Afternoon delight

Story by zanian on SoFurry

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Commission for Mhisani

It was a normal day, like any other day for Zack; he was a gray fox, ravishing the sight of those that he met with the play of the light in his fur, but this was an element that he was unable to take pleasure from.

He was a shy individual, one that enjoyed life without complicating it, but didn't seek to know if people could make it better for him. It crossed his mind a few times, but he was scared that it would backfire against him, forcing him to expose himself to the world.

But a part of him wanted to overcome this shyness, to see what it could to him, to explore the beauty and the pleasure it could bring to his life. It would be a magnificent day, one where he would give himself to such a person, one where anything he dreamt about could happen...

``Zack, what are you thinking about? You seem... preoccupied about something; do you want to talk about it?'' said a voice behind him, calm and poised. He could recognize that voice anywhere; it was Marc, the brown bear. There was something he enjoyed about him; he was gentle and compassionate, but he had the feeling that there was something else beneath that exterior, an element that he wanted to discover.

``Oh, it's nothing Marc; I suppose I had a long day'' he replied, trying to hide what he was thinking. Just looking at his co-worker, he could feel all sorts of emotions stirring inside of him, but he was unsure how to express them... or how to address them.

He had the feeling that he would just allow them to surface, it would destroy the relation between them, although there was a risk that it could lead to something else. He had no clue what it could do, but life couldn't always be negative, thus there was a chance that a positive result could happen...

``Are you sure you don't want to talk about it? We could have a coffee and see if there is something that could be done, to make the situation better'' said Marc, grabbing his hand for a moment, while looking in his eyes. Such a cute fox; it was such a pity that he wasn't talkative at all, always afraid of hurting someone or comprising himself. He wasn't sure what the reason behind such actions was, but he knew that all he needed more time to feel comfortable, so there was no point in rushing it...

He wanted to avoid the gaze, to look elsewhere, but there an element that attracted him, that made him want lose himself in the eyes of the bear. But he had to be careful; if he insisted too much, he could make a fool of himself, an action that he wasn't seeking at all. He didn't want Marc to think that he was some sort of creep...

``That sound likes a lovely idea; perhaps it could help me clear my mind from the fatigue that seems to cloud my mind'' he replied, wondering how he would tell him about the turmoil that was inhabiting him. Perhaps he should keep such a thing secret, but if he would find a way to tell him about it, maybe he would be able to live without worries, anymore. But for now, he had to face his demons...

He followed the bear out of the office; it wasn't his role neither to lead nor to impose himself in this situation, although he had the impression that he should be voicing his interests and potential concerns. He couldn't stay silent on what was going inside him for the rest of this journey, for he had the impression that this could create tensions between them.

But what if he talked too much? He could ruin everything with a few words, something that he didn't wish for; why did he even agree to this in the first place...

``Relax Zack, you're so tense; you shouldn't worry about anything. There is nothing to stress about; the main goal is to have fun'' Marc told him, wrapping an arm around his shoulders, trying to calm him a bit. He wasn't sure why he was so nervous, but he was sure that he needed that good time, to some time for himself.

The arm around him felt good; it was warm, soft but firm, getting him ever closer to the increasingly attractive bear; although he wanted to clear his mind from the images that were now assaulting him, they were quite pleasant.

The bear looked at him, grinning for a moment; he could sense that the more he approached and touched Zack, the more he reacted, as if a mere touch was enough to set him off. Could it be...?

A thought arose in his mind, one that could explain why the fox was so shy around him. Perhaps the fox was not really interested in coffee, but in something else, an interest that he could surely provide and fulfill. He could use this situation to his advantage, but this wouldn't be nice; but, he couldn't let that poor fox in this situation helping him. There was one thing he could do, one thing he was sure that could make the tension evaporate...

Without a word, they walked toward Marc vehicle; for a moment, the bear took the initiate and grabbed his hands, placing it in his own. The fox had to control himself not to appear surprised; the sensations that assailed him were the same that when he felt the arm around him, but stronger.

