Looking After the Boys: Collin

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#1 of Looking After the Boys

A little something that I just had to get out of my system, haven't written any cub material in a while. Also how do SF formatting anymore? =/

Riley stood in front of the very familiar house that he'd seen to house-sit many times. He picked up his bag, slung it over his shoulder, and walked up to the front door. He knocked on the door and waited for a response. The door swung open revealing his best friend Robert.

"Hey Riley come in!" He was dressed in a suit and looked in a big hurry, "Thank you for coming on such short notice. I really hate asking you to do this., but I had absolutely no one else to go to." He spoke as he took Riley's bag into the living room.

"Don't worry about it man. You know I'm on break so I have all the time in the world to watch the house and kids." Riley smiled at the older wolf. "When do you have to be at the airport?"

"In forty-five minutes," Robert said scrambling to get his stuff together in his luggage.

"Crap dude you gotta get going then!" Riley started to help the white-furred wolf. "Where are the boys, they aren't going to see you off?" He looked around as he stuffed some loose clothes into Robert's large suitcase.

The older wolf didn't answer right away, but instead he ran into the bathroom. He came back out with a small travel bag, presumably with hygiene supplies.

"Sam and Mikey are still at a friend's house and Collin is out with his aunt at the movies. I just got the call that I need to be on a plane in an hour 20 minutes ago. I called the boys and told them I'd be gone for a few weeks, and that I was sorry I couldn't wait until they got back." He fixed the tie he was wearing.

"You got everything?" Riley asked as his tail swished around behind him. Robert made one last round through the house.

"Yeah," He sighed, "I think so." He picked up his luggage and Riley walked him out to his car. "Thanks again Riley, you're really a life saver." The younger wolf smiled a little bashfully.

"No problem man, anything for you." Robert smiled and nodded then started his car and backed out of the driveway. Riley gave a farewell wave as he drove off. Letting out a deep sigh, he turned around, walked back into the house, flopped down onto the couch, and turned the TV on. With nothing to do but wait for the boys, the brown wolf lazed around the house.

A few hours later, after adding some drool to the couch, a doorbell jolted Riley awake. A second ring made him get up from the couch and walk towards the door. He opened it and on the outside stood one of Robert's triplet sons, Collin with his aunt Julie.

"Oh, hello Riley," She said snootily and stuck her nose up in the air slightly.

"RILEY!" The white-furred, wolf cub surprised him by jumping up and hugging him, nearly pulling him down.

"Hehe, hey Collin!" He hugged the wolf cub back and then looked at Julie. "Evening Julie, always a pleasure," Riley said, mocking her snooty tone, which just made her scowl at him. "Go inside bud, I'll be right in ok?" The cub smiled and nodded before he grabbed a few plastic bags and ran into the house.

"So Julie, how are things up there?" Riley smirked as he teased her.

"Far better than what you have going on down there." She said spinning around and started walking to her large black SUV.

"Come oooon Julie, why do you hate me so much?" Riley asked smirking and trying not to laugh as he followed her. He got ahead of her and opened her door for her. "M'lady." He said as he bowed. Julie got into her car and Riley shut the door before she could slam it.

"Alright you have a safe trip home now, buh bye," He waved and grinned as she pulled out of the driveway before she sped off. "I said safe!" Riley jumped as he yelled. He smiled and shook his head as he walked inside. Collin was sitting on the couch watching TV where Riley had been moments earlier.

"Hey kid what's up?" He smiled as he entered the living room and flopped down on the couch next to Collin.

"Hehe nothing. My aunt Julie and I were just out at a movie and shopping a little." He motioned at the plastic bags.

"Ahh, shopping for what?" He gently flicked one of the boy's ears and smiled.

"Hey!" Collin giggled and tried to flick Riley's back in return. "Just some clothes and some snacks for me and my brothers!" He smiled. Riley smiled back at Collin, he had the pleasure of seeing that adorable smile ever since the day he and his brothers were born.

"So where are your brothers?" Riley asked as he stretched out on the couch and put his arm around Collin and pulled him into him.

