Foxx's Saga Ch 3 - Moving In

Story by The Foxx on SoFurry

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#3 of Foxx's Saga

This makes number three, and going strong. But I still need some feedback! As before, don't read this unless your 18+ (If your not, you shouldn't be here anyways) since like the last one, it has yiffing in it.


This chapter will make no sense if you haven't read the previous ones.


All characters copywrite me, their player; If you want to use them, just give me credit in the story and you certainly may. If you want to "adopt" one of them as your own character, let me know. Any of those are copywrite their new players.


~Foxx's Saga~

Chapter 3:

Moving In


"Ah, I see your finally awake." Starlight yawned, nuzzling back against the neck of her vixen student and last night, her lover. All four flowing tails had been cleaned by Foxx since she had woken up finding them still warm with Starlight's wolfen cum. She had enjoyed the femme wolf's savory juices, and looking around her, there seemed to be plenty of the two kiasu's sexual juices. She lapped it up hungrily, and just as she finished up, Star seemed to walk in through a door in the middle of the air, not unusual: Her entire room seemed to be nothing but an invisible floor and walls in a floating piece of deep space.

Foxx blushed and gave a meek half-giggle as she wiped a long string of cunny from her muzzle then lapped it up with a single pass of her broad soft tounge. "Hello High Kiasu. I was just wondering. Was last night for fun, or do I get extra credit?" She stuck her tounge out playfully and ducked under the swish of the arctic white wolf's twin tails, grinning playfully back only to find her muzzle stuffed with her mentor's pillow. (Foxx had grabbed a pair of pillows when she had woken up during the middle of the night.)

"Extra credit? Judging by how much passion you put into your tails last night, I think you'd call it brown nosing. If you really want extra credit, you can help me finish up your room before your final lesson of your class rank." Star menaced her student jokingly with a skillet filled with sausage and egg, roasing over a spell-cast fire. She gave Foxx a playfull swat on the rear as she tried to pinch one of the sizzling pieces of meat out of the pan, scortching her tounge on the hot food.

Star opened the doorway for Foxx after they had finished eating (Foxx kept running into the wall, unable to find the all but invisible handle) and led her hand-in-hand back through the halls to Darrens room. The light of the door portal was blue, indicating it was empty.

"Thats odd," Star said, glancing left and right down the hall. "He's usually still asleap by now. I wondeEEEE!" she yelped, as did Foxx, as she felt a hand squeeze her on the rump. "Darren! I don't know if I want to hit you or hug you for that." Foxx said playfully, kissing her boyfriend on the nosetip, laughing hard as she rubbed the spot where the black furred vulpine had groped her.

"I couldn't help it!" the fox said, his silver eyes looking shocked as if he had done nothing wrong. "You two just looked too cute together." he said, grinning widely as Foxx giggled, and Starlight blushed, hiding most of her face behind her tails.

"I just wanted to say thank you for letting, well, you know, us..." the wolf said, not seeming to want to look away from her tailtips. "I mean, me and Foxx... you know, getting to know eachother last night."

Her face went from embarrased to shocked as he cut her off. "Don't worry. I enjoyed watching it. I almost wished I was in on it."

"Y-you WHAT?" Star stammered, looking baffled until she remembered his special gift. "Oh, you little pervert, you were scrying on us!" she said, giving him a hard but playful shove, the two femmes pouncing him in unison as Foxx assaulted his face with playful teasing licks. "No wonder you were so keen about it." She looked from one to the other, her tails swishing as she momentarily seemed to loose herself in thought.

"Something on your mind, Foxy?" Darren said, taking advantage and licking her right under the muzzle, causing her to fall over with a strong bout of giggles. "Gaah! You know I hate it when you do that." she said playfully, biffing him across the face with all four fluffy tails. "I was just thinking, maybe if Star didn't mind, you could join us next time." she said, giving Star a broad wink in the half-second Darren was staring blankly at the wolf instead of the red vixen.

Starlight seemed to get the hint and likewise returned the wink as Darren looked dumstruck at his girlfriend. "You... you mean it?" He said, his solidly silver eyes attaining an anime level of innocent puppy-eyes hopefullness, almost seeming to sparkle metalically in the light. "Y-you'd really want to, and be okay with all of that?"