He wanted the feeling to last forever, to be able to hang on to the tingling that was animating his entire body, but he knew that wouldn't be the case. Nevertheless, he wanted to hang on the fantasy, to be able to recreate it in his mind...

He smiled as he followed the bear in the vehicle, wishing the day would never end. It was a nice change of pace, a way for him to break the scenery and the routine that incrusted him into his own reality. But he was afraid that he would have to return to it when the day would be done, a prospect that scared him.

Marc looked at him, smiling; although they were supposed to simply get coffee, he had another plan in mind, one that he was sure wouldn't displease his friend. But he couldn't tell him about it now; he had to keep it as a secret... for now.

They drove around for a while, the sound of the radio drowning their silence. It was a bit of an awkward moment, as the situation could have invited a possible discussion on any subject, but neither of them seemed keen on talking.

Zack was scared of fumbling with words, thus ruining the occasion that was presented to him; he wanted to enjoy the moment, to say how wonderful he felt, but he wasn't sure how to say it. The words kept escaping him, as if they weren't under his control; he had to find a way to master them...

As for Marc, he wanted to let the fox take control of the situation for a little while; since he was driving, he wanted to focus on his plan rather than on a possible dialogue. Although, he realized that it wasn't the best idea since his friend was reticent about taking the initiative. But it didn't bother him; even though they weren't talking, it was still a pleasant ride, as they were approaching their destination.

``This doesn't look like a coffee shop'' said Zack, as they stop in the entryway. It was in fact Marc's house, but since he never brought the fox to visit his place before, the visit as new for him, an element that he had to deal with.

``Oh, I thought we could stop here before going to get coffee; we aren't in a hurry now are we?'' said Marc, smiling as he brought the fox closer to him. He could feel the fox jump in surprise as he wrapped his arms around him; he was a nervous fellow, but as time advanced, he was sure that it would leave him, permitting to enjoy life to its fullest.

While Zack was looking away, he took the opportunity to slide his hand on his back, letting it rests on the fox behind for a moment. He wanted to caress it, to grope it, but he had to restrain himself; there was a time for everything and this wasn't it, but he could still enjoy a little taste of it, before...

Zack felt the hand on his bottom; he wasn't sure how to react, but it felt good to have it there, to feel Marc taking an interest in him in such a way. Could the bear have another plan in mind than a simple cup of coffee? Or was he simply over friendly? He wasn't sure about it, but he appreciated each moment...

``Why don't you go in? I'll be just behind'' said Marc, as he was searching something in the car. Taking his invitation, Zack left the vehicle and entered the home, wondering what he was supposed to do next. The living room seemed nice and comfortable; perhaps he could sit on the sofa and wait for his friend to come, so he would know what was going to happen next. In the meanwhile, this would be the perfect opportunity for him to calm himself; he had to refocus his mind...

It didn't take long for Marc to come, satisfied with the work he accomplished; there were a few things he had to fulfill before coming back, to make sure his mind would be free and now, there he was, with Zack, with all sorts of possibilities.

``It sure is a nice day'' said Zack, as he saw Marc sat near him; the sight of the bear so close to him was breathtaking, as if the bear had a plan of its own. But maybe that was just his imagination playing tricks on him; he couldn't let such a simple element destroy the friendship between them.

But as the bear approach him, placing his hands on his chest, under his shirt, he felt that his first idea wasn't so far from reality; the caresses on his chest, the soft tender strokes on his fur as he closed his eyes, letting his mind run wild.

He wanted the bear to take him, to make him feel like he never felt before; as foolish as it could sound, he had the feeling that this desire would be something that could help progress in his life, instead of what he lived before.

``So cute, and yet so shy'' said Marc, as he removed the fox shirt, passing his hands on the now bare chest. The fur was short and warm under his touch, one that he could caress all day long. He could lose himself in the touch of the moaning fox, one sound that was sweet to his ears, but this was only the beginning; he couldn't limit himself to simple caresses when there was so much more that he could do...

