A Therapeutic Love

Story by Picklessauce69 on SoFurry

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A commission for PoesRaven! Their first commission! I'm so delighted that I got to be their first ;3 Not only that but I loved this story! I truly fell in love with these characters and I hope I did them justice!

Please, please, please comment! Nothing helps me improve more or makes me happier! Also, vote/fave/read more! :3 I do lots of cool stuff not just commissions so watch me for all my journals even if you're broke :P

"Pitter Patter..Pitter Patter...Drip..Drip," The rain trickled down the glass of her partly opened window while Ravenna leaned over her desk, the edge of it flush to the ledge of the window sill. The cool air from outside kissed against her pale cheeks and ruffled the short pink hair that framed around her plump face. The fat drops pounded hard into the glass, but then lazily oozed down the side of its creating streaks over the clear surface through the background of falling night with the bleeding sun retreating behind the distant hills while the moon winked out from behind a cloud with obvious concern for its orange, red, and pink spurting cousin.

Between two fingers and cradled back against her hand, the anthro held a slender pen with a smooth line of ink flowing from it onto creamy pages, bounded into a tight, leather journal that was opened to nearly the halfway mark with the following pages blank and those behind filled with a coating of the same black writing. With the tip of the pen dancing, she sketched out the stretch of a beach with waves lapping over the lip of a sandcastle while streaks of rain droplets, not unlike those outside her own home pattered down onto the ground. Nudging against the sandcastle was the rounded shape of a soccer ball, abandoned when the sky opened up onto the peaceful vacation destination. The girl's face gripped onto the image with a relaxed concentration. Lips pursed up into a small pucker, but stress didn't etch a line through her forehead with frustration. She was lost in the creation of the scene without any distress towards how the scene would play out. Both of her ears, tall with her rabbit heritage, twitched in tune with her pen strokes and made the piercings up the side of the tall curve of each appendage shake in their places.

Along side the drawing, forming the border to the drawing, was the start of a journal entry commenced with the score of a recent soccer game, "We all played good. In fact, the girls all seemed to love the mud on the field, there's something truly fierce about throwing oneself into a kick when they know it'll end with them in a puddle. I scored twice, was winded when it ended but once I took a short breather I could have played the whole game again, everyone says its the wolf in me. I kicked the ball around for awhile, but then I headed home. It's a good thing I did to. Kezhon was recommitted after a nervous breakdown this afternoon. Liam was unsure what happened to set him off, but that's what happens when someone is so unstable. The house feels empty without him, even though I know the doctor is downstairs. Even with Dr. O'Leary being a therapist, one whose paid to listen to people, I can't bring myself to talk to him about it. Though he shows plenty of interest. He always seems attentive when I talk to him.When he moved in, I thought talking to him, getting to know what he was really like would expel the flutters in my stomach, butterflies. It didn't help though. That first day, he moved in and unpacked his book shelf first. I practically barked when I saw the complete collection of Poe go onto his shelf! Then a few volumes of plays! I told myself that perhaps they were for show, so at dinner I quoted He explained what Kezhon was going through mentally, how his brain is reacting to whatever set him off and why that caused the breakdown, but that didn't help any. I couldn't bring myself to tell Liam he wasn't helping though, so I came up here. Writing always helps me figure things out again. It's so scary to imagine what Kezhon must feel. I try to wrap my head around it, but it's too hard. He's all I have left, so to think that he won't be okay- I can't even think it. I have to think of something else... " The writing broke for a moment with a swirl of ink, a pictorial representation of her distractedness. Then she paused in the room, staring up at the window again and watching the clouds cry.

After her pause, she returned to her thoughtful reflection across the glossy page, "I think it's interesting how things have been since Dr. Liam C. O'Leary started renting from us, even seeing that little sign on his door saying that name, Dr. Liam C O'Leary, therapist is unsettling sometimes. He's plenty nice though and his accent is usually very comforting. Many things about him are comforting actually, perhaps that's how he fell into this line of work, therapiting... I do not think that is an English word. Anyways, his music, Irish and very old, along with the crunch of the apples he always picks up from the market are always soothing sounds to come home to. He buys those apples every Sunday at the farmer's market, I walked with him once, he didn't talk much, but he seemed to watch everything and he walked slowly, content.

Another doodle bloomed on the page while her thoughts lagged out of what the English word, or at least what she'd mastered of it, could portray and the shape of her window took its place on the page with the rain streaks streaming down while faintly, from the rented out basement of the house, traditional Irish folk music wafted upwards, barely audible.

"I like the rain," She began writing again beneath the windowsill on her page, "The sound of it on the window and the coolness of its wind. I can smell so much on the rain." Her nose crinkled while she wrote, breathing in the scent of earth and rain from through the crack of her window. "As long as it doesn't storm, I may stay all night at this desk watching the rain..."

