expensive wide screen computer monitor hit the ground beside his desk she hadn't the foggiest. As Kitty carefully stepped around the glass, approaching the boss's thick mahogany desk it became apparent there was a large, rough, dip in the surface as if a small bowling ball had been dropped from a frightening height in its place moments earlier. Looking over her chest as she stood over it she found it was a bloodied fist mark.

Shimmering pink slit pools rose, her lower lip moved during a startled breath before she saw her boss slouching back in his large swiveling business chair. His tie being loosened, his jacket already discarded and his legs spread while his hard reddened eyes locked on her. She'd never seen him so flustered or this agitated before. "Get down here." he'd growl. Kitty shook her head as if she hadn't heard him correctly, then tilted to one side before feigning a smile of confusion.

"P-pardon --"

"Between my legs. Now." he gestured with a thick, curled finger. Swallowing hard, Kitty swivelled her hips around the corner of the desk and uncomfortably began to lower herself upon her butt before she was smacked by an open palm over the top of her pink haired head.

"On your knees!" he barked, and she wiggled until she caught her balance upon her knees down between his spread thighs. Wetting her dried lips she looked up at him from below her lightly pink powdered eyelids. Her lips began to form words, but they became caught in her throat as she saw something she hadn't dreamed of. Without any celebration or announcement, a half flaccid, foreign looking wolf cock was fished out of her open boss's trousers. The red, pointed tip flicked and laid in his palm as he gave it a couple tugs causing a lewd dribble to land on Kitty's naked breast tops.

With an unsure and confused reaction, she began to pull away as that warm canine musk was rubbed in her face. Uttering a soft whine of disapproval, the back of her head was held before being hugged downward between his thick thighs. That musky mating device was mussing her cheeks with his leaky pre, his scent clogging her nose and laid heavy upon her prickled feline tongue as she tried to utter another soft squeal. That is until he began to growl again, and she froze with her mouth open, allowing her boss to direct his disgusting cock into the feline's mouth like a professional. His organ laid there, spitting watery pre into her cheeks inner lining, weighing in upon her slender tongue before her mind snapped out of it's panicked funk and she slowly began to roll his member about in her mouth. Before too long, her Mr. Dagger began to relax in his seat.

She didn't know how or why it had happened, but after a few minutes she found herself going through the motions. Her palms lightly gripping the tops of Mr. Dagger's legs, her mouth and lips consuming his bumpy canine cock; rolling up and down it, not leaving an inch uncoated with feline saliva and his pre. Her amateur tongue licked and rolled up and down it's sides while she serenaded his lap with the wet sounds of her mouth sucking her boss's cock all the way back so he may spit pre upon her tonsils. After some time, he had lit a cigar and was leisurely sneering, admiring the smoke as he exhaled through his wet, black nostrils as the young secretary blew him.

"I'm going to give you some advice, Kitty." he took a deep breath as he felt the feline's nose press all the way down into his crotch fur which made his toes curl in his expensive shoes. "Ughn... mm. Thatta' girl-.." he'd growl with a more self-satisfied sneer than she was used to seeing. "I don't know what you've been told, but if you accept a favor from a man, you are expected to return it. Now.." he adjusted himself in his seat, his free paw's fingers entwined in Kitty's strong pink locks as he grinned, looking down into her gorgeous face now smeared with his cock's juice, her lips glossed with his pre and her spittle that were wrapped around his grown-man's dick.

Moving his fairly wide shoulders back into his seat he slouched even further, pressing his newly fished out sac against his young secretaries breasts that smooshed against his seat's bottom. Taking another thick pull from his cigar he continued.