"They're at another friend's house sleeping over for a few nights," He chuckled and nuzzled into Riley, causing the older wolf to blush ever-so-slightly.

"Why didn't you go with them?" With that Collin took a deep breath like kids do when they're about to explain something long.

"Becaaause I told my aunt that I would go out and do something with her today and then I found out daddy had to leave for work and that you were coming over to watch us and thought it would be fun to hang out with you." He smiled earnestly again.

"A-aww, really?" This really made Riley blush now. It was endearing to him that Collin would rather spend time with him than with his brothers at a friend's house. He tried to hide his face and the stupid grin he had on it. "Thanks Collin, that's really sweet of you." He rubbed the cub's shoulder. He asked after a few minutes of silently watching TV, "So what are you gonna want for dinner?"

"Hrm, I dunno. I like anything!" Collin said, bouncing happily a little.

"Heh I know you do pup, Sam's the picky one!" They shared a laugh. "Well how about this, you change out of those ridicules clothes that your aunt probably made you wear today, and I'll start dinner then put on a movie?" He looked at the cub face to face.

"Hehe ok! That sounds good!" He leapt up off the couch and ran off to his room. Riley laughed before he got up and walked into the kitchen. He dug through the refrigerator and freezer to find something to cook. He finally decided on just fixing a hamburger meat and pasta quick meal. He started thawing out the ground beef before he went back to the living room. He started watching TV again when he was suddenly pounced by the cub now stark in just his tight, light-blue briefs.

"Rileeeeeeey!" The cub shouted and giggled as he cuddled up with the bigger wolf, wagging his tail fast.

"Hey undie-butt, decided against clothes this time?" Riley teased. Riley giggled and flopped back.

"I always decide against clothes." This was true, since nearly every time Riley stopped by the house he saw three cubs running around in their underwear.

"You boys are just like your dad, he always liked to be in his underwear too." Riley smiled at the cub, his eyes periodically drifting down to the boys crotch but he kept correcting them.

"Really?!" Collin chuckled cutely.

"Yup, every chance he got."

The two rested on the couch together until the ground beef was thawed enough to start cooking. Riley dumped it into a skillet and ignited the flame beneath it. He began breaking it into small pieces. Collin joined him by hopping up and sitting on the counter.

"Riley?" Collin asked out of the blue.

"Yeah Collin?" Riley kept focused on his task.

"If you're so much younger than my daddy, how are you two best friends?" He tilted his head and his ear flopped over.

"He never told you?" Riley looked at the nearly naked cub, who just shook his head. "Well, his parents and my parents were close friends, so when I was born your dad treated me like a little brother, kinda like I do with you guys, and we just grew up together. It doesn't matter that we're ten years apart in age, we're still the best of friends." Riley smiled as he looked back on his childhood and all the fun times he had, but then his smile faded as his thoughts became troubled. He went back to stirring silently.

"Did you know my mommy?" Collin asked, quietly. He was looking at the floor, but looked up to ask the question.

"Um, yeah. Yeah I did. I was there when you dad met her, asked to marry her, and I was his best man at their wedding," He chuckled, "I was also there when you three were born. I knew her quite well. She was an amazing woman, Collin."

He looked down at the pan, he felt like he should say 'she'd be proud of you if she were still here.' But felt it would be more appropriate if he left it as he did. "Hey, why don't ya help me out? Get the milk and measuring cup and pour me 2 cups of it." Riley said to break the tension.

"Ok!" Collin hopped right down off the counter in his usual energetic manner and did as Riley asked. "Can I pour it in and stir it?"

Riley smiled and moved the pan closer to the cub. "Sure, everything in at once." He smiled as he helped pour everything in at once. He then handed him the wooden spoon he'd been stirring with to Collin and let him take over mixing everything. He leaned back to watch the cub. He had such a cute little butt that was tightly hugged by his briefs. Riley felt like he was staring for too long, but he couldn't really look away. It was only when Collin said his name did he snap out of it.

"Huh wha?" He blinked and shook his head.

"It's ready!" The cub exclaimed giggling. He hopped up on the counter again, opened the cupboard, and took out two bowls for them, while Riley silently scolded himself. They served themselves before they headed back to the couch to watch a movie.

