Of Two Minds: On Two Species

Story by Werefox Inari Sachi on SoFurry

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#2 of Two Minds: Self-Reflective Exhibition From Kimono To You

I figured I'd bang together my two minds once again, for recreational purposes... get some of the guilt of being a furry off of my chest.

"Well, here we are again."

"You dragged up this crazy stunt--to what, to prove a point?"

"To display a conflict of a human mind, for posterity, I suppose."

"Another vulnerability to present our enemies?"

"It is time we move past that fear. There will be people opposed to our notions, whether we speak or remain silent--as long as we both breathe the same air."

"Then what is your plan today?"

"I want to discuss our attachment."

"THAT attachment? Don't we beat around the bush about it enough?"

"Precisely. It's time to attack our fear of embarrassment, at the prospect of love."

"Love for becoming another species. Yes. We are ashamed of it, aren't we."

"Broken and indecisive--no. However, we have not mustered the strength to display our view, either."

"On account of what, being sold short as a dog-fucking plebeian?"

"We are not that sort of person, nor do we need to demonstrate such desperate attempts at self-pleasure."

"Still, there's merit in that accusation. You find canids sexually attractive."

"I find the anatomy of members of the canid family attractive, in many respects. It would be like saying 'that is a beautiful man'. It does not mean that I love men, or have sex with them."

"But you do anyway, right?"

"Maybe a little--though that is beside the point. I do not have sex with other species of animals, simply because I find a set of whiskers, or an eye color deviantly attractive."

"What if the opportunity presented itself?"

"More to the point--for reasons I've already expressed--those of language barriers, I do not exploit the uncommunicative for sexual gratification."

"So it's more a principle of their ability to consent?"

"Not just consent--there are... Look, I'm an intimate person. I don't abuse an opportunity for pleasure with someone who can't even offer pleasure of the mind to me."

"We're romantic, and couldn't find pleasure in such an act. Fair enough. Still, doesn't it seem... abhorrent?"

"I would want to breach that communicative barrier, it's true--to experience the intimacy of another species, no matter how primal. I would only want to fuck as one of them."

"You would have to be a kindred soul--another animal of that species, then."

"Yes. It's an entirely hypothetical attraction--and as such, an abstract one. I don't find animals attractive as real individuals--I find their anatomy attractive, in contrast to human anatomy."

"That's kind of a mythological thing, wouldn't you say?"

"Animals and humans falling in love, forming some kind of forbidden crossbreed, or simply changing to share the more preferred species--or perhaps divinities taking on the form of beasts for their courtship with humans--like Zeus. Animals masquerading as humans, and forming relationships with them. All of these principles of myth are... what would you say... attractive, to me, as a romantic extension of this fetish."

"Do you find humans attractive, at least?"

"That's a harsh blow. I... it's odd. Since I began to develop a sexual interest at all--I've always been more attracted to the hypothetical mixture of species traits, than to either real animals, or real humans. I suppose in this sense, you could justifiably call me damaged. There was a time when I had no attraction toward anything living, whatsoever--only drawn characters."

"They were a focal point for our concentration."

"Something about... being autistic, I think, insists I affix my attention on objects in my environment, for concentration purposes. When these objects are facsimiles of people--drawn characters--especially those looking out at the viewer... I feel a greater sense of peace, and the ability to hypothetically assume their response to my thoughts."

"So basically, you use drawn characters as training-dummy versions of real people, for coming to terms with yourself."

"Okay, okay, you caught me. I do that a lot in my spare time. I have too much of it. But it just seems like every person I've met to this point has been either callous, or cocksure, and ready to castigate me either way. I have enough negative stimulus from my own self-criticism, that I don't expose these things to people much these days."

"Yet you're writing this for just any stranger to receive. Doesn't that seem odd?"

"True, but I am hiding behind the security of distance--that common denominator of all internet social interactions. What I do may expose a vulnerability, but it's to people who cannot see or touch me."

"That might be a bit careless. Information is easy to come by in this day and age."

"True, but it's my hope that at least some of these particular readers are kindred spirits. At worst, maybe I'll get scoffed at for being boring, or sounding self-centered--but I'm hardly worse than any other emotive furry."

"So in other words, you're banking on the odds of finding more consensus than contempt."

"And easing my mind a little, with these spoutings. Pretending to be two people, to battle in my own mind, on paper... or a word processor, as it were."

"Moving back to the subject at hand--animal sex."

"It's alien, and at the same time, parallels human sex. All life demands reproduction, and ours is pleasurable. The notion of furthering another species's reproductive processes, rather than those of our own species... it appeals to me on a level akin to dominance and submission."

"To be subjected to natural processes, for the sake of... something different?"

"Yes. To lose myself in the language of another species--to become in periods of flux, progressively more like the species I am idolizing, be that what it may."

"Last night, it was a Giraffe, no?"

"A strange dream; going to a clinic, taking a treatment for becoming an animal, with wildlife habitats all about, like a zoo for humans. Lion exhibits where once-humans stalked--and us, changing gradually in their presence. Intimidating."

"Craving for leaves and twigs, too. That was a bizarre recreation of something we've never experienced before."

"It just makes me all the more curious about the reality of the matter--wanting to sense as another species."

"It's a concept most people will be afraid of, will probably never understand."

"I hate that."

"I just hate that we strive to such great heights, when we've seen and known so little of the depths, to take wonder in those, as well."