Pheasant Hunt 10 - Antelope

Story by boronk on SoFurry

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#17 of Hunting

If you are faint hearted, dont read.. its extreme.. the first hunt of the new prey of Sams Resort... and its a cute Antelope girl that gets it... Poor one...

The female Antelope was nervous. She was trembling, excited like never before in her young life. Just some hour ago, she was standing there, with about 50 of her friends and companions, sitting around, waiting, living in their barracks and now she is outside, in the nature.

The air was quite cold. The cold moss at the ground felt bracing and soft. She carefully explored the resorts range, trying to be careful.

She was slim and muscular, well toned. Her breasts were small and firm. The face delicate. She had two small antlers, raising proud into the sky. The sun, shining through the trees formed pattern of shadows on her brown-whiteish fur while she was strolling carefully around.

The prey was quite prepared. They had sports ans training the last two months, were ordered to stay clean and trimm their fur. And.. not to be too messy at the end, they finally had to relieve themselves.

Prey and pred are form a unity while hunting. They play the same game, a very old game, climaxing just the moment, the prey gives its life for the pred, in total, perfect and final submission.

The prey was naked and not armed. Only protected by its own agility and dread.

After being set free, all prey seperated into different directions, each one hoping to either survive or finding a fullfilling end.

N'dele was looking for a place to hide. The pred shouldnt find her too easy.

She lifted her hoofes high up not to leave too much traces while she was sneaking through the forest.

Suddenly, she heard some crackling noise behind herself. Surprised, she hid in a bush. The leafes stroke her furred body while she was kneeling down, listening.

She didnt have any chance. Just at the moment she raised herself a bit to see whether she was still save, the huntress shot her first arrow into the prey.

With a muffled 'thumb' sound the projectile penetrated the antelopes left breast. She shrieked, staggered backwards, catched herself again and was able to stay upright, trembling.

Her hazelnut colored eyes looked at the huntress, a female ocelot, well dressed with leather and a latex corsage. A quiver at her backside and a huge bow in her paws, she smiled at the prey.

Blood started to pour out of the small wound, around her soft rounds of her breast, downwards.

"Its over.." the wounded one whispered. Her tits were firm and small. She had slender hipd, like a young girl. Her headhair was curly. Her fur was trimmed and her body glistened damp in the light of the sun. Her paws moved trembling upwards to the aching spot. The she fell over, on her knees, gasped and finally sink down, sideways into the mossy ground.

Her fingers were holding the arrow, while her slender legs were kicking slightly back and fore.

The pred quickly ran to the wounded antelope. Both of her assisstants followed her.

The assistants were two male horse anthro, one black and the other one brown furred, both well shaped and toned. They wore just loindloths around their hips.

The huntress was a bit smaller than her prey.

Obe of the assistants, the black stallion had a decent camera in his hands and started to take photos of the wounded girl while the pred women started to pose the antelope.

First, the raised the upper body of the prey and turned her face towards the camera.

"Cheeese!" she asked the dieing girl. Blood started to color her trembling lips red. The arrow pointing slightly upwards.

N'Dele tried to smile and nodded submissive. She knew that some of the hunters adored these kind of trophy photos.. with still alive wounded prey. And if the prey managed to smile, this would make them even more proud, because they prey just showed that way it agrees to what had happened.

The huntress released the wounded one and she slid back to the ground.

"The arrow penetrated her lungs..." the hunteress suddenly started to explain to her assisstants. "The lungs slowly fill with blood now.. and most start to spit and cough blood soon.. well.. this one obviously not.." Caressing the ocelot stroke from the neck down to the tits of the antelope. "She is young and quite fit..."

The huntress grabbed the side of the wounded prey and turned her around, to make her lay on her belly. The arrow got pushed deeper that way into her tender breast. She gurgles. The huntress paws pinched the prey buttcheek and then slid along th inner sides of her thighs.

"If you look at her muscular hind legs..." she squeezed them. Then, with a pull she turned her back on her backside. The antelopes paws spasmed slightly.

"Her fur is well trimmed and soft between her thighs..." the huntress stroke along the mons of the prey and then parted her folds, exploring the slightly wet insides of the wounded one. "They really prepare them well here..... lets do some additional photos, ok?"

The stallion nodded.