Collin cuddled right up with Riley, while the older wolf pulled a blanket over them partly because he didn't want to end up staring at the cub again. The two finished their meals, but then Collin crawled onto Riley's lap and snuggled up close with him.

"U-uh, Collin?" The smaller ball of fur wiggled back into his improvised chair, causing an uncomfortable sensation for Riley.

"Yeah?" The cub looked back and smiled innocently. Riley stopped for a moment.

"Getting kinda, close, aren't ya?" He blushed as the tightening bulge in his pants was wiggled between the boy's cloth-covered cheeks.

"You don't want me sitting on you? Daddy loves it when we sit on him like this." The cub's innocent words carried a completely different connotation for Riley.

"Does he? Did he say that?" Riley asked as his heart began to pound from the cub's motions on his lap.

"Yeah! We're... not supposed to talk about it to anyone, but... since it's you I think it's ok!" The pup wagged his tail and smiled up at Riley.

"T-talk about what?" Riley began to tremble anxiously.

Collin didn't speak, instead he took the older wolf's paw under the blanket and moved it towards his crotch. Just as one of Riley's fingers grazed the pup's briefs, he yanked his hand away and stood up quickly making Collin tumble off onto the couch.

"Collin! What are you doing?!" Riley yelled, shocked. His voice rang through the house making the cub flinch and curl up.

"I-I was j-just showing you what d-daddy does..." He was trembling and seem scared now.

Riley stared down at the cub in disbelief, his heart pounding. Immediately his mind shot to Robert. There was no way that his best friend would touch his children like that! He shook his head and propped himself up against a wall.

"What daddy does." He repeated.

"Y-yeah..." The cub sniffled, "I was just... I..." He buried his face in the blanket, still trembling. Hearing the soft sobs, Riley turned around looking at the cub. He sighed a little and frowned, he couldn't stand to see any of the boys cry. After a few breaths he walked back to the couch to sit down next to the cub.

"Hey, Collin I'm sorry I yelled." He gently rubbed the boy's shoulder. "Why don't you try to calm down and... just explain what you mean." Two beautiful blue eyes peeked up from the blanket.

"Y-you wont be mad?" That look almost made Riley melt. He couldn't help but acknowledge the bundle of fur hiding beneath that blanket was adorable. He smiled warmly regardless if he meant to or not.

"No pup, I wont be mad." The cub still hid under the blanket, hesitant. "I promise." His reassurement coaxed the wolf pup to lower the blanket from his face.

"O-ok...well..." He sniffled. "It started like a year or, maybe two years, ago-" The pup began his story with Robert's failed dating episode that Riley remembered quite well. The pup's description of his father's behavior brought up the thought that Robert could be frustrated from a lack of sexually intimacy with another person. "He always said there was only ever one person for him, and that's why he said other girls didn't make him happy."

Why didn't Robert ever tell him that? He'd always wondered why Robert gave up dating. He began to feel sorry for his best friend, unable to fathom how hard it must be to lose the one person in life that you love.

"Hey!" Collin's voice shocked him out of his trance.

"W-what?" He blinked.

"Hehe, you gotta listen silly!" The pup smiled and giggled and continued on with his story. Riley missed a part of Collin's story, something about Robert seeing the boys in their briefs and rushing to his room. When the cubs went to check on their father they found him masturbating. "Daddy kept crying and saying he was sorry. We didn't know what he did to be sorry about."

_ I do,_ Riley thought to himself. Collin described the events that proceeded with great detail. After comforting their father they asked if there was anything they could do to help him. He asked if they could do one thing for him that one time only, and what ended up happening was a night filled with a father's release of bottled-up lust. He never went as far to have sex with the cubs, but according to Collin that came later.

Riley sat in utter disbelief. His life-long friend and loving father of three boys was hiding a secret sexual relationship with them. He felt disgusted, but another part of him wanted desperately wanted to know more, and see more.

"It looks like you liked my story." Collin spoke, again jarring Riley back to reality.

