Ray’s Girl

Story by Drakowolf on SoFurry

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#8 of Drako Wolf

Ray's Girl

War is a thing that no one should ever have to experience, but sometimes it's inevitable. That's what Drako thought to himself as he walked slowly through the forest. Keeping an eye out for Sheba's pack or the men she now controlled.

Almost a year and a half had passed since Drako had returned to his mate and killed Tenga and Shank. Sheba had been livid when she heard of the deaths of her two best worriers. Sheba using her anger to fuel her power went and took control of some men near the end of the forest. Using them as her transport she started to infect men and animals alike. They had to do what ever they were told. Drako came to find out that his own power was almost the same as Sheba's but he could only control the humans.

Drako knew he would need help if he was to get his revenge on Sheba for trying to kill her mate. He went out and preached to as many animals as he could trying to show them that he needed them to take her down. Soon Drako had found and convinced as many animals as he could to follow him and his pack.

Unfortunately for Drako Sheba's control over man kind had spread to most of the men in America. The humans had now taken it upon themselves to destroy as much forest as they could and kill any animal that they found. If the animals where from Sheba's pack they would just walk on by and not lay a hand on them. Her pack had grown a lot too. She had almost three hundred wolves under her control now and it made it hard for Drako and his followers to get around now. Drako had more animal on his side than Sheba did but they were not strong male wolves.

Most thought he was crazy to try and attack Sheba. Drako didn't care all he cared about was getting revenge for the attack on his mate. Even though Drako couldn't control animals like Sheba, he could break any enchanters on an animal Sheba had under her control. This is why Sheba her self had not had her pack attack and kill Drako yet. She wasn't sure if he could use his power to brake hers. He still needed to be careful as he walked through the woods.

"Finally." Whispered Drako as he walked up to a large rock formation next to a clear lake

The formation had hundreds of hidden caves all along its top half. This had become the base for all of Drako's followers that could fit inside. The formation was large and was made of a dark grey stone. If you looked at it from the bottom you couldn't even tell it had any caves in it. Drako's son Ray had been the one who found it on one of his scouting trips.

The two pups were no longer pups but full grown wolves. Ray was almost as large as Drako and Tella was a splitting image of her mother only a lighter color of grey. Drako was so proud of his son for he had become a strong worrier. The black wolf was large and had hard rippling muscles. His eyes stayed a perusing blue just like his mothers and that gave him a strange and wild look.

The other female wolves wanted him for their mate so bad that Ray had a hard time getting around because they'd stop him at every turn. Ray wouldn't mind so much if it was just wolves. There were only a few female wolves in the base but females of all the canines would seek him out along with some felines. Ray found it amusing at first but after a little while the constant attention was a little annoying.

Drako walked into the main cave that connected all the others. Looking around he saw many different animals wondering around but he only had eyes for one. Ariel was sitting in a corner talking with Bain and Ti. The two canines were rapped around each other as they talked with the leader of the big and strange pack.

She looked over and seeing Drako said "Welcome back my love."

Drako had worked hard to make up for the wrong he had committed toward his mate. Some times he wished he could go back in time so he would have never mated Sheba. Drako smiled and walked up to her then said "Sorry I'm back so late my love Sheba has taken controlled of another town."

"What does that mean for us Drako." Said Bain

"We'll need to send Ray out to find some more allies. I've heard that there are some wild dogs living toward the northern borders that could help us with Sheba." Said Drako

"How will they be able to help us?" said Bain

"One of them knew your father Bain and even though I don't know which one, they could know your mothers weakness." Said Drako

"Why do you want to send Ray?" said Ariel

"First, he is the fastest wolf next to myself, he knows the woods, and he needs to get away from the babbling females that just won't leave him along." Said Drako

"I just don't like him going out with Sheba having the power she does. Sheba could get him at anytime and make him do what ever she wants. Look at what she's done in the last year. I never would have thought she could take over America so fast." Said Ariel

"I'm sure he'll be fine my love." Said Drako

"I have been wondering the same Ariel." Said Bain "How did my mother control so many humans. It sounds like an impossible task for any wolf to do even one with a power like hers."

"I'm not sure but I think once we attack and kill her the spell over the world will break." Said Drako

"Then we are back to the humans killing and using us like before." Said Ti

"Be that as it may I think Ray should go and at once." Said Drako

Ariel let her eyes fall from he mates before she said "Ok let him go."

