
Story by Perrin Wolfbrother on SoFurry

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#1 of Predatory Lust

Sometimes, a chance meeting can bring to something.

Hey everyone,

I wrote this little something during these past days. It started as a little story, but then... it became too big for one post! So, I divided the story in three parts, and this is the first one. I am experimenting a bit with things I don't usually write, so I hope you will like it. Please, show me if you did with a fave , a comment or a vote. If you didn't, just live a comemnt, I am always open for good critics!

I must thank you Gritou once again, for being the best editor and fiancé there is

How is work going, big bro? 12.23am

Slow as always. Not a costumer in sight. 12.23am

Xander typed the text quickly, leaving the mysterious streams of the internet to bring his technological message in the bottle to his little sister. The jaguar lay down his smartphone, staring at the empty aisles of the 7 Eleven, waiting for his prey to be attracted by the very cheap prices of the merchandise. It was a very slow hour, but the night hours never were busy, his only costumers usually being kids trying to buy booze or sleepless lunatics.

The scrawny feline sighed, being utterly bored and feeling useless, his usual mood when at work. The pay was shit, but at least it was something in this economy, and it was worth all the hours of dull nothingness. The familiar vibration shook his phone, making him smile a little.

That sucks big bro :( But I am here to keep you busy! ;-) 12.25am

Beth was like that, always trying to cheer him up and happy, even if hundreds of miles separated them. His little sister wasn't little anymore, already starting her first year of college, but she hadn't forgotten him, and always sent him hundreds of text a day, as she had done since he had been disowned by his parents, five years ago.

What are you going to do? Send ninja cats to assault my Fortress of Borish Solitude? 12.26 am

The spotted cat resumed his lonely watch, from time to time gazing at the monitors of the security cameras, as he was trained to do. He had another two hours on his shift, then it would be Shirley to man the counter, while he would shuffle to his apartment for some well earned sleep. His paws moved on their own when the phone gave signs of life again, still vibrating in his paw.

Look out for cutesy furry balls ;) 12.27am

He chuckled while imagining little kittens dressed like ninja, storming his shop and bringing havoc and destruction. That would have been better than sitting there, waiting for some poor unfortunate soul to adventure the aisles. He hated the night shifts for that reason; at least during the day there always was something to do.

They will never get past my Shiba inu samurai! 12.27am

The text was quickly sent, and delivered. Xander was very grateful to have such a nice sister, who was willingly to stay awake just to keep him digital company. Beth did state she was studying, but the quickness of her messages kinda showed the lie of that. He wasn't going to reveal that, though: all his friends were sleeping right now, scattered all over the country, and the jaguar was sparing his last resource, his Medicine book, for later.

Xander picked up his smartphone again, the display showing that he got another message from the lithe jaguar that was his sister.

OMG SHOW THEM! 12.29am

It was a typical reaction of his sibling, and he was happy to oblige to the request, starting to browse for such a thing. The texts where his own surrogate for a social life, since he had none, only work.

No one that he cared for had remained in their hometown, unfortunately, plus everything he earned was eaten up by expenses; the precious little left was saved in his bank account, every month a small step toward his goal. Not that he would have wanted to go out, that is, since he was usually too tired to even think of doing anything else.

But the lanky black and golden fur didn't let that drag him down. He knew that, at the moment, his life wasn't happy, and that it might keep being like that for a few more years; that might even depress him, and make him look like a sad, little wretch of a feline, but he would endure it, and build his future.

The jaguar was still trying to find a pic of ridiculously dressed pets, his tiny fingers typing and pushing on the smartphone's screen, when he heard the automatic doors open. Sighing, ears flicking, he quickly texted his sister that there was a customer before putting away his only link to people, trying as much as possible to summon a smile on his short muzzle.

The newcomer walked through the aisles, only his head and part of his shoulders visible, which showed how tall he was. It was definitely a he, or a very, very butch female, since his stature was imposing, even from afar, and his shoulders wide and strong under a black leather jacket. There was no doubt of him being a wolf either, with that long muzzle and perking ears, all covered by gorgeous gray fur.

That would have been all good if Xander had met him while walking on the street, but all those characteristics, topped with the hour, made the skinny feline nervous. The wolf was easily weighting twice his weight, and all of that was surely packed in firm muscles, he was sure; and that suspicious jacket might easily hide a gun...

Not letting his nervousness surface, he stealthily put a paw at the side of the counter, where the alarm button was hidden. The other went to his pocket, where he stored his grandpa's switchblade; it wouldn't do anything against a gun, but the small blade gave him courage.

Xander stared at the customer, following his every move, wishing he could be much quicker, in a way, so he could be done with the lupine. Finally, he got what he wanted and headed toward him, giving him the chance to see the intruder's whole body now, which confirmed what he had assumed before: this guy was a walking mountain of muscles.

