Wolfie Steel, Assassin/Bodyguard for hire, Part 3.

Story by Wolfie Steel on SoFurry

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#3 of Wolfie Steel, Assassin/Bodyguard for hire

**Wolfie Steel.

Assassin/Bodyguard for hire.

Written by Vinnie Van Daz.**

A/N: My continued thanks go to Linkin Doberman for agreeing to appear in my humble story.

The character of Linkin Doberman appears with the kind permission of the fur himself, LINKIN DOBERMAN, please do not annoy him by using his character without his permission, the same goes for the rest of the characters as they are owned by me and again should not be used without my permission.


As this story contains references and scenes of a homosexual nature, if you are not old enough to read such literature in your country, then DON'T. If you are not old enough and read it anyway and get caught, I will deny all knowledge. With that warning given, to the rest of you I say ENJOY!

Chapter 3.

13:00 hours, that's 1:00 pm for those of you that don't do military speak, three very hungover canines sit or rather slump at the kitchen table, all three heads buried deep within paws, trying to hold them still and to stop the room from spinning. Linkin's housekeeper, a bright orange Fox standing 5'9" with the name of Todd Styles, was busy making us a late breakfast, though it would probably be best described as lunch, either way, the smell of things being fried, did not sit well with me, and I rushed to one of the downstairs bathrooms. I, fortunately, made it just in time, after five minutes, I was able to bring myself back under control, just then I jumped as I heard a knock at the door and a voice that sounded as though it was in desperate need, it was Linkin's voice.

"Wolfie, are you gonna be in there long?, because, I could really use the bathroom now, and I mean REALLY use it". I flushed the toilet and hurriedly left the room, however, the floor around the toilet bowl was not allowed to get cold.

I gently closed the door behind me, so as not to aggravate my bosses already sore head. The sight that now met me was that of Tony, with his head now lay on the table top, he was fast asleep, or so I thought. Todd had dished up a plate of bacon, fried eggs, hash browns, baked beans and sausage, aka the Great British Fry Up, after my stint in the bathroom, I could now just about stomach something to eat, so I took the offered plate from the Fox thanking him, and sat back at the table. I was now feeling somewhat better and decided to give my mischievous side an airing, I stabbed a piece of sausage with my fork and gently wafted it under Tony's nose, in the blink of an eye Tony's muzzle sprouted an evil smirk, he opened his mouth and took the piece of sausage from my fork, after chewing it a little he swallowed it and spoke.

"Never try and tease me when it comes to food, because my friend, you will always lose". The Fox had now prepared another plateful of food and gently placed it down in front of Tony, who then began to devour it.

After watching Tony devour one of his sausages, a thought sprang to my mind, I wonder what it would feel like to have my sausage devoured by that maw?, the sound of the bathroom door being opened brought me from my thoughts, it was Linkin, looking still ever so slightly worse for wear, he spoke to his housekeeper.

"Mr Styles, I think I will just have some toast, and maybe a glass of water, with an aspirin, if you please!". The Fox looked at his boss and winced at the sight that met his eyes and spoke softly.

"Very good sir, why don't you go and lie on the sofa in the main room and I will bring your breakfast in to you!". With that Linkin headed for the main room and lay full length on the sofa, Tony and I finished our meal and decided that we needed to head back to our own home, to give the boss some much needed peace.

Tony and I arrived back at our digs after a ten minute walk, which helped clear our heads, we headed into the living room, once inside the living room, Tony gave me a sneaky and mischievous look and spoke.

"I saw you deep in thought whilst I was eating my sausages, I think I already know the answer to the question that I'm about to ask, but I'm gonna ask it anyway, what were you thinking about?".

I released a small chuckle from my maw and planted a huge kiss on Tony's lips, this caught the Rottweiler completely by surprise. After our five minute kiss we broke away and Tony looked at me with a smile on his face and then spoke.

"I thought so, and seeing as how I was eating a sausage at the time, I'm guessing that you want me to do that to you?". Tony hadn't even had time to finish his sentence before he saw me with the loaned trousers and underwear down around my ankles. Tony looked at the erect 7" package that now stood proud in front of him. Without any words, Tony sank to his knees and began to lick my tip. The feeling of having someone this hot licking the tip of my proud member was as close as I could get to pure ecstasy, my pre began to flow and I began to whimper. That whimper turned into a stifled howl as Tony took my length into his hot Rottweiler mouth and begin to suckle on it.

