Burdens - Chapter 105: Momentary

Story by Zerink on SoFurry

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#105 of Burdens

Sorry, super, super busy these days.

Chapter 105: Momentary

Roger had moved his head back slightly to confront a worried face.

"Are you okay?" the wolf asked him. He placed a paw on the fox's back supportively.

"Y-yeah, I'm..." the fox began, but one eye was shut tightly as he attempted to not focus on the pain. His voice was strained. "I'm... fine..." he said between breaths.

"Are you sure?" the wolf asked him. The amount of concern present in his face was growing rapidly.

Roger nodded. "I'll be... okay. Just kind of... stuck... right now. Starting to hurt a bit, need to give it time." He continued panting, no longer from excitement or activity but from the physical duress.

Hunter furrowed his brows and regret filled his face. "I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you, I-"

Roger cut him off. "Nope, don't apologize for it. It was just as much my decision, and... ow, and I wanted it. And we enjoyed it right?"

The wolf nodded, and the fox continued, "It shouldn't last too much longer, and then I'll be fine, I think."

The longer it lasted the more concerned the wolf became, and it seemed that it even passed up the fox's concern with his own body. More minutes ticked by, but they felt like silent hours.

He could feel himself beginning to overheat and sweat from the exertion, and he felt slightly embarrassed by it. He hid his face again, but just by repositioning himself he felt as if his legs and arms would give out. The nerves began to fire again with the newer sensations, and the pain that he thought had dulled returned.

He shut his eyes tightly, part of him regretting ever having made such a decision, ever agreeing to doing something like this, and he was uncertain whether or not he would ever repeat the activity. Perhaps he was just ill-prepared, he thought. Would he ever be prepared for such a thing, though?

The pain grew and grew, so much that it took all he could not to shout out. He tried to focus on anything else, but it took his full attention, and he was beginning to feel a little nauseous and tired, almost as if his body was shutting down.

When he felt he could no longer take it, he heard a slightly wet pop. The attention was quickly diverted to it, identifying the source, and he slowly pulled himself up, with a bit of help from the wolf.

The wolf's member slipped out and back into its sheath. Roger sighed out, relieved, though a new thought entered his mind as he attempted to clench down and failed to do so fully. He panicked and wondered if it would recover, but he cast it out of his mind for the moment, as he was mostly just thankful that the pain had been abating quickly.

Hunter moved out from under the fox and let him lay across the bed on his belly, even if his fur was a bit wet with the results of their lust, though it merely dried on the towel.

Roger did not want to move, almost paralyzed from the exertion as well as the recovery. He closed his eyes and attempted to regain control of his breathing.

He blushed heavily when he felt a pair of paws move his tail aside and push his cheeks apart. He asked, "Wh-what are you doing?"

The wolf responded, "Trying to see if you're hurt."

It made sense to the fox and he accepted the reason, but he was embarrassed that the wolf was inspecting it. It was a fairly personal area, and for all intents and purposes, less than sanitary things came from it.

He could feel it part slightly and he felt the wolf's fluids leak out of him. It caused him to blush a bit harder.

He suddenly felt something warm and wet against it. He gasped when he felt it, from surprise, from pleasure, from it being sore. He wondered what it was, but he knew. He attempted to move but could not, so he immediately asked, "What are you doing there? That's... that's not... you sh-shouldn't...."

Hunter responded, "It's clean enough, except for my stuff in it. Besides, this is where I hurt you, so... I'm trying to help you feel better."

The fox could feel the wolf's tongue resume its motions, and he did not argue further. He could feel himself swell in his sheath once more, but he ignored it. It was a new feeling, and he liked it.

The wolf stopped and moved away, and part of him wished he would have continued though another part of him was relieved that he did not. He felt the weight of the wolf press into the bed next to him.

Arms wrapped around him and pulled him towards the wolf. His arms and legs did not want to move, so he idly laid there, returning the sentiment as best as he could.

He was met with a smile, of which he returned meekly. It was the best he could do as tired as he happened to be.

He saw the wolf lean to give him a lick, but he paused. He then got up and said, "I'm, uh... going to brush my teeth really quick." With a soft smile, he turned and left.

Roger blushed, embarrassed, since he knew why Hunter had retreated. His tail twitched as he put in an effort to turn to his side, and would have continued onto his back, if were he a bit more confident.

The situation had been unreal to him, yet understanding began to slowly fill his mind, and then realization. He hid his legs slightly under the covers as it was all he could manage, in an effort to cover the sudden self-consciousness he felt. Being bare on the bed was something he had gotten used to, but this was a different case.

At the same time, a smile played across his face. He inhaled deeply. He could still smell him.

Through whatever bad times they had had or would have, he hoped that this would be the unchanging variable.

The wolf had returned and laid next to him. Roger drew up whatever strength he had left to hold the wolf in his arms, his affections from his lips.