Piece of cake...

Story by Zakanfien on SoFurry

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#10 of Trisha's Trick


This story involves sexual activity between a female human and male tigers. This is a pure work of fiction. The events I describe here didn't happen. No resemblance between the characters involved and any person, living or dead, is intended. This story may be distributed freely but may not be sold, or changed, or used in any commercial way.

Finally, if you try to do this for real, get turned into fresh tasty kitty food and eaten for breakfast or get yourself complete addicted to big cats, don't blame me! I deny any responsibility for the actions your take after reading my erotic fiction :-)


This story contains a good deal of water sport and backdoor fun. If you can't stand that - don't read this story.

Piece of cake...

At last it was Wednesdays again, our day off for everyone, a day to relax without any show you had to prepare for and take care of. I so much looked forward to this one because of my last. Today I paid sweet Taisha -- my king size Siberian tiger -- a needful visit again inside his tiger cage. He shared the space completely unhesitant with Rajah, a large Sumatran tiger. My two lovely cats are very best friends, close pals in a matter of speaking. They grew up together, see themselves and act like two brothers because they just don't know it any other way. And they plain share everything...

"Hi my sweet two! How do my big kitties feel today?" I asked them with a very happy smile on my face because I found them snuggled together in perfect harmony inside one corner of their rather large home, laying on a bed of piled straw and enjoying a rest as usual. They both stretched lazily, yawned, stood up, chuffed me a "Hello sunshine!" and came over to lick my face, each one picking a side. I partly crouched down to them and enjoyed it much to get my face washed by my very cute and ultra friendly tiger brothers. They showed their deep affection in this manner, proved gladly their complete acceptance of and great care for me as a very close friend and a mother like person.

"Well, who wants to share a nice time with playful Trisha in fathers trailer? I'm sooo very in the mood today for a bit of this great tiger fun only you two can provide to me the way I like it best..." I asked them, switching fluently over from a happy smile to a very broad suggestive grin. Together they blinked their beautiful amber eyes like they couldn't believe what I just had said. It took them a few second to adjust to the deeper meaning of my little inviting question but after that they got absolute delighted about my surprisingly straight offer. They both moved their heads simultaneous down from my broadly grinning face to my jeans covered crotch, started sniffing at once between my opened legs with big interest and deep inhaling noises. Their long whiskers vibrated softly while they both did this smell checking thing with me right through that hindering jeans fabric.

I laughed heartily. "Well, sorry for this but I'm fresh out of the shower. I figure that my current smell at this particular spot might be of small delight for your lovely noses. But be assured that I plan to change my scent back down there to our shared liking. I knew without doubt that one of you would be delighted in helping me out getting my beloved big cat fragrance back but receiving support from both my utterly talented helpers, hummm, that might be challenging I guess..."

"...and is -- damn it -- the absolute most fascinating idea you ever had!" I smiled, happily giggling into myself while I stood up and turned my body around to face the cage's entrance. This special task was exactly my kind of thing to have a possibly exhausting try with...

"Ok sweeties, let's enjoy a bath together. Let's check out if fathers whirlpool is indeed large enough to place us three properly in..." I told them with a very meaningful undertone in my voice and a very vivid picture of that in my mind. I walked slowly towards the big metal ramp and left the tiger cage over it, not without a completely inviting smile back over my shoulder into the eyes of my lovelies. They apparently still were very puzzled about my straight forward personality today. I made a "follow me" sign with my index finger towards them, licked my red lips like if I tasted something very delicious already, swung my hip from side to side and ambled down the ramp like a debauched show girl, inviting my two tigers openly to something they not only were granted a distant look at but also should pretty please participate for a big deal into.

I sooo got them both with this. They followed me on the heel, nearly stumbling over their own big paws in anticipation, hurrying after me in highest spirit and completely enchanted by my strangely to the point way of offering myself today. This "sweet tiger brothers playing together" idea that had swirled all week long in the depths of my creative mind suddenly had punched itself into the dirty part of myself. This tabooed concept I had initiated now made me feel nicely moist between my legs in advance while I walked deliberately slow in front of them, enjoying every single step I made towards my fathers trailer, towards all the great fun I knew I would find in there today.

I usually didn't take both tigers for a play, indeed I never had even considered this prickling possibility yet. But the last six days of caged together work inside the manege -- they have made my mind go absolute crazy about it. A good deal of our show is by now devoted to my two striped ones performing with brotherly bonds in front of the audience, playing together with a toy of their choosing, sharing all the fun. This lovely relationship which has become strong between them -- this emotional bond has given me the most enjoyable thrills of gladness and joy all week long while I worked with them.

And finally my wonderful day away from shows and work routine, my single day without nosy audience anywhere near us, my sacred Wednesdays of full privacy had arrived. At last I would be able to let our games develop further into any direction without the slightest concern. I already had a certain direction in mind I would soon suggest to my powerful tigers. For all this wonderfully well done shows they both had to be payed back. Oh yes! I grinned broadly while I strolled on snickering into myself. This promised to be great fun for all of us...

We reached my fathers trailer, climbed the metal stairs and I opened the door for my beauties to let them in. They lazily strolled inside, not without rubbing their flanks sideways against my jeans covered legs. What was about to happen inside the caravan everyone of us knew pretty well and this exciting knowledge already got my cats in a special caring spirit towards me, the woman in charge. I giggled again into myself. By all means this two big kittens of mine deserved a private show! I felt the emotion of deepest love and admiration flaming ablaze in my heart. "You feel a need - fulfill their needs!" was a motto I lived by now every day. Often, if I thought about it, my credo made me laugh and giggle because nobody else could possibly understand the much deeper meaning of this saying like I did.

I got myself into the trailer behind my beloved ones, closed the door and securely locked it two times from the inside. Just a moment ago it had turned 1 PM so I had five to six wonderful hours of great fun ahead of me at the very least. Oh what a wonderful path in life favoring Fortuna had dealt to me...

Taisha immediately jumped into the whirlpool and patiently waited there for his preferred bathing partner -- naked me of course -- while Rajah took his usual relaxing place on top of the soft water bed divan. He yawned, still a bit sleepy it seemed, placed his head onto the enormous front paws of his and watched me with big amber eyes, gleaming in focused interest. Never before had I dared taking both with me and so I wasn't very sure about what exactly would happen if I got myself naked and "involved" right in front of the other. But hey -- you just have to take risks and walk through this doubt laden first times to know it for sure afterwards...

And there was a little detail definitely working for me today: This morning I woke up desperate for a very specific kind of fulfillment that each of my big ones literally stand for. Being horny like hell and strongly driven towards the one game all my cats all the time are delighted in playing with me I only had to ask for it. And that's exactly what I did. My lust-hungry state of mind clearly indicated that I was just in the right physical state for taking a little additional risk. So I had -- not very surprising -- ended up with both my tigers in here. Forcing aside all lingering doubts I fell into a very big and very glad grin. This lucky meeting with both my tigers seemed destined. Fortune always favors the brave, especially if they seize offered chances...

I stripped out of all my cloth with elaborate motions and put them orderly away on top of a narrow cabinet besides the door, just in case of some emergency happening outside. Whenever I plan for a private meeting in here with one of my lovers nowadays -- which is at least once a week -- I only wear a jeans, a t-shirt, no underwear at all, no socks and only slippers. In that way I can jump back into my few pieces anytime if I really have to. And -- just for the case of cases -- I also have a second bundle of clothing stored inside the tiny showering cell of my fathers trailer.

