Tales of Furlingas - Choose your own story text adventure part 20

Story by sisco on SoFurry

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#20 of Text adventure

The idea of this chose your own adventure is that I will write a page of a story ending in a choice of what action our hero takes next. You can then vote by commenting with your choice, I will then write the next page using the most voted on option to build a story page by page. It will be an adult story with sexual scenes and you get to chose partners, positions and such. I will look to post a minimum of once a week but with the aim of doing it twice a week whenever possible.

It was looking like a landslide so i figured time for next chapter early, after all the times t was late


B 111111

C 11111111111111111

So two guys who are just learning how to move their bodies making a run for it. Should work out well, here goes.

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"We should run!" Kenia and Runo half shouted in unison.

Legs stiff and unbalanced the fox walked like a scarecrow over to the window, lifting the glass he motioned to the naga, "This way, then down the hill, through the town and into the forest."

"Then we go our separate ways." Kenia snapped as he tried to move forward, with his anger gone and his mind focused on moving his ability to slither disappeared. Soon as he tried to move forward he fell flat on his face. "Ow! How the fuck do you move with this tail?"

Dragging the fallen naga back to his upright position Runo grunted, "it's easy just balance on your front and then move your coils, push from your middle. You're like a little baby, still learning to slither." The fox began to chuckle a little as the stopped Kenia from overbalancing and he helped the naga move forward a little.

"Like you are one to talk, you know my legs have knees for a rea...." Their infighting was halted abruptly by someone hitting the door. "Shit, get out of the window now!"

"But you can't move, I'm not going to leave you." Runo replied as he picked up a leg from the broken table. Turning around he found himself alone in the room, as the door cracked from another blow Runo saw his former face poke through the window. "There's something to be said for incentive, now figure out how to use those knees and come on!" Kenia said with a chuckle and then turned, the movements still laboured, but with one motion after another he was slowly getting into the rhythm of moving his naga body. He yelped as he felt the fox land on his coils behind him.

The two of them, still learning to move, made one of the slowest get aways in history, fortunately the wood of the door holding back the guards was aged oak. It gave them a few extra minutes head start. However, they were still going slow and unsteady when the door broke and a half dozen heavily armed naga spotted them through the window.

"We've got to make it to town, find someplace to hide!" Panted Runo the effort of running without bending his legs was exhausting him, he was so used to gliding effortlessly across land this bipedal motion business was definitely not as much fun as it looked.

"They're gaining on us!" Kenia gasped, he'd got the motion he needed yet with every flick of his coils he felt like he was falling forward all the time. Still as the guards got closer their own fears took hold and they found their bodies took over. Runo managed to start bending his knees without falling over, Kenia embraced the feeling of falling and tilted forward picking up speed.

The two hit the town at full speed and ducked into a series of alleyways, Runo led the way through the streets of his home town. Suddenly ducking into a dark corner, pulling Kenia will him, the two hunched up as the guards slithered past at full speed.

"They will alert the town guards, we need to find a way out of the town." Runo whispered and then added. "I kinda know a way, but, it's going to rely on you hypnotising a slave."

"I can't hypnotise someone!" The naga snorted in derision.

"My tail, my body, my eyes, my hypno powers." The fox replied stroking the naga's face. Part of him wanted to try and kiss Kenia, but the idea of kissing his own face definitely felt a little too weird.

"I can barely slither, how am I supposed to hypnotise someone?" The former fox asked in a worried whimper.

"It's easy, first, you got to catch them by surprise, get your eyes up close, so they have trouble looking away. Then you just relax and start to will them to obey, the hard part is learning to stop. Your words don't matter, too much, just tell them to be calm and relax. Then they are all yours, it's really quite simple." Runo explained as he stepped out of the shadows and motioned for Kenia to follow. "Slaves in this town are so used to being put into thrall they won't even fight."

"You say that like it's a good thing." The naga muttered in disgust as he slithered slowly out of the shadows.

"It's not good, but hell it's useful for us right now. I promise if I manage to get back to Kafta, remove my father's immortality, successfully usurp and kill him, I will free the slaves." The fox muttered as they dashed across an open alleyway and headed towards a barn.

"Going to be a busy few weeks for you huh?" The naga asked with a little snigger.

