Ridden Hard (Commission for Eric the Bull)

Story by Darokko on SoFurry

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A commission for Eric_The_Bull whom Rut belongs to.

The bull appears to be getting very popular around the (leather) club scene.

Rut was perfectly aware of the irony of a bull in a leather club, but that hardly kept the stud from strutting with his leather crossed chest tossed out and a grin on his muzzle. The bull knew he looked good, and looks he got told him so. There were a few men loitering outside club's doors, the bull regarding them those that made eye contact with lopsided smile and a tilt of his cowboy hat. No, that wasn't lost on him either.

Rut's broad chest flexed as his thick arms swung with each step he took toward the entrance, an entrance guarded by a powerfully built and terribly intimidating grizzly bear. Rut's ego took a bit of a nose dive as he felt the bear's dark gaze look him up and down, the seemingly older male glowering at the bovine. As he approached, the bull's tail flicked nervously behind him and bear just crossed his arms over his bare chest.

"Can I help you?" The bear rumbled deeply down to Rut, the ursine a foot taller than him.

"Uh, yeah, just wanted to get in." Rut said, trying not to appear as anxious as he suddenly felt before the imposing mate.

The bear's eyes narrowed as he leaned forward, his nose nearly touching the bull's golden septum ring before snorting hard. Rut suddenly felt like he made a massive mistake, why the hell did he let that damn tall eared troublemaker talk him into this, 'It will be fun' he said, 'You'll love it.'

"You wanna go in, huh? Why should I let YOU in?" The bear growled into the bull's face with sharp frown.

Rut was at a loss for words even though his mouth tried to make them, his green eyes widening as he knew that this was most definitely a bad idea. Oh yeah, he was going to thrash the critter when he saw him again. As the bull grasped for a reason, the bear's muzzle cracked into a wide grin, letting out a fit of bellowing laughter as he leaned back from the bull.

"Oh man, the look on your face is priceless, boy." Said the bear in between hearty chuckles, holding his round and firm belly. Rut quickly went from tense to confused but, thankful the massive grizzly bear seemed harmless enough.

"Of course ya can go in handsome, and with a get up and body like that, those guys are really gonna enjoy you." Rut looked down at himself; he wasn't wearing anything too complex, black leather chaps hid the parts of his form fitting jeans that didn't matter, a simple harness crossed his chest and was secured with a metal ring in the center and a black Stetson perched between his horns topped it all off.

"Well, thanks." Rut said, his smile returning and his ego swelling a little.

"Listen, when the fellas are done with you in there..." The bear started, digging into his pocket and pulling what looked like a business card. "Gimme a call, I have a thing for cleaning up messes." Somehow, Rut knew by the way the bear was licking his lips and eyeing him that the ursine didn't mean traditional messes.

Before Rut could take the card, the bear smoothly slipped it into his back pocket then gave the bull's firm rump a tender grope.

"Yup, they are gonna enjoy you." The bear rumbled again before stepping aside and letting the bull enter the club.

The club was exactly what Rut expected it to be, intimate, dark, smoky and filled with men that were wearing things that could only be considered clothing on technicality. The bull snorted softly as the scent of raw, feral masculinity and sexual tension filled his nose and gave him a head rush. In the muted lighting he could feel eyes sizing him up and taking him in, a feeling that the bull relished.

Rut calmly made his way to the bar and took a seat and am empty stool between a brawny lion with a shaved mane and a skunk wearing nothing but leather pants. The bull called the bartender over, the handsome rat wore the most clothes out of everyone there with a shirt and jeans.

"What are ya having, new meat?" The rat asked casually, smirking up at the bull.

"Gimme a bourbon, please." Rut said, smiling back at the rodent before he left to prepare the drink.

"I see ya still have expensive taste." Said a voice behind the bull, who nearly spun himself out of his chair to see who it was. A familiar Clydesdale met the bull's gaze, clad in a vest that displayed his muscled chest and belly well.

"Henry? I didn't expect to see you here." Said Rut, grinning wide as the horse whom he met only a month ago sidled up next to him.

"What? Can't a stallion have a little fun, or did you expect me to drink for free at my own place?" Henry said, reaching up to give the bull's nose ring a soft flick. "To be fair I didn't expect to see you here either but, it makes sense."

"Whattaya mean it makes sense?" Asked Rut with a bit of a light aggression in his voice.