Outside her bedroom door, with only a crack of the door open to any prying eyes, the creaky step at the top of the stairs gave its familiar groin from the weight of the moving doctor who shuffled towards the bathroom to run a comb through hair frazzled from a thrilling work of Edgar Allen Poe. While he passed her door, he paused and leaned one plump hand onto the frame of her door. "I know she likes Poe," Liam thought to himself, feeling a bloom of nervousness at the thought of approaching the younger woman even only for a lively discussion about the Tell-Tale Heart. He lingered at the door frame, seeming unsure of himself while both broad feet shuffled on the carpeting of the hallway, a faded olive color that was soft with use but still clean and tidy like the rest of the house.

Within her room, Ravenna paused over her page and the hand with the pen dipped to the side while her free hand left its place on the page, acting as the steadying marker, to gently finger the locket that hung around her neck. Thoughts of the rain mingled with concern for her brother, admitted again and away from home. The girl parted the heart shape and peered down at the picture, smiling at the signature fluff of his mane. From his post outside, Liam saw the gesture and stifled a sigh- she was obviously worried and pensive, not the kind of mood to discuss a murderer, like the narrator of the poem, the noise of Liam's discomfort and awkwardness had become too loud within his own mind and his fled towards the bathroom, footsteps just loud enough to be heard.

Ravenna paused over her page, one hand pressed to her chest and holding onto the heart locket while she stared down at the smooth page, coated in her easy handwriting. "It's curious," she began, "how shy Dr. O'Leary is. He seems to desire to speak with me, often in fact. I always hear his footsteps move up the stairs, I assume its for the bathroom. Or, at least, I used to assume it was for the bathroom, but he stops outside my door. I can tell because after a short time the footsteps will continue to the bathroom or back down the stairs, without the creak of the bathroom door ever happening. I'm unsure if he knows that I notice these things. I don't think I would mind if he wasn't so shy. I enjoy when we talk together, he reads often and enjoys to discuss Poe and Shakespeare. I've thought about showing him some of my writing, but I fear he would be too nice to truly give any critic. I would talk to him, but tonight has already grown a bit late." Her eyes peeked up towards the window, where darkness framed the plump shape of the moon that glowed a soft yellow shade.

As she watched, the raining sky cracked with a bolt of lighting, sudden illumination flooding into the room and over the surface of the desk and her journal included. The girl gave a short gasp followed by a high pitched shriek when thunder followed the light and rumbled through the house, seeming to shake the very foundation of their home and rattle her chair on the floor. Both hands dropped down and scooped up her journal, folding it closed carefully with her pen folded within while she retreated towards her parted door and into the hallway, rushing down the familiar path of the stairs that Liam had passed over only minutes before when he returned to his basement bedroom. The rabbit/wolf hybrid followed his track to the door with the petite plaque hanging on the wood and rapped three times on the door. "D-doctor?"

Inside the room, the arctic fox raised himself from an oversized love seat with an overwhelming pattern of faded roses on a background of rich chocolatey brown- a yard sale purchase on a tight, starting therapist budget. He shuffled forward and fidgeted to tug his sweater down over his plump belly. The dark rouge of the sweater set off from his pale skin and matched neatly over the soft brown of his casual slacks. The neckline sliced high on his neck, tidy and conservative. As the door slide open, he blinked down at the sight of the hybrid teenager looking confused to see her at the door, ears trembling and feet shuffling on the floor. Before he spoke, his eyes caught on the long expanse of her legs, smooth and bare until high on her thighs where shorts began. Though her soft, pale belly also peeked out from under a short, cropped t-shirt with her locket resting on top of the fabric. He swallowed. "Y-yes, Miss Ravenna?"

Her eyes were wide, blue like lakes inside her skull. "It's thundering...." She whispered, as though it was a secret that explained everything and after a short beat, the elder anthro remembered her sharing her fear of the crashing sound and its cracking, bright partner in crime. While she waited for a response her short plume of a rabbit tail, black with an explosion of the same pink on her ears, twitched madly behind her with the anxiety of the storm still crashing above their heads.

"O-of course! Come on in, would you like some tea?" A lump wobbled in the fox's throat at the thought of the girl staying in his basement abode, late with darkness already spread over the sky like a blanket pulled up to a child's chin to trap them in bed for the night without her brother around to offer any sort of supervision, no matter how small. The image of her long legs bare and her dainty hips in equally dainty shorts swam in his mind while she took a seat on his couch, leaning into a furry blanket draped over the backside of it while her blue eyes stared at him before a small nod shook her head, up and down.

He scurried towards the water heater with a filled pot resting on top, just on the edge of a pleasant boil. A basket of assorted tins sat beside it, colors of soft orange and pale blue coloring the containers with scrawled "Earl Grey" and "Spiced Orange" over the opened tins. A monochromatic collection of mugs in earthy browns encircled the basket, some with rings of lingering drinks in the bottom and some freshly cleaned. He selected a cleaner choice and settled a peppermint scented tea bag into the curved bottom and poured water over it, trying to keep his hand from trembling with nerves. He hated to see the girl upset, the storm from outside translated into the waters of her oceanesque eyes with her upset and fear, yet the idea of keeping her here with his was terrifying, tempting. "I'm trapped..." He thought to himself while carefully carting the mug to the girl, settling it into her small palms.

