A Bet's a Bet Pt.3

Story by Undefined_Apathy on SoFurry

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#2 of A Bet's a Bet

Hey everyone!

I hope you like the third installment to the 'A Bet's a Bet' series. I had a lot of fun writing it ( like the others ) and I hope everyone gets a thrill out of reading it. Poor little Jessie maybe shouldn't let Master brag too much on him, especially when there are money bets involved. Oh well I think he had fun in the end anyways ^^


That reminds me. What sort of competition would you like to see Jessie entered into? I have a few ideas, but I'm in debate. I'd love to here some suggestions from readers ^.^

If you'd like to support this series and future installments you can donate to the cause :3

childroland@hotmail.com <--- my paypal.

Thanks all!

A Bet's a Bet Part. 3

Jessie stepped out of the Salon and stared up towards the mid-day sky. The day was rather wonderful, a fresh breeze blowing through his freshly dyed pink fur. It felt good to the lithe little fox. He smiled sweetly, turning his gaze towards the handsome stallion holding the leash attached to the frilly pink color around his neck. Mark had been treating him to some new and rather encouraging things lately. The little vulpine was curious about just where it was that his master was planning to take him next.

The boy was excited. So far Jessie found that Mark seemed to know him better than he knew himself. The boy didn't even know he could enjoy things so much. Before their little bet the fox had felt a bit stagnant about life, yet now he was breathing in every moment, savoring life to the fullest. Maybe it was strange to some, but the fox felt genuinely happy under the care of the stallion whom he was rapidly developing feelings for. They were formerly just friends, but now Jessie was proud to refer to Mark as Master.

The stallion seemed to note the change in the boy's body language; it made him smile to himself. He had a feeling that a fresh new look would bring a genuine smile to Jessie's face. The stallion had watched the boy wallow away in self-pity for the longest time, and was glad to see a real smile on his face. More than that, he was happy that it was him who brought that smile there. He hoped that his next surprise would only add to the boy's experience.

The walk through the city was different this time. Instead of feeling bashful like before, the fox was walking on air. He could tell that people were staring, but it didn't phase him the way it had before. He danced on the sidewalk with every light step he took; the cute little summer dress being tossed about with the flow of the wind. His soft green hues gazed at the gawking faces as he offered smiles and playful winks in return. The boy was starting to develop a taste for exhibitionism.

Their short walk came to a stop in front of a new building. It looked rather plain and uneventful. There were no signs of business. The fox wasn't sure what this building was. It just looked so unassuming and uninteresting. Still, he found that the stallion holding his leash was leading him inside, so he humbly followed along behind him. Jessie was eager to find out what was hiding inside such a plain little building.

As the fox stepped inside, the unassuming little building became a vastly different environment. Inside there was music blaring, lights flashing, and a slew of various faces dancing to the beat of the music. The fox noticed a stage set up in front of the room. He guessed there must be live performances from time to time. What else would they need a stage for?

Mark kept a tight grip on the leash, especially as the fox found himself quickly recapturing his bashful attitude when a few pair of hands started trying to play with his dress and grope at his ass. It made him a little uncomfortable, but the stallion was close by and that eased his fears. They made their way backstage and were greeted by a pair bouncers; one of them was a rather large and imposing looking bear who must have stood a few solid feet over the fox, and the other a Rhino who stood at least a food taller than his partner. Between the two of them the little pink fox was shaking. They looked rather mean and brutish to say the least.

"Hey Mark! It's been awhile" came the voice of the rhino. His voice was rather deep, but his tone seemed friendly enough it made the fox feel a little more at ease around them, "And who's that with you?" he questioned, his eyes rolling along the figure of the little fox, tongue lightly trailing along his lips in a rather lewd gesture.

"This is Jessie." he answered.

"You mean that little crush of yours that you were always gabbing on about?" came the bear. His voice was also fairly deep, though his tone seemed teasing. "I'm surprised you finally manned up and slapped a collar on the little guy. Probably shouldn't be too rough on him, he looks fragile" the bear added as his own eyes glared over the boy's form.