In less than 30 seconds I was naked and -- believe me -- more than ready for the fun to begin. I turned slowly around to face my two playboys.

Oh damn it! I suddenly realized that I had to choose how I wanted to start the great time to cum today. Enjoying a long horny ride on top of a soft rocking Rajah cushion sounded very promising. This seemed quite the perfect way to start a little big cat orgy in a very relaxing and absolute enjoyable fashion. All a woman in need had to do was lay herself comfy down onto Rajah's fur covered belly, spread her legs wide for him and fully enjoy the wildly satisfying stunt in a moaning and cumming good way. On the other hand, getting a sweet pushing around from water loving Taisha inside his beloved bubbling whirlpool also was a very superb sensation to get yourself started with and completely horny by. Oh my, oh poor me, into what a darn fix I had maneuvered myself once again. I had to make a fucking decision, quite literally and quite soon, too!

Blast it, I really couldn't decide! "Ok, just keep cool Trish..." I tried to calm my own spinning mind down a bit, "...why don't you give another approach a try? Yeah, just relax yourself any try to have a lot of fun! Why don't you perform your tiger show the one way you always had in mind for a change?". I had a longing glance over to my soft Rajah cushion and would you believe it: my kitty had dozed off, was enjoying a small nap on his beloved and very soft water bed divan with closed eyes and a big cat smile all over his face. He obviously had found observing my uncertainty very boring and unhesitant granted his brother Taisha priority over me. Or maybe -- I whispered that to myself -- he just remembers our usual routine if we both have a meeting in here: Little naked Trisha taking a short dip into that whirlpool first to refresh herself and to prepare mentally for the brushing soft, long lasting and moaning great ride on the divan cushion named "Rajah the magnificent". Ok, very nice. If my sweethearts had in some means made up a queue for me already that was absolute fine and I wouldn't interfere with their decision.

Taisha chuffed two times in my direction, asking his way what possibly could take me so darn long to join him inside the whirlpool today. Oh darn it, oooh triple cursed temptation, this cat is an evil ensnarer in person I can tell you! Playing wet games with him is great fun every time. But nay, I really liked the idea of hitting the tops someway else by now, someway more exotic with big wet lover kitty Taisha at my disposal...

"Taisha, sweetheart, would you come to me, please. I don't want to take a bath, at least not at the moment my love. Maybe later..." I said and he growled very disappointed. Taisha so much loves to get company inside that pool of bubbling water, especially mine. All Siberians have a big natural affinity for water but getting the opportunity of mating in it, well, that's just the chocolate on top of the sweet cream for them. Water sex is their absolute all time favorite pleasure of all imaginable ones and they really get excited by doing it -- I can very positively tell you this!

He pushed himself up, tread softly onto the sitting step that is part of the whirlpool's wall and out over it, strolled dripping wet from head to tail tip towards me like a powerful ancient predator born out of a storming sea. Oh my goodness, what a breathtaking wonderful, what a strong and big size cat my lovely Taisha is! My heart made two pounces at once just because I was allowed to have such a most erotic and aesthetically pleasing glimpse at his muscular and dripping wet tiger shape coming towards me...

Taisha strolled slightly angered over to me and chuffed with deep rumbling noises, questioning me his way what it was all about today. A nice bubbling pool, an anxious waiting him, sweet naked Trish, lots of soft water. Where in heavens name was the problem that kept me from being with him inside that wonderful pool of water and...? He gave dozing Rajah a quick and pretty suspicious glance.

Well, I somehow could understand what he wanted to express with his angered lamentation consisting of noisy growling and chuffing sounds. We usually got super ultra quick to it: Locking door, stripping cloth, jumping into the pool, enjoying great wet fun outside and inside -- at least I did this every single time. But currently, I can't explain why anymore, I felt in need for something a little off the usual thing. Unfortunately I had no real clue yet about what I secretly desired from my sweet lovers today and so I plain told him about it...

"Taisha, I just would love to do it some other way for a change. We always enjoy it inside the whirlpool, don't we? Please get me right: I absolutely delight in having that wonderful water sex with you but I think we should try a different style for a change? Just once, just today, pretty pretty pretty please my sweet tiger kitten?" I asked him, a very begging look in my twinkling eyes while I stood completely naked in front of him, broadly smiling into his nice feline face that looked questioningly up into mine.

He needed a few seconds but grumbled and chuffed sort of a "oh pretty well, if you really think so..." towards me after that, much lesser disappointed thanks to my little explanation of things. He suddenly rubbed all his dripping wet body along my naked legs like an over sized kitten seeking badly for attention from his mommy. Oh that sweet tricksy tiger of mine!

He knows so darn well that the brushing of his wet fur against my bare skin turns me on like a pleasure switch. It has this strong effect on me because it instantaneous stirs up most pleasing memories of our many shared pool sessions and this for sure causes strong fleshy desires inside me, inside a certain wetting part of me. Having sweet Taisha, that big fluffy softy nearby made things a lot worse for me. Knowing such a lovely kitty close, ready and randy for the greatest deeds -- oh my, every useless wasted second without enjoying great fun together was just plain a crime!

Taisha rubbed along my leg with his whole body while he walked by -- this time from the other side because he circled around me like a shark around a chosen victim. He suddenly strolled a few steps away from me with a mumbling noise of soft growls, flopped over to one side and sounded towards me in a strange voice I never had heard from him before. Did he bewail the bad luck with me and his lovely pool of water?

Nope, he for sure didn't. While he called out for his playmate -- I deciphered the meaning of this brand new kitty talk a few moments later -- he rolled further around onto his broad back, spread his rear legs wide and fully enchanted his naked Trish in just the blink of an eyelid and the gulp of a very speechless person.

He offered to me with a more than sweet growl of soft invitation his upright standing, pink glittering, most fascinating cone shaped rod of stiff and softly vibrating Taisha maleness and he so wanted me to please have a female time with his fitting counterpart! And I honestly can tell you -- that sweet kitty of mine is quite an eye-catcher down there. After all he is a very huge, very well trained and very enthusiastic tiger if it comes to that...

"Oh yeah! You are such a good boy, a big sweet kitty boy, oh wowzy! Thank you, what an absolute lovely --uhm-- view! Nice surprise to present me that pleasuring toy of yours in its most impressing upright form. Sweeeeetest gods of joy..." I told him, now pretty amazed myself and nearly speechless by that very direct sexual invitation from him. He usually didn't presented himself in a subordinate position for a play, especially not when I was destined to be his private little toy to have fun with inside our pool. He all the time lures me into the water first for a wet pussy pushing from behind...

I walked hastily over to his wonderful body because I couldn't let such a nice hot --uhm-- opportunity slip away. He looked straight up into my face, licked his pink nose and awaited my next move with a broad kitty smile and most inviting soft chuffing noises, whispers of kitty love talk towards his partner. That tricksy sweet seducer of mine is quite talented there...

