CosPlay Experiments

Story by thelastgasp on SoFurry

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"So, you're sure you wanna try this?" Asked Malcom shyly as he looked over his boyfriend with a soft blush in his ears. The slender mouse had been teasing about some cosplay naughtiness with his lover for a while now, and even had managed to get him to get some measurements to work on a costume for him. But now that he finally got the chance he was starting to get nervous. He wasn't certain if maybe his friend wouldn't like playing in such a tight outfit.

Jeremiah grinned and nuzzled his boyfriend, a slightly older mouse, a bit more athletic than his lithe friend. "Of course, I've watched ya work away on these all month, figure I have to try it at least once. " He smiled and stroked his friend's cheeks, tracing the tan and brown fur along his chin with a finger, peering into Malcom's brown eyes playfully. He leans in, kissing an eartip "You'll have to help me get into mine, never tried latex on before. "

Malcom grinned and perked up more as his albino lover teased at his ear, two slim tails brushing each other. "Sounds good then... let me, er, get the outfits then" He grins and hops up, tail and hips swinging softly as he gathers up the two costumes he finished. Glimmering and shining with polish, the two rubbery full body suits were quite heavy in his paws as he began to spread them out. The first one deep turquoise along the belly, draconic in design. The back featuring shiny scales of vinyl in a dark green. Jeremiah giggled more as he recognized the familiar draconic mascots of an RPG. He grinned more as the second costume was laid out, The dark crimson front and bright yellow scales of another character in the game. "Mmmm, wasn't the yellow one always hitting on the smaller green... " teased Jeremiah, kissing his mate's cheek with a wink.

Malcom grinned as he smoothed out the outfits, turning them over to unzip them, hidden nearly beneath the vinyl scales, giving a wink as he works, "suppose that's why you get the yellow one then. " He grins and hugs him close, blushing hotly in ears as he noses a shoulder quietly "mmm, hope this isn't, too weird or anything... "

"Not at all, it's pretty cute actually" Jeremiah was quite impressed, brushing the sleek, smooth vinyl scales and the slick, rubbery latex. His mate had gone all out on them it seems. He grinned and held him close, nuzzling back as the two embraced. Smooth hands teasing hips and brushing sleek tails as they savored each other's closeness. Hands brushing the edges of rumps as the albino mouse quietly kissed the larger Malcom, pressing lips together with a quiet moan. Malcom holding the smaller mouse close, letting his tongue dance against his lips as laps pressed together, firm with playful lust.

Malcom broke the kiss first, panting softly as he pinched a firm little rump. "So now, I suppose we get fitting for these... " He leans in, nuzzling to give Jeremiah's neck a nibble and deep kiss, making the slender mouse squirm as his jeans are unbuttoned. Helping slide the black pants down to admire the snowy white fur of his legs, as well as the tented underwear as he moans. He leans back, lifting his arms as his shirt is pulled free by Malcom's gentle touch, and squeaking when he gets a nipple kissed from the older mouse. The two grinning as Malcom steps back, admiring the underwear clad Jeremiah.

Jeremiah took his turn to start stripping his mate. Enjoying the feel of his smooth belly as he pulled his shirt up, revealing the creamy white fur of his chest and front. Fingers pinching pink nipples to make him squeak and gasp as Jeremiah presses his head to his mate's chest. Teasing fingers sneaking down his sides before they grasp his belt. Unclasping and unzipping jeans to lead the blue fabric down, giving the touch of white on tan fur of his inner thighs a brush and tease. Admiring the arousal straining underwear as well as he leaned down, giving the damp tip a kiss before he starts to pull the fabric out. Then deftly sliding underwear down as Malcom groans softly, "stripping, fully nude?"

The smaller mouse grinned, guiding Malcom's hands to the waistband of his underwear to help him strip. "Of course, get the. . best fit, that way" He chuckled and leaned in, kissing as he felt his fur and flesh be bared to the cool air. Hot, slick cocktips kissing as well as they both quietly moan together. Jeremiah playfully leaning back to break the kiss and grind his arousal to his lover's. "Time to get you dressed, sexy... " He lifted up the yellow outfit, open and ready for Malcom as he looked it over curiously.