"Who Jessie?" he questioned looking the boy over, "I admit he's got a girlish appeal, but he's far from fragile" the stallion assured them. "He's a tough one- in fact, I think he likes a bit of abuse" he added with a chuckle. Jessie blushed a bit at the comment. Ever since he stepped into the strange club his bashful nature seemed to come back to him full swing.

"Oh, is that so?" came the questioning voice of the Rhino who still seemed to be eying the fox over like piece of meat, "I don't buy it. I bet he couldn't even handle half of me" the rhino offered to instigate the stallion a bit.

"Oh please," Mark scoffed, "You and Bill both couldn't break my new girl" he offered proudly, looking between the two of them. "He'd probably get bored with the two of ya, neither one of you got the gulls for him" he added. Jessie only sunk his gaze lower and lower feeling his face burning red. He wasn't used to being bragged about, especially in such a sexual manner.

"So me and Ron couldn't break this boy together?" the bear scoffed, "Now I know you've lost yer mind" he said before smirking a bit. "You know what Mark? Why don't ya put yer money where yer mouth is. Fifty bucks says the fox couldn't handle the two of us together" the bear offered. Ron seemed to have a new light in his eyes as he was more than looking forward to a chance to play with the fox.

"A bet, huh?" he questioned with a chuckle. It made him think about how he'd even gotten the fox in the first place. What harm could a second bet bring he figured. Worst case he was out fifty bucks, then his eyes trailed over to the fox. Well maybe that wasn't exactly the worst case, "What do you think Jessie?" he asked, "Want to show 'em what you've got?" he asked. His tone seemed to say that the fox could opt out if he wished.

"Oh, well, Mark I..." he muttered, his ears going flat. The boy took a moment to eye over the two of them. He did find them rather attractive. Ron was a wall of pure muscle, and the boy could only imagine what he was packing between his legs. Bill had a bit of a gut, but that didn't bother the fox one bit. In fact he found it kind of sexy, "I..I could try if you want" he mumbled softly.

"It's settled then!" exclaimed Bill in delight. "Let's see if we can break a fox today" he said playfully to Ron who only smirked.

"Come on little foxy, get over here" Ron spoke to the boy as he began to undo his shorts, letting them fall right there in the middle of the room. Jessie's eyes widened a bit as the male's bulge caught his eye. He was surprised by the girth of the Rhino, and felt himself tensing a bit thinking about what he'd just agreed to.

Jessie blushed softly and moved over to the Rhino. He gently moved onto his knees and pressed his muzzle against the bouncer's boxers. He breathed in as the scent of the male's musk flooded his nose. Mark seemed to be enjoying the show himself though he casually handed the leash over to Bill who was content watching for the moment. The boy gently let his soft tongue trail along the boxers and over the male's bulge, shivering at the taste that flooded his tongue. Ron offering a soft sigh of pleasure at the tease.

The pink little fox didn't waste any time as he hooked his fingers into the boxers and peeled them away, letting the rhino's arousal spring forth from its prison. The fox gawked for a moment with wide eyes. Mark was pretty big, but the rhino was not only big, but very thick as well. He tensed at the sight of such a grand specimen of malehood. Gently he brought his lips to the male's heavy orbs and planted a few little kisses on them before wrapping his lips around the male's sac, sucking lewdly.

"Damn, he's a eager one" the rhino moaned out in praise. His brutish hand moving to gently pet over the boy's head, playing with his ears a bit. The fox only moaned softly into his balls as he continued tending to them, savoring the taste on his tongue. The male's musk flooding his nose seemed to wash away his discomfort as he let himself drift into his task. The boy's lips wrapped around those heavy orbs as he rolled them around on his tongue, the strong taste of male sweat on his tongue as he worked over Ron's balls.

The bear smirked to himself before gently moving down behind the boy. Jessie was too focused on his mouthful of Rhino to notice. Bill gently lifted up the skirt and slipped the panties down before pressing his face into the boy's backside. Jessie gasped lightly in surprise as he felt the male's thick tongue trailing along his tight little hole. The fox whimpered in pleasure as the brute teased his rear with that hot tongue of his.

