Brave Mount for a Sturdy Steed

Story by Dracasis on SoFurry

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Written in honor of nature's most well endowed domestic animal XD

Uses one of my most deditcated admirers again, the descrition of hir may be a little vague but she's in all of my '03 writings so pieced together you should get a good idea of what she looks like ^_^

This one contains a heavy-set non-anthro male horse filling a curious young herm dragon and then taking his turn as the mount ~.^


  • The little lizard skittered from tree to tree, approaching the stallion slowly. The scent of spring air was almost arousing; in fact, shi glanced down, it was... Grinning, shi moved as close as the forest cover allowed. Peeking out from the brush, shi noticed the horse must be thinking the same thing, its long thick member protruding between its legs and dangling low, occasionally twitching. Shi purred quietly and exited the forest, chittering quietly to get the creature's attention and not startle it off.

  • The horse turned its head toward the lizard-thing approaching it and turned back, seemingly ignoring the slightly smaller creature; shi grinned more and approached. Once at its side, shi gently pet its sides and crooned to it as his tail swished. Hir caresses led closer to its hind quarters, all the while talking calmly, slowly working hir way toward hir objective. Once within reach, shi slid the back of a talon along its length and felt the stallion's penis twitch under hir caress. Feeling no resistance, shi knelt down and gently squeezed him within hir paws, its powerful muscles tensing in response.

  • With a quick thought, shi ran hir tongue down its length, tickling it and causing the horse to jump. Shi meeped in surprise and backed away, the stallion simply neighed and stood still. Cocking hir head to the side, shi carefully approached, smiling as the horse allowed hir to play with him a moment later. Yet another idea to hir mind and shi murrred just at the thought.

  • Shifting hir stature, shi placed hir back up agents the stallion's chest, feeling him breath, hir head sticking out between his forelegs. Completely moving hir tail to the side, shi reached back and held the stallion's member up to hir female slit and slowly rubbed his flare to hir slit. The horse jerked and thrust forward causing hir to yelp as the smaller lizard's hind quarters were lifted up off the ground for a moment. Hir shoulders pressed up agents the stallion's forelegs, shi didnt have much choice but to let him force his way into hir; the feeling immensely pleasant and annoyingly painful all in the same moment.

  • The stallion stepped forward, trying to drive himself further, but giving the little lizard a little room to maneuver. Doing a quick little dodge, shi fell forward, managing to only get half his length within hir before he shifted and withdrew. Hissing in pure pleasure at the feeling of his powerful shaft rub agents hir inner walls, shi laid there half crooked as the stallion drove himself rather forcefully back in. His thrusts quickened and the little lizard clawed at the ground, currring out when the emotions subsided enough to allow it. Each force in seemed to drive just a bit deeper the smaller lizard wondering at some point just how deep he'd gotten.

  • The stallion's length glistening with hir inner fluids, his trusts deeper and slowing, hir body overly warm and hir breath hard to come by. Quivering in pleasure, the stallion silently released his warm seed into hir with no warning, his massive length pulsing within hir body, the little lizard finally climaxed in ecstatic orgasm, hir body shivering ever more.

  • Shi let hir hind quarters give way, the wet, cum-covered penis of hir stallion dislodging itself with an erotic slopping sound. The lizard laid there, panting and grouping for breath as the stallion stood looking about, as if wondering if anyone had heard that.

  • the little lizard had fallen on her stomach, the full feeling down below a joyful experience. Shi shifted and removed hirself from below hir mount and stood beside it. Glancing around, shi found no-one else had heard hir. Grinning to hirself, shi quickly made hir way to the side of the barn and acquired a large box. Pushing the box with claw and snout, shi positioned it behind the great stallion who was still dribbling his seed down to the floor, causing the little one to grin more.

  • With a quick jump, shi hopped up onto the box and pet the horses' hindquarters, purring ever so quietly. Rubbing hir paw down between hir legs, shi quickly soaked hir paw in a wild combination of fluids. Once satisfied, shi began to rub hir rather erect member with the stuff. Slowly moving hir mount's tail to the side, shi gently rubbed his scrunched hole with the mixture, licking hir lips in anticipation. Once fully ready, the little lizard pressed hirself up agents hir stallion's rear end and gently eased hir stiff member into him.

  • Purring much louder now, shi slid hirself all the way into the horse, sending waves of reassurance to its mind to keep it calm. Its tail flickered but made no other reaction. The little lizard pressed hirself up as far as shi could; the stallion reacting with powerful contractions that only served to stimulate the already pulsing organ within him. The little lizard with drew slowly, its tapered surface sliding out easily. Unwilling to part with such an experience, shi quickly forced hir way back in.

  • Rocking on hir hind paws, the little lizard pressed hirself in and out of hir stallion, the creatures whines quite erotic at the moment. The tight feeling in hir body made hir fingers curl in excitement as she began to thrust faster and deeper. In one moment hir body reacted, a last forceful thrust and shi let go, slamming several waves of seed into hir companion. Grunting and panting, shi did hir best to keep as deep as shi could as hir seed flowed freely.

  • After several warm contractions, hir orgasm slowly dissipated, taking hir strength with it. Shi laid on hir stallion's back side, still deeply lodged within. Kissing him on his back, shi laid there for quite a time in the heated room.