Differentials: Part 10 - Play Time

Story by Verlak on SoFurry

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#11 of Differentials

Hello, no messages apart from the fact that this is rated adult because of some intimate contact near the end :3 -


The fox waited patiently for Liz to begin. What could this lot of news be? So far it had been mainly good, but the fox was certain that one day the news would be bad, that this illusion of a happy world would break. He kept imagining the day that his owners would lose all their kindness, strip him of everything he had been given and punish him for all the mistakes they'd previously let him off for. Or the day when it was discovered that his owners were treating them kindly and were taken to prison, leaving the two foxes to be sent off to a owner who was a lot harsher. No matter how many times he told himself everything would be alright, he still sensed that something would go wrong for their unconventional family.

The fox was pulled from his pessimistic insights by the sound of Liz speaking.

"Tomorrow, you two are going to be shown around town by a Reklan owned by one of Dan's friends."

The fox was excited by the prospect of being able to leave the house, but his head was swiftly dumped into the pit of despair when he realised even more things could go wrong now.

"Now, there is a rule set so that any Reklan outside their owner's premises must wear some form of identification, usually in the form of a collar."

Liz went over to a bag by the door and pulled out two plain collars made from black leather and presented them to the two foxes.

"Because you're going out tomorrow, you're going to have to wear one as well. We had them padded on the inside so that they're more comfortable to wear and hopefully they'll fit well. Shall we try them on?"

The fox nodded, it wasn't as if he had any choice in the matter. Liz moved over to the vixen and put on her collar while Dan took the other collar and put it on the fox. It was a bit distracting, having the ring of fabric around your neck all the time but it wasn't at all uncomfortable thanks to the care Liz had put into getting a collar of decent quality. Liz stepped back to look at them.

"Are they ok?", asked Liz.

The foxes nodded in response, seeing the relieved smiles on Liz and Dan's faces.The two human's didn't really want to have to force them to wear a collar, and the more graciously they accepted it, the better.

"Great, I'm glad that's sorted then. I think we'll leave the collars on for a while so you can get used to them more so that they don't distract you as much tomorrow."

The two Humans sat back down on the sofa together, Liz continuing to speak.

"You did a great job in the garden this afternoon. You did so well that I think you should get ten credits each."

The fox was over the moon at the comment. Twenty credits in one day? At this rate he could easily get something even without the vixen's help. However, the mention of gardening reminded him of his little outburst at the vixen. He hoped she didn't take it too harshly, but yet again he hoped the message had gotten through.

The two foxes accepted the yellow chips and were about to put them in their pockets alongside the other two chips when Liz broke in.

"Us two thought that instead of having to carry around all that money in your pockets, you could put it in a money pot, so Dan and I dug out some of our old ones for you."

She leant over to the coffee table that was positioned in front of the sofa and picked up two glass containers. They were cube shaped and the top face, instead of being glass, was a metal lid with a slot in it that was just the right size to slot a credit chip through. On the front of the pots was a plain white label, one with the word 'Voss' on it, the other with the word 'Fionn'.

"If you take your credits and put them through the slot in the top, you can keep them in there without having to carry them with you all the time. And also because of the glass you can see roughly how much you have in them."

Liz returned the pots to their place on the table.

"Now, its only four o'clock so you two have plenty of time to do what you want until you have to go to sleep. If you want you can stay here with us or you can go outside and play."

As Liz said the word 'play', the vixen immediately bounced onto her feet and dragged the fox towards the back door. Both Liz and Dan couldn't help smiling, both letting out a small chuckle as the fox was half-ran, half-dragged towards the back door.

"Come on, she said we could play!", shouted the vixen as they reached the door leading out into the garden.

"So we can do anything, right?", asked the vixen as they entered into the garden.

"I guess so?", replied the fox.

"Great, we can go behind those bushes so they won't be able to see us."

The vixen started dragging the fox again to her goal, and the fox's eyes opened wide as he realised what the vixen intended to do.

"No no no, not while they're still here. Maybe we can't do 'anything', as much as you would probably like it to be that way."

The vixen seemed sad that her idea wasn't ok, and the fox was concerned at her facing away from him until she turned round and sprang into his chest, knocking him over onto his back, the vixen pinning him down. The fox sighed inwardly, she was always catching him off guard. It happened so often he should really have been prepared for it. Oh well, he thought, might as well make the most of what time they were able to play for.

The vixen was now sitting on the fox, trying to tickle him into submission. The fox pretended to go along with it for a while, before jumping up and knocking her off him. The play quickly dissolved into the two wrestling with each other, playful yips escaping their mouths as they bundled one another into submission, the fox trying not to hurt the vixen but the vixen going all out on the fox.

Eventually, both the foxes had tired themselves out, Voss noticing that the sun had sank quite a bit towards the horizon. It had been maybe an hour since they had started playing and as they made their way back to the house, they noticed the faces of both Liz and Dan looking through the window at them, smiles on both of their faces. They must have watched them playing, the fox thought.


