Mitchell & Michael, Chapter 7 - Punishment

Story by cyberklaw on SoFurry

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#7 of Mitchell & Michael

Part 7 of this old story.

Mitchell and Michael

By Cyberklaw

Part 7 - Punishment

The dungeon was just as Michael remembered, brightly lit with all sorts of equipment that he wasn't entirely familiar with.

But he suspected he was likely to get more familiar with them soon.

He stood as Daniel led him down the stairs into the dungeon, and then dropped to all fours again once they reached the bottom.

The leashed lion was downcast. He felt absolutely awful. He couldn't believe he'd disappointed his Master so badly, and so soon. The very thought that he'd failed the handsome panther filled him with dismay.

Daniel led the depressed Michael to the centre of the room. "Stand up." The beefy canine ordered.

Michael got to his feet and stood there as Daniel retrieved a pair of black leather wrist cuffs from a metal cabinet. The Alsatian seemed to know his way around the dungeon. He must have spent a fair bit of time there on the other occasions he was serving Mitchell.

The dog followed Mitchell's instructions. He strapped a leather cuff tightly around each of Michael's wrists. He didn't speak as he worked, and Michael didn't say anything either. He was too disheartened.

Daniel picked out a length of chain from among the various items on offer in the dungeon. Using padlocks, he attached an end of the chain to each of the leather bands around Michael's wrists, making use of the metal rings fixed to the cuffs. This meant that the lion's wrists were now essentially chained together.

Without saying a word, the muscle-bound canine took hold of the middle of the chain and raised it above Michael's head, reaching up and hooking one of the links over one of the many hooks affixed to the ceiling. Michael was left with his chained arms over his head, unable to lower them.

His orders carried out, Daniel stood aside and dropped to his knees to wait for Mitchell to arrive with further commands. Michael envied the Alsatian. He was so good at this, at being a slave. He knew that was because the dog had five years of experience behind him, but then and there, that didn't make Michael feel better at all.

Hanging from his chains, Michael mood fell even further. He wasn't looking forward to what was coming. It wasn't the punishment so much, he was pretty sure he'd be able to handle that. But when Mitchell arrived, he'd have to face him again. The panther had looked so angry when he'd screwed up. Knowing that he was the cause of that anger was making him feel horrible.

Maybe he should just forget about this whole thing now. Use his safety word when Mitchell got there and ask to leave. Go home and forget about this before he screwed up and made Mitchell angry again.

He didn't want to go, but he was starting to think it would be for the best. He loved the Black Panther too much to hang around and keep on pissing him off...

He let out a depressed sigh. This drew Daniel's attention.

The German Shepard glanced up at him. "What's wrong?"

"I can't believe I messed up so badly so quickly." The young lion moaned. "Maybe I'm not cut out for this."

Daniel glared at him from where he knelt. "Remember your orders. Sir is not present, and I outrank you."

Michael bowed his head. "Sorry, Sir." He said. "But you see? I screwed up again. Sir."

"You are still new." Daniel told him. "You will make mistakes during the early days of your training."

"Mistakes that get my Master that angry with me?" Michael groaned.

The hunky canine in front of him looked thoughtful for a moment. "Although it is not my place to assume to know the motives of a Master, I believe it is possible that Master Mitchell wanted you to fail."

That caught the lion by surprise. "What do you mean?"

The dog glowered at him.

"Sorry." Said Michael. "What do you mean, Sir?"

"Speaking from experience." Daniel explained. "It is quite common for Masters to wish to physically exert their authority over their slaves early on. To 'show them who's boss' you could say, in order to help the slave mentally assume their role."

"What are you saying, Sir?" Michael was doing his best to understand. "That Mitchell... I mean, Master Mitchell, assigned me a task knowing that I'd fail?"

"I'm saying," Daniel clarified, "that Master Mitchell may have assigned you a task that, as an inexperienced and untrained slave, would be unlikely to succeed at. The intended effect of the punishment you are about to receive could be more psychological than physical. I believe Sir's intention could be to help you feel more of a slave."

The restrained young lion thought about this. It was an interesting way of looking at things.

Daniel lowered his head. "But of course, I am a lowly slave myself. It is not really my place to assume to know such things."

Michael found himself looking at the kneeling Alsatian. Daniel was surprisingly insightful. He was starting to suspect that the slave dog was actually a pretty smart guy.

