A day at the park

Story by Harrar SwiftFang on SoFurry

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So this story is an assginment for the pusy paws work group. The assigment was to finish the story but with a minor twist. We had to write about a person entering a club, then going on the elevator to go to his favorite floor.. the one that person paid for. However each writer did not know in advance what floor they would get. So in the end, as the title suggests.. I got the park.. The first paragraph is the assignment where the person is entering the club... The second is how the floor was described to me and I had to work in those bounderies.. and now before you is the result. As always.. I would like honest critique, so I can learn and build on it. It is also my first (semi) feral story and I would like to hear about how a transformation would described in this setting... any suggestions? I am open for it...I do hope you enjoy this story... I had fun writing it...


You walk in through the massive sliding doors, entering the club once more. You've been here before, you love it. And they know you very well up here.

"This way, please. Your accommodations are ready" the husky with a green tuft of hair says as he points to the elevator. You walk inside. There's six floors for you to choose, labeled 2-7(with 1 being the lobby you just left). You wonder for a second. You know what you're going to find on each floor... And you know what expects you anyways. Sex. And lots of it. After all, that's what this club is all about.


The park floor: this floor consists of a section of a park, with natural grass, designed to look like it's out in the open. The walls and the roof are covered in displays, showing blue skies and the rest of the city, with some digital passers by. There's a tiny hill with a tree on it, which has many low and firm branches. There's also some bushes by it, designed to provide cover for naughty activities if so desired. The closet, hidden into the trunk of the tree, contains summer clothes and dresses, rain coats, and cold weather parkas. The toy rack, also hidden there, contains a picnic box with real food on it, regular sex toys, a large cloth to put on the ground, and a bunch of sliders and buttons to control the weather. Options include snow, light rain, thunderstorm, sunny day and heat wave. She already took you to the park... Time to bury your bone.

The chime went off once and the doors slid open. He stepped out and smiled, taking a deep breath of 'fresh' air. He did not understand how they did it, but it was almost the real life thing. The smell of grasses, the sun high in the sky, making it a warm, sunny day in January. But he was not there to enjoy the surroundings. He stretched, then slowly started undressing out of his black business suit. The day's work had been long and hard, overseeing a hostile take-over, then looking at the finance redistribution for every department for what seemed to be the hundredth time. But the prospect of being here, had kept him smiling and happy throughout it all. He was a hybrid, his mother a Doberman, his father a wolf, his fur was almost pitch black, except his chest and pelvis area, which were grey, as well as some spots on his legs and arms.

She was still a couple of feet away, but could make her out as sharp as she was standing in front of him. Not only because of his keen eyesight, but also how she was etched into his memory. Still a head shorter than him, she was quite tall for a human girl. Her long, golden, curly hair flowed down to her shoulders. Her blue eyes already pierced his own brown ones, betraying a strange mixture of sparkling joy and an almost predatory craving for him. Her strapless dress, the upper rim curving nicely over her large b-cup, fell down, hugged her waist, then went on, a bit wider, until it ended at her knees. It was a nice, sunflower-yellow, looking marvelous on her sun-tanned skin. Her long legs seemed to go up forever underneath it. It would have been the perfect ensemble, if she had worn high heels in a matching color. But that would not do for what they had planned. Instead she wore white sneakers with a couple of yellow lines on them.

He kept staring like that, until he realized she was standing right in front of him, her left hand on her hip, her right hand flirtatiously stroking away a strand of hair from her cheek and behind her ear. Apparently she had noticed him staring and had indulged him for a bit, not saying anything. This close up, he could see she was really playing her part. Yes, he had paid a hefty sum for it, but he allowed himself the idea that she also did it for him personally, as he had done every other time he had visited her. The way she wore her make-up, the way she acted and her body language spoke. If he had not known her, he would have sworn she was seventeen, and twenty-three.

Finally, she spoke up. "Hello, Russell" she said, her voice sweet and playful. She always greeted him like that first, a sort of acknowledgment that she knew who he was and why he was there. And apart from his family, she was the only one who could call him by his first name. He nodded to her and returned the greeting. "Hello, Isabella" She was known in the club as Vicky, but after a couple of appointments like this, he had asked her for her real name and she had trusted him with it.