"Thank you," She breathed, voice so soft Liam strained to hear it. Noticing her quietness, she coughed shortly and spoke again, repeating herself, "Thank you, Dr. O'Leary."

Liam felt a sort explosion of butterflies break from their cryslysiss within his gut and flurry madly through the broad space. "P-please, call me Liam." He mumbled, diverting his eyes from her lips as they parted over the mug and she drank the hot beverage without flinching, months of gulping down black coffee giving her high tolerance. Silence settled around them for a moment while she drank the minty drink and breathed in the steam in soothing waves over her face.

"I don't want to go upstairs." She admitted, looking down into the mug and watching the liquid swirl within the glass. "I don't want to be alone..not during the storm.." Her voice drew down in volume, soft and muffled into the barrier of her mug, Liam heard her nonetheless.

"You don't have too, Ravenna. Stay here." His words slipped out before his brain wrapped around them and then terror jolted through him, like one of the electric bolts that filled the air outside. What had he done?! Inviting her to stay here, for maybe the whole night!?

His concerns faded when a warm smile broke over her face and the fear in her eyes melted back, the waters calmed and she set her tea onto the coffee table and shifted closer to him. The faint scent of her shampoo caressed his nose, a soft vanilla intermixed with the lingering scent of her morning coffee. The lump in his throat jostled there when he tried to swallow, nerves and butterflies going mad.

"Thank you, Liam. Thank you so much..." She shifted up and closed the gap between them with both arms curled around his broad shoulders in a warm hug. Her breasts, only a petite B cup, pressed up to the soft plushness of his belly and her breath tickled under his chin, warm and soft while she pressed into the hug. When his arms encircled her in return, Liam let his hands slide down to her lower back, one even grazing onto the rounded shape of her ass behind in a way that scent a pink blush over his cheeks though the hybrid teen shifted up into his hand, encouraging him to further cup his long fingers over the curvature of her bottom.

His heart pounded madly in his chest, but Ravenna appeared under control as she lifted up slightly in his arms and soft lips grazed over his neck, soft like a landing hummingbird. Liam practically whimpered with the pressure and temptation, but peeled himself backwards and dragged his arms back till he held onto her shoulders in a innocent grip, even pushing her back gently.

"Liam..." She whispered, more like a breath than an actual voice speaking his name as she leaned into him again. His arms seemed to shrink back and let her in, another kiss landing on his jawline, barely two inches from where his lips broke apart with a shuddering, frightened pant. Ravenna noticed the chance and pressed her own lips over top of his in a warm kiss, the taste of her filling his senses while the very tip of her tongue grazed over his bottom lip, inviting him further into the kiss. Liam froze though and sputtering shyly broke back from her, this time successful in freeing himself from the entanglement with the teenaged girl.

"Y-you are too young. I am..I am your brother's therapist!" Liam stammered with nervous, panted breathy breaking through his words. Already, inside the comfy slacks he wore, his penis swelled from the physical memory of her warmth pressed to him, even in only a hug enough to tease him to a state of excitement. "You may stay here, but I c-cannot take advantage of you like that!" He added with a tremor in his voice, a mixture of arousal and distress making his body a flurry of activity. The butterflies in his stomach were flying madly throughout while the blood he needed in his brain to make sense flooded downwards into his shaft, forcing it to begin to strain slightly within his underwear.

On the loveseat still, Ravenna pouted up at him, looking almost hurt by his escape from her affections. She shrank back slightly and puckered her lips with a hurt expression, like she'd had a sour candy she'd expected to be sweet. With an ache in his chest, Liam hurriedly slid back to the seat and curled an arm around her shoulders, pulling her in with a smooth force to nestled her to his chest while a fresh explosion of thunder rolled overhead, causing a whimper to escape the hybrid while she twisted into him further, cheek flush to his chest.

While the sound of the storm filled the basement, the two stayed silent and let their own conflict fade back to the conflict of mother nature playing across the night sky. Liam felt his butterflies settle down while he cradled the girl to him, her thighs pressed to his not even a centimeter away from having her on his lap while her upper body twisted into him, arms curled up around his neck and clinging to him. Her eyes were both pressed closed, trusting and needy. She needed him. Her puff of a tail twitched madly with distress, but her breathing was steady and even as it washed over his shoulder and neck with every exhale.

When the noise faded above and only the faint patter of rain lingered, Ravenna leaned up again and this time when her lips grazed over his neck, soft and unsure comparatively to the first pass she'd made, Liam dipped his head to the side slightly and gave her more room to kiss over the expanse of his throat, working her way up to the curve of his jaw and onto his cheek where she paused, wavering shyly. A small smile quirked up the male's lips at the sight of her wide, blue eyes before one plump hand drew up to her cheek and he nodded, a silent go ahead. His smile was returned, mirrored and her soft lips returned to his, eager and pressing.