"You are a big boy, oh my goodness, you are indeed! I strangely enough always forget about your body size advantages because my water loving kitty so very seldom presents me that extreme tasty penis of his in such a most delicious and arousing way! What a breathtaking tool of pleasure you own, god I'm sooo in heat and in such need for you now!" I told him admiringly and with kinky giggles, hoping so very much that nobody else could hear me right now talking sweet to sexy him. "Let us enjoy some very passionate belly rubs, shall we?" I asked him absolute honest while I stepped carefully with my right leg sideways over him to get into the "male riding style" position -- literally.

He looked up into my face, followed all my slow and subtle movements with his eyes like if we had never enjoyed that beautiful leisure play position before. I smiled much amused towards him while I positioned myself over his soft to the touch but very strong feline body, each of my feet placed on one side of his hip, right in front of his spread wide legs that opened up for me like two fur covered butterfly wings.

"Just inexpressible terrific!" I exclaimed, standing up on my toes, bending my knees and spreading them outwards like he did with his, getting myself ready for sitting down right on top of my extraordinary sweet tiger with an open but nicely constricted entrance. I licked fully fascinated over my lips because through my spread legs I had the most wonderful and breathtaking view a woman in burning need could have on this planet. Oh god and heaven, that huge kitty of mine was nicely built there, no fucking joke, and he knew how to impress me!

Taisha got himself completely at ease below me. He rested his enormous front paws content on his chest and opened his hind legs even further after my encouraging exclamation of pure female delight. Without reservation towards it he offered me a soft and welcoming sit down into his fur covered lap, had his mighty cone shaped pleasure toy standing straight there like a lance for some squirting great fun-ride of mine. He clearly expected me once again to take the liberty of securing his precious pink member inside my moist and perfectly fitting counterpart, please...

All my cats are very fond of that perfectly safe and unbelievable comfy spot that my naked female form has to offer. Before and after our wild exhausting ride we usually delighted ourselves in sharing deepest emotions, always entangled in a tight body hug. They love this wonderful intimate body contact with naked me because through my completely unarmed human form I represented no danger but sweetest joy alone. I'm more or less the tamest big cat in the whole gang and my female features are the best thing they ever encountered. Oh what a fun, oh what a great day this already was...

I suddenly remembered all this and grinned so very square down into Taisha's beautiful face, my jaw muscles started aching instantly. Because of sugar sweet stretching him below me I nearly lost the grip on myself: "Thankye for the most inviting place I have ever seen to comfortable chuck one's weight about, especially as a burning hot female like me!" I told him with greatest fun and kinky laughter on my side. My lovely tiger had switched me once again into that very relaxed and playful mood that I personally enjoy the very most while with them. This special mood makes me anticipate everything and nothing at the same time. This all wasn't about plain sex or having a good fuck with one of my big kitties anymore -- it was about fun, about joy, about love and laughter and of course great pleasures for the both of us that we would for sure experience together again...

I took another deep breath and for a very last time fully delighted myself in a detailed glimpse on his softly twitching member below my pussy entrance. God he is so wonderful a miracle of nature!

His most beautiful pink tiger penis is elegant to the extreme, perfectly fitting for such a most graceful and powerful animal like him. It looks like a pointy cone of pink marble, small and sharp at the top, broad and massive at the fur covered base. Even when he has his toy far out for my personal delight and as a silent invitation -- that empathic tiger knows me and my likings very well by now -- his tool still hides for a good part inside his furry sheath. It just waits there for a nice hot place to shift completely into at the most perfect of moments. The wet glittering surface has a perfectly smooth look to it, is very soft and satin to the careful touch but has a firm bony structure hidden inside that makes it sooo wonderful strong and blissful stiff a toy of woman pleasures. Tiny drops of clear fluid usually start leaking out of its tip when he gets turned on -- which he currently did to my greatest satisfaction -- and this drops keep running down all his members length to trickle away right into his furry sheath.

To be allowed to touch my beauties everywhere without any fear or initial discomfort from their side -- even down at this most sensitive and delicate parts -- this trust means a very lot to me. Full acceptance has its origins...

I greatly care for all cats and they can easily sense such things in people. Pleasing cats with silly little games, having fun and cuddling with them is a thing I plain enjoy immensely. I already did so as a small girl. Nearly all pictures my father took of me show me in company of cats, first with small house cats and later on with my big ones. Cats are the true and only love of my life and I accept that as a gift now, as a thing I somehow got blessed with and have to act accordingly to breath freely. To have the rare opportunity to be even closer to my feline friends, to be of great service to my furry lovelies, to help them feel great and cosy and very pleased with life all the time, well, it's the one thing of my life that is of greatest meaning to me. I devote my life to my cats and doing this is absolute rewarding in itself to me because I love them all sooo very much. They are my closest friends...

On the other hand -- the idea alone of doing harm to one of them is word for word unthinkable to me. Deep in their hearts Taisha and my three other beauties know that. I just plain can't harm them. Such an unthinkable deed would instantly bounce back to me, would deeply injure myself -- my heart and my soul -- in a devastating way. Doing such a thing would for sure break myself and destroy my believes beyond any recovery!

Well, all my lovers know that I can't and I won't harm them in any way ever. They grew up with this simple but deeply meaningful knowledge. But that's not all they have learned -- they are also pretty aware that there are strict rules to play by and that the mistress knows very sophisticated ways of unpleasant punishment for a mean kitty without the need of any force involved. A few weeks without close -- better make that very close -- affection is a harsh punishment for all my cats by now, especially because my pretty feline boys own that exquisite sense of smell together with that lovely body tending to react in addicting needs to certain odors...

Taisha chuffed again, questioningly, invitingly, also a bit challenging as usual. I instantly startled out of my thoughts -- to be true -- I cursed once again mentally about my darn diverting mind. It often carries me away from things that are much more important. I took another deep breath, got myself finally together and decided that it was so darn time for having great fun. Sweetheart Taisha below me so very much deserved it and had really waited far too long already for his female caretaker. It's a women's prerogative to be late sometimes but in this special case it's shameful rude towards my striped kitty waiting below me in stoic readiness for a gooood belly rub!

I took my both hands -- to keep better balance while standing tiptoe over him I had placed them on my knees -- and got them very neatly down flat onto his soft underbelly, crawling him there at once in pleasure using all my fingertips, stroking him in a lovingly fashion at the same time with my warm hand-palms. I know he likes to receive such fondness from me very much and delights greatly in it, especially when we are in private. With my both hands on top of his muscular feline body I got better balance for myself, physically and mentally. My bliss mind suddenly started riddling again and I asked myself if Taisha maybe got butterflies in his stomach through my soft stroking the same way I had them in mine right now because of sugar sweet him stretching so invitingly below me.

Taisha loves my close company, my obvious delight in granting him full access to my fragile but very entertaining human form, my naked and very natural way to provide and receive greatest thrills and joys a wild women's way. He got perfectly calm below me and took pleasure in my gentle approach, found once again sweet fulfillment in this most delicate foreplay of mine, in my soft caressing of his snow white belly fur with nicely pleasing human hands. Clearly he much delighted himself in my sweet approach because his member suddenly grew absolute stiff below my open entrance in his multiplied arousal. Little pearls of glittering fluid emerged again out of its pointy and most delicate tip and he had no influence towards that particular body reaction anymore. Meanwhile his excited body had simply stopped asking him first...