"What?" The pup pointed at his crotch. Riley looked down to see that his length clearly defined in his tight pants. He instantly blushed before he covered himself in shame and embarrassment. "I-I..."

He searched through his mind frantically, he opened his mouth to say something, but he was stopped by Collin moving close to him. His heart nearly stopped as he felt a small hand on his tense and uncomfortable bulge. He screamed at himself in his mind to stop the wolf-pup, but he froze even more when he felt the familiar release of his pants being unbuttoned.

"Eww you wear boxers? Laaaame!" The pup chuckled as he began to reach inside the brown wolf's boxers.

"C-Collin!" Riley jumped a little at the sudden intrusion and he held the pup's hand back. "Collin this is...this isn't, I-" He stammered for the right words. He wanted to say that this was wrong, and that he couldn't do this with a cub. He wanted to tell him to stop, but he couldn't. The cub looked him straight in the eyes.

"Just this one time Riley, I promise I'll never do it again if you don't like it," He said smiling.

Riley hesitated to say anything back. He thought it over in his head, he'd never had sex before. Was he willing to have his first sexual experience with his best friend's underage son? As he thought it about it the point of no return was passed for him. Collin had freed his hard member and wrapped his lips around the tip of his cock, causing a previously unkown pleasure to shock his body.

"Colliiiin!" Riley gave up and went still on the couch as the cub began bobbing his head up and down on his shaft.

Riley had never gotten head before, but the cub was obviously experienced. His tongue assaulted the underside of his shaft and his teeth barely even grazed it. He watched as Collin's tail wagged quickly side to side. The movie in the background faded into white noise over the minutes that passed.

It didn't take long for Riley to near his climax. His breathing hastened and Collin took that as a cue. Instead of slowing down he sucked as fast as he could. Unable to handle anymore Riley bucked his hips and moaned loudly as he came into the young pup's mouth.

Collin closed his eyes and kept his lips wrapped around Riley's shaft genuinely savoring the taste as he released his few strings of seed into his mouth. After his orgasm subsided Collin leaned back and wiped his mouth.

"Mmm your cum tastes a lot better than my daddy's!" He wagged his tail fast and smiled. Riley was still a bit stunned from the most powerful orgasm he'd ever had. He shifted through conflicting emotions and rolled his head to the side to look at Collin.

"It does?" The cub's comment perked his curiosity. It was then when he looked at the pup after he'd just sucked him off that he noticed just how tight his light-blue briefs were on him, and that he was sporting a small hard-on inside of them.

"Yeah! It tastes less salty than his." He somehow still smiled innocently to Riley. He was really still just a playful kid. This stuff didn't change him at all.

The obvious hardness inside Collin's briefs attracted all of Riley's attention now. He'd always felt some sort of attraction towards the cub, but it was never sexual. What he felt now he hoped was due to his arousal, but he wanted more. He'd gotten a taste of something amazing and he wanted to see just how far he could go with the cub. He couldn't though, he just couldn't bring himself to act, some part of him was still screaming how wrong this was, so he fought his urges and just slipped himself back into his pants.

"T-thank you Collin that was...fun." He said as he zipped his pants up.

"Ya liked it?!" Collin excitingly wagged his tail and his face lit up.

"Y-yeah." Riley couldn't help but smile at the pup's joyfully enthusiasm. "I'm surprised you're so, well, good at that." Collin swelled with pride a little and blushed cutely.

"Well I've done it a lot with my brothers and my daddy. And you're peepee isn't as big as his so it was easy!" That last comment made Riley blush. Robert wasn't too much bigger than him in height or even weight, he couldn't be that much bigger than him down there could he?

"Um, how much bigger is he than me?" He asked genuinely curious.

"Ummm." He scratched his head, thinking. "Daddy is a lot longer and thicker than you are."

Riley's ears dropped slightly. He'd seen some cheesy porn flicks where the guys were huge in, but he figured that was just them and that normal guys would be around his size. The last time he measured himself he was around four-ish inches. He was never really worried about his size but Collin's comment embarrassed him if it was such a noticeable difference to him.