The kiss remained innocent with closed lips and drooping eyes on either anthro while Liam cupped the girl's cheek and held her close, not wanting the embrace to break between their mouths. The couch dipped beneath them, a divot created beneath the two's weight while they pressed together, still each side by side on the couch though their lips clung together and Ravenna's upper body leaned into Liam's chest. At last, their lips eased apart and all four eyes slowly slide open with the slowness of someone just waking up while they still clung onto a good dream.

"Ravenna...You're still younger than me, much younger than me..." Liam whispered, looking almost apologetic as he reminded her of the age gap that tortured him once the haze from the kiss began to part. "We could get in trouble and mostly it would be me getting into trouble. I would most likely be denounced as a therapist, I would lose my practice." His face twisted with the news of what he was saying, thinking bad news and hearing it outside in your own voice are two different things and the sound of it stung. The hybrid appeared to feel the same with a sad, weak pout forming on her lips.

"How would anyone know?" She whispered, challenging him, forcing him to break through his excuses. Her eyes glimmered with a splash of excitement. She'd gotten a taste of him now and it'd only solidified her crush. When at first she'd only clung to the idea of his comforting friendliness and his care for her brother, she could excuse their relationship as a friendship that she'd simply misconstrued out of her longing to find love, but sharing a kiss, a warm, delicate kiss that sent content warmth from the top of her head to the very tip of her toes, had changed that. No longer did Liam seem to just be a friendly therapist who'd joined their family to take care of Kezhon or someone to share lively discussion. A stirring of eagerness and desire flitted in Ravenna's stomach that was rare, delightful, and undeniable.

Liam gulped, nervousness increasing exponentially when the girl didn't back down, barely even flinched when faced with his logic. He voice trembled when he spoke further, "It doesn't matter how someone found out. If they did, I would be ruined. Plus, I can't take advantage of you this way, you're too young, Ravenna." His words sounded true, but his delivery was weak and unconvincing with its wavering and the bulge in the front of his slacks only further cemented his level of hypocrisy.

"I'm not too young! We both know I'm mature beyond my years! Don't use age as an excuse!" She gave him a huffy pout, both ears perked up with sharp attention. Her eyes glowed again, passionate and unwavering. She shifted towards him again, kissing his chin softly. "You're not just using this as an excuse are you, Doctor?"

Quickly, his head shook side to side while both wide eyes stared down at her eyes just beneath him, plump lips touching to his jawline again and grazing up in a second, sequel kiss. "N-no, Ravenna...You're torturing me. I want this. I want you. So bad...." As if to reiterate his words, the front of his trousers throbbed with his cock trapped within, straining in its hardened state and oozing with a drop of precum. The hybrid's warm breath washed over his cheek and like a stroking hand drew him in till his lips tipped and drew into hers for a moment, another kiss blossoming for a short beat while Ravenna held onto his chest with two palms pressing to him, feeling the racing pound of his heart while he lost his voice to her soft lips.

Broad hands drew down the girl's back, tender and light in their touch but eager in how they pulled her two him. The kiss lingered, lips barely parted while noses flooded out their rushed breathing, excited even with the casual slowness of their kiss. Ravenna's ears folded back and Liam's eyes sunk completely closed. Outside, the thunder crackled together with the crack of the lightning, but the girl didn't flinch. In fact, she didn't seem to even notice the storm continued to rage as she clung to the kiss, lingered with her lips pressed softly to his, a tongue tip lightly grazing over his in a shy invitation. However, the sound broke the spell over the fox and pulled him back to his senses. He broke the kiss with a faint wet sound before staring at her, breathing audibly. "Ravenna," He started, like a warning tipping his head over as if with a parent's disapproving gaze and Ravenna had been breaking the rules in tempting him into the kiss, "You're making this very hard.."

She smiled good naturedly, a playful glint in her eyes. "Good, a little age gap is no reason to deny yourself this. Don't you wanna?" She snuggled towards him again, small breasts covered in her t-shirt rubbing to him. The lump in his throat seemed to double, choking him with its bulk.

"I-I..Oh gods, Ravenna..." He whimpered. He fell silent for a moment, caught in his own jumble of ethics, law, and desire till his lips parted, trembling as he recited, "Law and principles are not for the t-ti-times when there is no temptations: they are for such m-moments as this, when body and soul rise in mutiny against their rigour.." He paused and drew in a weak breath, watching Ravenna's blue eyes staring. "If at my convenience I might break them, what would be their worth?" He paused, then as if in second thought added, "T-that's from Jane Eyre.."

"What are your principles telling you, Miss Eyre?" She whispered, cheekily smirking while she pressed her breasts up further and watching him with her wide eyes.

"That you're a girl, a young girl. That you're too young for this, especially with me. This would be taking advantage of you if I continued with this a-and it would go against the code of honor of therapy. Y-you could just be emotional because of your fear of thunderstorms or your brother's condition so t-this is truly wrong!" His heart raced fasted, while he listed off his concerns a paw had glided down over the curve of his stomach and now petted over his crotch, tempting him. The blood in his mind was minimal, most had been cast downwards to fuel his throbbing, aching length.