He lowered the stretchy suit, sliding his feet down as he felt the smooth material stretch a litle against his toes. Smooth feet settling into the 'talons' of the outfit, snugly accentuating his first foot. He carefully pulled the suit up, pressing a second foot in and having to firmly tug the tight material up. Shivering as he felt his mate lean down, brushing his legs to smooth the fur hidden beneath to enhance the shiny material's appearance. He giggled and wiggled his toes, the rubber encasing nice in a strange way. Pulling the chest to himself as he lifted his hands into the arms. The suit was going to be quite tight, stretching a little against him as he uses his hands to pull the arms down, sliding fingers into the gloves with a bit of fidgeting. And the gentle, guiding touch of his mate. He giggled at the strangeness as his mate tugged the rump better into place. Then the whole suit being pulled snug by the zipper. Slowly but surely pulling his rump into the form fitting material, tail being guided down the thick padding as he wiggles his hips. His chest filling the front as the zipper gets locked into place, leaving his arousal quite blatant in the snug latex, no place to hide his sheath and jutting arousal, even his balls shown off against his lap. His head peeking from the suit as he tugs it firmly over his head, leaving his muzzle and eyes exposed, ears half hidden beneath horns. "Hehe, this is kinda cute."

He takes a few experimental steps, latex gliding across his skin and fur. And making him shiver as his lap is rubbed rather lewdly. He looks down, blushing and grinning as his arousal is rather nicely shown off. "erm... that seems like it could get a touch uncomfortable after a while... " he asks curiously, squirming a little as he looks over the lap. Jeremiah just grins with a little wink "Still have to fit you there... " He kneels down, and adjusts the lap, a puffy slit half hidden among it. He reaches a finger in, grasping his mate's arousal as he gasps softly, then stretches the sleek fabric up until he guides that stiff flesh through the slit. Carefully sliding it down so the puffy slit cups his sheath, padding to let his ballsac be not as tight squeezed as well. Malcom's blush hidden beneath the suit as he shivers, "hee, I don't think that detail was in the cartoon... "

Jeremiah just grins as he begins to work himself into his own suit. Malcom helping hug and hold the waist as his slender body is cupped in snug rubber. A teasing grin as he kisses a cheek, smooth rubber clad fingers helping guide his mate's arousal to the half hidden slit as he pulls it up. Carefully guiding and zipping the costume up with Jeremiah's guidance, until he's also tightly clad in vinyl and latex scales. His hands smoothing out the wrinkles of his fur beneath as he leans over, swaying his butt to show off another little detail in a fine slit hidden beneath the tailbase.

"Hrrr! You are a naughty dragon now, aren't you... " Malcom giggles as he admires that smooth, curvy butt, skin tight and just a hint of pink exposed from the slit. "Suppose we'll need to get some lube so I can show you how dragons do it, huh? Thankfully this time I'm the one prepared. " He grins, getting the small bottle from his pants pocket as he giggles, and hugs the rubbery mouse over to nestle. Grinning at how they squeak and rub together, though finding it awkward to flop a now heavy tail across the sofa. He leans Jeremiah's green and turquoise rump over some, daubing some slick gel on a fingertip. And then gives that exposed little slit a gentle rubbing, spreading and smearing the cool lube to make latex and flesh glisten. A gentle dribble of lube once more on the fine glove, and he soon gives a fingertip a gentle push to ensure that delicate flesh is quite slippery.

Jeremiah wiggles his glistening rump, scales glittering in the light as he grins "mmmm, you might want to add some lube to your lap slit, to keep that from rubbing too much... otherwise... " He leans over, curling his tail up with a hand to rest on his mate's shoulder. His smooth butt wiggling in the shiny fabric as he watches Malcom dribble lube down the pink flesh of his arousal, rubbing some into the slit so it glistens nicely. Then a gasp as hips are grabbed, a wet touch of hot flesh upon rubber. Teasing around and smearing lube messily until he feels that gentle heat of that anal slit. A gentle tug and gravity helps the tip slide into lubricated flesh, easily sinking the tip within as the smaller mouse moans out in pleasure.

Malcom helps pull Jeremiah closer, nuzzling rubber clad cheeks together as he feels himself steadily slip deeper into a rump. Soon settling that big tailbase against his lap as he hilts to that tight latex clad butt. He kisses a cheek and rubs whiskers together, "Rowr, you make a pretty sexy dragon. " His hands helping guide and roll the smaller rump atop his lap, eyes closing as a familiar, intimate motion begins. The two suits squeaking occasionally as they rub together, a quiet panting of breath as Jeremiah savors the nice, lewd fullness in his butt. Eyes closing as he gives a soft gasp, a rubbery touch smearing his precum around, and a little groan as the latex catches a moment. Malcom gives a cheek another kiss, giggling at the rubbery touch, as he takes a moment to let his lover sink nice and deep while he grabs the bottle of lube. Enjoying the moan this brings him a he dribbles some upon the jutting arousal of his lover, spreading it around to a quiet sigh from Jeremiah.