I also grew very moist between my legs like if I had suddenly started a sun induced sweating there. My body shivered softly and I became hot in a feverish way without the troubling illness. Real pearls of sweat emerged spontaneous from my naked body and ran down my spine while others ran along my temples. That was very nice a feeling already but by no means nice enough for me.

I lowered my naked hip down to Taisha's furry one but followed a sudden impulse of enjoying a bit of fun with him first instead of giving in to my own needs too soon. Not yet would I allow my eager opening to slid like a sheath over his mighty pleasure tool, nah, not yet! I got my hip deliberate too far back, sat very neatly down on his furry sheath right in front of his enormous balls and at the same time stretched my vaginal lips to open up for him like the leaves of a dew wetted flower in spring. His furry penis base slid between my well lubricated pussy wings and submerged entirely into my moist inner depth of pure warm comfort. His short fur on top of his protective sheath felt insanely great inside my enveloping slit. It was sooo outstanding ticklish against my very sensitive clit which constantly rubbed against his covering fur like a cherry size marble played within impossible soft to the touch grass. I sniggered into myself like a schoolgirl while I got immensely turned on by that brutally gentle brushing I had to endure. Still I was determined to give something far better to my very cute and lovely tiggy.

Funny thing -- my mind can switch from rational thinking to pleasure playtime in just one instant. It often pays off greatly to listen for just a tiny moment in time to the rational part of my brain that keeps whispering ideas to the pleasure loving animalistic part of myself. That creative rational part of mine always comes up with the most interesting and most stimulating ideas!

Slowly, with greatest delight and a rather salacious giggle I slid my narrow opening all along his godly stiff penis, enjoying the moist rubbing of two breathtaking sleek surfaces against each other now. Sleek they both were indeed but also clustered over and over with very sensitive spots, most enjoyable sensitive regions that teased each other to the wild extreme.

He growled softly in some kind of bittersweet agony below me and I took it as a big praise from his side of the fun. My side got me completely wet through that delightful slow slide. It felt unbelievable amorous and superb sensual at the same time! I giggled silently now, just in thought and in a tickled by him way, got my hip further down, changed the angle a bit in which I crouched over him and narrowed my whole slit in a tightening fashion while he was sort of caught inside my pussy with his hot glittering tiger rod of burning excitement.

"Well, one could surely call that a HOT CAT and would be right either way..." I much amused stated and couldn't suppress a short laughter about that silly one. I shifted myself all the way back on top of him, slid with wet lips along his soft pulsating tool, shuddered on top of him in pure lust and nicest joy. Oh god, doing this felt absolute wild and rapturing to me and it was sooo much fun!

Taisha growled, deeply enchanted by my moves, and I got the inner meaning without problem: "Female, you are such an absolute strange one! Oh boy, oooh boy, how much I do love you for that!". How I could tell for sure? Well, that's an easy guess -- because he dripped a lot stronger with that clear fluid out of his tools tip by now, because he constantly licked his nose in disbelieve about the various strong sensations I flooded him with and because his growling got so filled with pure lust and joy that he nearly maneuvered himself out of breath. He was very close to the point of ultimate satisfaction but I had just one more surprise on store for my sweetheart. My creative mind had whispered it a moment ago to the fun loving animal part inside me. It would be just the perfect thing to push him very deep into that relieve he was seeking for, my sweetest little tiger kitty.

"That feels just wonderful to me -- I so very much hope you get the same delight out of it my love. But something is lacking a bit: We usually enjoy it wet, don't we? How about that my sweetheart..." I asked him with a big smile of piggish anticipation spread all over my face, gave him no time at all to think or react towards that utterly rhetorical question of mine. I had moved my hip slowly back while I spoke to him, right over the rim of his furry sheath. Now I felt the whole length of his marvelous member burning hot between my clinging pussy lips and lustily increased my very good grip all around it with my pussy, like a silk covered vice squeezing him satiny in between, stronger and stronger, tighter and tighter without any mercy...

I casually stretched forwards, rubbed up and down his belly with my both hands, tickled him with all my fingertips and most delightful started a warm pee right over his pulsating member that still was locked tight inside my getting flooded oasis of wildest, wettest pleasures.

He suddenly growled no more but went dead silent instead. His eyes widened in definite surprise and he stared absolute bewildered into my grinning face. I laughed gently and a bit naughty while I continued my belly massage to push him even more, to make him fully enjoy it with all his fine feline senses, all his strong and wonderful body. It was an uttermost delightful experience for myself and I shifted my wet opening softly dripping along his hard pulsing member, had a wild lot of greatest fun down there while I continued my caressing of his belly fur to keep myself focused on pleasing him as much as anyhow possible without loosing the grip on myself...

He suddenly showed me all his carnivore teeth, uncovered his white fangs fully without making any sound at all. My female body once more utterly amazed him, the wild pleasure of that glide pushing him far out of any normal big cat behavior. I knew and felt for absolute sure that he wasn't angered in any way -- he simply couldn't handle this mind blowing overload of sensual impressions anymore that I forced him through with greatest joy on my part of the fun. He suddenly remembered being a king size Siberian tiger -- not a surprised little kitten -- and he started a loud rumbling growl below me like a brooding storm showing his terrible strength in a sudden roar of thunder. I sniggered and continued my wet teasing with further increased gusto. Just the exact moment when I reached the first third of his enormous hard and strongly twitching member with my tight pussy of irresistible pleasures his body reacted very fiercely. His mighty feline balls pumped an enormous load of hot tiger cum in wildest spurting ecstasy out between my inescapable pussy lips.

My sudden flowing warmth and thousandfold increased wetness around his whole tool had been the little push too much of stimulation that his body couldn't handle anymore. His precious seed shot with enormous power out of his twitching members tip and he ejaculated in monstrous amounts right over his whole belly up to his heavy breathing chest. And I can tell you honestly that he enjoyed a very good and very strong orgasm. His whole body shook in big erupting shudders of pressure release and I could sense that everywhere on top of him.

His burning hot tool pulsed several more times in my embracing pussy grasp and I experienced the immense damed force behind his long delayed orgasm through my sensitive lips first person. I felt so much joy for his utter relieve, for the great pleasures he seemingly had at the very moment that I softly moaned in rhythm to him while I continued my stroking all along his furry chest. He continued to spurt all over himself in big jets of a wet sexual dream cumming true at last. With the greatest excitement on my naked part I rubbed his seed deep into his fur and doing such a most arousing thing made me shudder all over in my own mighty increased rage for sexual fun. I was so darn close now myself just by being of assistance to my lovely Taisha kitten...

He slowly stopped his rumbling growl and relaxed below me, much delighted about what I had once again dared doing to him, with him and just for him! He licked his nose, looked into my face and I swear by everything that is dear to me that I could perceive his deep love towards me in his round amber eyes. He sooo very much loves every second of this great fun with naked me...

"What a very nice tiger cum!" I joked towards him, rested my breasts and chest down onto his belly, changed the angle of my hip and pushed him with one childish easy glide all the way up into my dripping wet love tunnel, secured him deep into my innermost self, got his whole thrilling length inside to the very base of his furry sheath. Finally I allowed my lusty self to engulf his mighty pleasure rod like a silken glove of perfect fit, of perfect wetness inside, of need for a good mighty fill by the stiff tiggy. I got very noisy while I slowly did that cunning move, the delight now fully and greatly on my side of the sexual fun. I was so darn horny for sweet him, I most delighted started licking his feline cum from his white upper belly fur while I looked up, while I looked right into the most beautiful face of my tiger granting me the sweetest pleasure of all, the pleasure of pleasing him.