"If I may ask, Sir." Said Michael. "Should you really be telling me your suspicions about Master Mitchell's intentions?"

The hunk of a canine looked up at him for a moment. "Perhaps not." He lowered his head again.

Thoughts of the kneeling dog slipped from his mind as started thinking about what was about to happen. He looked to the stairs, expecting his Master to make his appearance at any moment...

* * * * *

Mitchell stripped off the last of his clothing and tossed it aside.

The panther was standing in front of his open wardrobe in his bedroom. He'd been getting his clothes off while trying to decide exactly what to wear.

Standing there naked, he thumbed through his leathers. He ignored the black leather garments. He much preferred red leather; it just looked better against his black fur. But he still had some black leather for when he went out. As great as it looked on him, red leather was used by some to indicate certain tastes, which he simply had no interest in. Hence the black, to avoid giving anyone he might meet the wrong impression.

In the end, he decided to keep it simple. He picked out a pair of red leather shorts, and some fingerless red leather gloves with metal studs on their backs.

Mitchell thought about Michael as he slipped these things on. He felt a slight pang of guilt at what he'd done. It had been a bit mean of him, setting Michael up so that he'd fail. The look on the poor lion's face as Daniel had led him away had been heartbreaking.

But it was necessary. It would do Michael good. This would help him settle into his place as slave. He was just hoping that the young lion wasn't freaking out too badly at having 'disappointed' his Master so quickly.

Truth be told, he had actually been impressed with how long Michael had held out, considering how he had yet to be properly trained.

Mitchell checked how he looked in the full-length mirror on the wall. He smoothed out a few rough patches in his fur.

But still, he was glad he'd had that chat with Daniel earlier, before he went out.

Once the Black Panther was satisfied with his appearance, he left the bedroom, leaving his discarded clothes where they'd fallen. He'd have one of the slaves pick them up tomorrow.

He made his way downstairs, remembering the talk with Daniel. He'd explained to the muscle-bound German Shepard exactly what he'd be doing this evening. It had been Mitchell's concern that Michael, being new and nervous, would freak out when taken off to the dungeon.

So he had given Daniel some very specific instructions. Once he was alone with Michael in the dungeon, if the lion started getting too upset, he was to try and calm him by explaining how the intention here was psychological.

Mitchell hoped Daniel hadn't had to resort to that, but he was glad he'd set up things this way, that Michael would have some comfort if he found himself needing it.

The panther descended the stairs into the dungeon to find Michael restrained just as he'd specified, his wrists cuffed and hanging by a chain from a hook in the ceiling. Daniel was kneeling in front of him, waiting patiently.

"Pup!" Mitchell growled as he arrived, getting straight to business. "Fetch me my whip. This slave needs to feel some pain for his transgression.""

The huge Alsatian slave was on his feet in an instant. "Yes, Sir."

At the moment he'd mentioned the whip, Mitchell had noticed that Michael's eyes had widened a little in surprise and there was a now a hint of nervousness in his face. But the young lion was not making any comment or indication that he wanted out of this.

As Daniel was doing as he was told, Mitchell stepped up to the naked lion. Michael was watching him and from the way his cock was swiftly getting hard, he liked what he was seeing.

"Do you have anything to say to your Master, slave?" The panther sneered.

"I am sorry for disappointing you, my Master." Michael bowed his head submissively as he apologised. "I am ready to accept my punishment."

"I should hope so." Said Mitchell. He reached up and adjusted the chain holding Michael up, making sure the lion's arms were held securely above his head.

He glanced at Daniel as the Alsatian arrived with the whip. He gave a small nod of his head. It was the signal to say that he'd had to resort to calming the young lion.

Daniel returned with the panther's coiled leather whip. The canine bowed and held it up. Mitchell took it and Daniel fell to his knees again, awaiting further orders.

Mitchell ignored the Alsatian for now and focused his complete attention on his lion slave. He gripped the handle of the whip and let it uncoil to the floor. Michael seemed unable to take his eyes off of it.

"Ready to take your punishment?" Mitchell rumbled. For emphasis, he cracked the whip on the floor, making the restrained lion flinch.

Michael was hesitant in answering. "Y-y-yes, Master." He stuttered.