I couldn't believe it, just twenty four hours ago, I had been fired and I was down on my luck, and now here I am with one of the hottest dogs in all the universe sucking down on my cock. I let out a sudden gasp as I realised that I was close to my climax, Tony heard my gasp and realised exactly what it meant. I had expected Tony to remove my cock from his maw, but was surprised even more when I felt him suck harder, I also got a new feeling, this Rottweiler was gifted, while he was swallowing my cock, his tongue was swiping at the rest of my length including my knot and balls.

These new feelings sent me over the edge, and I came hard into Tony's mouth, but the sucking continued, god damn, this Rottweiler was milking me, as fast as I could fire each load of my wolf seed, he was swallowing it greedily. After what seemed like an eternity, (in actual fact was about two minutes), my seed ceased it's flow and Tony's sucking eased off, though it didn't actually stop until he had completely cleaned my cock. Once the sucking stopped, he removed his hot maw from my now limp tool and looked up at me with lust in his eyes. I could tell from that look that he wasn't done yet, I had a thought and acted on it, I turned around and bent over slightly, lifting my bushy tail as I did, granting the Rottweiler full access to my tailhole.

Tony didn't need a second invitation, he stood and stripped his trousers and underwear from his body, his 8" cock was ready for action, as his pre was slowly oozing from his tip, coating the length in a slick lube. Tony leaned against my back and spoke softly into my left ear.

"Are you sure about this?, if so then I will only go slow, I will try my very best not to hurt you, though in truth, at first it will hurt quite a bit, if it gets too much pain for you to handle, tell me and I will stop".

I nodded and between gritted teeth I spoke.

"Tony, no matter how much it hurts, I want you inside of me", there were no more words, just a gentle nod from my lover, then the piercing pain as his 8" member began it's journey deep into my ass. Tony's cock was now half way into my ass, and the pain, though it was still evident, it was now more a pleasurable pain, Tony sensed that I was now starting to enjoy the pain and carried on with his journey deep into my bowels. Once he had hilted me I could feel his engorged knot against the cheeks of my butt and I knew that in a few moments it would no longer be against my cheeks, but locked deep inside them.

Tony began his thrusts, slow and rhythmical at first, then he started to increase his speed a little, we both had our eyes tightly closed as we were both in extreme bliss. Suddenly my eyes shot open as I felt something warm and wet wrapped around my cock, my thoughts became confused, well I know that it isn't Tony because he is currently in residence in my back passage, I came out of my thoughts and slowly looked down, the sight that met my eyes made me gulp in both fear and confusion. Linkin's maw was now wrapped around my wolfhood. Tony had also not realised that Linkin was there and wrapped his paw around the base of my cock and began to paw me off. The instant that Tony's paw felt the cold, wet nose of another, he too opened his eyes and looked over my shoulder, he whispered into my ear.

"Oh shit, this is gonna get real complicated and real soon!", I did not care though, as I had two of the hottest dogs ever, servicing me from both ends. Tony gave another couple of strong thrusts and suddenly I felt the pain of Tony's knot locked deep inside of me, I let out one gigantic howl, which in turn instantly made me rock hard, much to Linkin's obvious surprise and pleasure.

With Tony and I now tied, Tony gave another series of short thrusts then stopped, and I felt the luscious fluid that was Tony's Rottweiler seed, flow through my insides, I suddenly remembered that I had Linkin sucking on my cock and Tony pawing me off, I shouted Linkin's name to warn him that I was close, but it was too late, I had now reached the point of no return, suddenly my second climax hit, though not as hard as the first, it was still going to cause me some pain, as I had now fired my climax into my bosses mouth, another thought came to my mind, that's two damn jobs that I have lost in two days, that has to be some sort of a record, I was brought out of my thoughts with a Doberman paw lifting my head, causing me to look squarely into the Doberman's eyes.

Linkin was now wearing a huge smirk, as well as some of the cum that I had just fired, he was about to speak, well here it comes, it's either going to be "Mr Steel you are fired" or the click of the hammer of a gun shortly before blackness, Linkin now spoke.

"Mr Steel you are.....so gay it hurts, but you do know how to produce the goods, if you apply the same technique to being my bodyguard, I know that I'm in very good paws!, however, just because I have given you a serious blow job, don't get too comfortable with the feeling, because it won't happen all that often, oh and from here on in I would also like you to address me as Senior Doberman". Linkin now licked the rest of my seed from his muzzle and left the house.

Tony's knot had now shrunk enough to allow him to remove himself from my ass, then we both turned to face each other in complete shock.

My confused thoughts returned again, had I really been given a blow job by my boss?, or was that just wishful thinking?, either way, it now meant that my working life had now been taken to the next level, I was now Linkin Doberman's bodyguard, with the difference being, that he now knew me intimately, I would now have to work and train harder to guard the two male furs in my life, my lover and my boss.