The Altered Boy
Father Angelo never told Jim about the werewolves, at least, not until he reached puberty. It was then that the father finally worked up the courage to admit the secret he'd been hiding from the lad, since he'd come to the convent as a baby. "Jim,...
My Momma, Tamamo
And so the veil was lifted, and she stood before me in all her might. What had been the conclusion of several weeks of dates, promises, and passionate lovemaking: Discovering my girlfriend, Mae, to be a fox. Rather, THE fox. It was too rich. I was too...
Mirror Fragments
"You're beautiful," I tell her in the nights--and we dance. "Come chase me," she says, in the mornings, as the light washes out my face. "But I don't know where that path will lead me, while the others watch my stride," "We cannot lead a life...
Morning. July the twenty third, two-thousand, fifteen. It feels like a day from the Future. I say that having recently watched Michael J. Fox and Christopher Lloyd's antics, on a big screen-- In my own living room. Has time really passed, that...
A certain darkness has crossed my world. When twin genders, striving in silence of the sound, against each other, are not enough, And a third symbol is carved from the Roman pantheon, into our realm of the present I stand and lose my bearings,...
Bound In Beast Flesh -- Accursed Hunter
_"You're mine, you know."_ _"I know."_ _"You belong to me, forever."_ _"I know."_ It's been a difficult night. You've tried to reconcile everything you've done--everything you've become, so far. Maybe noticing your reluctance, or your vain grasps...
Bound In Beast Flesh -- Conversion
You confront Shanon sternly. "You've been filling his head with fantasies about this, haven't you?" Shifting into vulpeanthrope form, she raises an arm across her breasts, perhaps in defense, and giggles. "He's asked me all about being a ladyfox,...
Bound In Beast Flesh -- Page Into Squire
You don a foxly body, falling to your hands-turned-paws, as your chest puffs out to match hers. The experience is intuitive, immediate, and yet alien. You do not have time to think, as you are sidling up behind her. "We must run. I have a plan, but...
Bound In Beast Flesh -- No More Regret
You enjoy a warm, toasty baptism, within the confines of your captor's magic cave. Wading into a deep pool, you swish your tails, and feel the unique sensation of the natural heat welling up through the cold water, and into your fur, as it clings tight...
Bound In Beast Flesh -- Rotten Recursion
You awaken, stark naked, in a strange place. You're not sure what day it is, or what time. All you know, is you feel the warmth of animals, sharing their smelly pelts with your bare skin. Above, you can see the faintest rays of sunlight, poking through...
Mousetrap Binary
I will rise From this squalid body, Will I rise Place a rapier through your ribs Crush the old definition, Embracing all the while Get a rise I rise from bed, Sense of safety defunct Empty, crushing pressures-- Expectations rise, He awakes...
Bound In Beast Flesh -- How to Be Bad
_Come off, come off! _ You struggle fruitlessly with the mask. It feels like it has changed from a metal headpiece, into one of slippery porcelain, or polished wood. It's hard to tell through your fingers, which have bloated up to be rough, calloused,...