He blinked with his eyes, licked his nose, blinked at me again. He honestly just couldn't believe I was happening in that utterly impossible way to him. I felt his tiger senses going berserk, could see his mind screaming a good bye little tiger kitty through his beautiful eyes and so he started chuffing at me like a steam train at high speed, knowing of nothing else to do right now because of my obvious insanity. He plain couldn't believe such a horny woman like me existing -- he really should know better by now -- a woman that would make him cum hard through her wet rubbing pussy lips and that would continue to ride his member afterwards just out of pure love for teasing and pleasing him even further this way!

I giggled very loud in amusement about the utter perplexity mirrored in his eyes. "Just relax, relax back sweety and please delight yourself in the wild stimulation that I must grant my burning body with your most wonderful tiger maleness now!" I said much excited, nearly too excited to talk anymore. The blink of an eyelid later I gave completely in to my own needs and to the animal inside me that urgently demanded to be loosened from its chains of a human mind at last. With a very glad sigh I gave in and rode him very deep, very good, very hard, allowed that sweet inner animal of mine play games with the pleased tiger kitty below. Oh yeah, oh god yeah, I sooo love to do this to me and him...

During all my measured moves on top of him I clutched his stiff tiger penis tight using my vaginal muscles, slid up and down on his whole thrilling length, licked his belly fur clean of his tasty love juices and stroke his muscular body with both hands wherever I could reach him. This all really pushed me out of my usual self, kicked me darn unbelievable hard into a surprisingly strong need for even more of this great sexual amusement with my sooo beloved animal partner. My whole self burned in pure delight and I loved this emotion...

Suddenly Taisha sounded a soft growl of full approval. He again got his huge member agile deep inside me and fucked me like crazy with very hard, very striking out moves of an extreme powerful tiger hip. This time I for my part couldn't believe feeling sexy him doing that wonderful to me, enjoying it with me, being there for me this wonderful unique tiger way I had silently hoped for! I seemingly turned my sweet lover kitty on so much that he at all costs wanted to contribute to this ongoing pleasure play of mine, right after his very nice cum a few moments ago. I got my hands on his mighty heaving chest, my both arms sideways along his soft belly and encouraged him, plead for his powerful tiger assistance because I knew he loved to hear this from me while he did me good: "Oh yes my kitty, please give it hard to me! I sooo love that feel of your mighty tiger hardness stiff and deep inside me, oh god yessss, please fuck me Taisha! Please! Pleaaase help meeeee!"

He thankfully had enough of that awesome tiger power left in his body and indeed fucked me home all the way I could have only dreamed for. It was plain heaven for me -- exchanging body fluids with one of my power kitties always is. His tool moved like a steam driven hammer into my awaiting opening and I enjoyed it with all my blazing hot senses down and in there. I was near a screaming great orgasm and he got that important information by small signs of my shuddering body and my going unfocused eyes.

He stopped all the sweet pussy pushing from below in one single moment and rammed his member so hard and so very deep into me that I yelped in deepest surprise. He apparently contracted all his strong tummy muscles at the same time, got his hip pushing up and forwards by this and had his penis slid into my entrance to the maximum depth possible, including all his protective fur covered sheath. Enormous furry balls suddenly started rubbing against my behind in soft pulsing motions of pure stroking loveliness. Pulsing motions? Exactly at that staggering moment he exploded inside my narrowed tunnel in a nothing less than monstrous fountain of steaming hot tiger cum, a wet pleasure bomb for my body that simply lacks any fitting description. If you can't feel that yourself you just can't imagine such a blasting wild sensation of pure dazzling joy...

That monstrous tiger punch up my crotch hit me so very extreme -- I came terrible hard together with him, yelled full hearted for more of that feelings, threw myself towards my wonderful lover while I started shivering with all my body in a sexual fever, orgasm waves of warmth and wetness suddenly raging through my whole self like a bush fire set ablaze by a sudden wind. Nah, wrong, that was no puny wind no more, that was a god given hurricane of pure tiger power. Wildest contractions started flexing and relaxing all the muscles inside my belly and everywhere around his heavily spurting member while snow white dreams of soft relieve blurred my sight, my mind and all myself. Once again we melted together in perfect harmony, body and soul, woman and tiger, and I utterly savored that moment. Delight, greatest fun, non describable joy, heart warming love, godly wetness, a long stretched orgasm and my very soft lover kitty below me having big fun again, it all got mixed together and made it the paradise I so like to be thrown into by him, by them, by my sweetest of sweet lover cats.

I moaned many times. He started licking my forehead while he still pulsed hot seed into my womb with a set free animalistic delight you can't even start to imagine. He greatly enjoys filling up that stunning sweet body opening of mine by now. All around his tiger penis it finally was so wonderful wet again, so uttermost cosy, so pulsing alive, so screaming and squeezing narrow a female, so moaning and encouraging a mate for his very private pleasure playtime with his cute female toy. And he made good use of that utterly willing human that always loves to serve him the one way or the other, oh by god yes he so wonderfully did it again and again and again and all over again just for the pure tasty fun of our shared joy...

I rubbed my naked belly feebly over his and the wet tiger cum sprayed accidentally there made it totally wicked an experience. Everywhere his fine belly fur glued itself to my naked skin and I instantaneous realized why. The perplexing sensation of his sticky fur and the great feeling of a barbed love rod all the way up my tightly narrowed pussy pulsing in wild ejaculations like it had done onto this fur covered belly below me before -- it got me another wet one shuddering all my body. And if that wasn't enough already -- I suddenly realized that Taisha wasn't cumming anymore, he was enjoying a spontaneous relieve inside me just because he felt like doing that marking of his private property thing right now. That much hot cum not even a king size Siberian tiger like him could produce!

My third orgasm in a row nearly made me faint by its sudden blaze and brutal strength. My sight really was off now, everything switching fluently over into a whitish blur of extreme ecstasy. Tiny black holes in that endless white space of delight continuously sucked in all remaining thoughts of my rational mind so that pure delightful pleasure was all that remained, all that I could sense right now. I so love this tiny moments of perfection, that glimpses into heaven I get granted on earth by my soft tigers.

He surely grinned with a broad smile about my utter devotion to that kinky fun we shared right now but a long time I had just no chance in focusing at that lovely tiger face right in front of me. Oh how I admired and loved that smart lover kitty. He was so terrible good, so godly evil a pleasuring big cat, so fucking lovely and lovely fucking me! It took me at least half a minute to calm down, to get my unfocused mind working again without blurs and complete oppositional perceptions, not even counted the many utterly pointless tries of my rational mind to focus on reality during my smashing hard orgasms caused by that tiger induced extra wet loveliness all inside my whole contracting pussy. It's sooo very satisfying to feel the brain getting switched off by deepest emotions, feeling oneself finally swim inside a deep pond of pure animal lust and felicity without a shore in reach anywhere...