Without giving a chance to the fox to move, he embraced him, taking him by surprise; he closed his eyes and let the bear take control, as all he could do was to enjoy the moment and let the fantasies overwhelm him.

The hands moved slowly on him, never focusing on a specific spot; he thought he would go insane from the sensations. The hands were on his chest, massaging him, not giving him a moment to breathe; it was a wonderful feeling, one that he wished lasted forever. But he wanted it also to progress, to see what Marc had in reserve for him.

He didn't expect him to bite; as the jaws close down on his neck, he felt a surge of pleasure in his body, one that he never felt possible before. Could it be possible that pain be providing him pleasure at the same time? He knew little about the ways of love and passion; perhaps this was an element that would need to be explored more...

As the pain subsided, he could feel the bear explore his chest with his tongue, making him gasp in surprise. He couldn't imagine that after such a rough and yet pleasant treatment, he could be able to receive such a gentle treatment. The combination of rough and soft pleasure made him yelp of desire, a cry that he wished that he could have suppressed.

``It seems like you are enjoying yourself; I suppose I will have to take it up a notch, to make it... worth your while'' said Marc, as he removed his own shirt, brushing his own fur against the one of the fox, moving his hands toward his loins, as he placed the hands of the fox on his behind. He wanted the fox to show some initiative, to be able to show passion; he knew that it would take a while, but after he would be done, he was sure that nothing could stand in his way, for passion would take over...

Zack could feel the firm buttock under his hands; he couldn't help himself as he grabbed it, feeling the warm flesh and fur inviting him. He hesitated a moment; although the bear placed his hands on this area, was he supposed to do this?

But as the question arose in him, he decided to ignore it; this wasn't the time anymore to follow these voices. This was the time he waited for, one that could change his life in a positive way; there was no way he would give in and let fear dictate his actions, once again.

With a firm hand, he grabbed the rear of his ursine friend, enjoying each moment of it. He knew that his touch was still hesitant, but he knew that with a little time, it would fade away, only leaving him with the pleasure.

He wanted to rub his head on the chest of Marc, to look at him in the eyes while he was doing such a thing; the thought of such a prospect, of such a potential was enough to push him into action, as he moved the arms surrounding him and placed his head in position, wondering what he would be able to do next.

Without giving him a moment to think, Marc caressed his head as he approached his, closing his eyes as he embraced the timid fox. They weren't sure how long the kiss lasted, but went they looked at each others once again, they had the feeling that the awkwardness between them was a thing of the past.

``You know, we could be more comfortable in another room than here, exposed to the sight of any passerby. What do you think about that?'' said Marc, as he nibbled on Zack left ear, passing a hand on his chest.

Zack looked at him for a moment, then grinned; the prospect that was proposed to him was too much to decline. Without saying a word, he moved away from the bear and sat on the sofa, waiting for new directions.

When he saw the bear get up, he decided to follow him, determined on finding out what was the new room they would be using and how this new step would make him dream for a long time...

What sort of wonders would await him beyond the door? He had no clue, but he was sure of one thing; whatever he would find, it would be one of the most beautiful prizes for his own courage, one that he would accept with pride and honor. Finally, he would be able to discard his shyness...

The room was simple, yet beautiful; it was a sight that he was sure would be engraved in his mind, though Zack, as he followed the bear inside it. It was a simple yet beautiful room; there was no need for superficial possessions and ornaments when one could create a sumptuous decor with creative thinking.

He could have passed a long moment watching the surroundings, but one thing caught his attention; he couldn't take his gaze away from the bed that was near the wall, inviting him to jump on it. It seemed comfortable and warm, but this could all be simple appearances; he had to test it, to make sure it was true...

He felt a slight push, making him fall on the bed without any resistance; it was soft and exquisite, as he imagined it. He turned around, wondering where Marc was; he couldn't be too far from him...

He watched, with amazement, the bear undress in front of him; for the sake of his plan, Marc had the idea to put back his shirt, to give more of a show. What would the point of making it shorter?