"Doctor- Liam... You're not taking advantage, I want this.. Please, I trust you.." She cupped a hand over his cheek and kissed his chin, her playfulness gone to be replaced with caring earnest. "I could think of no one better to be...to be my first..."

Liam gulped, but his complaints faded while his hands pulled around her back and drew her back in once again with a warm kiss over top of her lips that sunk down into an open-mouthed dance, tongues cautiously poking out to interact. The girl's taste, coffee and a caramel candy lingering along with the natural spice of her mouth coated Liam's tongue when he delved into her mouth, eagerly invited by her stroking tongue while her body pressed forth. The thighs that had stayed beside his without taking the next move into his lap had crept up and one leg draped hurriedly over top of his lap while the other stayed folded alongside his thigh, giving her a tipped angle that stretched their necks till Liam's free hand pulled her up onto his lap fully, legs straddled over him.

Now on his lap, she felt the bulge of his crotch beneath her and his warmth washed over him like the waves on a sandy coast line, breaking through sandcastle walls. Her shorts, already high on her slender legs and low on her dainty hips now rode up and showed the lower chunk of her bum peeking out behind. The kiss continued, short bursts of their lips breaking apart filled with soft panting before they tangled together again, lost in the buffet of each other. While they kissed, Ravenna rubbed over his lap, teasing his already engorged cock trapped beneath the fabric, throbbing needily.

Suddenly, Liam stiffened and his lips dropped from the kiss while a choked sound escaped from his lips and a burst of precum soaked into his slacks, right through the already abused barrier of his underwear, wet with the dribbles of his excitement from the girl over his lap. Without his lips on her own, Ravenna dropped down to his neck, tenderly coating the smooth skin with short, warm kisses with just a dash of the wetness of her mouth pressing into the surface. As if oblivious to his struggle to contain himself and regain an ounce of composure needed to stop the oncoming explosion into his slacks, Ravenna cooed in his ear, stroked a hand down his chest, and sent his heart pounding even faster while his hips instinctively bucked to her. He whimpered, trying to a voice a warning to the rather oblivious girl who hadn't connected the dots to pause and allow him to relax and halt his oncoming ejaculation. A blush burned up his cheeks, red rather than his usual pink, with the intensity of his embarrassment as his cock jerked inside the fabric cage and exploded up to it, squirting out streams of his cum, soaking into the fabric and seeping through to wet the shorts of the hybrid teenager over top of him. Ravenna squeaked with surprise and pulled her mouth back from him, staring up at his face with eye both held wide till realization sunk in.

"I-I'm sorry, Ravenna!" Liam whimpered, ears lowered while he rubbed a hand behind his neck, looking sheepish and distressed with a frazzled expression twitching the corner of his eyes and the blush still bleeding down his pale skin.

Her head shook before she spoke, "Shhh..no, it's okay." She kissed his cheek, high away from his mouth and only out of sweet sympathy. "Is..Is this your first time, too?" She whispered, shy but also unsure how he'd feel about responding. The fox hesitated and then nodded after a short pause, assuming it'd help to explain his premature ejaculation. Her hands began to pet over his shoulders and chest, soothingly massaging knots that he hadn't realized formed with his embarrassed anxiety. Gently, she nuzzled into his cheek. "Would you like to take off your pants? Since they're wet?" She whispered, softly but when his head waggled back and forth in a sudden, quick no! she dropped the subject and kissed his cheek. Liam blushed faintly from the idea of being nude in front of the girl, but she was quickly soothing his anxiety with the gentle touch of her hands and the distracting nuzzles that warmed his neck.

After a few minutes of nothing but soothing massage and nuzzling, Ravenna peeked up to the fox again and playfully licked his cheek. "I think...I could help you regain some control..." She whispered, amusement and flirtation twinkling in her eyes. Before he could complain, her back end slide back on the couch and her nose tipped down towards the wet patch on the crotch of his pants where she delicately plucked up the zipper to his pants and eased it down.

From his perch above her, staring down at the mess of hair and fingers that he could focus on through the haze of lust and embarrassment he suffered under, Liam barely noticed where she was headed till the zzzzzt of his zipper filled the air and his spine stiffened. Both hands pushed to her shoulder slightly, nervously shivering. "Ravenna..w-what are you doing?"

The teen only smiled, leaning up enough to kiss his cheek with a soft tenderness, flirty but also focused on her feelings for the older therapist. "This will help you enjoy yourself and last longer..." She said, soft and guiding. Despite her lack of experience, she guessed enough that getting another orgasm would allow him to have to recharge while they continued with their foreplay. His face twisted with worry, but her fingers dipped into his pants, pushing down his damp underwear to guide out his cock, the tip still oozy while he throbbed weakly, still hard.

Liam whimpered, faint but filled with obvious anxiety. However, the first soft touch of the teen's lips over his sensitive tip in a cheeky little kiss shot a zing of pleasure down his spine and a soft moan escaped, breathed out like a simple exhale. Her eyes, deep and blue, stayed tipped up to his while she drew her long pink tongue up the underside of his cock, stroking over his length with the warm wetness of her tongue. The first lick along sent a shiver down his spine, a trembling shake that ended with a small buck towards her lips when they sunk teasingly over the first inch of his shaft.

