A Line in the Sand

Story by TheXenoFucker on SoFurry

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#12 of Science Fiction, Space and the Far Future

I remember seeing a picture, a very long time ago, that had me utterly enthralled. And from that point on, I knew eventually I would find myself drawing inspiration from it. I know lately I haven't put out the most, "pleasure" filled content, but as I wrote this, I found that it just wouldn't be in character. Perhaps in the future I may write about it again. Perhaps not. But I know if ever given the chance to spend a night in bed with what I wrote about above, I wouldn't need sexy times.

That being said, I do have an itch for scaled women that I just can't seem to scratch lately. I'm going to start writing another piece, and this time there'll be a lot more "fun" times in it. But for now, I leave you folks with this. Enjoy.

Two lone figures sat high atop a sand dune, watching from several miles off, far down into an enemy encampment etched into the base of an ancient pillar of stone. The two had been checking up on this place for some time now, monitoring enemy movements for the larger assembled force several hundred clicks away. Conner's partner spoke to him in her heavily etched accent in common.

"I take it you would not wager on attacking them?"

Connor spoke as he peered down at the encampment through his long range gear.

"No. We're scouts. Not commandos."

"We've been scouting this territory for weeks now, Human. Why do we not attack now that we have so much data on them?"

Connor continued watching.

"Because I'm waiting for your friends down there to show us their little secret. There's something going on there, for sure. Your people might be a little more simple in terms of strategy, but if you want our help, you've gotta co-operate with us."

Connor motioned with his hands to his partner.

"Aha, there we go. Bingo. Told you they had more going on there than just a simple camp."

Connor passed his device over to his companion, as he watched the base of the ancient stone that broke out from the sand split apart to reveal its inner workings, a base that was carved into the rock and hidden.

"Now would be the time to strike then, no?"

"Not yet. We watch and record everything going on here, and then we report back to base with our findings. They'll make the plans, and then send everybody in."

"I see no reason why sending our troops in now or later would make any difference in the outcome of the battle."

"It's the intel that makes or breaks battles. You've got a pest problem on your world that's grown large enough that you called for outside help from us. That says something."

Connor's companion hissed with a sharp intake of breath.

"Does it?"

"I'm not saying what you think I'm saying."

The two sat at their positions quietly for the next hour, monitoring the base down below. Sarkarthians were a funny lot. Very rigid in ways of thinking, which made them natural xenophobes. By all means they were smart. Any race that could develop interstellar travel was intelligent to some degree. But the Sark's always seemed to have a chip on their shoulder about something. Naturally, their initial encounters with Humanity were rough to say the least, and it seemed like Humanity had racked up yet another species to cross off the list of "being friendly."

But then, suddenly, one day the Sarkarthians needed help. And the only available help around were their old chums, Humans. Naturally, the higher ups jumped at the opportunity to ease some tension between the two, and quickly established a joint inter-species operation. So far things were shaky, but nobody had starting trying to claw each other's throats out yet so that was a good sign. Whether or not things would hold together was the question. Sarkarthians had a vastly different military when compared to Humans, and operated on a simpler level. This wasn't to say they were bad. In fact Sarkarthians were well known and labeled as some of the best close quarter's combat specialists in the galaxy. But when they went up against enemies who used long ranged weaponry, their rigid military structure encountered issues.

Which was why the partnership between the two made sense strategy wise. Sarkarthians were tough ground fighters, warriors by nature. Stronger and faster than Humans, but lacking in finesse. Humans, on the other hand, could make up for their rigid structure with support. Which was why Connor was now out on a relatively new Sarkarthian colony. Sarkarthians tended to stick to themselves, and expanded slowly. This new colony of theirs was being contested by another species who pushed back violently, and the colony was small enough that the Sark's didn't have the numbers to win a direct confrontation. So they swallowed their pride, if only for a moment, and asked for help.

Connor sat in his corner going over all the data they'd seen today, before he sent it all off to command. Likewise, his companion, Sonara, sat in her corner and sent reports to her own network. Nights were cold on this colony, but Sarkarthians had long since adapted to their desert dominated home world, and this world was no different. The two sat underneath a small gravity bubble, which had been blown over by sand, effectively shielding them from view to anyone. The sand sat overtop of them, suspended safely by the bubble. Connor leaned back down onto the sand after he finished his reports, and closed his eyes. It was a long day, and no doubt, the next few would be even longer.