First thing I did after I gained a certain amount of control over myself again: I groomed his face with both hands and kissed him softly on his pink nose. "That was so unbelievable nice of you, oh god wow! I still linger in one of my loveliest orgasms ever. You are so brilliant a kitty, so fucking godly brilliant a lover..." I told him and it was just plain the truth. Taisha indeed was most brilliant concerning the matter of having great sexual fun with me. Why? Because he sincerely enjoys having sex as much as we humans do. And best of all: He enjoys it with much delighted me! Oh my, I sooo love that big striped god of joy...

His penis was perfectly stiff resting inside my juicy love tunnel and my sweetheart made his feline body do this just for me. He so well knew by now that I love to feel him staying inside me deep and hard after a great fuck. He always remembers now and keeps his tool there for my personal delight, for my love of it, for my greatly intensified joy through that wonderfully shaped part of his body. A wild tiger would never do such a "pointless" thing but my Taisha did, learned that, made it happen for his happy playmate...

"You are so unbelievable sweet to me my love..." I told him, stretched my whole body and licked around his muzzle while I slid very very slowly and insanely delightful from his barbed tool of pleasure, not without constricting my vagina as tight together as bearable for my own taste. He rumbled a very soft growl of pleased confirmation to this deed of mine and licked my chin while I continued to lick all around his nose. We both much enjoy these slow separations that utilize our most sensitive parts in an utterly thrilling manner for just one more time. This last moment of deep closeness always succeeds in increasing our physical, spiritual and strong lover bounds by sharing a sweeter than sweet scratching pain with each other to the very last fiery bit of intimate roughness.

He came free and our love fluids oozed out of me and right onto his hip. I pushed myself softly up from his muscular chest, stood tiptoe over sweet him again and got suddenly into a very strange sexual mood that I can't really explain anymore. I experienced the very strong urge to push it further today, to do a little self-experiment with my body and sweet lusty Taisha below. Maybe that amazingly great fuck with him had been just a bit too much amorous fun for me, that little assurance making me know I really could try such a twisted thing without any fear for him or myself. I can't really tell you anymore why I did what I did next...

I saw his stiff pointy penis standing up straight like a cone shaped candle below me, dripping wet with our intermixed love juices from tip to sheath and I simply settled down with my bottom on top of his wonderful gift. I slipped myself without any trouble over his mighty hardness, thanks to that great lubricating stickiness he had all around it, and could feel myself getting slightly stretched around him like a ring of elastic rubber adjusting to his massive needs.

He sort of sneezed a "What the..." towards me but I had too strange a fun right now to answer that perplexed question. I got him gliding deeper into my rear, extreme slow and careful, and our intermixed love juices leaked out of my front entrance in gushes while I did so. Finally I was all the way down and sat perfectly sweet on top of his furry sheath like if I was meant to be there this very kinky, this very strange way. It felt kind of deviant having him perfectly nice up my ass with all of his feline might, all that wonderful wet pleasure tool he owns inside me again while his warm cum oozed unhindered out of my pussy and right into his furry hip below my front opening at the very same time.

I just sat there for a few seconds, slowly breathing and riddling why in heavens name I had done that. While I wondered about it I strangely enjoyed the very odd feelings I got through perplexed him pulsing soft and very deep inside my alternative body opening. Taisha had exactly the same expression on his face, absolute exactly the same. He oscillated between "What the great fuck is she doing now?", between "Oh wow!" and "How very bizarre!". His face mimic got very funny and he started an absolute noisy breathing below me out of complete bewilderment for this new deed of mine.

"Sorry my sweet kitty, I just had that strange lust to check this -uhm- thing -uhm- out with your help. Hope you don't feel too uncomfortable up there. I'm sorry. Wait, I'll remove myself, sorry, stupid idea..." I said to him and blushed very much, sitting more than comfy in his very soft fur clad lap, feeling him with his mighty strong tiger phallus deep and wet up my whole rear like a candle of slowly melting wax filling me more than softly. Suddenly all my face felt like I had a very bad sunburn on it. How could I dare being that smutty a slut towards my super sweet him. What a complete sick idea this was...

He growled quite loud but relaxed back below me at the same time, showing no signs of discomfort or annoyance but a definite call for my attention. I didn't understand at first what he intended because I was so very ashamed about my dirty self. A few moments later it dawned to me that he wasn't sure about his strange stay himself -- yet. But indeed, he demanded to keep his penis in there for a bitty more to check this new place fully out, to give that deep stay up my silken rear a good chance to prove worthy a hole! I gulped, took a deep breath and tried to relax sitting on top of sugar him. All his life he has been a very curious tiger and because of this eager to investigate personality all this great fun I now had with my big kitties was possible for real. I owe him big time for that push into the right direction.

"It's very kinky, isn't it?" I asked more to myself, still burning red a face out of human shame and not knowing what to do next. I softly crawled through his lower belly fur while he started licking his own nose in puzzlement about what to do next too. "I still can remove myself from you if you wish that?" I asked him very politely and still pretty ashamed of my spontaneous deed. But sweetheart Taisha suddenly had a good idea what to do next...

Cats are a marvel of natures creatures. They are able to lick themselves nearly everywhere because they developed a very flexible spine. And Taisha, big size cat of course, also counts as such a marvel. He got his head up, bent his neck and his whole chest towards me and started licking his fur clean right in front of my fluids leaking pussy. And then he very natural decided that he would enjoy it much more to clean my pussy out for me first while I sat there and occupied his hip together with his tiger stick of godly pulsing stiffness. What a most gentle, most caring, most wonderful lover I have!

He licked me and I sigh loud in sudden pleasure. Nah, I didn't really sigh, I only did that the first few touches. Three wet kisses later I moaned again and after twenty or so strokes of that large silken pleasure-whip through my entire slit I yelled out loud in unbearable delight. He sooo made me cum using his most wonderful tiger-tongue. And would you believe it - at first I didn't really recognize! Suddenly there were far too many strong impressions simultaneous blossoming up inside my crotch to be sure anymore. His stiff and slightly vibrating rod completely up my ass, his rough tongue deep inside my cunt licking me out good and his hot breath puffing all the time with invisible stream clouds into my slit. He more than willingly cleaned my place out good like if I had a bowl of sweetest cream hidden in there. I out of a sudden started shaking again, felt that joyful warmth spreading from my pussy up into my whole inner body and I straightaway knew I had another one, a slow and delightful developing one thanks to him. But what he did next moment I'll never forget in all my life. He felt, smelled and experienced his little playmate climax right in front of his sniffing nose erupting a wild women's way. Her ostentation of pure bodily devotedness to this enjoyable game they played mightily encouraged him to share to her fun -- right here and now!

So I kind of jumped up and jelled high-pitched in utter disbelieve about what he did to me because he plain couldn't do this! Taisha spurt his sticky cum delightful warm up my rump without any riding or hard stimulation happening first! His mighty tiger balls below me started pumping again in a slow breath-matching rhythm, his pleasure-cone softly shuddered in exactly the same love-beat and sweet fluids of orgasm sharing spilled from my tiger into me. But most stunning: That completely unbelievable kitty of mine very tasteful continued to lick my soaked cunt clean of his remains while he had his own go deep inside my body without growling or anything usual that would have shown me he enjoyed a tiger-orgasm! And utterly amused Taisha all the time wore that smart kitty face, that god darn "I'll show you little female what a well trained tiger is capable off if you only let him..." smile while he blinked his shining eyes with every deep wet shot he enjoyed and while I watched him out of words and open mouthed. Oh how I hated that outsmarting smile of pretty him and how I admired it even more at the very same time because he really had outsmarted me again, that magic kitty of sweetest, loveliest pleasures!

