Differentials: Part 4 - Wake Up Calls

Story by Verlak on SoFurry

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#4 of Differentials

Hello to all! I am continuing with my thanks for your continuing help and support which without it I would have stopped ages ago.

Also I have a feeling I am failing in the battle to keep this series as non-sexual as possible, as the situation of the story keeps on drawing me towards the idea of at least having something in it which is at least somewhat more on the, (I never believed I would have to say this when I began writing this series), sexual side of the spectrum. I know I have broken a sort of informal promise, but you will have to prepare yourself and not be surprised if something more intimate than cuddles does happen in the course of this series.

Again I have waffled on for way longer than I should have, so here is the story before I decide to waffle on even more about the story and reveal half the plot before I've even written it yet :3 -


The fox slowly woke up from his slumber. Having a nice, comfy bed like this was definitely new to him and he had made the most of it. As he regained his senses he realised that there was no longer a body next to him. He quickly opened his eyes to search around, but before he could move, he came face-to-face with the vixen, her head positioned over his own with her all-encapsulating eyes peering down into his own while their muzzles were almost touching.

The girl was beautiful, with no doubt about it. He'd only just been able to get a glimpse of her before she slipped into the bed last night, and even that was done in the dark so only now was he getting the full picture.

Her build was practically the same as his, with the digitigrade stance with fox-like feet but human-like hands. Her fur had the same sort of colour as his, only instead of a light reddish-brown, her fur was a lustrous orange colour which shone in the morning light which was now flooding through the window. The fur on her tummy was also white, but seemed much more pure than that of the male and instead of reaching around the bottom to form a shape on her rear like his fur did, it stopped short, perfectly outlining the point of her stomach leading downwards and then curving around, colouring the top half of the inside of her legs, all very obviously pointing towards her-

No, thought the fox, breaking his observations. He was still disturbed by what the driver had said, and his own thoughts afterwards. He did not want to go there, especially when he was in another person's house, and especially since he was in his master's house. There would be no end to the trouble if the two were caught doing something intimate. Even kissing could trigger a whole bunch of other suggestions about what they were doing before they were walked in on, or what they would do after.

Definitely what the fox didn't want, he thought. Just keep the observations away from anything which could develop into something more... sexual. With that point noted, the fox resumed his analysis.

The vixen had socks similar to the male, only this time they were a reddish-brown colour, a darker version of the fur which covered the majority of the fox's own body. The female also had a different colour on the tip of her tail, which instead of being black it was white, matching with the white tips on her ears which were a bit more interesting than the fox's. The white tips on her ears each had a line coming from them, forming a swirling pattern down the back of her neck before curving around to rejoin the white patch at the front of her body.

Her eyes were a bright, sapphire blue and seemed so large that they could swallow up the fox forever. Her face was perfectly shaped, with no flaws in it at all and a short mane where the fur on the back of her head was a couple of inches longer with the hairs lifting up at the ends, forming a ruffled effect down the back of her neck.

The fox eventually finished his 'analysis' of the vixen, and eventually realised that she had been staring at him all that time, waiting for a response. The fox could see an amused look on the vixen's face and his ears reddened when he realised that she must have known why he was taking so long to notice her waiting for a reply.

"You think I'm pretty, don't you?", the vixen suggested.

The female had a rather predatory grin on her face that was definitely meant to suggest one thing only. The poor fox had nowhere to hide apart from under the covers, but doing that was definitely too cowardly for the fox's taste, and doing so might provoke the vixen into flirting even more with him. He tried to bar all the thoughts about sex from his mind, but was failing terribly with the growing feeling down below only confirming that detail.

The fox tried to rise, but the vixen was quick to push him down and shift her position so she was now positioned completely over his body instead of over to the side of him. The fox probably could have escaped, but he didn't want to hurt the vixen's feelings, especially with all the progress they had made with their friendship in the last day or so. Eventually the fox realised he would only be able to give one reply that would please the vixen, but it definitely didn't please him in any way.

"Yes, I do think you're pretty", came the reluctant reply from the fox.

The vixen seemed happy at that comment, making the fox feel good in return. The fox made a move to close his mouth, but before he could the vixen had plunged her own muzzle down into contact with his, taking him into a not entirely unwanted kiss. The fox struggled against her for a second, but he soon came to the conclusion that it wasn't really that bad. They lay there for a few minutes, the fox getting completely absorbed in the touch of the vixen's mouth having gently interlocked with his own before she broke off, leaving the fox trying to regain his breath while the vixen looked down with a possessive smile on her face. She definitely knew how to get what she wanted from a male, that was for sure.