"Good evening sir." The jaguar greeted the other, his smile wavering and falling when he met the golden eyes of the stranger, two deep wells full of a savage light.

" 'Evening." The other answered back, a wild grin splattered on his long muzzle while he posed his items on the counter. "Boring night, eh?"

"Y-yes, quite slow." The smaller fur said, his ears lying on his skull. The guy had a very deep voice, something that only increased the air of intimidation the wolf oozed. Deciding that it was better to do his job, he began to pick up the items, the familiar ding sounding every time one passed over the laser reader.

"I guess it is, you look like someone falling asleep, kiddo." The tall lupine continued the idle chitchat, his stare feeling hot on him. His voice was so deep and rumbling, quite fitting its owner's looks.

"S-sure sir." The young fur mumbled, picking up a six pack. There were some customers that liked to chat with him, but usually no one did during the night turn, most of them wanting to go to tend to their own business.

"I just remembered I needed to do my groceries, luckily you are open!" The wolf spoke, his lips still curled in a strange smile, like he loved what he was seeing. That deeply unsettled him, feeling like he was being scanned and valued by the tall lupine.

The jaguar gulped, but kept working, even if he tried to say as little as possible to get rid of the stranger. "W-we are always open, sir. It's 34.45$ sir."

"Here it is 35 bucks, keep the change." The stranger said, handing over the money. His paw remained there, extended, like he wanted to shake his spotted paw. He waited there, while seconds pilled up to form a minute, making it clear that he wouldn't leave until the jaguar took his big paw. Giving in, Xander tried to grab the offered paw, his tiny one getting enveloped by the other grey one.

"My name is Fenrir. It was a pleasure to meet you, Xander." The wolf said while shaking the paw with great strength, as much that the smaller fur feared he might get some broken fingers. Finally, the lupine released the grip, grabbing the plastic bag with his purchased items.

"I hope to see you soon!" Fenrir winked at him, as he walked off, tail slowly wagging behind him, not waiting for the clerk to answer back.

Xander watched the wolf pad away, still shocked by the strange encounter, a paw going to his brow to wipe out the sweat he hadn't noticed forming. He played the whole thing in his mind, and didn't understand why it had affected him so much. Those golden eyes haunted his mind while he typed to his sister.

A strange fur just passed by. I feel strange. 12.46am

He contemplated on picking up his book, but his mind was still too focused on the wolf named Fenrir. Now that he thought about it, he didn't look like one of the people living in the crappy neighborhood, his clothes were too fine. Why did he come there? The mystery plagued his mind for the rest of the turn.

***** *****

The day passed, and the memory of Fenrir was almost faded away when the wolf came back to the store. It was day this time, just about the end of Xander's turn, the sun high in the sky. As always, the jaguar was manning the counter and talking with Trisha, the rat girl who was going to relieve him for the day.

The mouse was nice enough to talk with, even though she was quite shallow, always ready to flirt with hot costumers. That always sounded so pitiful to the lanky fur, but he wasn't in the position to really criticize her.

It had been Trisha the first to notice the lupine, her eyes growing big with surprise and excitement. The proverbial feline curiosity caught him, and forced him to look at the cause of such womanly reaction, his ears lowering briefly at the sight of the bulky wolf prowling the store, picking up items.

Fenrir still had the leather jacket covering his grey upper body, and still looked so defiant, everything in him, from the way he walked and how he set his shoulder, screamed of what an alpha male he was. Xander never was in such dominant furs, they just unsettled him too much, and he found out that he had grabbed his grandpa's switchblade without thinking, like his brain expected an attack soon.

The tall wolf finished his choosing fairly quickly, approaching the counter with long strides, a smirk on his face while he peered at the still frozen rat. Trisha practically melted there, a big, vain smile splitting her pointy muzzle; she even puffed out her excuse for a bosom, so to attract the attention of the desirable male.

"Good day Xander." The gray lupine rumbled, not even glancing toward Trisha after his first peek, the golden flames that were his eyes fixed on the spotted feline while he put the few objects that made up his groceries. "Nice to see you again."

"G-good day sir, it's nice to see you too s-sir." The jaguar mumbled while he went to work. This guy really made him feel nervous, even in broad light it seemed like he was going to jump on him and maul him.

"Of course it is. You look nice with natural light, didn't anyone told you?" Fenrir grinned, leaning on the counter with one elbow on it, completely excluding Trisha who just stayed there and followed the conversation.

"N-No." He admitted, blushing at the compliment. Why this strange fur was flirting with him? He didn't look as a queer, like Xander himself, so manly and buff. Why flirting with someone like him, a skinny, small jaguar who didn't uphold his species' good name with his physical appearance?

