Derek Does... - Chapter 3 TEASER!

"It was a few months after I had met Eric, while he was still fucking me. Dad, Mum, and I decided to come to Toronto for a few nights. I was walking along downtown listening to my music when..." * * * _CLANG!_ The husky let out a loud yelp, tail...

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Derek Does... Chapter 2 - His Dad's Boss

Hello again! I know that there was a little while of a pause between my chapters, but that was because I had a fair amount of crap happening in my life. Well, now that things are finally starting to calm down, I can finally get back to writing my...

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Derek Does... Chapter 1 - A Rich Dragon

Hello everyone! This is my first shot at a dirty, smutty story, so please bear with me if it... well, if it sucks. Anyways, this is about a character of mine, Derek. He's a 16 year old husky escort. I know, 16, homg. But hey, I figure, what the...

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