She knelt there looking down on the fox, his legs pinned down under the weight of her sitting on them. She had been a bit doubtful at first when she moved over to him in the first place, but his expressions when he woke up told her that she had no need for further worry, the poor fox instantly falling into her little 'trap'.

She had always been told she was pretty when she was little, and when she grew up she had always attracted the eyes of an admirer or two wherever she went. Many of the other females said that she should use her beauty to her advantage, so she did. She learnt the skills of how to flirt and kiss well from some of the more flirty Reklan at the work camp and soon had the skills perfected.

Within a couple of weeks she was soon getting extra food from all the young males when it came to dinner time, and sometimes she could even win a whole portion from one of them if she was performing particularly well or she managed to get the male at just the right time. After a month she was convincing some of the other Reklan to do some of her chores for her and eventually she had whole days where she could escape from the duties of being a slave and explore the wooded areas surrounding the work camp, interacting with the animals she envied so much because of their freedom.

Even when she was sent into town to run some errands she attracted admirers. A lot of them were Reklan, but there were also large numbers of humans attracted to her as well. If the trip involved purchasing something, she could often haggle down the price by a fair amount, even in shops which had a strict set-price policy.

She sometimes gave back the spare money to the master, probably the main reason she was sent into town to purchase things so often, but usually she spent the proceeds on her own things, getting treats for herself such as sweets or chocolate or maybe some nice soap to use for the times when the slaves were sent into the showers. Unsurprisingly, this was usually the time when she scored the most hits, her perfume-scented coat always attracting males who in their lives had only ever smelled mud and each other's sweat.

However this carefree lifestyle was soon to end. The slave master noticed that the vixen was detracting from the productivity of his workforce and since the vixen wasn't essential to get any particular jobs done, he was quick to send her away to the sanctuary for another slaver to pick her up.

She had spent a couple of weeks there, spending nearly all of her time trying to keep herself looking good and whenever she got the chance, she practiced her skills on the guards with varying degrees of success ranging from a slap to the face to the guard letting her sleep in his room instead of the cold cell, sometimes even letting her sleep on the bed while the guard himself slept on the floor.

Sometimes the guards tried to get a bit more intimate, but she always managed to put them down with her genetically enhanced strength. The guards could have always shouted out for help but doing so would result in discovery on their part, resulting in them getting sacked and maybe put in prison themselves.

After a few weeks in the sanctuary she was finally walked out of her cell for the transition to her new home. Well she wasn't really walked out, she was carried out. The higher-ups had heard of her reputation for manipulating guards so they ordered that she be knocked out before she was taken anywhere in order to avoid any repeats of those events.

That brings her memories to yesterday afternoon, when she was woken up by the fox. It had initially reminded her of one of the times she had managed to sneak into one of the foxes' beds in her previous master's work camp, but soon twigged as to what had happened. She was at first doubtful when she saw the room around her and the bed she was laying on but the fox's words confirmed her thoughts.

The fox had looked so attractive when she first opened her eyes to look at him, although the romance was broken a bit by the fact he grabbed her so tightly she couldn't breathe. He must have thought she was going to try and escape or shout out, but she only started to struggle when she couldn't breathe because of his grip, her body eventually relaxing when she realised struggling wouldn't work, the fox obviously thinking she would try to escape of he let her go.


She sat there staring at the headboard of the bed as she reminisced over her past. She did feel a bit bad about putting the fox in the position he was in right now, but she had to know if she was still capable of working her magic on a Reklan as she had only had much contact with humans for the past month.

She felt a bit sorry for the fox, him having woken up to what he had experienced this morning but to be honest, the fox was quite attractive himself and the confused look on his face when he first opened his eyes was rather funny to see.

The vixen eventually climbed off the body of the fox and slid off the side of the bed, beginning to put on her clothes that she was given yesterday. The time was five to nine in the morning so they had just enough time to get ready before going downstairs to meet her new masters.

She was looking forward to seeing the woman, especially since she hadn't talked to another person of the same gender in a month and was looking forward to it, even if the woman was a different species to her. She was not, however, looking forward to seeing the man, especially if he was as aggressive as the fox described him as. She hoped it was just nerves causing him to act that way otherwise no amount of the woman's arguing would be able to prevent them from having a bad time with him.

She finished pulling on her white top and looked over to the fox who had just finished dressing himself. In a few minutes their lives as proper slaves would start, and only time would be able to tell if those lives would be good or bad.