Avian Entry 2: My first spell
All right, here's my second entry for Avian, I'm experimenting with styles so would you tell me if you like the first style or this one better? ^^
Seriel learns his first magic spell as well as covers some of the gods of the species of his world.
I hope you all enjoy, I would love to hear what you all think! ^_^
Janus 29, 3724 AW
Alright, my second entry in this thing, going strong so far! ...Yeah, I don't know why I wrote that down... Anyways, it's been one week since I did my last entry. I'd write down what happened during the meeting with the council, but honestly I don't remember much of what happened... I remember seeing the outline of the council members, but they took away my memories of the meeting as the council's identities are to stay secret among the high mages.
What I do remember is pain, when I awoke back in my room I found magic runes on my back. They burned my feathers the jerks... I don't understand what they said though, I attempted to ask Master Teomar what they meant but he was a bit shy on the subject. I guess it doesn't really matter, though they still burn even today.
What I did do this week was amazing, I've learned my first magic spell. As a chick I could do small sparks of magic, little spells that didn't require much effort. But now I've learned to control magic, though it's really hard to do now that I have to actually concentrate the spells. By invoking the incantation, my body focuses the sparks into my palms and spreads out in the air to form the spell. Though it's not as easy as just knowing the spell's name, first you have to have the magic capability in the first place, and second you have to have the right capacity for magic to use it.
Though I'm getting ahead of myself, I'll explain it within my recap of the week...
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It was the day after I was made an apprentice that my first encounter with real magic began, I had met with Teomar alongside the fountain in front of his home. Our home was kept in astral space so that he didn't have to worry about magic affecting the mortal species, mortal being the name that we called the non-magical creatures. Teomar began explaining the concepts of magic, I'd grown up with books given to me by Teomar to learn these concepts so I wasn't quite sure why he had explained them to me again... I guess to make sure that I actually studied.
Teomar spoke of the magic flow, which flowed through the veins of the species of the world. They ran through the species because of our gods, the ones who graced us with our very existence. Though that's a subject of debate amongst some of the people of the world, the religions say that our gods created both magic and each of the species. While others believe that the gods of the world were really regular species who stumbled across a well of magic near the center of the world and became more powerful because of this, truth is we'll never really know.
There are many gods, though each species harbors the name of their individual god as they consider it a certain word of power. The god of the Avian race is named Lone, in scripts he has been known as many types of bird, though Master Teomar confided to me that he was actually a raven. Master Teomar also told me that the god for the Canine race was a wolf known as Fenrir, apparently he was a war like god that enjoyed the hunt. Because of this fact many dog mages take on a very violent nature, believing that it would cause their magic to be more potent.
Each of the races took on magic, Avians included. But somewhere along the time, there was a war between the races. Each one took arms behind their gods as they became jealous of one another, the gods believed that one of the species took more magic than another. And so the war between mages started, it lasted several centuries, no one species giving in an inch. But as the war grew towards the end, the gods started to whisper amongst one another after battles, rumors of who might've taken the most magic.
The only god that wouldn't talk to the others was Lone, he kept to himself and protected his people. Out of the gods it was the pig's god that first started the rumor that it might be Lone that took the most magic, she said that she had seen him doing magic that wouldn't be possible even amongst the gods. And so the rumor grew, each of the gods picking that up and soon Lone found himself backed up against a wall against the rest of the gods. He protected his people to the fullest of his extent, conjuring demonic creatures to protect the Avian race, but when it came down to it Lone was outnumbered.
The gods did a ritual and stole Lone's magic, pulling apart his powers amongst themselves and leaving the Avian race completely dry. The bird god was banished, and in the turmoil each of the gods had become spiteful of one another as they had realized that Lone had no more magic then themselves. So realizing that one of them could be the offender that took the most magic, they split apart and hid themselves away from even their own species.
Now that the history lesson is over... I can finally get into the meat of what I started this entry for, my first spell! So after going over the history lesson with my master, he finally decided to teach me my first spell. He explained that each of the gods had developed their own set of spells, Lone's spells though were lost as the Avians that had carried his spells had gone into exile after the god's own banishment. The first spell that my master taught me was from his own god's path, its name was Nilix, a fire based spell.
The spell was an easy task for my master, he held up his paw and chanted the spell, within a moment a ball of fire slid out from his hand glowing red. Teomar explained to me that when gathering magic, a mage had to take care as to keep the magic from flowing too close to their heart. If the magic was harmful in nature, it could inflict damage upon the heart, though in the case of healing magic the sparks of magic would help rather than hinder.
I watched as Teomar let the fire ball float in midair, the fire gave off an odd aura that radiated with my master's power. When I drew close I had felt some pain as the fire was pure damage magic, the fire itself didn't need to touch me, the haze of magic could inflict damage itself. My master explained that damage magic didn't need to be in direct contact for pain as it was made of magic, though if the actual spell were to hit it would be pure agony.
After being taught the word and seeing the fire ball, I tried it for myself. Holding up my hand, I spoke the word and felt the magic gathering through my body. I was careful not to let the magic stray close to my heart, but even so I could feel pain as the magic tingled through my body towards my hand. As the sparks started to coalesce above my hand I watched as a few stray feathers burn up, I didn't mind though as a white ball of fire formed.
Now magic took many colors depending upon the species or the personality of the user, generally magic took on a general species color, though if your magic was powerful enough usually it would develop a color of its own. I saw a look of surprise form upon my master's face as the magic formed, it was a unique color that hadn't been seen before. As the ball of fire grew above my hand I assumed that it would stop, but instead it continued to grow well beyond what my master made me.
Panic had formed within me as I tried to stop it, but my master quickly realized that it was getting out of hand and pulled out a scroll and quickly read a few words off of it causing the spell to disperse. I fell to the floor as the magic had drained me of my energy, after letting the fire disappear Master Teomar approached me and asked if I were okay.
The spell had taken a lot out of me, though I still felt well enough for a second attempt. So after Teomar helped me up I tried a second time, though I saw that Teomar was paying close attention to me just in case something went out of control again. And so once more my magic came out, a few more feathers burning in the process... The white fire appeared, though I was able to control its size and I watched as it hovered in place even after I moved my hand away.
The aura that surrounded it would keep it going even without my stream of magic so when I cut it off it continued to float there, burning even brighter than my master's own. He seemed to be interested in the color though he wouldn't tell me why, so since that day I've been experimenting with Nilix, and while the magic doesn't really drain me as much anymore I can still see my master looking at me intently while I cast spells, as if I'm about to explode from the effort.
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So my first week of being a mage's apprentice went well enough, though I really hate these runes and I wish that Teomar would explain their meaning to me... I've attempted to read some of the books in my master's quarters, though they're all in the same ancient runes as the ones on my back... I'm sure that my master will teach me how to read them sooner or later...
I've started to read more on the gods of each of the species as well, all of the mages know all of the gods' names as to understand the paths of magic we need to understand the ones who made them all. After learning at my parents' feet that it's wrong to know the other species' gods, I feel like I'm treading on sacred ground as I read these books. Under any circumstance, I'd best be going as I need to study up more on some of the gods.
- Seriel Aroctus
Apprentice of Lupus Teomar