Drako was about to go out and find his son when he stopped and smiled as the black wolf trotted in with his sister. Drako called out "Ray, Tella come over here for a moment."

They did so saying "What is it Father."

"Ray I have a new mission for you." Said Drako

"What is it." Said Ray Tail wagging as he got excited about leaving the cave for a few days

"Up by the northern border next to Lake of the Woods is a pack of wild dogs. One of them used to know the father of Bain. His name was Megis and I need you to find the Dog that knew him and find out if he knows anything about Sheba." Said Drako

"I can do that what's the name of the dog who knows." Said Ray

"I'm not sure. The Intel just told me he or she is in the pack." said Drako

Ray looked a little angry at having to search out the one dog that knew the info but said "Fine I'll go. When do I leave?"

"ASAP." Said Drako

Ray let his head sag as he wished he would have had chance to talk more with his sister. They had been arguing about Ray find a nice mate to settle down with. The only thing was Ray wanted a mate that was different and strong.

"Ray I'll come to the end of the cave with you and we can finish up before you leave." Said Tella

"Be safe my son." Said Drako

"Thanks father."

Tella and Ray started for the end of the cave and as they walked Tella resumed what she had been saying "I just don't know why you don't try a female around here at least."

"That's not a good thing to do. I don't want to mate a female and then leave her the next day." Said Ray

"Why not it works for me?"

This was true. Tella had found she liked mating a lot and even though she wasn't in heat. She had mated with almost eight males in the last two months. She would play with them for a while then dump them after she got board. The males never said anything to her about it because they were afraid Drako would kill them for mating his daughter.

"I know it works for you but I want to find someone special." Said Ray reaching the mouth of the main cave

"What ever Bro but trust me. One day you won't have mate and then you'll come to me for help." Said Tella with a grin

"Love you to sis. Wish me luck." Said Ray kissing her on the cheek before running out off the big rock formation then out into the forest

Ray ran as fast as he could through the forest not making a single sound as he did. The day slowly turned in to night and still Ray ran on only stopping for water, to pee, and for a quick rest. The base was in the lower reaches of the state and he had to travel the hundreds of miles to reach where he was supposed to go. The wild dog pack didn't have a big territory and it was said to be around what the humans called Lake of the Woods. The lake was in part of Minnesota and part of Canada.

It took him almost a week to reach the Lake. Ray was worn out from all of the running and lack of sleep. Once he reached the shores Ray collapsed falling in to a dreamless sleep.

It wasn't until a few hours later that Ray awoke to a sound echoing from the woods behind him. The snap of a twig made Ray jump to his paws ready for an attack. He looked around the dark forest ready for eyes to appear or a flash of teeth. Nothing happened and Ray was wondering if his exhausted mind had been playing tricks on him.

Ray didn't think so though and he said "Who's there."

For five full minutes not one sound came through the dark wood. Ray was ready to day he had imagined the sound when finally someone said "Why have you entered the land of my pack. We don't take kindly to strangers around here, especially if they're wolves."

"Are you from with wild dog pack?" asked Ray

The voice came back with an amused tone "Yes and I still want my question answered."

"My father Drako sent me to find someone from your tribe." Said Ray

"Who are you looking for." Said the voice with a bit of curiosity in it

"I'm not sure but he knew a dog by the name of Megis. He was once the mate of Sheba the wolf that is trying to take over everything." Said Ray

"I know who you mean I'll take you to him as long as you don't do anything to try and hurt me. Trust me I could kill you if I wanted." Said the voice

"I give you my word." Said Ray

Then from off to Ray's right a form appeared coming out of the darkness like a body from water. Ray gasped as his eyes came upon a beautiful red and white female husky. She had wonderfully bright blue eyes long red fur on her top half and pure white fur on her lower half. Her tail curled around exposing her beautiful ass and female slit.

She looked at him then said "My name's Riley what's yours?"

It took Ray a full minute to find his voice before he could say "My names Ray son of the great Drako."

"Ray...I like it." Said Riley thinking about the name for a bit

"It was my fathers name before it was changed by the wolves of Yellowstone." Said Ray a silly grin on his face

"Well follow me I'll introduce you to my pack leader Kane. Just for now don't say anything about who you're looking for."

"Why not?"

