Oh, Darling, That Suits You!

Story by Gruffy on SoFurry

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#49 of Hockey Hunk Season 5

The party is about to get into an interesting start.

Cover art is by kensukethecat - thank you, ken!


Hehhey, folks, and welcome to the Hockey Hunk!

The party is about to set off on its inevitable path, and I must say, I was delighted to see all your feedback on the previous chapter. Rarely I've seen so many opinions as of recent, which is great, nice to see that the story still manages to stir you and bring our your thoughts! Do keep the feedback coming, your comments are most delightful.

Have an interesting read, and remember that all votes, faves and watches will help others to find these stories to enjoy as well!



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Hmmmm...guess this was alright now, I thought, giving a couple of blinks while looking at the mirror. At least I managed to get that excessive make up off with some paw sanitizer. Damn that stung my eyes and nose! Phew! No wonder it kills all the bacteria...

That looked alright. Kind of an Egyptian pharaoh thing going on. Yeah. This ought to make all the gay guys feel like at home here at Tate's big party. If only Victor wasn't such a party pooper. Why couldn't he be more open about his lifestyle? It's not like he could freak me out too much, as long as he didn't start talking about any of the bedroom business. Or bathroom business. Wasn't it that senator or someone who tried to hit on guys in a toilet and it was a cop...hmm...why in a bathroom...ewww. A girl would never go to a bathroom with you...ewww.

Blink blink. This was alright. Next...hmm...aww, Victor had made a mess with the stuff, with a few of the boas and the caps all over my bed. Bad brother. I slapped one of the caps on myself, adjusted my ears a bit, and then headed out to the living room.


He wasn't in the living room or the kitchen side.


I pushed the bedroom door open and found Victor sitting on the edge of his bed, with his phone in his paw.


Victor's eyes lifted from the screen of the phone, gazed one me, and his ears instantly went downstairs.

"Oh for the love of..." he grumbled.

"What?" I scowled. "What's wrong?"

"Have you looked at yourself in the mirror?" Victor shook his head. "You look ridiculous!"

"Of course I did," I snorted, "I just finished doing this!"

I pointed at the shiny lines around my eyes and pouted.

"Oh God..."

"You're the one who said we can't have a fancy dress party, so I decided that we can still do something fancy...you like fancy, don't you?"

Victor groaned.

"I don't think this is quite the occasion for this amount of fancy..." Victor growled.

"Nonsense," I said defiantly, "How else are we gonna tell Tate that we're not angry with him?"

"How about just telling him?" Victor suggested. He glanced up to me again and then shook his head again. "Oh God, I can't even look at you..."

"You still didn't choose," I replied.

"Choose what?" my brother muttered.

"Well, your boa or your cap," I said.



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What the hell...

Well, good job, Victor, if I wasn't nervous before, now I wasn't sure what to think about this.

Out of control? Was our brother Dobie finally freaking out about being the only (relatively) straight guy in a room full of dirty gay guys? Was he having cold paws and thinking of axing the whole thing because his fragile heterosexuality was feeling threatened? Or was it simply that he'd managed to come up with something over the top that Victor had now locked himself in the bathroom and waited for me to rescue him from the clutches of his brother? I wasn't sure what the appropriate way to think about this would be now. The tone of the message was more a "proceed with extreme caution" than "turn back immediately"...so it was a bit difficult to tell.

So what if Cobb was freaking out...or what if he'd somehow gotten the idea of drinking coffee before the party...or something...oh God...


_ _

I sent the text quickly, but nonetheless, the bus was soon nearing to the stop and I had to get off there. I disembarked and was left standing in the warm summer air, holding my phone and with my tail bouncing about as I slowly started to walk towards Victor's building about a block further down the street.

Oh, Rory, what've you gotten yourself into? Life was so simple a couple of months back...go back to May and it was work, jerk off, sleep, work, and that's it. Now life was so full of things like sexually burgeoning lynxes, randy fantasy novelists, depressed friends and a hunky Doberman with an insane brother.

Well, at least life was not boring. I was nervous, but...life was moving on. There were things happening, perhaps not massive things, but at least there was life besides my previous hibernating existence. I was probably mad and maybe this'd come crashing down on me, but there was life.


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"I'm not going to wear a feather boa!" I told my brother whose paws were now loaded with such an item, the big, fuzzy, pink one, too.

"Oww, come oooon, you said you don't want the cap so - "

"No!" I growled, evading him with a sidestep through the living room. "This is too ridiculous!"

Oh look at him too, he looked more camp than...I wasn't even sure what to compare him to anymore. Leather pants, leather cap and shiny eyeliner...Jesus Christ, where did you get this idea from? And this stuff? From a sex shop? Oh God...my brother in a sex shop...