"They were fools not to do that." The lupine said, now so close that his breath hit his delicate nose; it strangely smelled of pines, of all things, and increased the strange feeling of being cornered by a feral animal.

"M-maybe. I-it's 17.85$!" The feline blurted, quickly thrusting forward the receipt and the plastic bag.

"Good. Keep the change." Fenrir said, putting 20$ in his paw with a wink, rising up from his leaning position to loom over him. "I'm looking forward to see you again, Xander."

With that, he was off, as quickly as he had come, not looking behind but just strolling out of the store, leaving two silent clerks on his way, staring at his muscled ass. They stayed like that for a good five minutes, before Trisha shook herself out of the coma.

"You know such a handsome fur?" She asked in a dreamy tone, no doubt still thinking of the bulging muscles she had just admired.

"He came here another time. No big deal." Xander dismissed the idea. Knowing him was too much of a stretch, after all this was the second time he had ever seen him.

"But he is totally digging you! Why were you so cold?" The rat asked once again, and her expression conveyed her perplexity, but also something else. Something that could be expressed with the phrase "All the good ones are fags", even if the jaguar was sure the girl wouldn't admit it. But he had caught her saying such, a couple of times, while talking with another co-worker. It didn't hurt that much, but still, it had been a saddening thing.

"I'm not interested." He simply said, not wanting to express the strange, chilling feeling he got when he was in the wolf's presence. Xander did see how attractive the other male was, with those wide shoulder and barrel chest, but there was something that warned him not to get close...

"Come on! He is such a catch! At least bang him." The other clerk winked at him, her lewd suggestion coloring his cheeks. Maybe he could do that... Fenrir didn't seem his type from a long shot, but he was still hot. It had been a while since the last time he had been physical with anyone, after all.

"Maybe." The feline cryptically answered, even though he was sure that such an occasion won't ever arise. It might well be that Fenrir flirted with him, but still, he was pretty sure he did it just for fun, maybe to lure a fag in revealing himself.... But he had enough of talking of the wolf.

"But I don't think he is interested in me." He put an edge in his voice, so to make it clear that he didn't want to talk about it anymore. But Trisha wasn't the kind of fur who took hints, or at least played the type that didn't

"Your paw sure run to your pocket when you saw him..." The rat suggested in a conspiratorial tone, like she knew what the paw had grabbed. He blushed at the suggestion; at the thought that she really believed he would grab his cock... No, even get a boner just with looking at a hot guy!

"I wanted to check if my lucky charm was there." Xander fended off the implication, but that made the other clerk even more curious. Her beady eyes had the kind of light that he usually saw in the most gossiping housewives in TV... The one his mom used to have when she wanted to know about his "girlfriends".

"Lucky charm?" She dumbly repeated. The jaguar sighed, sure that the co-worker wouldn't let him be, so he fished out the switchblade, showing it to her. It wasn't a big thing, barely two inches when unfolded, but the handle was a nice hue of blue, clear as the night sky, something that was very uncommon.

"Your lucky charm is a knife!" The tiny rat exclaimed in fake horror, a paw before her mouth, eyes widening as if she had never seen one. "When you see hunky guys, you pick up that?"

"He was intimidating. Plus, I won't ever use this against someone." He shut her down, not wanting a commotion out of that. After all, there was need for that, every clerk at the 7 Eleven had some mean for self-defense; he knew that Trisha had pepper spray always ready in her pocket.

"How so?" The rodent asked, once again not wanting to stop her annoying interrogation, even if she didn't seem that much interested anymore.

"It belonged to my grandpa. And see?" He carefully folded the small knife, showing the blade. It was really shinning, even for a blade, and with elegant wave-engravings. "It is made in a special league of iron and silver. Only few others were made."

"Ohhhhhhhhhh." Her expression was blank, even the display of such a particular thing not interesting her. It didn't belong to a sexy fur, so it was none of her concern. "I don't see why you keep it on yourself. You won't use it for anything, after all."

Sighing again, he closed the knife, putting it back in his pocket. There was no use to explain to her how dear it was to him, one of the last things he had of his grandpa, his greatest treasure in the whole world.

"I gotta go and change myself. See you soon Trisha." The jaguar saluted her, leaving the counter. He was already past the staff's door when she answered him back, but her words were muffled by distance and walls.

But he was still thinking of the strange wolf, and maybe, but just maybe, he was hoping to see him again. The jaguar stripped himself of his work shirt, getting a quick glance of his skinny body while doing so; not too skinny, but he sure was thin, for a big cat, and short too. He couldn't see what attracted the wolf so much... But he really didn't care. Maybe, just maybe, he should follow Trisha advice and have fun for once; his life was scarce of that, and it would be nice to get back in the game, so to speak.