The two females nodded, smiling. "Sure." they said in perfect stereo, then Foxx added, "But only on one or two conditions." His ears drooped quite a bit at this, knowing how women loved to take advantages of this kind of situation. "Alright. Whats the first condition?" he said, steeling himself for a request that would probably leave him waiting on them hand and foot for a day or doing something humiliating. His ears perked back up when they said all they needed for the moment was a bit of help completing the build.


Foxx's room would be located close to the elemental labs, the floors, walls and ceiling all made of white tile, giving it an almost medical sterile environment, except for the trees that grew up right through the floor and ceiling every half dozen yards or so. She had chosen the entrance yesterday, a little hatch set into the wall at the forked branches of one of her favorite trees, an unusually short and stocky maple that had an almost cartoonishly short trunk for its size. She used a small psi blade to carve out footholds, with Darren's guidance to avoid hitting any of the tree's veins of sap. The most interresting touch was her indicator system.

All of the broad leaves of her treetop home would change colors (blue for empty, green for occupied and open, and red for do-not-disturb.) As Foxx worked the complex spell scroll with her two tutors' guidance, the tree seemed to be festive with color, changing in a cycle like a mass of colored bulbs on a Christmas tree. Once the last exterior working was up, the three ascended into the leafy top to the portal, appearing in a very unfinished looking world, similar to being inside an uncompleted 3 dimentional design program scene.

The floor was a soft purplish-black tile, very soft on their paws and, as one of the 'designers' told her, would change from warm like bricks in a hearth to cool like the stones in a mountain stream. That was why they were there.

Foxx, Starlight and Darren ran to and fro, forming meshes of energy that formed the basic structure of the room. A gentle sloping hill of soft spring-green grass took shape along one side of the room, down from which ran a fast-flowing but shallow stream, complete with several varities of fish. Following the river, a doorway seemed to stand in the middle of nowhere, but just like Starlight's room, the walls blended in as if invisible. Beyond the door, the purple, almost black tiles ran into a small hallway, lined with channels of water that glowed like liquid sapphires.

Two bedrooms ("Just in case someone wanted to sleep over" Star said, looking innocently at her), a small kitchen and dining room, A bathroom which used the channels of water to fill a beautiful in-ground jacuzzi-like bathtub large enough for two or three furs (Darren's ears perked up at this) and lighted from the pools themselves, giving the area a cave-like shimmering effect which took their breath away, and finally a few extra necessities such as storage closets and so forth, by which time all Lacune present were exhausted.

The workers said their goodbyes, heading off to the Acadamy's huge food-court like dining areas for a quick meal. However, Foxx insisted the other two stay over to help her break in the kitchen, and they didn't feel any reason to make an excuse, and all through the meal all three of their thoughts kept running back to the idea of the two females spending the night togther with Darren.


"Ahhh... That was excellent, Foxx. Did Fae teach you to cook like that?" Darren said, laying back at the table and sighing contentedly, taking the occasional sip of water from a flask. "Pretty spicy though, reminds me of Rieku's. I think its a Phoenician recipie at least."

"You got it." Foxx said around a muzzleful of thick, cold strawberry cream. "And this was an old recipie that my mother was supposed to have made my dad before, you know." she said, going a little quiet. The other two put their hands on her shoulder and she smiled back, shaking off the feelings of sadness she usually felt when thinking about the parents she never knew.

They talked animatedly for a few more minutes, laughing and joking with eachother and slowly whittling down the number of things they had to talk about, until eventually they got to talking about Darren's groping the two women on the ass that morning.

"Come on, you know I only mess with you two like that because I like you, right?" He said, throwing his arms around their shoulders and pulling them into a combination hug and headlock, planting a wet kiss on their foreheads and grinning like mad.

"Yeah I know. Sometimes I think it was only Star's stalker obsession with me that stopped you and her from becoming an item." Foxx said, supressing a chuckle at the look of credulity, tinged with embarrassment, exchanged between the other two. "You and her got almost as close as she and I did, if you remember, before I gained rank and started developing feelings for you both."

Star blinked, looking back and forth between the others. "You know, she has a point I don't think she really realized." The other two looked back, their eyes widening a bit as she went on. "You and her, me and you, and she and me all mutually love eachother. Thats why we can all get along without being jelous like after last night, since we're all that close."

The other two nodded, smiles erupting all around as they all went into another three way hug, this one much more real than the playful headlock earlier. All three looked for words to say, but they all realized there wasn't much more to be said. "Shall we?" Foxx said. The other two nodded and she led them back into the hall, turning and padding slowly into the bathroom.