"Maybe Rory will dig it!"

"I don't think he will!" I retorted while I kept my distance to the all too eager feather boa-brandishing brother of mine.

"So put on the cap then!" Cobb chuckled. "I have one too, it can be a brotherly symbol!"

Not the kind of brotherly you want to think of, dude.

"Oh Cobb, why can't we just do something normal for once?" I groaned.

"But this is normal!" he yelped. "This is a gay-themed party!"

"This is YOUR idea of a gay-themed party, not anyone else's!" I replied desperately.

"Well I had to improvise because all you told me was so boring!" my brother replied.

"THAT'S BECAUSE THERE IS NO SUCH A THING AS A GAY PARTY!" I shouted. "There are just parties where most of the participants happen to be gay!"

"LIKE TODAY!" my brother declared passionately. "AND I'M MAKING THIS ONE TO REMEMBER!"


Oh damn...I really was provoking him, wasn't I? I wasn't making this any better...maybe it'd be my fault that this was going so bad now...with Cobb being so over the top and...leathery...oh damn...at least those pants weren't assless...that'd been just too much even for him. Still...why, Jacob, why, why, WHY?

I took a deep breath and rubbed my muzzle quickly, grumbling my breath out of my lungs.

"Cobb..."I huffed.





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Well, Victor didn't sound so bad on the intercom...


The elevator doors opened. My heart was beating harder with every step before I reached the door marking his apartment and hit the doorbell.



I brushed my paw quickly through my headfurs and mane once more and plastered a big smile onto my muzzle, to show Victor that I was supporting him through anything his brother might throw at us.

" - "

" - "

" - "

My ears flickered a little at the muffled noises coming from inside the apartment, but soon enough, the locks did turn and the door did open and -


Something big and warm practically pulled me in and my tail almost caught in the door before it was slammed closed behind me, and then I was inside the small hallway, and in front of me towered something that...something...


I wasn't sure what I was looking at, exactly...it looked vaguely like Cobb, but it was also shirtless, shiny black from the waist down, and...were those studs on that cap?


I wasn't given any room to move, and then a rather more subdued-looking Victor appeared next to his brother, holding a champagne glass filled with something pink.

"Victor..." I almost gasped.

"A welcome drink for you, Rory, it's non-alcoholic, I don't' want everyone to start passing out too soon, HEHEHEHEH!" Cobb clapped his paws together and rubbed them together, and I had to admit, I couldn't stop looking at him.

"Here you go," Victor muttered.

"T--Thanks..." I mumbled as a drink was thrust into my paw, my pads feeling the coldness of whatever was bubbling in the glass.

"Come on in, come on in!" Cobb's ears were flapping happily as he ushered me forward, even with the danger of the drink splashing all over me. "Let's get you settled before everyone else comes in!"

I was thrust through the hallway and into the living room which...well...looked like...I don't even know what...maybe the inside of the brain of a gay activist, or something, what's with the giant rainbow sheet on the wall and...what...posters? Hunky posters...and a Cobb bouncing over to the kitchen, and a Victor coming to a landing next to me. My tail bumped against his ankle while I struggled to take in the strange decorations in the oddly dim and bordello-like lighting scheme.

"I almost wish it was vodka," Victor rumbled near my ear. The nice feeling made the furs on my neck prickle, and it was alright, despite the fact that I was still reeling from the...general oddness of the situation.


"That stuff," Victor pointed at the glass. "It's strawberry something."

I sniffed on my glass and felt the bubbles tickle my nose. I didn't dare to taste it yet.

"Hmm...yes..." I commented, "smells like it."

"Sorry about it all," Victor whispered into my ear, sounding so very apologetic that it was almost heartbreaking that he thought he had to be so.

"I'll manage," I replied in a gentle voice, and quickly, too, because my Cobb-Sense was telling me that the brother Dobie was approaching once again.

"How do you like the décor, Rory?!" his stub of a tail was wagging against the leather of his pants and making it more audible than usual.

Nice job, Cobb, putting me on the spot...

"Well...eh...you've displayed the rainbow flag rather prominently..."

"Oh I'm glad you like!" his paw slammed down on my shoulder again, making me again almost spill it. "Victor doesn't like it but that's just him."

"It's too big," Victor muttered. "And unnecessary."

"Poop," Cobb pouted at his brother.

"Well I don't mind," I said, "at least it's...original..."

"Knew you'd appreciate!" Cobb smiled viciously.


"DAMN!" Cobb yelped. "I forgot!"