"Ravenna..." He whispered, already feeling the throb of his heartbeat through his cock and the pressure building in his groin, like a bomb waiting to explode. His voice hinted at his concern, not wanting to cum already again when she'd barely just started her delightful service.

The hybrid paused and pulled off his tip with a soft pop of her lips releasing him, enough to make his squeak shyly. "Yes?"

A hand stroked down her ears, lightly hitting her piercings with a clumsy, nervous shake but the touch was otherwise very gentle. "Give me a break, A Chumann."

He drew her up to his level again with a hand cupping her chin. Tenderly, his kissed her lips in a short kiss and stroked over her long ears. "Let me...try."

A nervous smile twitched up his lips before he leaned into her, stomach pressing into her slightly, soft against her while his shaft rubbing absently to her bare leg. Softly, his lips touched to her neck and her head rolled back to show him the expanse of supple, pale skin. A sigh escaped from her lips while he cupped the back of her neck and kissed up the curve of it till he grazed the bottom of her ear with the traveling path of kisses, his breath tickling into her ear. With concern lacing his whisper, he questioned, "How am I doing? Is this okay?"

Ravenna smiled slightly and gave a small nod, bobbing her head until a fresh batch of kisses traveled back down to the upper cut of her t-shirt where the fox stopped, seemingly struck by what to do next. Gently, the teen pulled the fox's larger hands down to the bottom of her shirt, curling his fingers along the hem. "Take it off..." She whispered.

He hesitated, wanting to ask, 'are you sure?' before he continued, but when his lips parted to voice the question she gave a nod and kissed his cheek again, soft and light but warm and with a hint of the wetness of the inside of her mouth. With a tremor in his hand, he eased the fabric up and watched as the smooth bare skin of her stomach came into full view leading up to the underside of her bra, black and purple stripes peeking out beneath the dark gray of the shirt. At this point, he froze and again parted his lips with concern, but Ravenna's hand intercepted the shirt and peeled it over her head, leaving him no choice but to meet the sight of her breasts cupped within the bra.

"I-I..I..." His voice lodged in his throat for a short moment before he met her eyes with his own, wide and filled with a jumble of emotions while his cock jumped to life, freshly inspired once again by the removal of her shirt and the sight of the plush curve of her breast. "May I?" He finally spat out, his hand lingering on her shoulder waiting to stroke over the shape of her boob.

"Please..." Softly, her voice urged him to continue while her chest puffed out to him and one hand reached back, unhooking the clasp on the garment to let it go loose, springing open at her back but staying relatively in place with her arms still in each strap.

Oblivious to the action at her back, Liam's eyes locked to her chest while two fingers, as if petting a visiting animal from the zoo, pet over the top of her boob and a sigh escaped at the warmth of the flesh and the gentle give beneath them. His touch grazed the lace edge and the cup of the bra dipped, ready to be pulled off. Testingly, he pushed a finger against the inner edge of the cup and it tumbled forward, loosening when the clasp was undone. A faint gasp escaped when her bare breasts came into view, but Liam didn't even complain while both hands slide up and groped over the pert, young flesh.

Softly, a sigh filled the air and Ravenna pushed into his touch, eager to keep him continuing in his exploration of her young body. The girl whined with pleasure when a thumb grazed her pink nipple. At first, the sound seemed to surprise the older male, but once he connected why she'd made the whine he smiled slightly and leaned over, faintly kiss on the top of her smooth bosom.

"Don't stop..." She encouraged, sliding a hand to his neck, stroking with her thumb while her hips pressed to his. His shaft rested up against her stomach, oozing onto the bare skin, pooling precum in her belly button while she rubbed her own heating sex to his thigh, eager for some relief from the building arousal.

Liam peeked up, worried until he saw the expression of pleasure painted over the girl's face as an answer to the unspoken question, "Is this okay?" Knowing that she was enjoying it, his lips continued down and dipped around her nipple, suckling gently around the pert nub while he peeked up suddenly; the flash of brown was filled with shyness and concern, but also earnest desire to please the girl. At the warm surrounding her, a new sensation for the virgin, she moaned out plainly into the air and arched her back to push herself into his mouth further. "Ohh...Liam." She almost sounded surprised by the pleasure while she grabbed gently to one shoulder with her free hand. "More, please. Touch me."

Again, he hesitated with her newest command, coupled with the grind of her hips to his thigh making it obvious where she wanted his touch. Again, he thought of her age, the high school textbooks stacked on her desk, the plaque on his door, "Dr. Liam O'Leary, Therapist". What kind of therapist took advantage of teenaged girls?

Another moan interrupted his thoughts while two wide eyes, a deep blue filled with lust and almost affection, plain and clear. "Please, Liam..." She repeated, lips parted to let her pant out a breath of need while his lips broke out from her nipple and rushed back to her in a heated kiss, edging on sloppiness with his eagerness to dispel the bubbling concerns from his mind. In the rush of the kiss, his hand dropped to her shorts and tucked past the band at the top, grazing over the thin fabric of her dainty, matching panties into the heat beneath.