"Now when a friend helps you in a less than legal way to build a well-to-do business centered empire in the United States, it is only natural to want to show an undying amount of gratitude! Right? Of course." the plume of smoke left his pointed maw as he tensed a moment, Kitty's mouth flew off his dick as she coughed and hacked, gagging as she was practically strangled by a thick dollop of pre-cum that clogged her slender throat. Smirking down upon Kitty, her face was buried once again with the assistance of his paw on the back of her head. "However, a friend can only go for so long in said favor. The gratitude hasn't died but-ughn.." Mr. Dagger straightened his legs out beside Kitty, his toes curling in his expensive wingtip shoes again as his red pointed cock tensed within the feline's mouth. She had changed up her pace to constantly pick up and drop her mouth in his lap, polishing his cock quicker however messier as he could feel the saliva pooling on top of his soaked boxer threads. "-but having to feed his miserable tempered bastard son money gets old when the mutt hits his eighteenth year.." a heavy sigh left his mouth as his head dropped back, feeling a familiar tension grow and cause his mature wolfen sac to pull up. Groaning, his strong fingers entangled in the young feline's hair as he began to tug her down upon his cock causing sloppy whimpers and muffled myuus to orchestrate around his doggie dick.

It was all becoming too much. As Mr. Dagger spoke, his mind became more and more clouded by the pink smoke of hot cardinal lust as it all began registering to him. For months he'd fantasized of having this young and shapely secretary polishing his cock as he sat through meetings, as he gave announcements or even to kill time on limo trips to and from work. The only thing that had kept him from acting upon these wishes was his acquittance from college, her runt of a step-father. However after seeing how he had acquired such a smoking hot daughter, how could he say no to letting her work for him!? And now here she was, between his fist thick knees bobbing her head in his lap, sucking canine dick like a pro while her lips slurped away in a sweet erotic serenade. Finally, he grit his teeth and tugged her head back, growling through a deep throated groan. "Ughn.. God. Kitty- over the desk." he grunted, fishing his entire package now through his zipper as he began to stand up. Kitty rolled back upon her butt, her face speckled with thick pre that flicked off his cock tip, her mouth an absolute beautiful mess of pre and spittle around her mouth. She started to stand and tried to put some distance between Mr. Dagger and herself before his paw came around, gripping her shoulder with more urgency than she'd expect which coaxed a squeal to raise in her gunked throat as she was toppled over his desk.

Kitty had always took great strides in her fur care and if she could have seen the way her proud, canine pre speckled chest now mashed into the strained material of her business attire with she might shed a tear. Elbows used to elevate her buxom feline body a bit as she tried to breath fresh air rather than the thick musk from her boss's lap. Meanwhile, Mr. Dagger's paws disappeared as they pushed that skirt up and immediately slid down to grasp and tuck four fingers into the loop of her thong that concealed her tender parts. With a couple tugs the flimsy material gave way and ripped right off the poor feline leaving her with a bare peach of an ivory butt facing the older man. With a look of bewilderment she tenderly took her thumb and forefinger, touching her fragile feline jaw just to confirm the ache, completely oblivious to her boss's new anti-thong policy. Soft finger tips grazed the fur and flesh that masked her jawbone while coming across spittle and semen matted fur. As if just realizing what had happened, she placed a palm down upon the hard mahogany desk to twist her torso around before she felt a rude, slick butting at her exposed hindquarters.

Kitty's natural instinct flared a moment, her claws pinching little holes into the wooden surface she was strewn upon; lip lifted in a ferocious snarl of warning, revealing tiny house cat decedent fangs. Alas, it was far too late. Mr. Dagger's fist was wrapped around gnarled cock, red with blood and a misdirected rage and frustration. That drooling, pointed cock had already begun to gloss those long neglected of affection labia petals before he settled his free paw upon the contour of his protesting secretary. "What's wrong?" he said with a sneer, his aim settled at the source of that feline scent that was causing his lupin maw to salivate. "Don't you want to be famous?" Kitty froze and Dagger took this opportunity. He snarled, his hips coming forward as Kitty could feel her tender, pink slit being pried open by that veined, disgusting mating device of canines. Her body gave a hard shudder, her knees collapsing partway for one hot moment as she felt that moist, thick wolf cock split her prestigious pink pride. Choking on her own breaths, Kitty's head nodded in a limp, lifeless manner, her translucent pink eyes weak and heavy lidded as the tried to draw breath. She could feel deep inside of her the throbbing of that grown man's foreign length, slowly gaining distance inside of her inexperienced loins.. She could feel every sickening injection of that wet doggy pre and each shot sent a small hot shock through her spine, causing her to arch at her hips, pushing back into him involuntarily. "Ughn.. Gawd.." she complained.