"Do I have to remind you?" Henry said lowly to the bull, the horse reaching down to needlessly adjust the hefty bulge in his pants to make his point.

"Fair enough." Said the bull shyly, taking his eyes off Henry's crotch to drink from the glass the rat bartender placed before him. Rut and Henry caught up for while, laughing and joking among themselves between people watching. Well, more like people gawking. Any lingering anxiety that Rut felt from his confusing encounter with the ursine bouncer had melted away with the help of familiar company and hard liquor.

"Hm, don't look now, but..." Henry started softly, tilting his muzzle to Rut's ear. "I think you might have caught someone's eye."

The bull cocked his head to the side and blatantly dismissing the Clydesdale's advice, turned to scan the shadowy club. He knew he had garnered some glances but, he was curious to who Henry was referring to.

"Behind my right shoulder, in the booth." Henry whispered and Rut looked. Just like the horse had said, reclined against the plush looking booth seating was a bare-chested, black and white ferret that he made eye contact with. The mustelid was slender and appeared a little short but, the bull could easily make out toned and taut muscles under the soft looking fur, even under the poor lighting. Pressed up close against the ferret's side was a huge Rottweiler, the canine looked like he could easily be a power lifter. The ferret's right paw was hidden by the table and seemed to be resting against the rottie's thigh, however, by the way the rest of his arm moved and the dreamy looking expression on the dog's face Rut could easily tell what has happening. Rut broke eye contact with the ferret and turned back to the Clydesdale who just grinned at him.

"C'mon, let's go say hi." Henry said with a smile, taking the bull's hand and tugging him over the booth before the bovine could argue. When Rut and Henry got close the Rottweiler seemed to perk up, going on alert .

"Henry, nice to see you." Said the ferret warmly as the equine moved within an ear shot. "And I see you have a friend."

"Yeah, this here is Rut, he's new here but, I'm sure you noticed." Henry said with a slight smirk, wrapping a thick arm around the bull's shoulder."

"Rut huh? I like it." The ferret said with a chuckle."I'm Quatermain. I would shake your hand but..." Quatermain lifted his paw from under the rottie's kilt. The black paw glistened, covered from wrist to claw tip with what the bull could only assume was precum.

"My boy Jack here has always been a messy pup." Said the ferret, leaning over to affectionately nuzzle the spot on the dog's neck that wasn't hidden by his thick collar. "So, what brings you here, Rut."

The bull shifted on his hooves as he felt the horse's thick hand trail down his back and give his tail a gentle tug before he spoke. "Well, I just wanted to try something new."

"Trying new things can be fun, I'm glad you chose this club." Said Quatermain as he stepped out of the booth. "You should know that we have bit of a tradition for newcomers around here."

The bull's green eyes narrowed a bit before he yelped in surprise as Henry's hand found its way past his waistband and gave Rut's ass a tight squeeze. The ferret, with his clean paw, deftly loosened the bull's fly, tugging the flaps open to reveal the bright blue jockstrap underneath.

"Hey look, Jack, he's wearing your favorite color." Quartermain said as turned back to his canine companion. The silent dog grinned and nodded, crawling out of the booth to get a closer look of the bull's package.

Rut felt overwhelmed as the three male's attention fell on him, however, a slight smirk crossed his muzzle as he drank it in. Henry's thick digits were already prodding between the bull's firm mounds, while Jack nosed and licked at his bulging jock before the rottie's thick muzzle closed around it, suckling though the musk saturated fabric. Quartermain grinned as he watched the bull's eyes slowly shut, allowing him to slowly ease Rut onto the table by his horns.

The bovine hadn't really minded the move, much too distracted by the Clydesdale yanking his pants and chaps away, and the rottie's warm saliva soaking though the pouch of his underwear. What he did notice was him being forced onto his back by the three men, his eyes opening to look at the ferret's smirking muzzle.

"Jack, be a good boy a prepare Rut for Henry will you?" Ordered Quartermain , who was in the process of peeling himself out of his skin tight pants. Jack nodded and barked softly as he moved himself between the bull's exposed rear and the horse's covered cock, the Rottweiler gripping Henry through his jeans before he plunged his muzzle between the bull's grey furred cheeks.