Jessie blushed and pulled away from the Rhino's orbs before looking back to the bear, "O..oh my" he whined in light pleasure feeling that hot tongue against his hole, prodding against him. The fox's thoughts quickly shifted back to the Rhino as he gently brought his tongue to trail along that thick pole of meat, slowly gliding up it, drawing another moan from Ron's lips as he playfully explored every inch with his hot tongue. The boy lapping and licking over that thick rhino cock until he'd coated it completely with his saliva.

Jessie gently parted his lips and wrapped them around the head of Ron's cock. It was a bit of a stretch for the fox as the male was thicker than he was used to. With some effort though he was sucking lewdly on the head of the male's shaft. Ron moaned in pleasure and satisfaction as his rough hand continued to pet over the boy's head. The fox gently began to glide his head along the male's thick cock ,slurping lewdly and sucking eagerly as he tried to take more and more of him into his lips.

Bill was still behind the boy assaulting his little tailhole with his tongue, the sensations drawing little moans from the fox which vibrated through the rhino's cock. The bear was eager as his tongue pushed until he pushed past the boy's walls and his tongue was eagerly wiggling around inside of the fox's hole. Jessie whined aloud, his dress tenting a bit as the bear seemed to be drawing out further pleasure from him.

"Damn you're good with those slut lips of yours" Ron praised of the boy, his hips gently rocking into the boy's lips. The fox whined heatedly and struggled to take every inch that the male pushed past his lips. It took some effort, but the femmy foxxy was managing to keep up with the rhino; the trio all lost in a haze of lust as the scene continued to grow more and more heated.

The bear suddenly withdrew himself from the fox's backside and stood up, "Alright, enough of that, I got the little sissy lubed up" he said and the rhino smirked before pushing the fox's head off of his own cock.

"Damn, took ya long enough Bill" he grumbled in complaint, "Alright, now lets see if we can break the little fox" he added with a smirk down to the boy. The rhino grabbed the little fox and pulled the boy into his chest before groping his rear and spreading the boy's cheeks. That thick meat grinding up against the boy's slick hole, playfully prodding him. "I hope your ready, foxxy" he teased as he began to work himself into the boy's ass.

Jessie gripped tightly onto the bouncer's shirt, pulling himself into the male's chest. He could feel that thick meat stretching out his hot little hole as inch after thick inch pushed into him. The sensations were a mix of pleasure and pain. The boy's muzzle buried into the rhino's chest as he breathed in the strong scent of the male, quivering at the size of him. Before long the rhino had managed to work half of his thick cock into the boy's tight rear, stretching him out around the thick pole of meat.

Bill watched with a satisfied smirk as the rhino began to work a gentle rhythm into the boy's hole, rocking the boy up and down his thick meat. The fox started to pant and moan sweetly with every thrust inside of him. The brute's pre was slickening his inner walls helping him build up the pace. The little fox was helpless to do more than cling to the Rhino and moan like a proper slut at being used in such a way.

"Alright, now let's give 'im the real deal" the bear mumbled, and the rhino slowed his pace a bit before resting himself inside of the fox. Jessie tensed a bit; he didn't know what they meant, but he had a feeling it wasn't going to be easy on him. "I say he breaks pretty soon" the bear teased as he worked off his own shorts, showing off his own thick meat. He was a bit thicker than the stallion the boy was used to, but not as long which brought a sense of ease to the fox.

The pink little fox tensed fully when the bear moved behind him. He felt his body shivering as Bill lined up his thick meat to the boy's already stretched hole. The rhino only held the boy close to himself as the bear began to work in his own cock the fox. He whined in pain as the thick male began to force the boy to take himself along with the rhino. The lithe little thing wasn't used to being so filled, and squirmed around between the two of them.