In the kiss, her breathing hitched and spat out of her nose in a puff. Her hips pushed up to him and forced his fingers to hit the soft fur of her pubic area and downwards where the wetness of her excitement lubricated his traveling touch before he felt the shape of her lower lips, soft like velvet.

Liam's wrist quivered with nervousness, but the taste of the girl in his mouth and his muffled moans were intoxicating, numbing his worries while a finger curled against her sex and the tip pressed to her wet, leaking opening. Slowly, with tender carefulness he eased the plump finger into her with a fresh batch of whimpers into the kiss.

Slowly, the finger sunk into her the tightness of her walls around him, gripping tightly sent a throb down his shaft with the simple imagined experience of being inside it. While his finger sunk down, Ravenna broke from the kiss while a harsh pant, sighing delightfully into his neck while she held onto him, breasts against his chest. Eventually, his finger bumped into the barrier of her virginity and he froze. Again, a panicked look appeared in his eyes and Liam began to withdraw from her. "I c-can't hurt you."

Ravenna grabbed his wrist gently, kissing over his cheek again. "Shh..you can do it. Quick. Fast. Just do it for me, Liam." She told him, hurriedly while she gripped onto his shoulder in preparation.

Still, the doctor hesitated before he gave a small nod. "This is what she wants.." He told himself, grimacing at the thought of hurting her. Nonetheless, he did what she wanted and jerked his finger hard and fast to the barrier, breaking through it with a short gasp from the teen. She tensed in his arms for a minute till the pain faded completely and she rolled her hips to him. "Keep going, Liam.." She cooed once again looking up with her ocean blues.

Before his finger pumped into her once again, Liam kissed at his cheek and brought her into another liplock. Once their tongues were entangling, shyly exploring each other Liam pumped his fingers in once again, gently stretching her sex around the plump shape of a single finger while the girl puffed out from her nose. Together, they hid from the storm with a long kiss and the steady build up of the teenager's arousal, one finger leading into another while her breath became harder and the breaks between kisses became longer, filled with quivering moans that wavered in the air before seeming to fade out with an echo. Her grip, a hand on his shoulder still, tightened madly when three fingers pressed into her tunnel, grinding to her sensitive g-spot. She trembled on the couch before pulling back, "Y-your turn again, Liam...I want...I want you inside me before I.." She fell silent, letting him fill in the verb that she didn't want to voice. Before she urged him to penetrate her though, she still planned her service from earlier to allow him to last once he was inside her.

The older male hesitated, reluctant for her to continue servicing him and to stop the activity that she so obviously enjoyed, whimpering and moaning for him. However, when she twisted enough to bend over and drag her tongue down the length of his cock while his fingers still grazed over her plump clitoris, he couldn't find the words to complain.

Seeing his silence as the go ahead, she sunk her lips further over him letting his first three inches fill her mouth before she began to suckle gently- the noisy chorus of the activity sending a deep blush over the fox's pale skin. If they hadn't had the house to themselves, he would have been concerned someone would hear the blatant sound of slurping while she coated his cock in saliva. His tip, more sensitive than anything else, dipped back into her throat and she clenched with a tight swallow that sent a glob of precum shooting out and onto the roof of her mouth, filling it with the taste of his salty substance.

When she dipped back, releasing him from her lips to lick down the underside of his cock, curling her tongue around the base of his cock, Liam gave a throaty moan while a hand cupped around her cheek, stroking absently over the skin there while she returned her lips around him, bobbing her head in short strokes.

The noise of it, lips slurping along with the echoed calls of his own moans sounded like the porn that Liam snuck on the lonely occasional nights, and sent his pink blush onto the fair skin of his cheeks. While she stared up at him with her wide, blue eyes Ravenna couldn't help but smile around the shape of his cock in her mouth, struck by how sweet the older therapist looked while he panted and blushed ferociously.

Not long after she'd started, his cock had begun to throb hard against her tongue in time with the racing pace of his heart while his tip oozed with an almost constant leaking stream of precum, occasionally interrupted by a spurt of the watery substance the painted the inside of her mouth with a preview of what was to come. When Ravenna pulled back and licked up against his ultra sensitive tip, he reached his threshold and jerked inside her mouth with a spray of cum onto the roof of her mouth. Her tongue pushed his tip gently, aiming him into her mouth where the salty taste concentrated with three hard shots of his spunk before a last trickle followed and the panting arctic fox pulled himself from her mouth, sputtering shyly. "I-I shoulda warned you.." He stammered, heavy Irish accent even harder to follow.

Ravenna shook her head quickly, swallowing audibly before she began to lick through her mouth, trying to clean out his taste before she kissed the corner of his mouth softly. "Shhh...don't beat yourself up. You're doing great." She encouraged him, petting down his chest again, though her hands hovered above his broad stomach and remained above it on his chest before she met his eyes, a fresh intensity in her ocean blues. "How long till you're ready for the real thing now?"