The door closed behind them as the leaves outside Foxx's new home turned red. Within, three sets of robes were tossed aside as hand in hand, all three walked together into the pool. They looked at eachother, blushing.

"Um... How exactly are we going to work this?" Darren said, blushing. "We seem to have more spaces than plugs, if you know what I mean."

Star laughed a bit, smiling and laying down at the far end of the pool-like tub. "I'll just sit this out until I see somewhere to work myself in, after all, me and Foxy already got our fun last night, now its turn for you two to get caught up."

They nodded, sliding into the pool, their arms wrapped gently around eachothers' shoulders, eyes locked together as they stared into their lover's face as if able to see beyond them. Their souls met and in that instant, they knew the time was right. Their lips pressed gently together, tounges slowly moving in a gentle ballet of their own as hands slowly stroked through the water to tease at their hips and chest.

Foxx felt his fingers brushing over her chest, causing her to murr, leaning in to wrap her arms around his shoulders as his did the same, pressing tightly to her as his tounge momentarily grappled with hers before he pushed it into her muzzle. She suckled on it, moaning softly as she felt his passion rising to fill his sheith, with a little coaxing with her fingers. She slowly ran then along the side of the vulpine shaft as it awoke from its slumber, growing until it gently pressed against the underside of her breasts. His knot began to slowly harden, his tails swishing through the water faster and faster until he wrapped them around her waist to keep them close. When he couldn't take the gentle teasing sensation of her fur against his foxhood, he broke off the kiss and moved back a pace.

Positioning his maleness at the eagerly awaiting lips of Foxx's entrance, he slowly sank the first few inches of his shaft into her soft, silky interior. He let out a long, soft whine of pleasure, his ears flattening against the back of his skull as the whine turned into a pleasured whimper with every pulse of her powerful tunnel walls that seemed to hit every last nerve ending on his twitching organ.

"Ahhhh, by the fates, Foxx, you feel even more amazing than you look." He murred, nuzzling hard against the side of her neck and gently pressing his teeth into it, gently nipping it without doing her any damage. She began gently stroking his sac, caressing this storehouse of virility with slow, firm squeezes, her other hand grabbing his muzzle and guiding it to her breasts, the nipples glistening and perky right at water level. His hands moved over them, the thumbs moving in a circle around her titflesh as his palms caressed and stroked the undersides, gently squeezing the twin mounds of mammorial pleasure.

Foxx felt the water ripple behind her, about to turn her head when she felt something teasing at her tailhole. She half-growled half yelped, feeling the wolf's fingers working at her rear, her other hand stroking her hip seductively as she began griding herself against those tails that brought her so much pleasure last night. She brought them back into play, thrusting them into her one by one causing the wolf to yelp and cling tighter and tigher to the vixen as she began wriggling them inside her uncontrollably as Foxx felt Darren begin to thrust his shaft inside her soft velvety folds.

She felt her body squirting her tangy juices against his cock to make the glide smoother, the girth of his knot pressing at her entrance acting like a plug that kept most of the water out. With one hard thrust that almost made the vixen cum then and there, his knot finally spread her across the full length of his meat. Starlight was grinding her body against her, clearly on the verge herself, and Darren's slightly ragged breathing told her it was only a matter of time. She began thrusting hard forwards, then just as hard back, alternatively grinding against Darren and Star as she began moaning in earnest, her tounge lolling as she panted for breath. She held it as she felt herself on the very edge, just one more thrust and...

Foxx tossed her head back, howling loudly as Star managed to move her head aside just in time to avoid being head-slammed, the vixen thrashing and thrusting wildly in orgasm, sending the wolf impaled on her tails over a few seconds later. Darren panted, yelping as Foxx's body clamped down hard on his shaft, pulling him with the two females as he roared out, howling every time he felt his balls contract, firing off a string of spooge like a cannnon inside of her, coating her walls with his hot vulpine cum, filling her with his seed until he felt one last half-hearted squirt run down his length.

All three climbed out, still tied by tail and knot, breathing heavily and weakly planting kisses on every inch of neck and facial space they could see, breathlessly gasping out their love for eachother again and again as they one by one fell back to sleep, all three feeling more complete and content than they had in years, with not one, but two lovers and mates at their sides.