Mitchell strolled behind him slowly. He wasn't planning to hurt his slave in any major way, just give him a little taste of being punished. Five light lashes of the whip should do it.

He knew what he was doing, of course. He'd done this many times before and knew exactly how much force to use with each stroke.

The first stroke fell across the lion's exposed back with an echoing crack of leather. Michael cried out.

"That's right, slave." Said the panther. "Cry out."

Mitchell struck again, the whip once again cracking across Michael's back. The lion cried out for a second time.

"Feel that pain!" The Black Panther sneered. "Know that you deserve it for your offence!"

Mitchell struck again, and again. Both times Michael roared in pain as the stroke fell.

"Almost done, slave." Mitchell said, raising the whip one last time and striking again. Michael cried out, his body going limp in his restraints.

The panther coiled the whip in his hands as he leaned in close to look at Michael's back. He had been careful, and had not broken the skin at all. But there were now a number of red marks beneath the fur.

Mitchell walked around to face Michael. "Now." He said. "I want you to beg for forgiveness from your Master." He twisted the whip in his hands threateningly. "And make it good, slave."

The lion was still having trouble taking his eyes off the whip. "I am most sorry, my Master." He mumbled, submissively. "There is no excuse for disappointing you so badly. I am a worthless excuse for a slave, and I humbly beg for your forgiveness."

Although there was no change on Mitchell's stern features, his heart melted at the pleas of his restrained slave. He now seemed to be fully settled into his place.

The panther tossed the coiled whip to the kneeling Daniel. "Put this away, Pup." The Alsatian obeyed.

Mitchell stepped forward and grabbed the mane at the back of Michael's head and pulled him forward into a passionate kiss. When he released the lion, he looked him in the eyes. "You're punishment is over. But you are still duty-bound to provide me with pleasure."

"Yes, Master." Michael was looking happier at this prospect.

Without looking away from the lion, Mitchell snapped his fingers. "Pup! Blindfold!"

"At once, Sir!" Daniel replied.

The panther took the lion's stiffened cock in one hand and squeezed it. Michael grimaced.

"You're punishment may be done, slave." Mitchell purred. "But don't ever forget who is in control here. Whose wishes do you serve?" He squeezed harder.

"Yours, Master!" Michael hissed, desperately. "I serve you!"

With his other hand, he took hold of the lion's balls and started to crush them in his iron grip. "And do you like serving me?"

"Yes, sir!" Mitchell babbled. "I love being in your service, Master!"

The panther released the lion's genitalia, for which Michael breathed a sigh of relief.

Daniel was kneeling again, holding up the blindfold he'd fetched. Mitchell took it.

"From this point on, you'll do without sight." Mitchell slipped the leather blindfold over his slave's eyes.

"As you command, Master." Said Michael, as his world went black.

Mitchell took a moment to just look Michael over. The young lion just looked so cute, restrained and blindfolded as he was.

He leaned in close and whispered into Michael's ear. "By the time this is over, you're going to be feeling thoroughly fucked."

"Yes, Master." Michael nodded, blindly.

"Pup!" Mitchell barked, snapping his fingers. "Behind him!"

The Alsatian nodded. "Yes, sir." He stood and took up a position behind the lion hanging there in restraints.

"I want you to loosen up this slave's ass, Pup." Mitchell commanded. "Give it a good hard fuck. Don't cum until I say so."

"As you command, Sir." Daniel nodded.

The Alsatian started rubbing his huge cock, massaging himself into a full erection in a matter of minutes.

He pulled aside Michael's tail and carefully positioned himself. The blindfolded lion could feel the head of the dog's engorged penis brushing against his ass. He could feel a sense of anticipation as he waited for the beefy canine to penetrate him.

Daniel thrust himself into restrained lion, fast and hard. Michael couldn't help but howl with the suddenly sting of pain that accompanied this savage intrusion into his ass.

But the pain was soon gone as a feeling of excitement washed over him. He was being fucked by a huge and gorgeous hunk of a canine, and at his Master's orders. That thought had him very aroused.

Daniel just stood there for a moment, Michael's rear end impaled on his thick cock. He then wrapped his thickly muscled arms around the young lion's body, one across his stomach, and one across his chest, holding him tightly. Michael grimaced slightly as they pressed together, feeling a sting of pain from his sore back.