He watched with attention the bear removed his shirt at a slow pace; it was tantalizing, taunting him, but he couldn't take his eyes out of him. He already explored the chest a bit, but to see it in such a way was a new horizon for the fox, which had difficulties controlling himself. He could feel the urges coursing through him, but he knew that he had to resist, for now; there was probably more to see...

Taking his time, Marc tossed the shirt away, caressing his chest in front of the captive fox; he knew that Zack was eyeing him, unable to move, and he was going to take full advantage of this situation.

Although there was no music in the room, he could still feel the rhythm in his body, deep within himself; letting it guides him, he moved in front of the fox, pushing him back on the bed when he tried to get up. He was in control of the situation, for now; this wasn't the time to let Zack have some initiative...

Not giving time to rest to the fox, he unzipped his pants and removed them slowly, caressing his chest and loins, winking at Zack. Inviting the fox with one hand, he was stroking himself with the other through the clothes, teasing his audience, for he knew that there was little needed to push the fox into action.

Zack wanted to say something, but he knew that words were meaningless, for now; all he had to do was to follow the voice that was deep inside him. Grinning at the bear, he rose from the bed and wrapped his arms around his waist, rubbing their fur together.

As they look into each other eyes, they embraced again, as if time stopped around them. With a little push, they fell on the bed, their hands caressing each other, not caring about the fall or anything else. All that mattered for the moment was the passion that inhabited them and how it needed to be expressed.

Without having the time to move, Zack felt Marc pinning him, passing his hand the fox chest as he nibbled on the shoulder of his partner. There was a lot to be done, a lot to be explored and time was with them...

Moving slowly, Marc massaged the chest of the fox, taking his time to explore what he could offer to him. Licking his lips, he lowered a hand while the other was still on the fox chest, as if he wanted to distract him.

Perhaps it was his goal, as his hand reached the loins of Zack, caressing what he found; the undergarment was still in his path and he could remove it, but there was no point in doing such a thing, yet.

As he felt the erect member throughout the cloth, he caressed it, feeling the hardened flesh pulsate softly under his fingers. He pinched the tip for a moment, seeing the fox tense for a moment before relaxing. Satisfied with the response, he decided to give a strong yet quick stroke, bending it for a moment before letting go back to its position, knowing that Zack needed a little training...

Zack had to control himself for a moment; he wanted to yelp in surprise when he felt Marc mistreat his loins, but at the same time, he could pleasure from it, as if an action that could hurt him could bring him pleasure at the same time. He still had a lot to learn, but at least he was in good hands.

Still grinning, Marc toyed with the underwear of the fox, moving it a bit; there was no point in moving all of it, for now, as he grabbed the shaft that was presented to him, the one that was calling for his attention.

He felt the warm flesh in his hand, as he stroked it again, grinning as he heard a few moans out of the fox; there were a few tests he could do with the rhythm, to see what could happen. To have such a cute, obedient fox to have fun with...

Zack looked at Marc for a moment, wondering if he should let the bear take control of the situation or he should let the ursine have more fun with him. He loved to be explored, but he couldn't let the bear have all the fun...

Taking advantage of a slowdown, the fox pounced the bear, taking the opportunity to embrace him while he was trying to understand what was going on. Grinning at the perspective that was presented to him, Zack fought with Marc underwear, not letting him remove it for him. He had to remove it, to show that he could do it too...

The struggle was short, for the fabric was no match for the will and the desire of the lusty vulpine, who tossed it away, amazed that the bear didn't try to pin him again. Perhaps it was how it was it worked...

He could see the erect shaft of his lover in front of him, calling him to act; how could he resist the temptation to grab it, to feel it in his hands? It was so big; it was the first time he ever saw something that impressive, but he was sure that he would able to deal with it, given enough time.

``You know, there is more you can do than use your hand'' said Marc, as he felt the fox stroke his member, hesitating a moment before resuming his process, determined on making his friend moan as much as he did.