What could he have forgotten? I didn't dare to think...with everything going as it was. He lumbered away and I tried not to watch his ass swing in those ridiculous pants. I looked at Victor instead, and smiled a little. I put out my paw and touched his arm, gently.

"I can take it," I told to him in a quiet voice. "Don't worry about me."

"I'm not worried about you," Victor said, "I'm worried about everyone else's sanity."


Cobb re-appeared before I had time to say anything else to Victor, this time carrying a strange black plastic bag.

"Now, Rory, you can choose a cap or a boa..."

That sounded like some sort of code language...until he indeed pulled out a bright purple feather boa from the bag and swung it over his shoulder...and then one of those caps like he was wearing.

"This is a themed party, so everyone gets either a funny hat or a boa!" Cobb declared. "There's different colors here if you like a different boa...Victor didn't even want to wear a cap because he's dull..."

"I'm not dull, I just don't like...excess!"

"Ease up a bit!" Cobb barked to his brother while he held our the bag for me, looking super expectant and smiling goofily.

Well...anything for Victor...

"Well, a cap wouldn't hurt me," I said, "I guess."

"Dig in then!"

Cobb held out the bag, and while it was like putting my hand into some sort of a snake pit, I did reach in and pulled out one of the caps. It felt light, and plastic...and it kinda rustled when I put it on my head, and it felt so strange.

"Oh, my...I should take a picture..." Cobb grinned. "If only Victor would agree to wear one..."

Anything to escape the boa.


Oh...the signal of more guests....if that was Peter...and I hadn't even had a chance to warn him...

"I'll get it," Victor grumbled before Cobb had a chance to bounce over to the door intercom.

"I better pour the welcome drinks!" Cobb tossed his plastic bag to the couch and hurried to the kitchen while Victor did some muttering to the intercom before returning to me.

"That was someone called Nicholas," he told me, "with an...avek something...it was a bit hard to tell..."

Oh dear.

"Yeah, that's Nicholas, Peter invited him to come with him," I said.

"The one who - "

"Almost bashed, yeah," I replied.

"Gotcha," Victor nodded. "Make that two drinks, Cobb, it's Rory's friends!"


"He's not bad," I told Victor, quickly, "just...a bit...well, he probably will like this room..."




Oh was he already there...damn...damn, what would Peter think...well, I guess I would learn in just a minute.

"I'll GET IT!"

Oh no...

Cobb disappeared into the hallway.


"Oh hellooo!"

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Oh God...

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Wait...that wasn't Peter's voice, was it?


"I'll just pop off my coat!"

_ _

There was a general shuffle and then a smiling Cobb appeared, followed by...a Nicholas Faye wearing electric blue corduroy pants and a waistcoat covered in bright silvery sequins ala Liberace, it seemed, and he seemed to fit right in place with Cobb's outrageous decoration, outrageous drinks, and everything.

What really shocked me (and Nicholas would have to come in full drag to really surprise me, or something) was that on his heels wasn't a suspicious-looking cougar but instead, a rather slim otter, dressed in what I suppose would be called wet look leather pants and a fishnet shirt, and the smile contained a tongue piercing.

Yep...I knew this face alright, but why on Earth was he here...


Here we go.

"Nicholas," I replied, standing upright and puffing my chest automatically once the poofy lion approached with Demetrius the bar tender otter in tow, "you're here!"

"Oh, yes," the lion crooned in reply, "how could I turn down such an opportunity to spend a nice evening with old friends and make new ones!"

"Hello," Demetrius spoke too, pushing out his paw towards me and Victor.

"Evening," I said, "I think we have met before. I've been to your bar..."

"Indeed?" the otter's tail swished excitedly.

"Yep," I smiled as we shook paws.

"How nice!" he grinned.

Victor shuffled in to exchange a pawshake with Demetrius, while Nicholas seemed uncaring of such social graces and simply looked around the place, probably already enjoying the butts and...rainbows.

"Extraordinary..." he mused.

"DRINKS HERE!" Cobb bellowed as he stormed in with the glasses. "Alcohol-free, just something to let you feel yourselves welcome!"

Nicholas was instantly purring as he reached out for his glass, which he received from Cobb's huge paw.

"Oh, thank you, darling!" he smiled, his teeth as shiny as his clothes. "I must say, Rory, your companion has the most delicious taste...a few can wear leather like that...hmm...yes..."

Cobb's ridiculously painted eyes suddenly widened, when he got the same idea I did, pretty much simultaneously, I guess.

"Oh, no,no,no,no!" Cobb almost laughed, almost-barked, making everyone's ears jump. "This hunk here is my brother Victor, Rory's boyfriend! I am your host, Cobb, I am Victor's brother!"