Leaning in close, the Alsatian whispered in Michael's ear. "I've been told I'm very good at this. I think you'll enjoy it."

Without any further delay, Daniel started to screw Michael's ass. He fucked the lion hard and fast, wildly pumping his rock hard cock in and out of the lion, seemingly losing himself in the passion of the moment, throwing himself completely into the task he'd been given.

Michael hung in his restraints, the canine hugging him close and fucking him relentlessly at the same time. His whole body was awash with delight as he submitted himself absolutely to the treatment he was receiving. Each thrust filled the young lion with every increasing sensations of bliss.

Mitchell paced back and forth in front of the two slaves, watching with interest the expression on Michael's face. He was enjoying himself. That much was certain. The panther smiled too himself. He shouldn't be allowing his slave too much pleasure. It was time he intervened.

He stepped forward and suddenly tweaked Michael's nipples. The lion's pleasure was unexpectedly punctuated with a short sharp burst of pain, causing him to gasp.

Mitchell then reached down and grabbed Michael's balls in one hand, giving them a sharp squeeze as Daniel went on pumping at his ass.

The panther almost laughed at the second shocked gasp this drew from the lion. He stood there as Daniel fucked Michael, periodically giving the lion's balls or nipples a squeeze.

Michael wasn't sure how long this went on, him hanging there as both pleasure and pain were inflicted upon him. All he knew was that he was enjoying every second of it, being completely at the mercy of his Master's whims.

But it did eventually have to end. After what seemed like hours to the young lion, he heard Daniel gasp. "Sir... I am... ready... to cum..."

"Very good." He heard his Master say. "Hold it until I say otherwise."

The panther kept the two slaves waiting in suspense for the moment of climax for some time, during which the pleasure and pain went on and on and on. They were both covered in sweat and breathing heavily at this point.

"Pup..." Said Mitchell. "Cum!"

On command, the beefy Alsatian orgasmed, shooting his warm load deep into Michael's ass. The young lion gasped and groaned, twisting in his restraints. It felt incredible.

"Stay where you are for the moment, Pup." Mitchell instructed.

"As you command, Sir." Daniel panted, catching his breath. He remained where he was, with his huge cock still planted deep inside Michael.

The Black Panther stepped up to Michael. Gently, he brushed aside a few strands of the lion's sweat soaked mane that had fallen across his face. "How was that, my slave?"

"It was fantastic, Master." Michael smiled at Mitchell.

There was a moment of silence, Mitchell looking at his lion slave expectantly.

"Slave," he sighed, "You should thank your Master whenever he permits you a sexual experience like that."

"Of course, my Master." Michael nodded enthusiastically. "Thank you, Master, for allowing this lowly slave such pleasure."

"Very good." Mitchell chuckled. He playfully tousled the young lion's mane. "And how's your back?"

"It's still sore, Master." The blindfolded lion answered. "But it's not too bad. Thank you for asking, Master."

The panther grinned and walked away. He wanted to get something.

He returned a few moments later with a small black item of solid rubber. It was flat on one end and tapered to a rounded point on the other. He held it up for Michael to see, raising his blindfold for a moment.

"This," he explained, "is a butt plug. I'm going to plug your ass with Pup's cum still inside you."

Michael nodded his understanding. "Yes, Master."

Mitchell handed the plug to Daniel as he placed the blindfold across Michael's eyes again. "Pull out of him." He instructed. "Slowly and carefully. I want his ass plugged as soon as you're out."

"Yes, Sir." Daniel nodded, taking the plug. He started pulling his dick out of the hanging lion, holding the butt plug so that he could insert it straight away.

"When you feel the plug," Mitchell told Michael, "just push down on it with your ass."

"Yes, Master." Michael gulped in anticipation. He'd never had a butt plug in him before and wasn't quite sure what to expect.

The very second that the German Shepard pulled himself free of the lion's behind, he shoved in the plug. Michael felt the rubber tip brush between his ass cheeks and did his best to push down on it.

The butt plug slid in smoothly. It was a surprisingly pleasurable experience for the bound and blinded lion and he kept pushing down as the cone of rubber intruded deeper and deeper into his rear end.

And then the plug was in, its flat base resting against his ass, preventing the plug from going in any further. The rubber plug made an effective seal. He could feel the gentle warmth of Daniel's cum still inside him.

