Writer’s Block

Story by Mullen on SoFurry

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Jace is a blonde tabby cat who writes smut in he free time. Stuck is in a writing slump he decided to the library for an early morning writing session. Unbeknownst to him a curious squirrel girl spies on him and his writing. Not to long after she makes a move and pretty soon he has an erotic story to write about after all.

"Ugggh." A young feline male growls into the dead air of the college library. Jace leaned his chair back on two legs, rested his back up against the shelves of a book case and put his hands behind his head. Exhaling heavily through his teeth, there he rested while running his fingers through his hair in frustration. He had been blaming his recent lack of creativity to outside factors like his roommates shenanigans and his piled up extracurricular activities, but now he suspected otherwise.

This is his third hour sitting alone among the quietness among bookshelves, yet he barely touched upon what he thought he was capable of. He'd barely made it halfway through the best part. When he first started writing smut, things were so simple. His young, excitable libido coupled with an overactive imagination would run wild with the simplest of fantasies. All he had to do was record them into text and post them for others, but recently he found it more difficult. His skill has increased over time and so did his need to top himself. He felt this weird obligation to himself and his followers to produce consistently better material. Lately, he didn't feel like he was getting any better.

Two rows down a pair chestnut furred ears perked up at the sounds of irritation. A fellow student sat leaning into one of the library's beanbag chairs. She had been reading for some time even though it was still early morning. The bookish squirrel girl pushed her red glasses back up and marked her page before a quick stretch. Mia liked to slip into the library first thing each morning before her classes. A good morning read helped wake her up and keep her mind acute for the afternoon classes. Not many people spent much time in the library this early, so she couldn't help but be a bit nosy as to who it was and why they sounded so frustrated.

Mia snuck down the rows and peered around the corner to see the blonde cat leaning against a bookcase and staring at the ceiling. Quickly she shot her head back for fear of being discovered, but the glimpse she got suggested he was too lost in thought to pay attention to her. Again she poked her head around the shelf to take another gander at the unfamiliar feline.

He was actually quite cute although he seemed like his mind was somewhere else as she got another eyeful. He seemed about her age which meant he was probably another student. His laptop sat on the table, now just out of reach. She assumed he was doing some kind of schoolwork, but she couldn't see exactly what it was. He had a privacy screen that hid his work from onlookers. Had she seen the wall of text the tinted screen concealed, she would have left it at that and went back to her book, but now a greater curiousness welled up within her. Was he so paranoid that he had to hide his homework from others, or what did do with his laptop that he needed to keep it hidden? It didn't take much from there to guess at what one might not want a passerby to see. She had to look for herself.

Ever so carefully she crept down the aisle behind the boy. If she stood on her tip toes, she could see over the row of books and look down over the laptop and get a good look. Slightly disheartened, she spied upon just a normal text document. Probably just some essay or something for a class. That's got to be what he's frustrated over. Mia considered herself a good writer, maybe she could help. Perhaps if she read a little she could use it to strike up a conversation over it. He was cute after all. She wouldn't mind an excuse to say hi.

It seemed, at first to be some kind of romance story and it piqued her interest. She continued to read and soon realized it was more risqué than your normal love story. In fact it was downright sexy. Her faced flushed and her breathing grew quicker as she read on. Near panting, she squirmed her hips as she stood there on her tip toes reading over the oblivious boy's shoulders. Mia was the definition of hot and bothered when the story came to the good part, but... There was no good part. The story just ended. There was nothing left on the page.

It made sense now, the unaware cat had writers block and didn't know where to take the story next. That's why he was frustrated. Oh, how she wished he would finish. Mia felt like she wanted to touch herself right there in the library, but then she looked down to find she already was. Now what was she to do? She looked back towards the boy below her. How can he write something so hot and not get as excited as she was? To her surprise this wasn't the case. There was a bulge in Jace's jeans and a free hand stroked it through the thick denim. Maybe there was a way she could help him out after all.

Jace just continued to stare off at the ceiling trying so hard to envision the scene he had portrayed. He racked his brain for something new. Every scenario he came up with, he felt like he did before. Maybe his readers won't notice. He didn't know, he just knew now he was too horny to think of something clever. Jace just decided it would be best to just finish it, get something down on paper, generic or not. He leaned forward again setting all four legs of the chair back onto the floor and scooted forward to the table. The sooner he finished the sooner he could take care of himself back at the dorm.