Jeremiah leans back and pants softly, squirming and squeezing his rump around that thick cock buried in him. "mmmph, be gentle... I want a ride to." He grins, licking lips as he shifts his feet, bouncing his hips more firmly to enjoy the wet kiss of flesh, gliding back and forth. Milking his lover as he listens to his breathing grow more ragged. Squeaking of latex and vinyl dragging together and slick kisses of his rear, tight around his lover's flesh. Malcom's eyes closing as his slick fingers squeeze a belly, whispering "oh, that's it my dragon lover, just a little more..."

Malcom finally arched his back, a few more thrusts driving him over the edge. His cock twitching in hot release as he held his lover tight, quick little motions dragging out the throbbing pulse of his orgasm. Hot, sticky cum spurting deep into Jeremiah as he moans in delight, struggling a little to try and not be pulled to climax with his mate. His rump grinding in, loving every messy pulse of spunk left in him. Finally the two relax, Malcom slumping in his seat as he pants for breath, dizzy with pleasure. Admiring the sexy curve of a latex clad rump on his lap before hes lowly helps his mate up, and giving a quiet moan of approval at the clinging mess of cum upon the latex slit.

Jeremiah wiggled that sticky rump with a playful grin, holding his tail up with his hands as he grinned to his lover, enjoying the sight of his arousal flaccid and oozing cum onto his lap. "Time to get on your knees like a real dragon," he purrrs, helping settle his mate to the floor. Sliding up behind him with the bottle of lube as he grins, pressing it to that pert little slit, and oozing a little right onto the half exposed flesh. A quiet sigh of anticipation from both as a rubber clad fingertip smears it around, getting him ready. He spreads it over his own fingers, spreading it upon his cocktip before the bottle is set aside. The smaller mouse nestling up to tug that tail over his shoulder, making Malcom nudge his rump up a Little higher. Then he settles his weight upon his lover's back, his arousal grinding to find that lubricated slit. A cheerful groan as he sinks in with a third thrust, squeezing Jeremiah's chest as he steadily drags himself in as far as he can.

His pace is much quicker and more urgent, already quite eager to stuff that firm rump with seed. He leans over, nipping at the big vinyl scales along the back of the suit's neck, panting and holding close as their newly sleek forms rub together intimately. His arousal burying into that tight heat again and again as he pants for breath. Hips rising and falling to a steady sound of slapping hips, squeaking latex and the gentle, slippery sounds of sex. His breath panting against Malcom's cheek as he groans in pleasure, already starting to tense up as that pleasure throbs in his lap.

"Oh. . . gonna, gonna stuff you good!" Cries out Jeremiah as his legs slap his lap to the rubber clad rump of his lover. The two panting and groaning together, feeling that hot swirl of lust reach ever stronger. Finally it's too much for the younger mouse, a hot gush of cum splashing deep into his mate as all that pleasure shudders up his spine. He squeezes tight, biting his mate's latex clad neck to growl playfully, eliciting a quiet gasp of pleasure from the sudden climax. Holding tight together as Jeremiah shudders with delight, his hips jerking in slowly fading orgasm until he finally relaxes to savor the heat of their embrace.

The two hold close for a long moment, both slowly catching their breath. With a gentle tug Jeremiah slides free to admire the mess he leaves on his rump, before he leans in to kiss his mate. Pulling him close to relax, admiring the sleek smoothness of the suits. The two quietly kiss as Malcom grins "mmmm, bad dragon. . . my favorite type. These are pretty sexy. " His slippery fingers spreading that slick oil upon the shiny chest, spreading little glistening patterns and designs to the giggles from tickling touches. Jeremiah just leans back, savoring the sticky mess bis tail and upon his lap, eyes lidded serenely. "Th. . thank you" he stammers out, grinning widely at the approval. Pulling Malcom tightly in to suddenly kiss, long and deep in enjoyment of his company.

For a few long moments the two just hold close, stroking sides and brushing the heavier vinyl back scales. Malcom peering down to grin a little as he notices their arousals slipped back into sheaths, hidden beneath rubbery slits like actual dragons. "Hee, you naughty boy, you think of everything..." he grins and nuzzles, slowly turning around to grin and peer at the dribble of cum he left under Jeremiah's tail. And shivering as he felt a slick touch under his own. The two gently brushing and teasing, enjoying the satisfying mess of well used rumps. Feeling arousals starting to puff and slide out from the snug rubbery slits of their suits.

Malcom grins as he leans over a little, winking to the smaller mouse, "So, up for sloppy seconds?"