Her smile grew wider as she stepped up to the 'tree' closet and took from it a small bag and a collar and leash. Both were leather and black, simple, yet elegant. Tall as he was, it was not comfortable to get down on all fours, but as he went down, she stepped up to him and collared him. The effect was almost instantaneous as his hands and feet turned more paw like and the joints in his legs and arms adjusted. He was not fully feral, but it would make it easier for him to act like one. Turning a bit on the spot to comport himself, his back was only just higher than her knees.

She straightened and walked past him, then tugged on his leash. "Come on, Rusty! Time for some fun!" He followed her and let his tongue fall out, then gave a short woof for answer. She picked up the pace, starting up a nice jog and he stayed by her side, the rhythmic 'thump, thump' of his paws hitting the ground at the same time her sneakers flattened the grass. Jogging all the way to the other side of the huge room, she turned just before they reached the wall, then started to run "Come on, Rusty. You can do better then that?" She rushed ahead of him, but before she had even outdistanced him with three steps, he passed her, then bounded further, tightening the leash, dragging her along.

He smiled, loving the feel of the air rushing past him, loving how she treated him. A return to the old days, when humans had animals for pets. Now they were equals, after years of evolution, mutations, then acceptance. But it all turned out for the best. But he felt incomplete. Sure.. he was one of the youngest and ruthless in the business and had quickly worked his way to the top. He was rich, powerful and on top of the game. But still... There was always something missing... As if he was not complete. As if he could have all the money in the world, he still would not be happy. The first time he went to this club, Vicky was there in the lobby... After some drinks and questions, she knew exactly what he needed. It had come as a complete surprise and shock to him. But he had loved it. And he had finally found a way to feel happiness.

He shook his head a couple of times, to clear his thoughts, then took a very sharp turn, before speeding up. He felt the leash go tight again, then slack as the weight of the pull was suddenly lost and he shot forwards. His ears turned backwards when he heard Izzie shout out 'OUCH!" He stopped in his tracks and turned around. She was sitting on the ground, holding her knee. She must have fallen and had sat up, softly rubbing at the sore spot. Wagging his tail, from side to side, he pranced back to her, looking innocent as if he did not understand what he had done. When he was near her, he stuck his nose out and sniffed her knee, then licked it softly, before turning his head towards her. He yipped softly as he got a smallish whack on the nose, more surprised than hurt.

"Rusty! Bad boy! Bad bad boy...! Izzie said, her voice angry and hurt, as if he had betrayed her. He quickly went down on his stomach, his front paws covering a bit of his nose as his ears flattened and his tail went between his legs. Slowly, he scurried towards her, then whimpered, laying down his head in her lap . "Ooh Rusty.. I can never be mad at you... You were just having fun, weren't you?"She leaned down and started cuddling him and tickling him in the side, then petter his back. "Come on, let's see what we got in the bag" She rummaged around in the bag and pulled out a tennis ball. Immediately he jumped up and barked, wagging his tail. Izzie quickly got up, her 'hurt' knee not seeming to bother her at all, then held up the ball above him. "You want this? Yes, you do... Go get it!" Pulling back, she slammed her arm forward and threw the ball as far as she could. Rusty bounded after it, barking and then focused, concentrating on where the ball would fall down, and bounce further. He looked at it, sped after it and before it had hit the ground thrice, he caught it. "Good boy, Rusty! Now come here.. Bring it back to me!" She leaned a bit forward and tapped her knees with her hands. Rusty turned and came back, strutting his stuff, chest out, head up high, ears perked, proud as he was that he had caught the ball. She held down her hand and he laid the ball in it gently, then barked, after which she threw it again. They repeated it for several times, she, laughing and calling out to him, him being playful, happy and wagging his tail uncontrollably.

"Oh gods, Rusty.. No more.. My arm feels like lead!" Izzie hugged the shoulder on her throwing arm with the other hand, turning and stretching it a little. Rusty ran up to her and jumped up, making her fall on her ass, then pushed on her shoulders, to force her to lay down. He started licking her cheek, neck and ears, slobbering a bit over her face. "Ooh Rusty... Down boy down! She called out, but playfully, ruffling his fur, caressing his sides and back. He rolled over, laid down next to her and stretched out, wiggling his back in the grass, making soft begging whimpers.