Dagger grinned maddly over the feline. His paw upon her hip, gauging how tense she was by squeezing her waist, seeing her muscles relaxed some slightly as he neared burying himself showing some type of surrender. Good enough for him. His wolfish grin only pulled back further as he arched his back, putting his ALL into a hilting thrust! His strong, muscular pelvis smacked against Kitty's naked upturned and openly flaunted ass. Standing over his secretary, firmly holding her he relished the feeling of his naked testicles resting against the insides of her taut, strong feline thighs. Grinning in satisfaction with himself, taking it in that he was on top, in control and dominant. Reassuring his grip upon her, he sawed his length slowly back, listening over the drone of the cool air being manufactured and pushed through the air vents, he could hear the sticky and slick sounds of that interracial sex as he slowly would pull his length away from his young secretary. He could feel the juices of that moist feline cunny clinging to his throbbing prick, desperately trying to stay attached to him. And so it began. One paw gripped one of Kitty's slender shoulders, causing the feline to moan in question as her back was forced to arch awkwardly while another cramming thrust was delivered to her body, propelling yet another hiss from Kitty's mouth.

With two paws Kitty clutched onto the cluttered desk for baring. One breast pancaked down into the hard brown wood, smearing the cum that had been thrown atop her breasts into papers and rolling pencils. Her other breast rocked and bounced freely in rhythm with her jerking body as her boss took her, rapidly building speed. Before too long she could feel his hips like a strong jackhammer against her plump butt; small healthy waves crawled up from the contact point of his wet spotted trousers impact against her juicy rump only to end just below her waist. Only after ten minutes of this harsh, rapid pounding did Dagger release Kitty's shoulder in favor of a stronger two pawed grip upon her waist, slamming himself home to tickle his pointed tip against her limits.

Dagger's tip spit more and more pre to coat Kitty's pink velvet lining though by the look in his fang gnashing expression, he would be relentless in the domination of this feline. Lifting his right foot he stepped closer into Kitty's bent over body while his paws tugged her into him to receive each of his thrusts with an extra, "Oomph!". Saliva drooled from the corner of his mouth as his nose wrinkled in a snarl; his prick throbbing with the absolute need to punish this feline for being the closest, weakest and beautiful teenager in the company. His eyes narrowed, looking at the back of Kitty's bouncing pink hair as he drilled her even harder now, making damn sure she felt how thick he was getting as she yowled in a curious ecstacy shining through the thick slime of humiliating disgust she felt towards this borderline rape.

Kitty's head nodded, her eyes closed as her lower jaw hung agape, moaning shamelessly now as she felt her boss's prick swelling inside of her. In a daze she began to shake her head 'No' but she couldn't annunciate the words. The only sounds she'd make were moans and squeals, her volume jumping every time Dagger would drive into her body so hard her entire body would lurch over the desk. "Ughn- oh god~!" she'd manage to get out before her body suddenly convulsed! Grasping the edge of the desk, her ragged breaths now filled with voice. Loud moans began to echo through the tattered office as Kitty arched her back, her chest now on full display before Dagger's paws came up to grasp those soft, heavy mounds, holding himself against his secretary's back as she shuddered a hot, wet, slick feline orgasm all over his pulsating member.