But he found that he couldn't sleep so well out here. By all means sleeping in the military was already rough business, but out here, all alone with an alien warrior got on his nerves. So far, his companion had done nothing out of the ordinary for one of her kind, but it still did little to ease his tension. Connor leaned up briefly, and found his companion on the other side of their small encampment, cross-legged with her tail wrapped around her legs, both hands wrapped around the weapon in her lap. Her bright yellowish eyes stared out at him, but were unmoving. She must have been sleeping with her eyes open then. She must have trusted him about as much as he did her. That was a start at least, something he knew for sure. If she hadn't done anything yet and was willing to sleep near a total stranger, even with her eyes open, then it told more about her than most would ever pick up on.

Connor mused on the alien woman across from him. Such an odd species. Connor didn't know much about terms, but the closest Sarkarthians would come to would be a humanoid, mammalian reptile. Or, at least, Sonara was. There were two distinct variations of Sarkarthians, the ones that lived in the deserts of their harsh home world, and far, far up near the poles, surrounded by ocean, on a completely separate island, were a variation of Sarkarthian adapted to the cold. Connor didn't know much about how their whole system was set up, but from day one when the two met, there was trouble. Even today in their society, Sonara's variant of her kind had some form of a stigma upon them. But if it was there he couldn't see it. Then again, the Sark's took their military seriously. Maybe even enough to think of all their warriors as equals.

Connor leaned back down onto the sand and drifted off to sleep. In a few hours his first shift would come up. They still had to monitor the site for any change in activity before their battle group arrived in the morning. And this colony had long nights and days. Morning would be at the very least, two days away standard Earth time. It was going to be the long haul.

Connor sat out on the cold sand dunes, watching the encampment as the invaders worked tirelessly. The ancient stone pillar that stood tall from the sand dunes far below was completely opened up, revealing the inner workings of the Tenchutian Union's plans. It seemed like they were churning out and mass producing vehicles and weaponry. Connor looked for a small silver container on him, and scowled when he found it was empty. He really needed to bring more supplies with him when he went out on scouting runs.

The Tenchutians were definitely in the wrong here. At first there were skeptics about who settled this world first, but the Sarkarthians had all the data backing their claims while the Tenchutian Union denied any activity whatsoever, and to this day continued. They were playing political hardball. But if they wanted to do that, they'd soon find out that the Sark's could push back too. Connor took note of the structures weak points, marking them down as potential targets. As the wind howled among the dunes, his companion approached, setting herself down beside him.

"Your shift is up Human. I will take things from here."

Connor held out his data pad.

"Hold on a minute here, I want to point some things out."

Sonara pulled away a portion of her camouflaged cloak, revealing her reptilian eyes as she watched him.

"That base down there has some major structural weak points. If we set up some targets for our boys and gals back at the base, it'll make things a hell of a lot easier if when we roll in, we can open up their doors ourselves."

The various spines that adorned Sonara's head quivered slightly under the wind traveling across the sand. She looked out past the edge of the dune to the camp below.

"I like your thinking Human. But how would we go about doing that?"

Connor smiled.

"I may have been lying about what I said earlier. I'm trained in recon, but I've got a bit of commando type stuff in there as well. If we go in quiet, we can set charges on the doors of that place and set them off when the time is right. I just need to clear it up with command. You up for a little low key work?"

Sonara shook her head.

"If you put me anywhere near those pillaging aliens I will not hesitate to kill them."

Connor nodded.

"Right. So it'll just be me then. Think you can watch things while I get to work down there?"

Sonara took a deep breath through the holes of her nostrils, sounding un-amused.

"It is why I came here after all human. Your shift is done."

Connor held up the pad to Sonara, watching her eyes flash as in the dim light of the planet's moon.

"Evidently, not yet. I got a green light from command. I can go any time now. I'll lay some ground rules before I do anything though."

Sonara watched him close.

"I don't know what your protocols are for things like this, but if I get caught, or compromised, you do not engage on your own. You retreat, and wait for the invasion force. Retreat is a word in your language right?"

Sonara made that odd sound as she took another deep breath, the air traveling down to her lungs, resonating loudly creating a somewhat menacing hiss.

"I'll take that as a possible, angry yes then?"

"Not anger Human. Disdain."

Connor nodded.

"I know. But like I said, you gotta follow our lead on things. When it comes down to fighting, we'll let you have all the fun while we watch your backside. Those Tenchutians have some serious firepower in that base. By all means beating the ever living hell out of someone with your own hands can be satisfying, but when they have a gun and you're charging them, it works a little differently."

Sonara simply watched Connor as he started packing up his gear.

"There is a reason we do not like outsiders Human. Always judging, and trying to change our way of life when it has worked for our kind for millennia."

Connor put his hands up.