Collin picked up on Riley's body language and silence and he crawled up and hugged him tightly, his hard bulge pressing against Riley's chest.

"That was really fun to do with you Riley, thank you for letting me." He nuzzled into Riley's chest. Felling the cub's constricted erection against his stomach sent shivers down his spine. He hesitantly put his arms around the pup and returned the hug, gently rubbing his back as he did.

"Y-you're welcome Collin, it..really was a lot of fun." His hands drifted down to Collin's lower back.

"Do you think we can do it again sometime?" Collin looked up with his adorable puppy eyes.

Riley's heart skipped a beat after the pup's question. He hoped he wouldn't ask that. Riley did want to do it again, but he was afraid of the implications if he got involved with the cub.

"I...w-we'll see Collin, this is all new to me." Collin smiled, satisfied with the response he received.

"Alright!" He flopped onto his back on the other side of the couch. "Do you mind if I paw in front of you?"

Again the cub asked a question that made Riley's heart skip a beat. He'd seen Collin and his brothers naked before in the bath, while swimming, and watching the boys wrestle. This was different however, never had he seen his actual penis, but only the small sheath that contained it. He just blinked and stared dumbly at the cub.

The underwear-clad pup didn't wait for an answer, he only giggled as he reached into his briefs and pulled out his small member though the fly of his underwear. He wrapped his hand around it and leaned back as he began slowly jacking off.

With wide eyes the older wolf stared at the spectral before him. Collin's penis was just like his fathers, pinkish and humanoid shaped. He watched the cub pant as he stroked his length with increasing speed, moaning softly and cutely. Riley quickly became stiff inside his pants again and the urge to do more than watch quickly rose within him again. His heart was nearly beating out of his chest and he was trembling.

"Collin," He managed to breath out just loud enough for the cub to hear.

"Yeah?" His ears perked up and he stopped moving his hand.

"D-does your dad ever help you?" He motioned at the throbbing puppyhood between Collin's legs.

"Oh yeah! All the time! He'll either paw me or even lick it for me like I did to you!" He gave himself a few more strokes to remain hard.

Riley had already passed the point of no return when he didn't stop the cub from sucking him, and when the image of Robert's muzzle buried in Collin's crotch entered his mind he threw caution to the wind.

"C-Can I help you?" He was blushing so hard his head literally felt hot. Collin's face lit up with joy once again.

"Really?!" He jumped to his feet on the couch, his cock wobbling out in front of him as he did. His joyful innocence was plastered on his face.

"S-sure I mean...you helped out so I guess. How do you uh, how do you want me to do it?" Riley's question was answered by Collin walking and standing on his lap, bringing his crotch to face-level with Riley. He shakily brought his head closer and opened his mouth, then as his nose touched Collin's navel he closed his mouth around the small organ and ran his tongue under it for a taste.

"R-Riley!" Collin squealed out in pleasure and held onto his head for support. Riley never thought he would ever suck a cock, much less a cub's. Something about it was exhilarating to him though. The fact that he was giving pleasure to someone else with such an act gave him such a rush. He began to move his head back and forth, all while assaulting Collin's penis with his tongue.

He reached up and gently held his hips to stabilize the both of them and he slowly picked up his pace to the sounds of the cub's heavier panting and moaning. His hands drifted back to the tight little cheeks that were still being tightly hugged by his briefs. He ran his hands over the soft material and gently squeezed the contents of them, evoking slight giggles along with moans from the cub.

It seemed as if everything stopped to Riley. He was actually enjoying the taste of Collin he was getting. He wasn't sure of himself at first, but the way he got the pup to moan affirmed that he was doing just fine. He was just starting to pick up the pace when Collin gasped loudly and a new taste entered Riley's mouth. He pulled away, surprised by the sudden release. Collin's knees started to buckle, so Riley gently laid him down on the couch, wiping his mouth and looking at the liquid on his hand. It was much clearer and not as sticky. He licked it off his finger and then looked at the spent pup.

"Was I good?"

"Y-you were awwwwesome." Collin smiled tiredly. The usually energetic cub now seemed beat. His penis quickly softened back into it's sheath, which Collin slipped back into his briefs."You're the best Riley." He shifted around to lean on him. "Will you take your clothes off." He asked sleepily.