"Come here, you!" She started petting his stomach, then stroked his fur over his chest, going down to his belly and teasingly missing his sheath, going on to stroke the inside of his legs and hips. His left back paw went up and started a rhythmic thumping into the air, as he huffed and puffed in sheer delight. She kept at it, picked up the pace a little, then slowed down and stroked once over his sheath. He swallowed, knowing she had chosen, it was time for some ...other... delights. She stoked again and then once more, his member coming to peek out as it was erecting. She kept tickling the fur to the sides of growing member, the knuckles of her hand sometimes 'accidentally' brushing against it. When his member had grown fully erect, she leaned in and kissed the side of his muzzle. "Hmmm someone wants to feel like a good boy, don't you?"

She took the tip of his cock, then softly squeezed and massaged it, cupping it in the palm of her hand and making slow circling motions. After a couple of minutes, she slowly embraced his member with her fingers and stroked up and down gently, pawing him off. He murred and gave a soft bark, loving the feel, trying to suppress his moan a bit, which would be very un-feral indeed. Turning his head to look at her, he failed completely at it though, as she leaned in and softly moaned in his ear. She loved the feel of his cock and it aroused her as well. He moaned with her, as he felt her warm breath on his ear.

Stroking his cock, she slowly sped up, going all the way from tip to root and back up again, giving the head a gentle, lovely squeeze. His knot was slowly forming as well, but she just widened her grip a little, to accommodate for it and stroked over it as well. Oh, how he had longed for this. The feel of her fingers pleasing him. He had missed her so much. It was the only time he could completely relax and give himself over to true happiness. Her looked down over his chest for a bit and purred louder, loving the sight of her slender fingers gripping around his hard pinkish flesh and teasingly gripping it harder or softer with each stroke.

"Such a good boy... Such a strong boy... You want Izzie to kiss it...? You do, don't you?" She nudged him with her human nose against his muzzle, then sniffed a bit, before pushing off to the side with one hand and leaning down towards his cock. He kept looking, his tongue out, huffing and puffing, his butt cheeks clenching from excitement and his tail straight down on the ground. She stroked him once more down, then guided it up a bit and softly licked over the tip, piercing the opening a tiny bit with the tip of her tongue. He howled from the touch, then the howl grew longer as she licked over the head a bit more, before going down over his member, licking it up and down over every place her tongue could reach. His knot grew a bit bigger, but she still felt her hand rest on it, squeezing and massaging it. "hmmm, Rusty... You taste.... so good.. "she said between licks. Feeling done with giving his cock a tongue bath, his member glistening wet from her saliva, she licked upwards for the final time, then opened her mouth and slowly lowered her lips over the head.

There was only one thing Rusty could do at that point. He closed his eyes, tilted his head back and moaned out a loud "Yessss" He heard, and felt, her stifle a small snicker, since she knew he had fallen out of his act, but loved it. It meant she was doing a hell of a good job on him. Starting out slow, she worked her lips and inhaled, sucking him softly, then brought up her other hand, clamping it on his member and pawing him off. He was in heaven, but he wanted to see what it looked like, so for a second time he looked at her and at what she was doing. It was a marvellous sight indeed. Her one hand on his knot, squeezing, the other on the body of his cock, going up and down with ease, lubricated as it was with her saliva. And to top it all off, her lips on the head, sucking, him in. And then she started bobbing her head. She was slow at first, but then she found the rhythm her hand was using to stroke him up and down and she quickly fell into the same movement. He tried to resist, he tried to lay down, but he could not stop himself. He jumped his hips, bucking into her hands and mouth. She let opened her mouth and let his cock slide out, then looked at him. "No no Rusty... You cannot do that... What if you climax? You still have to mount me..." she said cutely, then let go of him entirely.

Before he could even whimper at the loss of her touch, she was already turning away from him, pointing her rear at him and wiggled her butt cutely. From that angle he could see she was not wearing anything underneath her dress. He jumped up immediately, but then his leash went taut again. Apparently she had picked it up again, when she had turned around. She looked over her shoulder and called out. "Come on, Rusty... Mount me... But you do remember the rules, okay?" she said and winked at him. He hated that part. He knew the rules very well.. He could not knot her. She had other clients waiting for her and the deflation of the know would put her behind schedule. Also, she had once told him, she kept the more special treatments like that for her own, using them only with the people she truly loved or had a relationship with. But this was the first time she had winked at him. Not understanding the meaning he stepped up to her, and sniffed her butt, then slowly gave a long lick over her netherlips. Her fluids were already flowing strongly and he loved how she tasted.