Quickly the ocelot pushed apart the thighs of her her prey. The soft,white fur at the inner sides gave a nice contrast to the pink lips of her pussy, which spread as the legs got parted. Her clit showed perky up in the air and moved a bit as it got exposed that way. The huntress put her fingers on the glits foreskin and pulled it back, exposing the vulnerable and soft organ.

N'Dele realised what her pred was asking for. The pain was bearable, after her training the last few weeks.

She was flattered by the attention the huntress offered her. A wave of thankfulness drowned her body and ended in a prickling feeling in her loins.

She tried hard to put her hurting body in even better positions, showing more of her well trained form and, at the same time, holding the cute expression of a dieing bambi. Tenderly, she held the arrow which was in her breast with her hand and at the same time she was holding her hard nippels towards the camera. She lifted her hips slightly, shivering against the lense.

Exhausted, the deadly wounded moved as sexy as possible on the ground. Finally, she calmed down and took a rest, heavy breathing. The huntress stroke the dieing ones fur caringly.

"Mistress!" the prey whined. "I.. would like to offer you my backside too, if you want.. you just need to help me up.." her voice was trembling. "..and then i try to fall on my frontside..."

"Ok!" the huntress and the brownish stallion grabbed the wounded antelope at her shoulders and helped her on her hoofes. Then, the ocelot took the knife from her belt and slit the prey throat with a quick cut. Blood started to spray in streams.

The blood flowing out the wound at her breast now had reached her mons, flowing over it and mixing with a bit of pee and juices from her pussy. Her belly was blood-decorated.

The the two released her.

She staggered, tried hard to stay upright. One, two steps fowards, then the went down on her knees, moaning with a gurgling sound. Then, she pushed her butt backwards, opening her butt crack wide to give a nice view on her spasming tailhole.

She fell fowards, managed to put her hands on the ground, to keep her on all four. Then her upper body sank down as he arms lost strength. Her buttocks spread even more like that, and the deadly arrow was forced even deeper into her body. Then, her hips fel sidewards.

A shiver ran through her body, then she lay still, dead.

Her buttcrack stayed open, still showing her tailhole and the pussy, wet and dripping. Her tail hang limp sidewards. Her face lay on the mossy ground, the antlers poked the ground and her blood red lips were slightly opened.

Obviously affected the huntress looked at her prey. She sat down next to her. Both assistant started to look for a thick branch.

Having found a fitting one, the grabbed the dead ones upper thigh and turned her on her back, forcing her laying down with spread legs and open belly. Then they laid the branch on her body, length wise, from her head along her breasts down to her hoofes. They tied her wrists on the upper part of the wood, then her feet on her ankles and fixes to the branch on the lower part.

Finally they grabb the branch on the head and tail said and lifted it. The dead prey followed finally, swaying, hanging on the branch between the two stallions. All lags and arms stretched, the neck bend backwards, the head hangung down with her lips wide open. The antlers almost touching the grass.

The three headed back to the farmhouse like that.

The swinging made the muscles of the prey relax. Her tailgole opened a bit and at the same time, warm pee started to pour out of her pussy and flow down along her buttcheeks, while her tail was sliding on the ground.

Back at the hunting camp next to the farmhouse, they brought the prey to Jose. Jose had a big table in front of his chair. They cut open her bonds and then laid her on it, all 4 spread. Jose noted her name and fixed the contract for payment of the take down fees.

"Not bad, Sue.." he said smiling. "That was a good one!" "Oh I know.. i have to show you the photos. She was an adorable take down.. i will be wearing her fur full of pride.." the ocelot smiled, sitting on the table. "I knew you always have the best around, even your first years are great.." Jose grabbed below the table and raised a bottle of beer. "You like?" he offered it. "Oh sure.." she nodded. "I am happy for today. More than I expected..."

The elk opened the bottle and handed her to her. The dead, naked antelope still laying on the table between them, the arrow still showing proud out of her tit.

"Cheers!" she said, drinking.

"You want to gut her yourself?" he asked.

"No.noo.." she shook her head. "Just leave it to one of your guys.. and dress her a bit for the finishing photo.. you know, like washing most of the blood away... i want to have her look nice when we do the big trophy photo..."

"As you wish!" Jose said. "At the main house, we have a buffet prepared.."

"Thanks.. thank you very much!"