Liz had gotten bored of watching TV so she thought of something else to do. It came to her mind that she could go and check on the two foxes to see whether they were doing alright. She went over to the window looking out over the garden and couldn't help smiling at the sight. The two foxes rolling around and playing together reminded her a lot of the wild foxes that could be seen in the area.

Every now and then, one would manage to get on top of the other but wouldn't stay for long as the other pushed them off or wriggled out from underneath. Liz called Dan over, not wanting him to miss it as well. It really confirmed her houghts that the Reklan were just like any Human being, They talked, they loved, they played just like any Human would do, but all the time lacked any form of envy or hatred towards their 'masters', even though they were the reason they were here as slaves.

Both Liz and Dan watched the two for a while until they stopped playing, greeting them as they came through the door. It was about time to prepare dinner, so Liz and Dan did just that, the foxes sitting on the sofa together while they waited. As dinner was served, the fox was yet again amazed at the quality and quantity of the food presented to him. They all ate in silence, just enjoying the fact that they were with each other and that everyting was alright.

In the evening they all sat together and watched TV. The foxes were intrigued by the screen, never having been able to see one before, let alone watch one. As night fell, Liz said that the foxes would need to get to sleep early so that they would have more energy for their outing tomorrow, telling them to be up by nine in the morning so that they could get ready.

Liz also mentioned that they should have a shower to clean off the dirt from them playing in the garden together. She explained how to operate it and the foxes made their way upstairs to the guest room. The two foxes took of their clothes, the fox feeling comfortable enough around the vixen to take off his shorts this time, trusting that she wouldn't get any more 'fun' ideas to put into action tonight. A question from the vixen caught him by surprise.

"Can we have a shower together?"

"Why?", the fox asked, hoping it wasn't another one of the vixen's ploys.

"Erm." The vixen didn't really want to tell the fox how she felt about him and tried to make up an excuse. "Because it would save water?"

The fox didn't hear any note of the malicious or playful tone the vixen usually put on when she wanted to get intimate with him and really just wanted to get to sleep after the exciting day, so he accepted the offer and followed her into the bathroom. They climbed into the shower together once they had turned it on and set it to a warm temperature.

It was much nicer standing under the cascade of warm water than when he had been soaked by the vixen earlier that day. He felt the warmth relax his muscles and just stood there, absorbing the warmth. He could see the vixen doing the same, his eyes enjoying the sight of the wet, orange fur that was clinging to her smoothly curved body. He looked up to her face, seeing the dazzling blue eyes that seemed to draw him ever deeper under her spell.

Eventually the fox managed to bring his gaze away from the vixen and look around for some soap. He soon found a bottle of liquid labeled 'scent-free shampoo', amazed at how thoughtful they would be to think of their sensitive noses which definitely didn't cope too well with the strong Human perfumes.

The fox picked up the bottle and squeezed out a large amount onto his hand, proceeding to rub it over his body. The vixen soon did the same for herself, the fox admiring the bubble-coated vixen as he finished rubbing in the soap. He saw the vixen try to reach her hand around to rub the soap into her back, but couldn't reach.

"Could you help me do my back?", the vixen asked, holding out the bottle to the fox.

"Ok then", the fox replied reluctantly, taking the bottle from the vixen's hands and squirting the liquid directly onto her back.

The vixen was surprised at the feel of the relatively cold shampoo on her back, but relaxed when she felt the fox place his hands on her, slowly massaging the area with his gentle fingers. After a while the vixen couldn't help but murr in pleasure as she recieved the gentle strokes of the fox's hands on her back, staying there for much longer than was needed to get the job done.

The fox enjoyed the contact between him and the vixen. He soon found his hands roaming to places which were already soaped up, massaging her shoulders, stroking her belly. The fox's hands slowly pulled the vixen closer towards him until her back was resting on his stomach and his rather prominent erection, her murrs vibrating through his body, making him feel even more relaxed.

Eventually the fox realised that they would draw suspicion if they were in the shower for much longer, and the vixen's comment of saving water was now false as they had probably spent more time in the shower together than they would have if they had each went on their own. The fox placed himself and the vixen under the showerhead and helped rub the soap out of the vixen's fur as he let the water do all the work for his own body. Once the foxes were rinsed off, they turned off the shower and hopped out, grabbing a towel each from the towel rack so they could dry themselves off.

Once dried, they hung up the towels and slid into bed together, snuggling up closely with each other. The shower had been rather enjoyable for the fox, and he was sure it was the same case for the vixen as well. The fox soon drifted off into sleep, comforted by the ball of fur next to him as he thought of all the things that could happen tomorrow.

The fox hoped that nothing would go wrong when they went out to town, but it was a possibility that never escaped the fox's mind as his mind entered the black void of unconsciousness.