The little orgasm of mine was a very nice one, just a soft heating up of my body and a good feel of flying high in my mind. But his sticky sperm spurting up my butt in little pulses of warming wetness, god it felt uttermost strange a thing to experience while having a wet one running down your inside at the same time. I can't really put into words what I felt that exact moment but it wasn't plain pleasant nor was it really unpleasant, it wasn't plain sexual nor was it plain emotional what my whole body tried to tell me. It was an even bigger mix of everything than before, a stew pot of sweet bodily joy we experienced so gladly together in many different ways for each participant...

"A very nice one but somehow very odd at the same time!" I honestly told him feeling high by love, joy and relieve. He relaxed back in front of me, licking his nose in an "indeed!" kind of agreeing way. While he did so I could sense him delivering a nice little flow of his sticky tiger sweetness into me, as wonderfully soft as many tropical dew drops combining themselves together right on top of my inner surface and running down afterwards, a finishing present for his little mate. I absolutely loved that kinky last impression he made me enjoy sitting there, right on top of him, put over him like a filled sheath!

"Wait a moment my sweetheart, now I have an idea again I so very much want to try out if you allow me, please! If we do nice body experiments today we really should try that one out too. I have dreamed of doing this for a long time and never had the guts of checking it out for real with one of my lovelies..." I told him, pushed my hip up a bit while he still had his slightly oozing and jerking penis up my rear. I turned myself slowly sideways on top of very interested him. With much care and balance I moved my bottom 30, 90, 180 degree while I still engulfed his hot tiger rod's tip for a good deal. I settled slowly down again after my move, facing towards his tail now and not towards his face, feeling his slightly curved member pushing very stimulating in way of my lower spine. This was exact the right position for a thing my rational mind had suddenly remembered from an erotic dream of mine. I simply laid myself down, softly back into his warm and sticky body embrace while he had this most wonderful large and stiff penis inside my creamed ass, staying deep and cosy all the way up that new place again.

He sort of purred in chuffing and breathing noises towards me because that was all he could do. If a cat can become speechless -- he indeed was. I rubbed my back against his belly fur like if I had a comfy rest in my own bed, making myself ready for a pleasing nap, stuck on him, encouraging him to everything he might enjoy to do. While I did this move I also sorted my legs out, got my knees up besides my hip, my feet back on the ground besides melted deeply together us. What a very nice position, what a strangely nice and utterly kinky position for a wild woman like me. Oh sweet heavens, this new position with him really kicked my sex drive to the extreme because I so darn knew it was out of an erotic dream of mine and now I did this, did this for real with one of my tigers!

He licked my face sideways from behind and got his two front paws wrapped around my chest, holding me tight like a soft play plush he had his long member sticking inside and didn't want to give away ever again because it felt sooo very great being in there. Just the thing I had dreamed about. "You are so very welcome my love, so welcome. I won't leave you if you don't want me to..." I promised him absolute truly with a whisper. I owe him big time and this was just greatest fun for both of us!

He started a sweet tiny humping motion below me with his powerful hip, fully enjoying that warm, soft and creamy feeling inside his living play-plush. My tiger just plain had a jolly good time growing larger and deeper into my behind with much increased arousal on his side of the sex game. Now I was his little human prisoner, his tightly held pray, his little female captured in a more than soft embrace of love. I instinctually relaxed myself completely, released all muscles contraction to make it easy and delightful for him to take me from behind. My happy self plain enjoyed the successful predator using his prey thing he delivered to me. Why hadn't I ever tried that very cool style of intimacy before?

Suddenly sweet Rajah was standing in front of floor acrobatic us, looking very curious at the strange way we both obviously had a lot of fun right now. He sniffed with much interest at my Taisha spoiled slit and a bit further down, all around his huge tiger member entering my rear further and further, growing into me like a strong tree in spring ready to blossom extremely hard anytime soon out of pure joy for being able to do this.

"Oh yes, please, let's have a threesome!" I sort of babbled while Taisha had a tiny pee deep inside me to relax himself first and prepare that new hole he rested fully in now for the next step that had to follow. That strong pushing sensation he created with his pretty hard spurting pulses of warm pee really gave me the creeps all the way up and down my tiger fur tickled back. Taisha enjoyed this wet and very deep stay up my bottom immensely by now because it was sooo warm, sooo moist and sooo godly narrow in there like he had never felt it before! He chuffed happily below me, licked my face from behind my shoulder and indeed rolled slightly around with me to the left and to the right while he had my body securely in his close embrace, while he enjoyed me like a soft play toy that he could stick his mighty hard kitty tool deeply into with a most wonderful feeling to it as often and as deep as he wished for. I was his prey of love and I loved it...

Rajah cleaned my Taisha spoiled pussy for me and it felt breathtaking great to have him doing this while Taisha fully enjoyed his deep stay up my other entrance. His rough tongue licked away all our spilled juices and he became very hot a tiger himself by doing so, tasting us, smelling the strong perfume of us two lovers mixed together inseparably, sort of admired us enviously for the great fun we had obviously enjoyed and still enjoyed right in front of observing him. In my sexual dream of a fuck with lovely Taisha I really had completely forgotten -- to my great shame -- about sweet Rajah staying with us. Now I took the chance to secretly glimpse through my moving breasts and right between Rajahs rear legs, making myself sure if he was "in the mood". My mighty onlooker kitty was indeed ready himself, very large and perfect stiff between his muscular rear legs, twitching and dribbling stiff to be exact.

"Why not join us my love. I think we three can manage to have great fun together..." I told him slightly whimpering because of lovely Taisha playing wet games up my rump again. Rajah got my mumbled invitation nevertheless, accepted it very gladly and stepped most elegant over me -- whoops -- over us I mean. He place himself without a problem in my completely exposed and Taisha spoiled front entrance that stood widely open for him through my nice uplifted position. We three looked like a cat sandwich with me inside, the already creamed and getting constantly creamed layer of the tasty cake. Rajah licked my face, rested himself softly down onto this pile of moving bodies and started entering me deeper, much concerned not to hurt me in any way by doing so. "Go on sweety, it's really ok with me. Join the great fun we have, have fun yourself and be part of it. Oh please, pretty pretty please my love, please fuck me good my tiggy sweetheart..." I told him honestly and with great delight while I got my arms around his huge body and scratched him all along his spine with my nervous trembling fingers, teasing him to go further, pleeeease! This was way beyond everything I ever had dreamed of doing...

Rajah got the very clear meaning of my pleading invitation, made perfect use of it and they both enjoyed an impossible great time with horny me caught in between, with sweet creamed Trish as part of the layer cake. I relaxed myself completely in their body embrace, their soft pleasing fur all around me and I so very much enjoyed the fucking frenzy they delivered to me after a tiny period of mental adjustment from my side. What else could, what else should I do caught tight between two big size and completely love drunk kittens that so much liked this funny fooling around with their most beloved sex toy -- little sweet open for all Trisha! It made me sooo happy experiencing them having a tremendous great time with me, so very happy to be of help to them again with that little female body of mine...