"Megis is not a well liked name within my pack. I'll bring him to you later tonight but only after we talk to my pack leader about you being here." Said Riley

They started to walk off into the night Riley leading the way. Ray followed her most willingly for the sight and smell of her was overpowering. As they walked Ray got to find out a little about the husky. She had come to the pack once her owner had died from a sickness. Ray told her things about himself too loving how easy it was to talk with her. It was almost like his sister but also not like her. Riley talked about more then just mating.

It took only a short time for Riley to arrive at the cave her leader lived in. It was a large thing hidden in the side of a hill. Ray found the place to be a bit frightening. When they arrived inside Ray found himself looking up on to a high shelf where a large Great Dane was sitting looking down at the two.

"Riley why have you brought this wolf in to our pack cave?" said Kane the leader of the wild dogs pack

"Sir I'm sorry for going against you orders but he's the son of Drako the wolf that is trying to bring down Sheba." Said Riley

"I've heard of what he has been trying to do. Then what does he need from me?" said Kane

Before Ray could say anything Riley said "He would like to see if we could help him in his fight against the evil one sir." Said Riley

"Is that true wolf." Said Kane

Ray looked around at Riley and remembered what she had said about Megis's name not being liked in her pack. He then said "Yes my father Drako would like to get any help he could. He has heard your pack is strong and powerful. He would like to help you escape from Sheba and hope you will help kill the evil bitch."

Kane sat for a long time a look of wonder on his face before he said "I will need to think over the night about it. Riley since you found him you must keep an eye on him tonight. Now leave me alone so I can think and rest."

"Will do sir." Said Riley walking out of the cave closely followed by Ray

Once they had gotten outside Riley looked at him and said "Thanks for doing that."

"You have to show me who the dog is that knew Megis." Said Ray

Riley's eyes fell as she said "I'll do that soon but we need to get to my cave."

"I'm staying in your cave." Said Ray

"What's wrong you scared of me?" said Riley with a small giggle

"No just wondering."

She smiled then said with a giggle "Ok then."

Riley's cave ended up being on the outer edge of the pack's land. A small place with not much room but nice all the same. Ray looked around and felt that Riley was not a high ranking member of her pack.

"You wanted to meat the one who knew Megis right." Said Ray

"Yes, who is he."

"Not a he a she. I was raised by Megis." Said Riley

"What, then tell me what you know about Sheba. Does she have a weakness?"

Riley's eyes fell once again as she said "I do know of one but I'll have to tell Drako myself."


"I have to and leave it at that. Ray I want out of here but I'm too scared to leave."

"Why would that be." Said Ray

"With all the attacks and Kane being so watchful of me. He took me in to the pack when Megis died and he wants me to do all of the scouting and stuff treating me like dirt because of who raised me." Said Riley

"Then what do you want me to do?" said Ray

"I don't know yet. Let's just sleep and hope something comes to me as I sleep."

Ray put his head down wishing he could learn more. But he knew he had no way of making her talk. She did the same as he did looking at him as she did so. Ray could see that she was studying his face and eyes as she looked at him.

"I've never seen eyes like yours before Ray." She said a smile on her face

"My mother has the same thing."

"I like them a lot. Do you like anything about me?"

Ray blushed and said "I've never met a husky before and I never knew how beautiful they could be. Or maybe it's just you."

"Do you like me Ray?" said Riley

Ray blushed more before he said "Yes I do. You're so beautiful and nice but more than that you have a strong spirit."

Riley got to her feet and walked over to Ray a grin on her face as she said "Roll over I want to see if your fur is Black everywhere."

Ray wasn't sure if he should but he did as she told him rolling onto his back. Then he said "Ok see I'm the same all ov..."

She cut him off by licking his ball sack with her soft tongue. Ray moaned as he felt the long tongue run over his balls and sheath. Riley smiled as she saw his member start to grow. Ray was amazed too by the change he was feeling in his body and by the size of his own cock. It stopped growing at a full 11 inches.

"Wow now I know why wolf females are so lucky." Said Riley

Ray couldn't speak as the beautiful husky licked and sucked on his hard cock. Running her tongue around it as her muzzle sucked harder and harder. Ray's moans got louder and louder as Riley continued her work on his member.

Riley could taste the sweet salty pre-cum running down Ray's cock making her want more and sending shivers down her spine. Her pussy burned for some of its own attention letting her sex juice flow. Ray could smell it and he wanted to know what it was. It smelled wonderful and he wondered how it would taste.