Rut yelped but, that quickly melted into a deep bellow, his eyes closing tightly as the dog's warm, soft and dripping wet tongue graced his tailhole, coating the ring with a thick layer of doggy saliva. The bull opened his eyes and tried to look down, but his vision was obstructed by the white furred, toned belly and stiff cock of the ferret who was straddling his lap. Quartermain moved the wet jockstrap to the side to allow the bull's erect member spring free from his straining cloth. Rut groaned in relief, then groaned even louder as he felt something hot and slick press firmly against the head.

From his position, Henry could see everything, the strapping horse shifting eagerly as the rottie's thick paw teased him though his jeans while he made the bull's hole slick and ready. The Clydesdale finally lost his patience as he watched the bull's cock slowly sink under the ferret's tail. He gave the Rottweiler's ear a gentle tug to stop his licking before opening his fly and tugging out his thick, meaty, mottled dick, hitting the dog with the earthy scent of his musk. Henry was already drooling pre in anticipation as he lined the already flaring tip of his cock against Rut's tight ring, snorting hotly as he gripped the bull's thighs tightly and shoved himself hard into the waiting tunnel.

Rut winced and bellowed out harshly, the sudden entrance hurt, but any pain was hastily drowned out by gratification. The bull's fingers gripped the sides of the surprisingly sturdy table, snorting hard as he tried to move his hips between the two men, but trapped between the powerful horse and a deceptively strong ferret. Quatermain's had taken him easily for such a little guy, the ferret letting his head roll back as he slowly bounced himself up and down on the bovine's lap, and if anyone happened to look closely, they could make out the bulge of Rut's cock pushing against his flat belly.

Quatermain panted hotly, reaching forward to grip Rut's horns for support as he rode the bull with wild abandon. His tunnel flexed and clenched around the thick invader, the ferret's teeth bared and brow furrowed as he took the deep penetration like a champ. Quatermain could feel the heavy breath on his neck from the thrusting stallion behind him, he would have nearly forgotten that he was sharing his conquest with another if wasn't for Henry's thrusting into the prone bull as Rut loosed a hot jet of precum inside him.

Jack stayed kneeled on the floor with his tail wagging and his kilt bulging obscenely. Despite not being part of the action, he was thankful for his up close view. He got to witness the stallion hammer his hot pillar of flesh into bovine's flexing and shuddering hole, a lewd mixture of equine precum and his own saliva drooled from under Rut's tail. Jack was impressed with the bull, taking the heavy Clydesdale's cock and even attempting the push back into it, however the ferret seemed to stop that. The rottie's eyes glanced up a few inches higher to watch Rut's dick disappear and reappear from the ferret's tight ass. The mustelid's bouncing grew to a feverish pace, pumping his hips up and down on the bull's length and making his own cock spurt a thick mess of pre over the Rut's chest.

The three men fucked like a well oiled machine, and judging by their loud and unhindered moans they were close to their destination. Rut was the first to erupt, the dual pleasure of the huge horse cock moving deep inside him and the tightly clenching ferret orifice around him was just too much on the bull. With a deeply pleasured moo, the bull came hard, shooting thick, hot ropes of bovine seed into Quatermain, his fingers digging groves into the edge of the table as his nerve endings were overloaded. The stallion and ferret were close behind, reaching their climax almost a second after Rut's. Henry snorted, bucking his hips roughly while his cock flared and pumped heavy spunk along Rut's quivering tunnel, nudging his shaft as deep as he could go inside the claimed bull. Quatermain growled, as much as a ferret could anyway, as the sensation of being filled to the brim with bull seed became too much for him, tossing his head back and groaning out louder than the other two as he fired a sticky and hot payload of ferret cream over the bull's chest and muzzle, covering the bovine with his scent.

The trio panted and rode out their climaxes together, taking labored breaths of the musk soaked air as their high slowly melted away and they returned to a chorus whistles and cheers. Rut looked up at the crowd now gathered around them, a familiar sight to the bull. Quatermain was the first to catch his breath and speak up, turning toward the crowd with a prideful smirk.

"Alright guys, this here is Rut!" Shouted the ferret. "He's one of us now so, I expect you to treat him as such."

Rut's cheeks went flush under his fur as he pushed himself up on his elbows, looking up at the ferret in his lap. "What does that mean?"

"It means they will wanna fuck you before the night is out." Jack interjected, pushing himself to his feet and yanking off his kilt with a snarl. Ruts eyes widened at the now naked dog, his muzzle hanging opened as his gaze drifted between the huge man's legs. "And I'm next."