"N..nya!" he whined out as the bear eased himself into that tight little ass, "S..so m..much" he whimpered aloud. The bear only smirked and began to gently work his hips in a light rhythm, teasing the boy a bit for now. The rhino began to start working his own hips in contrast with the bear's, letting the boy feel every single inch of both of them as they double-teamed his hot little hole.

Jessie was lost in a daze of pleasure and pain. With every thrust he could feel his hole stretched out like never before. His body was aching and he was panting heavily. His eyes glazed over in sheer lust as the two of them used his little body for their pleasure. The boy whimpered and began to rock his own hips along with theirs, wanting more from them as the pain was fading into a mind-numbing sense of pleasure.

The duo each continued to hammer into the boy, thrusting roughly now as the fox began to adjust to their sizes. The boy whining out his pleasures sweetly as the two of them pistoned in and out of his ass; the pleasure rising for all three as they continued to use the boy for their own satisfaction- the fox seeming lost in a sea of his own pleasure.

The two thrusting wildly inside of the pink little fox were both starting to tense up a bit now, themselves. Jessie was helpless in their assault as his senses were flooded with the strong overpowering musk and the feel of their thick sizes stretching him out. His body was aching and his dress was stained with his own pre. The boy quivered between them as his body felt a rush of sheer bliss.

"D..damn yer a tight one" the bear moaned aloud. "D..don't think I can last much longer" he moaned out as he slammed himself deep into the boy.

"Y..yeah g..good foxxy" the rhino moaned aloud. "I..I h..hope your r..ready cause w..we're about to f..fill you up good" he moaned as well.

The two of them were eagerly slamming themselves into him now; the little fox lost in a daze between the duo as they worked eagerly into him. Suddenly, he felt them both slamming into him near simultaneously as they began to unload their hot seed into his backside. Between the two of them the boy was being pumped full of cum, his belly extending a bit to even hold it all in as most of it dripped along their cocks, out of his hole, and down along their heavy balls.

The little fox offered a girlish scream of pleasure himself as he felt their seed inside of him. He clutched tightly into the Rhino's shirt as he began to unload his own seed into his dress. The fox's face burned red as he made a mess of the pretty blue dress that Mark had bought him, his breathing very heavy as his mind raced with euphoria.

The two of them pulled out of the boy's hole, smirking as he saw the cum leaking out of his backside and down his inner thighs. The pair set the boy gently down on the ground before the Bear handed Mark back the leash. The stallion gently brought a hand down and stroked over the boy's ears.

"That was some work, Jessie" the stallion praised. "Just rest a minute, okay?" he offered encouragingly. The little pink fox nodded in exhaustion as the stallion picked him up, cradling him in his arms as the fox gently nuzzled under Mark's chin, resting as much as he could.

"A bet's a bet, Mark" The bear grumbled as he fished out a fifty from his pocket, "I think your little toy's earned it fer ya."

"Oh? Well I'll be sure to buy him something nice for all his hard work then" the Stallion offered as he carefully shifted the boy in his arms to grasp the cash before stuffing it carelessly into his pocket.

It took Jessie a little while to recover. He was breathing softly in Mark's embrace, happy to have the stallion cradling him so affectionately. After about an hour the boy seemed to recompose himself and Mark smiled as he sat him back on his feet.

"Alright, well I think it's getting close to time now" he muttered, though Jessie wasn't sure what he was referring to.

"Oh yeah that's right, the show's about ta start" came the voice of Bill.

"So you're entering your little pet then?" The rhino inquired.

"Of course, there's no way Jessie can lose" the stallion spoke proudly.

"I'll second that, haven't seen a piece of ass like that in awhile" The rhino added.

"Oh yeah, he's a real shoe in. The judges won't know what ta do wit 'im" the bear interjected.

"Well, I suppose we should find him something suitable to wear though. He made a mess of his little dress, so he'll be needing something new" Mark spoke.

"Well the dressing room's that way" Ron offered pointing towards another room just behind the stage.

"D..dressing room? Judges...? W..what are w..we doing Mark?" the little fox asked nervously.

"Oh relax, I'm just entering you in a little competition is all" he added playfully.

Jessie gulped.

To Be Continued...