Burdens - Chapter 96: Soon

Story by Zerink on SoFurry

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#96 of Burdens

I wonder if anyone can see where the story is going?

Chapter 96: Soon

Light shone through the windows as was the norm in the morning. The rays fell upon an empty bed, ruffled sheets, and into a cold room.

The house was not vacant, but Roger was not present.

He sat there, at school, against the building of his first class, staring off into the distance. He had a headache, as if he were suffering withdrawals.

He did not sleep very well the night prior; he had tossed and turned, felt too warm, too cold. Something was missing, there was always too much of something else. He yearned and he ached. Part of him was happy, the other in agony.

He sat there holding his head in his paws. It was only until the teacher arrived to open the door that he moved from his rooted position.

"Are you okay?" the skunk had asked him. "If you need to see the... uh, nurse, you're allowed to do so, Mr. Colton."

Roger shook his head. "I'll be okay. Just a headache. I took some aspirin this morning, just waiting for it to kick in."

And so he sat until the wolf arrived. Almost immediately upon his entrance, the fox's condition improved. Pain ebbed, joy flowed.

They exchanged greetings, though maintained a relative distance so as not to give anyone else the ability to judge them on their actions. Still, he could not help but smile and wag his tail just by being in the wolf's presence.

A couple times Hunter sniffed the air and asked what the smell was, but Roger did not smell anything. He cast it off as perhaps something on his clothes that he had failed to detect. Had he put on deodorant that day? Suddenly he felt a bit self-conscious, but the wolf assured him that that was not it. Perhaps one of the other students.

Class began and ended almost too quickly. Any time he now spent with the wolf seemed to slip by, a thief in the night. Where was it going?

Yet when the wolf was gone, his headache returned, though nowhere near as painful as before. Perhaps, he thought, he was merely just getting ill. Did he drink enough water? Was he dehydrated?

Upon drinking water, he felt a little better. Relieved that it was not something more severe, he sat through the rest of the classes as normal. It was fine for him, though he did wish they had gone by faster. He looked forward to after the class; he looked forward to being with Hunter again.


He found himself at the wolf's house, sitting on the wolf's bed. The wolf was busy removing his clothes and getting ready for a shower, and the fox was hypnotized by it. Every detail was one he did not want to miss when he gazed upon his friend.

The wolf took notice of this and took on a more sheepish pose, embarrassed. Still, though, his tail waved back and forth slowly.

He wrapped a towel around himself and headed toward the shower, leaving the fox behind.

Roger sighed and laid down. Upon doing so, it felt to him as if the blood was finally circulating through his head, and he felt a little dizzy, but better. He exhaled comfort and inhaled relaxation. There he sat in the tranquility, the peace of mind knowing that he was so lucky to exist where he was.

He blinked and there was the wolf, sitting next to him, damp and clothed. He was looking at a school book, working on his homework.

Roger sat up and yawned. His body was sore. He said, "I'm sorry, I guess I fell asleep. Didn't get much last night...."

Hunter shrugged and put a paw on his leg. "It's okay, you looked really peaceful."

With a smile, the fox began to help him with his homework. It no longer felt like an obligation to help or oversee his progress, but rather it had its incentives. The faster they finished, the more time he could spend doing anything else. The more they studied, the better the wolf would perform. It was beneficial.

Every so often he would steal a kiss, a lick, a hug. His body cried out for him to display his affection, and it wanted reciprocation. It wanted an exchange that only the wolf could provide, and it received it.

When they finished the homework and studying, he found himself locked in a kiss with Hunter. He found his paws running across the wolf's back, his sides, his torso in its entirety. He also found paws doing the same to his own body.

He had previously considered himself to be quite taken with the wolf, and that even through the passion of the weekend he thought it to be the pinnacle, but he now knew it was not true. Every moment he spent with him only broke any record he had thought existed. Even the small kisses every so often felt like gifts, and the deeper ones tasted of paradise.

It felt right to him, so much that he wondered how he could ever have considered it to be wrong.

He found himself atop the wolf, their jaws locked, eyes closed. The wolf was lying on his back, and Roger had taken to expressing his affection with fervor.

The house had been empty for the most part, since the smaller wolf and his mother had a small meeting at school, but they returned, and Hunter and the fox separated for the time. They still found the opportunity to be close, but they knew anything they did would have to be hidden, at least from what Roger had mentioned before.

He knew the night would come to an end, and he dreaded it. He thought of the weekend, and perhaps if they had the chance, they could enjoy themselves at his house. It was, after all, his turn to be the host.

He wondered when they would take their relationship further. When would be adequate? To what extent?

He hoped soon.