"Wha? W-why?" Riley blushed at the cub's strange request.

"Because you're nice and soft and clothes stink." He shot him a cute smile.

So he wants to cuddle? Riley thought. He honestly couldn't think why he couldn't, he'd just sucked him off so what harm could stripping be? He started with his shirt and pulled it off and threw it over the side of the couch. Then he stood up and since his pants were already unbuttoned, he just dropped them and stood in his boxers.

"Ewww." Collin giggled.

"What?" Riley looked around him.

"Boxers stink, they're so lame," He teased as Riley sat back down.

"Heh well I don't own any butt-huggers, sorry pup," He chuckled.

"My dad does! If you fit in his will you wear them?" Collin slowly started regaining his usual energy.

Riley blushed hotly. He hadn't worn briefs since middle school and he wasn't sure about trying them again, especially if they weren't even his. It seemed like it was something Collin wanted though, so to please the cub he gave a slight shrug. "Uhhh, sure I dunno if he's my size though." Riley couldn't even finish his sentence before the cub took off into his father's bedroom. He came back out holding a white pair that seemed to be a high quality designer brand.

"Here! Try these!" He held out the small underwear towards the older wolf.

"White Collin, really?" He looked at them disapprovingly.

"Yeah! These are my favorite, I love it when daddy wears them! They feel so good to touch!" He smiled and wagged his tail.

Collin seemed really excited for Riley to try the briefs on, so with a sigh he stood up and took them. He turned his back towards the cub before he dropped his boxers. Even though he just sucked his dick he was still modest enough to turn away. He stepped into the white underwear and slowly pulled them up. The sensation he felt from pulling them up over his rump and package was one he hadn't felt since he was a kid. He was genuinely surprised at how good they fit and felt. He felt a pair of hands rubbing his cheeks.

"Mmm those are so much better!" Collin exclaimed happily as he felt up Riley's new clothing.

"W-watch the paws bud." Riley blushed as he sat down, but was immediately pounced and cuddled by the cub. He began to warm up again from the contact from the cub. He was kept wide awake from the indulging touches Collin kept sneaking in on him, but the cub was slowly falling asleep. Riley gently shook him.

"Hey, getting tired buddy?" The cub turned his head to look at him and smiled sleepily. "I'll take that as a yes." He turned the TV off and scooped the boy up into his arms. He carried him to his room and laid him down on a bed. There were three of them in the room so he just guessed which one was his.

"R-Riley." Collin whispered as he struggled to keep his eyes open.

"Shh, go to sleep pup, you've had a long...interesting day." He pet Collin's head. "Goodnight Collin, I'll see you tomorrow." He pulled a blanket over the pup and left the room. After making sure all the lights were off he headed to the guest room where he'd be sleeping. He dug through his bag and pulled out a pair of boxers. "Hrm." He looked back and forth from the boxers he holding to the briefs he was wearing. The feel of the briefs gave him a strange comfort so he decided against his boxers and crawled into the bed wearing just the tight white briefs.

He laid in silence staring up at the ceiling, thinking about what happened with him and Collin. He kept trying to tell himself it was wrong, but the way Collin loved it... he just couldn't feel bad for making the cub happy. He'd just finally decided to close his eyes when he heard the door open and a soft voice speak.

"Riley?" Collin stepped into the room, still in nothing but his briefs and holding a stuffed dog in one hand.

"Can I sleep with you? I don't like being alone in there..." His ears were folded back as looked down at his feet.

"Sure." Riley answered without giving it a thought. He saw the cub cheer up in the darkness and scamper to the bedside and crawl under the sheets with him. He wrapped his arms around the warm adult and nuzzled into his side. Riley blushed and put his arm around the cub and rubbed his back.

Riley had slept with all of the boys at one point or another, but they were each always in pajamas. He reached lower and gently caressed his brief-covered bottom, evoking a soft moan from the quickly fading puppy. Not wanting to wake him, Riley closed his eyes and whispered, "Goodnight Collin."