He wasn't sure what the bear meant by that, but, when he felt him caressing his head, pushing it toward his loins, he had the feeling that he should be using something else, something more appropriate for the moment.

It seemed big, too big for him, but he had to give it a try, as he opened his maw, dangling his tongue and letting it wraps around the tip, savoring the flavor that assaulted him. Although it was the first that he was doing such a thing, he felt natural doing it. Perhaps it was an act that he always desired to perform, but due to his shyness, was unable to do.

But there it was now, licking the tip of the shaft of his partner, enjoying the sensation; he wanted to engulf it all in his maw, but he knew that he needed to savor it first, to enjoy the moment to its fullest.

He felt the hand push his head a little forward, making him slide the member in his mouth; he had to follow the rhythm that Marc was imposing, one that could provide him with more excitement that he could imagine.

He moved his head down with great speed, feeling the shaft touch the back of his throat; controlling his gag reflex, he slowed his pace, telling himself that were no need to be that rushed. He had to calm himself down, to be able to fully enjoy the situation that he was living in the present moment.

As he slowed down his pace, he could feel a hand caressing his head as he savored the flavor of the flesh in his maw; it was new, but delightful, one that he could crave for years to come. His tongue wrapped around it, feeling it pulsate softly, as he heard the bear moan a bit; it was a sound that pleased him, as he bobbed his head with more passion, wishing that he would be able to make it louder.

He was surprised when Marc pushed his head away; didn't he enjoy the pleasure he provided to him? Or did he screw up somewhere? He wasn't sure what to think or believe, but when he saw Marc search for something in a small desk near the bed, it piqued his curiosity.

``Turn around; don't worry, it won't be long'' said Marc, as Zack moved around, spreading himself a bit, awaiting the next step with excitement. He wasn't sure what the bear searched in the desk, but it could only be something that could help the situation, he presumed, as he felt the ursine hands on his rear, moving his tail out-of-the-way.

He closed his eyes as he felt a slick, lubed entering him; he gasped as the contact was sharp, but not brutal. The finger didn't stay in place for long; as soon as it was able to reach a certain depth, in exited him, only to re-enter him, making him pant in the process.

He tried to stay quiet, only breaking his will when the finger went deeper into him; he wished that it could on forever, but as the movements stopped, he knew that this dream of his was only an illusion.

Or were they? As he opened his eyes, he felt something rubbing against his entrance, making him groan; without a warning, he felt Marc entered him, his shaft filling him in a way that he never thought possible.

He thought it was big, but when he felt it inside him, he knew it was bigger than he anticipated; he considered himself lucky that Marc didn't rush the pace, taking in consideration that he had no experience in the domain.

The bear took his time, knowing that there was no need to stress the fox; he needed to relax him before picking up the rhythm. He was so warm, so tight; it was hard to resist the urge to speed up, but the ursine took the time to feel each thrust, his member rubbing the willing flesh, the fox moaning in response.

Biting down on his partner's neck, he increased the pace, knowing that he wouldn't be able to keep it for long; the cries of pleasure of Zack and the sensations were overwhelming him, almost too much for him to bare.

Between cries, Zack gripped the bed, wishing that it would never end; the member deep in him, stimulating him like one ever did before. He could feel a surge of pleasure rise through him, as the movements became erratic and stronger. Not wasting a moment, he grabbed his own shaft and stroked himself with vigor, letting the orgasm take its course over him as he felt the bear fill his rear with his seeds.

Before he could say anything to his partner, the fox embraced him, their kiss lasting as long as he was inside him...

They woke up in the late afternoon, after taking a nap, for they were exhausted by their passion. A shower was the idea that crossed their minds as they toward it together, not caring about wearing clothes for the moment.

The water felt good, refreshing them; perhaps it could serve another purpose as well, but they were too tired to let their imagination run that wild, for the moment.

``Have a place for another one? You forgot that I live here, too...'' said a voice they recognized as being Richard, another worker. They looked at each other for a moment, before grinning; this was a new experience, to be lived together...