Feverously, Jace typed away at the keys to finish his story. He could always edit or rewrite it later. Jace's hand moved from the keys back to his groin. One hand typed a keystroke at a time, while the other stroked away at his hidden erection. Upon realizing the state he was in, he panicked for a moment and looked around the room afraid of being caught with his hand in his pants. Luckily he didn't see a soul around and was glad he picked a secluded area. Mia felt all the more lucky now that she was safely hidden out of sight under the table he was working at.

Feeling a tad more confident he let button pop free and the the zipper work itself free as he groped his growing erection. It was similar to how he worked at home. He often wrote stories honry, but only in the seclusion of his room. It was awkward for Jace, but nearly perfect for Mia. On her hands and knees, she watched as the zipper slowly made it's way lower and lower as the pair of briefs pushed up and out the growing hole. A wet mark at it's peak, the mound rose to full height. She watched for a few moments, nervous and breathless. Mia bit her lower lip and reached out.

Jace still tried to type one handed. His eyes squinted and he let his tongue peek through his lips as he tried to press on with the story and not cream himself until he got home. Lost in concentration he almost didn't know what to make of the hand that wrapped around the one massaging his member. Mia squeezed down over his hand and pumped it up and down with his. The foreign touch nearly unknown at first, but it shot away as soon as the realization came to him. The jolt away was so quick and he was paying so little attention that he smashed the back of his hand into the underside of the table. "OUCH," Jace exclaimed while pulling it up from underneath the table then he massaged it with his good hand.

Mia felt terrible for surprising him, but decided to make it up to him with his now unobstructed member. Two feminine hands grabbed the outside of the cotton material and pumped her fingers up and down over the stiff shaft.

Jace tightened up and bucked forward once under her caress. He didn't know what was happening but it was certainly the best thing in some time. Delicate fingers pulled back the cotton prison while a soft voice spoke from beneath the table. "Finish the story," she pleaded. Jace leaned back and looked down between his legs to see an adorable squirrel girl stare back at him through red rimmed glasses. She gave him a wink, before pushing her hair behind her ear and descending upon the erect member before her.

After a moment to regain his composure, or at least try, he did his best to appease her request. She was so eager, he thought. He had a hard time doing anything but melting under her touch. Mia's mouth teased her new plaything, spending careful attention to each new inch that she eased into her maw. Ever so slowly she enveloped him in an effort to tantalize the feline. Her hands moved up past his thighs and gently caressed his lower back as she worked. She cupped his ass for fun and gave it firm and approving squeeze. If one looked carefully you could see the edges of her mouth curl into an even more elated smile around his cock. She reveled on how sexy her newest catch was as she bounced her head up and down over his shaft. She appreciated his lower half for all it was worth, taking note of its size and texture and imprinting it for later. Happy gasps escaped as she escalated her nursing.

Jace worked hard not buck his hips at her and let her do her thing. He couldn't help but not squirm with his attention split between his arousing story and the indulgence of allowing such a cute girl have her way with cock. Jace was typed sporadically as he tried to suppress his grunts of pleasure as she worked her magic. Mia however, took the muffled noises as a complement and wanted to make him scream. He only managed a few more paragraphs before he tensed up and practically yelled aloud his ecstasy as he came into her waiting mouth.

Oh how he needed that release. Jace had been far more pent up than he had realized. Mia eased herself back onto her haunches and withdrew from his loins keeping a tight seal on his erection. With a pucker of her lips, she swished the sticky mess in her mouth over the entirety of her tongue, sampling it before swallowing hard. Followed suit were some shared heavy breaths as she looked up at him and he back at her. They stayed this way before an epiphany donned on them both equally quick. They shattered the fragile noise level of a 'public' library.

The two made a frantic effort to clean up and high tailed it out of there. Jace who barely got himself tucked away before Mia grabbed her book and drug him out by the hand. The librarian would surely be there soon to shush them. With no one the wiser, the two caught their breath once outside the building. Jace looked through red spectacles into her amber eyes. Embarrassed Mia averted her gaze and grabbed a pen from her pocket.

"Um, so here's my email," she started as she wrote on her bookmark. "You'll send me the rest of the story won't you?"

Jace's eyes never left hers. "Y-Yea, for sure. Uh I'm Jake by the way."

"Oh, hehe I'm Mia" she giggled.

Jace moved his finger to her cheek. Using the knuckle of his index finger, he wiped a small trail of seman off her chin. Mia grabbed his hand as he pulled away and put the side of his finger in her mouth. Their eye's met once more before she took off. Mia and her big plush tail bounced away leaving the bookmark in his hand. Under the Email address was a note circled in a heart.

"This is going to make the best story" Jake thought allowed, as he contemplated a sequel.

First Publication Ever, more on the way.

Thank you for constructive feedback, ratings and watches ^.^