"God DAMN yes.." Dagger hissed between his clenched fangs, pounding at Kitty's bouncing, sweat matted ivory butt, watching it bounce as he used her vice-like cunny to milk himself inside of his submitting paper-work-slave. With a snarl he threw his head back, growling, "Cum all over it, baby.. You're all mine now!" he claimed as his cock could not take another moment inside of her. Yanking himself from his little secretaries cunny (followed by a slightly unflattering flutter of that feline's petals) he grasped his throbbing angry wolf cock and unleashed all over his feline assistant's apple bottom rump. Thick ropes thrown over to be soaked into her upturned dress's frill while most hit on mark, matting the poor feline's once soft, now sweat drenched fur and flesh upon her ass and lower back. Slowly, Dagger came down from his high but his dominant, wide smirk remained as he looked over the feline who couldn't seem to stop her legs from shaking. Bringing down his paw upon her butt, causing it to jump slightly even after it began to caress and smear his musky cum into her flesh.

"This is your senior year, isn't it?" he casually asked as he tucked his slimy, limp and retreating cock back into his trousers, zipping up as he stood upon his toes and let himself fall back to his heels in an almost relieved, childish way. "You come back here once a week and we'll see about making you into a model.. You hear me, Chrissy?" he asked her, seeing as she hadn't moved her head to look at him.


She didn't know when she had snapped out of her dazed stare, but when she did all she saw was Mr. Dagger's back disappearing down the hall and into the elevator with his suit jacket slung over an arm. From there she could tell, even in the split second he turned around while the doors slid shut there was a predominant stain upon the groin of his trousers. Curious she thought.. until the air conditioners switched on to push cool air causing her still presented loins to steam. Suddenly feeling weak, she collapsed back into her boss's plush leather chair with sudden, disturbingly moist feeling. With a look of dismay, she slowly slipped a paw underneath herself. She'd sat in milk..? Sniffing it, she instantly hissed at the musky scent after pulling her head away from her contaminated finger. Confused and somewhat scared, she looked around the empty office only to discover her dress didn't fit right! Pulling at her top she found one of her small jacket buttons had popped off and her chest completly free. In an attempt to hide her shame and to dress herself, she soon found pink, tender bruises in the shapes of strong fingers, cupping from the bottom of her soft ivory breasts to her hardened nickle sized nipples.

Falling back into the milk-semen seat once again her mind was awash with sudden memories as if a distant dream was coming back to her. Mr. Dagger had called her into her office.. He was angry about something. And then she'd-.. Kitty touched her throat and found it tight making it hard to draw breath. Her other paw touched her face and found spots of her fur spiked and sticky with a foreign substance and now becoming washed with drooling tears down her fair ivory furred cheeks. She hadn't done something wrong, had she? What had made him so angry? Why would he have done that to her? She'd never seen Mr. Dagger so furious and flustered before! -wait. Flustered? He almost looked enraged and helpless as she could recall.

Kitty's mind rewound further back. She'd never seen Mr. Dagger anything but calm and collected. Always the smooth operator with his less than legal deals and two-timing deals. No one ever got a one-up on him as far as she knew. But that wolf.. That wolf in his office that afternoon. Mr. Dagger was tripping over his words. He was a sweaty, blathering mess, barking like a scared dog in the wake of an uninterested burglar.

He was scared to death of that boy with the green eyes.

"It's his fault." she whispered under her hoarse breath.

In the next two hours Chrissy brushed herself off and straightened her appearance to the best of her ability. She even took the liberty to straighten Mr. Dagger's desk out though she'd need to leave a notice to the filling in secretary that a new desk must be ordered to replace the damaged one. Shouldering her purse, Kitty strolled from work while she kept her mind focused on the good of the day. She'd finally been propositioned to become a famous model like she'd always wanted and now she'd have a new hobby in hunting down a particular wolf to make him answer for her humiliation.

Little did Mr. Dagger know that after today, his life expectancy has been cut by 55 years in exchange for a 35 minute act.

To be continued.