"Aaahh.. Rusty.. You are such a gentle doggy... But don't... I want you inside of me... Come on" she pulled on the leash again, tugging a couple of times "Mount me." He did as he was told, but already his body was changing a bit again, back to his anthropomorphic form. He took the zipper of her dress in his paw- fingers and slowly pulled it down. Her breasts fell out of the dress, which kept having on her waist. "Yes.. you love those, don't you?" she said, sighing from the lovely feeling of her breasts being free. He stood up and hunched down, aiming his cock at her cunny. Slowly he pushed it the head in and her moan was over voicing his whimper. He leaned over her, then hugged her around the waist to steady himself, before outstretching his arms and cupping her breasts. Leaning in also had the added, desired effect of slowly sliding into her deeper.

Izzie hang her head down, closed her eyes and moaned. "That's it... fill me... oooh gods, that feels good..." she pushed back a little, making him slide in her faster. He had to be careful, not to slide his knot into her, so he pulled out a bit, but also started massaging her breasts. She moaned again, then stopped moving her hips. "Come on Rusty.. Make me feel good..."

Nodding, he pushed on, all the way to the edge of the knot and then slided out. He loved the feel of her clenching innards around his canine cock. She was working her muscles, clamping and unclamping on his member as he thrusted back inside. He started up a nice rhythm, thrusting in and out of her, but never letting his knot penetrate her, the edge only bumping up against her netherlips. He bucked his hips harder, trying to get as much of his member inside of her as was allowed, trying to penetrate her as deep as possible. his moans became louder with every thrust, her as well, but suddenly she started bucking backwards when he pushed forward. His knot almost entered her and he had to move fast to not let it happen. Then his leash was pulled and he stretched his head out, as she turned her head around over her shoulder. "Rusty... I.. cleared my schedule for the rest of the day... I am yours... You can knot me..."

His eyes widened and he froze. He opened his maw, but no sound came. closing then opening it again, she winked at him and shushed him before he could say anything. "Make me yours" Rusty shook his head and cleared his mind. He started thrusting again and after a couple of times, he slowly pressed beyond the rim of his knot, sliding it past her lips and popping it inside of her. She hissed through clenched teeth, then made her loudest moan yet.. "oooh... gods.. so that's how it feels... ooh it's so good..." He kept bucking his hips, but the knot held him in place. hen he felt her innards squeezing him hard as she reacted to the knot and it brought him over the edge. His buttocks clenched tight, he felt as if his balls were being squeezed and he climaxed with a loud howl. He filled her up, from cervix to his knot, which kept it all in nicely, not allowing it to leak out of her. At the same time as she felt him fill her up, she climaxed as well, loving how his warmth flowed inside of her, the knot pleasuring her in a way she never had before. Her own climax made her milk his cock for every drop that he got. When they finally relaxed, he slowly rolled on to his side, guiding her gently with him, as to not hurt her.

She reached around his back and started stroking his fur, snuggling up against him and turning her head around to kiss him. He loved it all, and started to ask, why she had done this, but she shook her head and held up a finger against her lips, asking him to keep quiet. And so he did, snuggling and hugging back. After a while, his knot deflated enough and his cock slided out of her, taking a small strand of his semen with it. She stood up, not saying anything, then zipped up her dress and walked to the closet. He followed her, wondering why she was silent. What had changed between them? She took his clothing and gave it to him, nodding. As he got dressed, she kept looking at him, carrying a huge smile and blushing a little bit. When he was done, he spoke up. "Isabella.. what's wrong?"

She shook her head. "Everything is almost perfect, Russell.... Almost..." Then she turned towards the closet and took a piece of paper and a pencil and scribbled something on it. She faced him again and pressed the paper in the chest pocket. "There you go!"as she tapped his chest. "It would be perfect... If you would phone the number i just gave you.. and ask me out for a dinner and a movie. " she blushed even harder. "if you want to of course..." She then looked down at the ground. At a loss for words, he just did not know what to do and the awkward moment stretched out until a minute had passed, which felt like an hour. Finally he grabbed a hold of her chin with two fingers and gently tilted her head up, to make her look in his eyes. "I would love to" he said. Before he could do anything else, her eyes gained a twinkle and she reached up towards him, kissing him on the cheek. "Good boy, Rusty. See you soon then" She let go of him and turned around, walking away from him to the other side of the floor. He smiled, and pressed the elevator button. The chime went off once and the doors slid open. He stepped in and smiled, taking a deep breath, before pushing the button that would let the elevator take him back to the lobby.

The end...