Derek Does... - Chapter 3 TEASER!

Story by WeissesD on SoFurry

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#3 of Derek does...

Spoiler for #3 of Derek Does

"It was a few months after I had met Eric, while he was still fucking me. Dad, Mum, and I decided to come to Toronto for a few nights. I was walking along downtown listening to my music when..."


The husky let out a loud yelp, tail tucking between his legs as he jumped back, narrowly avoiding the rather large wrench that smashed onto the sidewalk where his head was, mere moments before.

"Fuck!" He heard a deep voice yell from above. "You ok, kid?" He heard the voice bellow again.

The young husky would look up, only to see... the sun. He would let out a yelp as it stung his eyes, as staring into the sun does, and he would look down. "Y-yeah! I'm fine!" He would yell out to his unknown clutz.

A few clunks of, what he assumed to be, steel-toed shoes on steel, and then a few more noises, that of which he wasn't sure what the hell they were, and suddenly, when the spots were done dancing out of his eyes, he would look up at the chest of a rather muscled rhino