Rajah pushed that particular spot inside my love tunnel with his pointy tool that only he always hits and Taisha decided to fuck my behind just to show off for his smaller brother Rajah on top. It was a pure creamy mess of things but absolute pervert a sexual wet dream I can tell you! They fucked me, one on top, one from below and they made me moan loud in greatest terrible burning orgasms, one after another triggered and increased with joy by my playful kittens. And it felt sooo kinky doing that! Nah, kinky isn't the right word. It felt abnormal great and at the same time plain wonderful a thing to enjoy together in love with my cats. Never ever had I thought about that until today and tears filled my eyes, tears of disbelieve how utterly wonderful it felt to have a deep fuck with both of them at the very same time, to please them both with the ultimate joy and to be able to feel them reach the wet melting point together inside me and stay there afterwards to please me out of pure thankfulness for the cum!

It felt utterly godly when they mated simultaneously with me, one from the upside, one from below. Their hard penises nearly touched together inside me and their slowly emerging spines made me cry out loud between them, cry for more of that most stimulating pleasure, more of that hot juice they filled me up with and they made me produce myself in amounts I never had held possible before. This two really made me be the cream of the kitty cake, literally, and I sooo loved it. To go off with a lover, that's just paradise. To do this with two lovers simultaneous, that's heaven. Big cat pleasure heaven...

After three wonderful fucks in a row my two cats finally decided that they would pretty much enjoy a tiny break from all that hot action. Rajah stepped backwards away from me and instantly started cleaning my whole body with his rough tongue from that tasty pearls of sweat while godly Taisha enjoyed just another fucking and cumming frenzy up my backdoor. Rajah first cleaned all my soaked pussy for me, removed his overspilled seed while Taisha had his go inside me the same moment with a rumbling growl of sexual fun from below. Sweetest Rajah started a cleanup of my lower body next and I really enjoyed his fondness immensely during my everlasting sensual mind blowing orgasm. Taisha below me made me cum in a very odd way with his fucking frenzy from behind while Rajah licked me clean in a most sensitive, most lovingly and most caring for me way from above. Heaven on earth, that's the only description I can give you, heaven on earth!

Taisha issued a deeply pleased growled and suddenly released me from his front paw embrace. His penis pulled out of my rear with a wet plop while it retreated back into his furry sheath. I rolled sideways off from my soft Taisha cushion and panted completely exhausted besides him, laying down on my belly, whimpering softly in my own unbelievable strong afterglow caused by that uncountable great sensations I had been allowed to enjoy together with my two gods of wildest sex. Oh wow, this immense heat inside my body really killed me. If you ever had a full body suit over you imagine two of them with inner heating all around you, fucking you crazy just for the fun of it! The only thing that had kept me from getting a heat stroke for real was Taisha's wet and cum soaked belly fur below me. To my great fortune he had this quick jump into the whirlpool first. Next time we all should take a bath together for real before having such a piling up of bodies again...

Rajah stood beside me and started cleaning my back now. "Oh what a fuck! Oh god and heaven what a brilliant fuck! You kitties are super perverts you know. Oh wow, this was just fucking unbelievable great a thing to do! What a fucking brilliant fuck..." I babbled and couldn't find proper words for it. Suddenly Rajah was on top of me, licking my head from behind and trying to get his hard member up my completely soaked rear, feeling interest for checking out this strange way of having sex with me for himself now. "Oh well, have fun in there my kitty..." I mumbled, got my bottom up to allow him better entry and Rajah at once found that new hot spot to deliver to. Thankfully he was rather quick this last time, needed only 10 to 20 strokes and shoot his load straight up my completely creamed by now ass. It felt strangely right to have him there, even if I personally can't enjoy it as much as doing it vaginally with my loved ones. Vaginally makes it feel the real thing to me somehow even if I sadly can't give birth to their kittens...

He added his own hot sperm gladly to Taisha's many donations and while he still spurt his tiger seed into my depths he started cleaning my whole back with his wet tongue. "Thank you sweetheart, it feels very nice, inside and outside!" I said panting from below and he licked all my neck in thankful response for my lovely body opening he was allowed to make use of this very wonderful moment. After a few seconds he pulled out, stepped backwards from me and cleaned all my rear with his tongue like using a very soft washcloth. That felt very good and I enjoyed his soft cleaning up of all the mess greatly.

Another minute later or so Rajah left me and jumped onto his divan, taking a nap after so many great and strange pleasures today. Taisha suddenly rolled around towards me and started licking my head from the side. I turned sideways myself, facing him and he licked all over my face, very thankful and very delighted for that incredible orgy he had been allowed to participate his part to many times in a row.

"No problem my sweety, no problem. It's all my great pleasure. You kitties are really good in pleasing me, unbelievable good by now! I enjoyed it immensely to have wet fun with you two and I hope you did the same. Well, by your looks I'm pretty sure you did..." I said to him joking again and stroke softly over his cheek with my right while he licked me. "But now I think I should have a quick visit to the toilet because you spurting kitties filled all my holes up to the limit!" I giggled very amused and stood up.

Oh crap! A huge gush of moisture poured out of me, out of both sides and I had a very hard time not to spill our fluidly love everywhere while I walked over into the tiny caravan toilet. I sat down on the pot and yikes - that wasn't true! It had made fun, yeah, but this, holy shit. It really poured out of me everywhere and it just didn't seem to want to stop ever again...

After a few minutes on the toilet and a lot of toilet paper I decided that "backdoor fun" wasn't a thing I really could enjoy. It had been fun trying this out today but it was just too gross for me afterwards to really enjoy it that different way. "I'll keep sticky to my deep vagina fills..." I thought and giggled a lot about that good one. I came back out of the tiny toilet room after I had finally been able to clean myself up and both my cats already awaited me for round two of this great day.

"You kitties are sooo sick. Oh, by the way, I love you for being that feline way towards me! But let's have normal fun again, please. I really don't like the bad afterglow of backdoor fun. How about a nice bit of whirlpool shaking for Taisha and a sweet divan ride afterwards for Rajah to call it a perfect day?" I asked them and Taisha instantly leaped into the whirlpool for an answer while Rajah yawned, strolled back to his divan, laid comfortable down there and watched us two having our wet moaning fun inside the pool facing him.

We left the trailer together two hours later and I was pretty limp by that time, limb but utterly satisfied and as happy as one could ever wish to be. Having this special kind of fun with two demanding and eager tigers at the same time isn't easy at all. They are made sooo persistent and energetic by nature and have to act accordingly to that. To please them good, to make them content with their achievements -- my beauties just deserve nothing less from me -- well, it often is quite a challenge.

But heck -- for a well prepared and well trained female like myself it's piece of cake to keep the kitties satisfied. You relax yourself, let everything usual around you go away and the animal hidden deep inside you run free with your cute sexy lover kitties for a while. If you succeed at last in convincing your brain to stop thinking and start enjoying the impossible great fun to cum with them -- like my beloved ones do every single time while having their way with me -- it will help you transform bit by bit into an equal, into an integral part of their wonderful sharing of love. And I can tell you with all heart and soul -- there's just nothing greater in life than being the creamed part of their love cake for a little while...