He blushed, but smiled at her flirtatious, sweet smile and looked down at his cock still rock hard below them. "T minus zero seconds, m'dear."

Ravenna blushed, her own shyness and awkwardness suddenly returning at the thought of describing what she wanted. Instead of speaking, she pulled him into a fresh kiss while leaning back on the couch, pulling him over top of her. His stomach pressed into hers slightly, but he didn't feel overly heavy over top of her, only warm while his rock nestled against her lower lips, tip rubbing to her clit.

"I want this.." She whispered, blushing still while one of his plump hands stroked over her long each, careful to avoid tugging on one of the many, silver piercings that decorated the edge. Suddenly worried, she leaned into his hand and mumbled, "D-do you?"

Liam paused over her, holding her cheek while he leaned over and kissed her slow and tenderly, like their lips had melted together before he nodded. "If I hadn't wanted you more than anything else, I wouldn't have let a feisty teenager seduce me into this compromising position.." He quipped.

The joke was just what she needed, a smile lighting up her worried face and filling both eyes with a happy twinkle. She returned his kiss, though hers was open mouthed and a playful tongue darted against his lips before he shifted his hips and the touch of his cock over her sex drew her attention away from the kiss. Liam noticed her distraction and drew a hand down, guiding his tip to her entrance but paused with it resting outside of her. "Are you sure you want this?" He questioned, concern for the girl showing plainly in his face while he stared down at her, still cupping her cheek tenderly.

A small nod shook her head and both breasts gave a small quiver. "Yes, Liam. It'll help me...Make me happier- Isn't that your job, Doctor?" She grinned, playfully. Liam winced a little at the reference to his job which only made their relationship even more troubling to any outside viewer, but it made him smile nonetheless and he began to press forward.

At first, he lingered at the edge of her sex but a gentle push forward sunk him into her, two inches sliding into her fluidly before he paused, studying her face which had relaxed into a sigh of pleasure when he'd penetrated her and lit up with a warm, dopey smile at the sight of his eyes finding her again. "Don't stop.." She whispered and kissed him again, lips tangling while he sunk to the hilt.

Again, they wasted several minutes kissing, pausing occasionally to let one or the other catch their breath while the other decorated their neck and chest with soft kisses, Ravenna even nipped behind the fox's ear, nibbling on the soft flesh while he squeaked with embarrassed shock. While they kissed and Liam gained a small pink mark from the girl's love bite, his cock rested inside her, warm and filling with a feelings of togetherness from their connection.

However, Ravenna grew impatient and ground to him, urging him to pull back once again and began thrusting into her. His first thrust was slow, weak and almost unsure but once he'd hilted inside her again with a soft slap of their bodies coming together, he found a steady pace and began to pound into her, slow enough that she wasn't overwhelmed but that each hilting brought an audible sound from their hips and a moan from her lips.

With his early orgasm, Liam had several minutes before he would be ready to cum and relaxed with the knowledge, feeding off of the girl's obvious pleasure. Her moans grew into squeaks when he shortened the thrusts, rocking into her faster while her legs curled up and around the shape of him, grinding into each thrust and clutching him to her, trapping him inside her while her insides began to clench tightly. With one hand, she tugged a pair of fingers to her clit, introducing Liam to the steady circle that would tease it into a throbbing source of further pleasure while her sex clutched like a vice around his shaft, making his squirt pre into her depths.

"L-Liam..." Ravenna cried, looking shocked with the sudden explosion of pleasure accomplished when his short thrusts against her g-spot combined with the steady rubbing over her clitoris and the gentle, warm weight of him above her. The older male held onto her tighter while he pumped into her faster, lingering on the build-up of his own orgasm while she rolled into hers. Liam fought to hold himself back. The pressure built in his base, his balls pulled up, and everything swelled around him.

Her moans echoed in the basement. The storm outside was utterly forgotten, thunder wouldn't have been heard over their own noise. Liam clung to his orgasm, holding it back until he felt the younger girl clutch around his shaft, milking him before a squirt of liquid washed over his cock and he lost himself. Together, the two crashed into orgasm. Ravenna giving a high-pitched, squeaky howl of pleasure while Liam only grunted with manly silence. He flooded her insides, warmth spreading through her while she relaxed beneath his warmth, her own orgasm leaving her clitoris throbbing with each pulse of her heart and her tunnel pleasantly heated with the lingering feelings.

"Mmhmm.." She whimpered, grinding to him gently while her eyes drooped with a deep breath. "Liam, that was..amazing..." She whispered in addition though her voice was faint she leaned up to him and kissed along his jawline. The older male smiled back, kissing her back before he began to decorate the curvature of her neck in soft, warm kisses down onto her breast where he paused to suckle momentarily, drawing out a weak sigh from her.

"I'm glad you enjoyed yourself.." He rumbled, sounding pleased with himself while he studied her tired, happy face. If only he could give that expression to all his clients he thought to himself, petting along her soft skin before he kissed her lips once more. Something must be therapeutic about being loved despite all odds; society, age, or even thunderstorms.