"Feels good, doesn't it?" Mitchell noticed the smile on Michael's face.

"Yes, Master." The lion agreed.

The panther chuckled slightly. "Pup. Get him out of his restraints and put them away. But leave the blindfold."

"Yes, Sir." The dog set about obeying. He unchained Michael's arms, removing the leather cuffs that had held his arms over his head.

Michael stood there blindly, rubbing some circulation back into his now freed wrists. He could hear Daniel padding about, putting away the restraints he'd taken off. He had no idea what his master had in store for him next.

"I think it's time the two of you got some sleep." Mitchell said. "Even though it's not exactly late. You two are going to have a long day tomorrow, starting early. It's best that you get some rest."

There was a pause before Mitchell went on. "And I think, as befitting slaves, you two should spent the night here in the dungeon."

"As you wish, Sir." Said Daniel.

"Yes, my Master." Said Michael.

"Pup, bring this slave over here." The Black Panther said.

A moment later, Daniel was standing behind the lion and manoeuvred the young feline across the room to where Mitchell wanted him. Blindfolded as he was, Michael did not know what was going on. He had to place his trust completely in Mitchell. A part of him suspected that was probably the point.

Daniel pulled him to a stop, presumably where Mitchell had indicated.

"Down on all fours, Slave." Mitchell commanded. Michael blindly obeyed, dropping to his hands and knees.

"Now crawl forward." The panther instructed him. The lion did as he was told, even though he didn't have a clue what was going on around him.

He hadn't gone far when he was told to stop. "That's very good, Slave." Mitchell told him.

There was a sudden clang of metal behind him, and the click of a lock. Where was he? What was happening?

"Remove the blindfold." Mitchell ordered.

The lion pulled off the leather covering his eyes and blinked a little as the sudden light stung at his eyes. Then he saw where he was. He was in a cage.

He was crouched in a small cage that had been built into a secluded corner of the dungeon, presumably why he hadn't noticed it before. Beneath him was the cold hard floor and on two sides were the walls of the basement. Above and on the other two sides were sets of thick steel bars, heavily bolted into the floor and walls. The bars behind him had a hinged section, the door he'd crawled through, that was now padlocked.

The cage wasn't high enough to allow Michael to do anything but sit or crouch, but was wide enough so that he'd be able to lie down comfortably.

"I hope you like it." Mitchell was standing beside the cage looking down at him. Daniel was kneeling patiently to one side.

"I actually wanted to build a proper cage, with bars all around." Mitchell went on. "But I ran out of space for it, so I had to settle for this."

Michael stayed there on all fours, waiting for orders. He had the feeling this cage was where he'd be spending the night. A sense of disappointment washed over him. He wanted to spend the night snuggled up against his hunk of a Master.

"This is where you'll be sleeping tonight." Mitchell explained. "I think it'll do you good to spend some time caged like this." He crouched down beside the cage. "Perhaps tomorrow night I'll permit you to sleep with me. If you earn it."

Michael brightened. "Yes, Master!" He nodded, eagerly.

"But for now," Said the panther, standing up. "Goodnight, my slave. Hold on to the blindfold for now, wearing it might help you get to sleep."

"Goodnight Master." Said Michael, as the muscular panther turned away.

Mitchell snapped his fingers. "Pup!" He barked. "With me!"

Daniel was on his feet in an instant, following Mitchell up the stairs and out of the dungeon, leaving Michael in his cage alone behind them.

"Wait here." The panther instructed the huge canine slave as they reached the kitchen.

Daniel stayed as Mitchell left the room and returned a few minutes later with a couple of blankets, which he threw over the dog's shoulder.

"One for you and one for slave." Said Mitchell.

"Yes, Sir." Daniel nodded.

Then the Black Panther took two plastic bowls from a cupboard and filled them both with water. He handed them to the Alsatian.

"Again, one for you, one for slave, should you get thirsty during the night." Mitchell explained. "You have my permission to unlock the cage just so that you can put slave's bowl and blanket inside. I want it locked again afterwards. Understand?"

"I understand, Sir." Daniel answered.

"Now, tomorrow I want you both up early." Mitchell commanded. "I want to be woken at 6 am by my slave. He is to be released from his cage no earlier than 5:30 am. When I awake, I expect the two of you to be clean and presentable."