Even though Ray didn't want Riley to stop he pushed her off and moved to the back of her body looking at her sweet pussy. Ray let his tongue come out and slide over the huskies sex opening making he moan. Ray remembered what his sister had told him that she liked with her males and he ran his tongue deep inside the pussy making it stretch. Riley was a virgin just like Ray and this made her moan louder as she felt her pussy walls being stretched.

"Ray please do that again..." moaned Riley

Ray did and loved the taste of the juice she was letting off mixed with the moans and deep breathing. Ray's cock stayed hard as he did this for a long time. After a while Ray felt Riley's walls close down on his tongue as she had an orgasm. Once it had stopped and the taste and smell had reached Ray something took over his mind.

Ray jumped up on top of Riley's back and started to hump the air his cock looking for something. Once it hit its target it slid gently in to her awaiting pussy making Riley scream with pain and pleasure as Ray popped her cherry.

Once the blood flow stopped and she felt better Ray Began to hump his hips moving his cock in and out of the smaller canine pussy. She began to pant and moan as the wolf cock worked its way in and out faster and faster. Riley moved her hips in unison with Ray's. Doing this made Riley scream more as Ray slammed his cock harder every time he pushed in.

The two continued like this for a long time filling the night with moans and screams of a forbidden mating. Ray's body was shaking now with the energy it had lost as he fucked his bitch. Soon Ray could feel his knot growing big as it popped in and out with his cock. After a bit the knot popped in hard and didn't come out. Riley screamed and Ray howled as Ray's body gave in and shot a load of hot cum inside the husky bitch.

Ray tried to pull out of Riley but was still stuck to her. He then remembered another thing his sister told him and he tuned his body around going ass to ass with Riley. This sent Ray over the edge again and she shot more cum into the poor husky. This proved to much for both of them and they fell to the ground still tied together.

After forty five minutes Ray's knot fell out along with his cock making the drying cum flow out too. After some time Riley got up and licked the cum off Ray's cock and the ground. She then lied down next to Ray closing her eyes and cuddling with her mate.

Ray looked down at the female and knew that he loved her even though they had just met. There was something about her that made him feel alive and full of energy. She was everything he had ever wanted and more. The only thing was she was a dog and him a wolf. He knew how hard it was for Bain to live a normal life just because he was a half blood. What if Ray had puppies with Riley? Would they too have it hard in the world?

Ray wasn't sure what would happen but he knew he wanted Riley to be his mate. She wanted to get out of the pack and Ray thought he could do just that for her. He watched as the small red female slept twitching as she dreamt of something. But his plan would have to wait until the morning for now Ray needed sleep.

Ray found himself running through the woods with the smell of blood in the air. He reached the formation that they lived in and gasped at the sight of fighting and blood all over. At the top Ray could see his father fighting with Sheba. The female used an under handed trick and bit Drako's balls then through him from the formation all the way to the ground. He died instantly.

She then looked down at Ray and smiled saying "If I can't have him then I'll take you."

"NO." yelled Ray jumping to his paws and looking around Riley's cave panting hard

"What's wrong?" said Riley getting to her paws too

It took a moment for Ray to realize that it was just a dream before he said "Had a bad dream. Or I think I did."

"What do you mean Ray?"

"I think my family's in trouble. I'll need to go to them right away and I want you to come with me."

Riley's eyes fell as she said "I don't think I can."

"Why not, you said yourself you wanted to get out of this place. If you come with me I can get you out of here." Said Ray

"But Kane has taken me in to his pack and I owe him so much."

"He's been horrible to you and you know it. I on the other hand love you Riley even though I just met you. I'll give you a better life and a better place to live." Said Ray tears filling his eyes

Riley looked around the small cave for a long time. She took in all that had happened to her in the last year and knew she hadn't been happy since she came to the pack. The first time she had laughed in a long time was when Ray had come and talked with her as they went to go talk to Kane.

"But what about having the pack help you. I know you need it." Said Riley

"If Kane will help us he doesn't need me or you around here."

She walked out side then turned and looked back in to his deep blue eyes before she said "Ok I will go with you Ray but only if you are not lying to me about your love. I want you to tell everyone you know that even though I'm a husky and you're a wolf, I'm still Ray's Girl..."