Nicholas' inquisitive eyes jumped between the leather-clad, flustered Dobie and my Victor standing next to me, all solid and...non-glittery, and the lion's muzzle did an interesting...pout.

"Oh, really?"

"Duuuuuh!" Cobb waved his paw...from the wrist. "It's Victor here who's interested in the more burly sex! Heheh!"

Nicholas scanned Victor now, and I felt oddly protective, as the lion reached out with his paw.

"Very nice to meet you, Victor," he said, "Doctor Nicholas Faye Junior, at your service. Pleased to make you acquaintance."

At least Victor did the manly thing of grabbing his paw into a huge knuckle-cracking squeeze and do it briskly, too.

"Victor," he replied with his name, "I've heard about you from Rory!"

"Only good things I hope!" Nicholas giggled, his eyes flashing behind his spectacles.

"Sure," Victor smiled a bit.

"Hmmm, nice and bubbly!" Demetrius declared, having already tasted from his glass. "Do I taste a hint of cordial!"

Cobb clapped his newly free paws together and grinned eagerly.

"Oh, someone's got a sensitive tongue!"

"It's kind of what I do," Demetrius murmured happily to the much taller male in front of him, while smacking his lips, still sampling Cobb's concoction, I guess, "I work in a bar, actually, I'm a bartender."

"Oh?" Cobb sounded even more excited now. "Oh then you're going to love what I have in mind for later tonight once we're all in, heheh! Bar tender, eh? Maybe I should pay you a visit one night!"

"You should!" the otter responded in kind. "I work at the Ramrod Bar and Club, a safe haven for all the wicked in town!"

"The Ramrod..." Cobb tried out the name.

"It's a rather delightful gay bar, I'm sure you'd make many friends there!" Nicholas butted in.

Oh Nicholas, you beautiful man, I could kiss you for saying that.

The face Cobb made was just priceless. It looked like he'd lost half of his body weight in a second or something, he looked so shrunken in a moment.

"Oh..." Cobb mumbled.

"Very nice to meet you too, Victor," Demetrius moved to shake paws with the Dobie, now, and I had the space to wonder about him again. So Nicholas didn't come with Peter after all, but instead, he'd come with Demetrius...a stranger for me, I suppose, for most, but...but yeah...no Peter in yet...so he hadn't come in with Nicholas as his partner...but instead, Nicholas was here with the barkeep otter...

I guess I just assumed....

"Hello," Victor rumbled, sounding all manly.

Nicholas was busying himself with his drink while Cobb seemed to remember his party favors once more, and soon returned to our little group with his bag.

"Well, tonight's a themed night, so everyone can pick a boa or a cap!"

It was like throwing fire on gasoline. They both tried on all of the feather boas before they could agree on which they liked the most, and soon Nicholas was wearing a neon green boa while Demetrius sported both a yellow boa and one of the caps, "AN EXTRA ONE BECAUSE VICTOR IS A PARTY POOPER AND WON'T WEAR ONE!"

They looked almost childishly happy, comparing their boas...



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"I'll get it," I said before my brother had the time to bounce into action and embarrass whoever poor soul was in there. I hurried to the intercom and hit the button. "Hello?"

"Hello? Hello?"

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"Yeah, I hear you," I said, "It's Victor."

"Victor...hi...it's Tate."

_ _

Oh, damn...how was he going to take this goddamn circus?

"Right, hi! Come on in, I'll open the door for ya!"

"Thanks, Victor."

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"See you soon!"

I hit the switch, and the device buzzed, and then it was silent, and...and that lion was laughing and tickling Cobb's arm with his feather boa...

Well, brother of mine, I think you just about deserved a taste of your own medicine, now. As long as he wasn't going to start hitting or insulting anyone...at least not intentionally, because if he did...I knew who was going to be tossed out of this apartment, no matter if he wasn't wearing a shirt or not. It wasn't cold outside, after all.

I walked back over, to Rory, and his friends.

"Tate's coming up," I said.

"More guests!" the otter guy sounded delighted. "Great!"

Rory looked a hint worried, though still amused, too, by the sight of Cobb rubbing his arm suspiciously...the one previously touched upon by a feather boa...maybe I should wear one too, just to...just to let him think about it. Hah. Opening the door for Tate with one, though.


"Yes," I told him.

"Oh yeeesssh...everyone, the guest of honor is coming in!" Cobb was practically running in place as he headed for the kitchen. "NEED TO GET HIS DRINK READY!"

"This is turning out to be a great party!" Nicholas crooned, sipping from his fruity soda drink.


Thank you for reading my story! I hope you enjoyed the read, and I look forward to hearing your feedback! Also remember that all votes, faves and watches will help others to find these stories to enjoy as well!

See you on Friday!