"Of course, Sir." Daniel bowed his head slightly in acknowledgement.

"While my slave attends to me when I awake," Mitchell continued, "you will prepare my breakfast. I want a hearty meal in the morning. I leave it to you to impress me with your cooking as you have so many times before."

"I will do my best, Sir."

Mitchell patted the dog on the head. "I know you will. Now, down to the dungeon with you. See you in the morning."

Daniel nodded. "Goodnight, Sir."

The beefy canine padded down the stairs to the dungeon as Mitchell closed the door behind him.

The panther was a little worried that Michael might have trouble sleeping down in the cage, but he steeled his nerve. If the lion were at all serious about being a slave, he'd have to get used to sleeping wherever his Master decided he should sleep.

Putting such thoughts out of his mind, Mitchell headed up to bed. He had an early start tomorrow.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Michael sat naked in his cage.

He knew he should really be lying down to get some sleep, but he was too curious about what Mitchell and Daniel might be doing or talking about. He couldn't help but think that they were discussing him and how he was doing so far.

He hoped he was doing okay. To be completely honest, he was enjoying this. It was a liberating experience, even if he was currently locked in a cage. He was feeling as if he was finally being himself, as if he hadn't really known who he was before he had a collar locked around his neck.

That said, he wished that he wasn't going to spend the night in the cage. He so wanted to sleep curled up against Mitchell's wonderful muscular body. But he was the Master, so Michael had to do as he commanded.

He wanted to do everything he could to make his Master happy. He was coming to the realisation that he loved the handsome Black Panther with all his heart. He wanted to make things up to Mitchell for failing him earlier. Yes, he knew that Mitchell had likely wanted him to fail, but he couldn't help feeling he should do something that would especially please him.

At that moment, he heard footsteps on the stairs. He glanced up to see Daniel, carrying two bowls of water and a couple of blankets over one shoulder.

The huge canine placed one of the bowls down and picked up the key to the cage, hanging from a hook on the wall. He unlocked the cage and placed one of the bowls and a blanket inside before locking it once again.

"Sir said you were to have these." Daniel explained.

"Thank you." Michael nodded. Now that it came up, he was feeling thirsty. He picked up the bowl to take a sip.

"No!" Daniel barked. The lion stopped.

"When a slave drinks from a bowl, he does so on all fours." The Alsatian said. "I know for a fact that Sir prefers it that way. Like this." He put down the remaining blanket and fell to his hands and knees before the other bowl. He lapped at the water.

"Okay, Sir." Michael put the bowl down and copied Daniel, getting down on his hands and knees. He lapped at the water. It was cool and refreshing. Just what he needed.

When he was done, he saw that the canine bodybuilder outside the cage was lying down to sleep, his blanket wrapped around his massive body.

"Sir?" The caged lion asked, tentatively. "Can I talk to you?"

Daniel gave him a disapproving glare. "We should be getting some sleep. Master Mitchell wants us both up early."

"It's about Master Mitchell." Michael explained. "For whatever reason, I failed him tonight. As a more experienced slave, Sir, I was wondering if maybe you had any suggestions on how I might make it up to him."

The beefy Alsatian smiled at him. "I must say, that is just the right attitude for a slave."

"Thank you." Michael nodded.

"As for how you might make things up to Sir." Daniel went on. "I do have some suggestions, but we can discuss them in the morning. We are to be awake by 5:30 am and should get to sleep."

The lion frowned as he wrapped himself in his blanket. "Sir? How will we know when to wake up? There's no clock in here."

The dog just smiled knowingly. "My Master has trained me very well. I will wake up at the appropriate time, with or without a clock. If Master Mitchell so chooses, you may be trained in a similar way some day."

Daniel lay down and closed his eyes. Michael did likewise, and spent a few minutes twisting and turning, trying to find a comfortable position on the floor.

He started to wonder just how much sleep he was going to get tonight. He was not used to sleeping on the floor.

The lion put the blindfold on to help him sleep, as Mitchell hadn't left permission for the bright lights of the dungeon to be switched off, a fact that wasn't bothering Daniel in the slightest. He could hear the canine's soft breathing and peeked out from under the blindfold at him. Daniel was already fast asleep.

But eventually, he dropped off to sleep, dreaming of his handsome panther Master...

To Be Continued...