A Hero's Reward

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Characters in this story are not copyright of anything, so you can do what you want with the CHARECTERS in it, but the story itself is mine to keep Thanks :) Nikki, a little Neko girl of eleven years of age, skipped excitedly across her school courtyard. She was so happy that her test scores had just come in, and she had received a solid B+! The school day was almost over, so she skipped back to her locker building to retrieve her things. Nikki hastily entered her combination in with one hand, while struggling to hold her books in place with the other. She slid her tiny thumb into the steel door handle, and with a satisfying Click, the locker door swung open. Too fast it seemed, and it hit her in the head causing her to loose balance and fall beneath her unfair amount of heavy textbooks. Her cat-shriek was audible, however muffled by the fluttering of the pages. A hardy laugh came from the other side of the wall of books that surrounded Nikki, 'Nikki, Is that you in there? Knock-Knock,' came the voice of her locker-neighbor Kyle. He was a blue panther with charming eyes, and a warm smile. He was always helpful, and gracious with everyone. Nikki in particular, on account of her small size and many, many textbooks. Nikki finally looked up at Kyle, her face was bare skin, like a human might have, accept for her many catlike features. Six little whiskers poked out of her cheeks, and her cropped yellow hair hung in her face, and a yellow tail wagged from her behind. Kyle stared into her slit-pupils for a second or two, then continued with his own locker. He knelt down under Nikki to get to his own locker, which was on the lower part of the shelf. He could not help but peek a little bit up her little orange shirt-skirt. he noticed her small though shapely ass, and her very, very slightly swollen pussy through her tight white panties. He blushed a bit, then reached in for his own books. Nikki, her backpack strapped on her back (with more than a little trouble) was ready to head home through the usual trail. She cut straight over the fence, which she could bound easily if it was not for her backpack, and headed into the woods. The grass in there was always soft, and Nikki used to play here when she was younger. The day was bright, and the trees shaded the area, making it the perfect temperature. Unfortunately, Nikki was not the only one in these trails, and the company was less than pleasant. 'Hey twerp, where's the money you owe me?' came the usual yell from the school bully, Reese. He was a minotaur with an ugly brass ring in his nose. 'Reese, listen to me, I do not have my money today! I will have it tomorrow, I promise, Please!' Nikki pleaded, though to no avail. 'I hope you're ready for a beating twerp, because I'm gonna-" WHAP! Came the familiar sound of a deck to the face, But it was not Nikki's face this time. Kyle stood in the open, ready to strike the bullying minotaur again. 'Leave her alone 'Reese's Pieces' Kyle shouted at the retreating bully, 'that's it little piggy, run back home.' Kyle yelled after the brute. 'Are you all right Nikki?' he asked. She didn't anwser, only looked up at him, slightly stunned at this unexpected show of heroism. Kyle smiled warmly, and walked slowly toward the little Neko. 'Oh no! What do I do?' Nikki asked herself in her head, 'He is walking toward me!' she grew very nervouse, but looking at the panther, something happened. Nikki, very young, and unexpierienced in such things, had never fealt this way before. Her legs trembled, and she blushed heavily. 'Is something wrong Nikki?' asked Kyle, though being two years older than her, he knew just what was happening. Nikki met his approach, and walked closer to him. Kyle hoisted the little Neko in his arms, and held her fast in a passionate kiss. Nikki had never fealt so good in her life, and returned the kiss by dancing her tongue with his. Kyle slowly sat backward on the ground, careful not to harm the young and underage neko's delicate form. He now sat up on his elbows with his legs bent and slightly spread. Nikki blushed very heavily, embarrassed about not knowing what to do. Kyle, understanding her dilema, led the way. He slowly unzipped his fly, revealing his erect pink member. Nikki saw the opportunity, and crawled toward her idol. She grasped his unit with both hands. Her tiny fingers barely reached around his swollen penis, but she didn't care about that. She unsheathed her little tongue without opening her mouth, and began licking just under Kyle's dick's head. Kyle moaned in delight as the kitty girl licked repeatedly on his pulsing member. She accentuated his pleasure by licking up the siliva that she left on the head. Now, she thought to herself, it is time for true pleasure. She opened her little tiny mouth, which was barely two inches in diameter, and enveloped as much of Kyle's member as she could fit in her mouth. Kyle moaned and sighed in plaesure as Nikki tickled his cock with her little kiddy mouth. He carefully pushed her head farther over his dick with his paws. With every push, he moaned louder and louder. Nikki finally withdrew her head, took a deep breath, and panted, 'How does it feel?' he only moaned in response. Kyle reached for her, and started to unbutton her little orange shirt-skirt. Nikki watched curiously, providing no resistance. She blushed as her flat chest was exposed, ad even mre as Kyle unexpectedly sprung up to kiss and lick her tiny flat chest. Nikki moaned as her cute little nipples grew harder, and she hagged Kyle's furry head closer to her chest. 'Please don't stop!' she cooed at her lover. Kyle had no intension of stoping to lick her pleasant tasting nipples. She moaned and cooed, her cat-ears twitching atop her head. 'This is your first time?' Kyle asked her in between licks. Nikki answered by pushing her flat chest closer to his mouth. Kyle retaliated again by nibbling on her hard nipples with his front teeth. Ths action caused Nikki to expell her breath in plaesure, and spasm a bit for him. Kyle pulled back his head to lick her cute neck and chin, eventually finding her lips again. Nikki slid her shirt-skirt off of her shoulders and reached down toward his swelling cock. He smiled at her, and reached to pull down her white panties. Her cute little pussy was tight, and a bit red. He grabbed her ass cheeks, and slowly slid his member into her love. 'Ahhh! Ohhh! Please, go in more!' she pleaded, and began screaming. Blood poured out of her little kitty pussy as she lost her sweet virginity. The little neko nearly passed out from pain and pleasure, but managed to contain herself to let the ecstatic panther go in deeper. Kyle, in complete and utter pleasure, pulled her ass in untill he was ball deep, and listened to her scream. Both of there orgasms neared, and both of them knew it. Nikki spasmed, her little body shaking, and her flat chest lactating a little onto her stomach. Kyle hastily pulled his penis out of its home and sent a huge load of cum onto her cute little butt. Nikki cummed unto Kyle's slowly softening cock, and they both fell asleep in the woods. Nikki opened her eyes, she was in her bed, and it was well into the night. 'Nikki, dear?' came her mother's voice. 'How did I get here?' she asked her mother, more than a bit worried. 'A nice panther-boy brought you home, he said you had tripped and fallen from a tree root on you way home, and passed out,' her mother answered soothingly. 'What was his name Mama?' she whispered, half asleep. 'Kyle, dear' she answered. Nikki pictured Kyle's handsome face, winking at her, and she quickly dozed off, smiling. THE END