Runo was elated to hear the fox make a joke, it gave him hope that things between them could return to how they had been.

The two snuck into the barn where they found a slave bull asleep in the hay. Wearing just a collar, loincloth and a ring in his nose. The huge bull was easily seven foot tall and his life as a slave had led him to have a very fit and muscular build. Runo smiled and whispered. "Bulls are really easy, now get your head up close. We need him to put us in a cart and smuggle us out of town."

Kenia leant over the bull and then reached out tapping the bull on the shoulder, as the bovine opened his eyes the naga darted forward, his head cracking into the bull's. "Oww!"

"Who are... Prince Runo!" The bull squealed and quickly rolled over onto his knees. "I heard you died."

The naga looked over at the fox who shrugged and indicated that now was a good time for Kenia to lie his ass off. "Errr, yes well the reports of my death were spread around to...err mislead my enemies. Who are hot on my royal tail. I need you to help smuggle me out as a loyal servant erm... bull?"

"Rodney my liege! Wait here and I will go get my cart and I can smuggle you out!" The bull jumped up excitedly and rushed off.

"Well you didn't hypnotise him, but I still count that as a win." The fox said with a chuckle.

"My head hurts and how do you deal with this tail, seriously I don't know where it is half the time," Kenia whined as he pulled his tailtip in from outside the barn.

"Ah well when people step on the tip all the time, you learn to keep an eye on it." The former naga replied with a chuckle. "So, toes... I never knew how fun they were to wiggle. I mean look at these babies, all moving independently; two legs ten toes and a tail. How do you keep track, I mean one tail you learn to keep an eye on it. How do you co-ordinate all this stuff/"

Kenia shrugged, "you just do, although you fall down a lot as a cub first. So, if I have to slither a thousand miles, well nine hundred and ninety nine now, in your body I really need to work out this hypo vision thing. How did you do it?"

The fox looked away and kicked at some hay saying, "you learn or you end up as everyone's thrall. You learn to use your eyes to defend yourself first, then you practice on anyone. It's a rush, that first time you get someone in your power... "

Runo stopped talking fearing he might have said to much, but Kenia's mind was on other thinks, he was running his paws down his arms and giggling, "I'm all shiny and bumpy."

The fox couldn't help but laugh, "chased and hunted throughout a kingdom where every wants to take you to the king and have you executed and you still have time to stop and laugh at being bumpy and shiny."

The naga shrugged his shoulders and replied, "I dunno, never expected to ever feel your scales from this side."

"Yeah, I know I wanted to get inside you but this isn't what I had in mind, I'm all... fluffy." Runo replied tugged at his chestfur.

"Fluffy? Hey, who are you calling fluffy?" Demanded the outraged former fox.

"Well, me I think, but you'd need to ask a dedicated team of philosophers to work this one out." Runo replied with a wink. "Besides, you just called me bumpy and I let it slide."

"Well... I meant good bumpy, kinda feels nice against me bumpy." Kenia muttered blushing a little. He opened his mouth to say something but didn't get a chance as Rodney the bull arrived driving a cart.

"My liege, if you and your slave climb in the back I will cover you with hay and the guards will think I am taking fodder out to the beasts in the field." The bull said as he jumped down from the cart landing with a thud and going down on one knee.

"Thanks loyal slave, I swear I will have you rewarded with your freedom and some gold, as soon as possible." Kenia announced the deference of the bull going to his head a little.

"So, you find anything yet?" Jarus asked for the tenth time that hour.

Aleoric snarled softly the horse's impatience getting on his nerves, "well it's a book of combat spells so it's not exactly great for undoing dragon wishes. However, as I see it our options are. One, wait for them to figure it out themselves. Two, I have a teleport spell that would get us to them and we could then potentially teleport back, although there is the risk that anyone travelling with me may get disintegrated, about fifty-fifty chance. Three; head into Kafta and get into some mortal danger, that would allow me to use a call to allies spell from this tome, that would bring them both right to us."

Vote by commenting below

A Wait for Runo and Kenia to figure out a way back (if they can)

B Use the teleport spell (I will literally toss two coins, heads they survive tails they die)

C head n to Kafta and find some mortal danger to allow Aleoric to summon the others