"I'm not saying anything bad. I'm just saying, you've got to look at the downsides too. Your people are damn good at what they do in their respective field. But you aren't working in your ballpark with those fat suited aliens down there. We're talking heavy armour, and heavy weapons to back them up. You need to look at your enemies and adapt to their own strengths and weaknesses. And that's what we're all here to give you a hand with. Your kind aren't experienced with alien invasion forces. We are."

Connor left Sonara on the sand dune to her post, before he went back to their camp to suit up for what he needed. Long haul indeed.

Sonara watched from the sand dune high above as her companion cloaked and headed down to the encampment below. Although Connor had cloaking technology on him, as did Sonara, he had to take his time, and travel very slowly. Sand and cloaking devices had issues. Sonara watched through her own device as Connor traveled further down. He should be safe once he was in the camp, as the area was completely trampled with footsteps from the stocky aliens below.

Sonara continued watching for the next few minutes as her companion made his way to the base of the camp, and watched as he worked to sabotage the doors to the entrance with explosives, well-hidden of course. Sonara smelled the night air, and picked something up. There was something off about the winds tonight. But she could not place what it was. Her companion was completely silent and cut off from her via radio contact or any other form of communication. But as she monitored the situation, a distinct sound rang out from the sky above, and Sonara watched as a small craft began descending from the sky, headed to the camp below.

Sonara grabbed her trademark weapon from her belt, and said a quick chant in her own tongue. The craft was going to land and send up dust, of which would reveal Connor. Not if she got there first. Sonara extended the staff, and watched as energy formed the bladed tips. She stood tall on the dune, and discarded her cloak, revealing her form fitting armour that covered only her vital areas, leaving the rest open for maximum mobility. She stretched her arms out wide, surveying the site down below. She was going to make this quick. But she was going to enjoy this too.

Sonara leapt over the sand dune and started sliding down it, before shouting a cry out as she raised her bladed staff up in the air. The heads of all the Tenchutians down below suddenly turned, as they looked up to the dune high above their camp. The large rounded aliens shouted from under their suits, quickly readying their weaponry. In seconds Sonara had come under fire, but through the link in her weapon she expanded the energy field to create a large rounded shield. Heavy blasts impacted her shield, knocking her onto her feet and into a roll down the dunes, but Sonara was already back up, using her long tail to stabilize herself as she recovered.

The roar of the craft became deafening as it neared the base, and kicked up dust and debris. Sonara hit the bottom of the dune and sprinted over to her closest foe, dodging out of the way as the huge alien fired a large orb of energy which exploded on contact behind her, turning the sand into glass. Sonara slid underneath the heavy alien, and wrapped her tail around the creature's fat leg, coming up and pulling with all her strength as she tripped it. In one swift motion Sonara reached around the back of the creatures head and pulled out the tubes which supplied the Tenchutian with its own atmosphere, before pulling its helmet off completely and tossing it aside.

More fire came her way as it impacted against her shield, and through the swirling dust as the ship approached the site, even as it quickly put a spotlight on her, she looked over and found that her companion had gone from his work. Sonara charged another large alien before her, taking it off-guard as her shield shifted form and her staff shrunk down in length. She brought her weapon high above her head with all her strength, bringing the sharpened blade down onto the aliens head as she coiled her tail around its weapon, and spun the large alien around. She grasped the trigger on its massive gun, and fired down into the sand at its feet. As she pulled her weapon out of its head and fired into the sand repeatedly, she engaged her cloak and broke away from the scene in a full on sprint as fast as her powerful legs would carry her.

As she left the scene to frantic shouts of garbled alien language and gunfire from the small sandstorm that had been worked up, her companion came roaring at her on a small hovercraft, stopping short of her position. Connor peered at her with a look of contempt on his face.

"Get on!"

Sonara slipped onto the backseat of the bike, and Connor revved the engine up to full power, speeding away from the scene.

Connor saluted as his commanding officer addressed him.

"The last of the reports came in Connor, and the board has reviewed you, and your companion's actions at the Tenchutian factory. I must say, you've gone above and beyond your calling. The board fails to see why you would wish to resign from your posting with your companion."

"Permission to speak sir?"

"Permission granted."

"Sir, with all due respect, my operations were disrupted by my service partner's actions, WHEN I specifically asked her if she was up for the job. Having received a negative conformation, I left her to continue collecting data."

"We reviewed data with your partner and the Sarkarthian chain of command. She acted in your best interests Connor. Her words implicitly stated, "The approaching craft would have created a small dust storm and compromised your work." She created a diversion for you, diverting potential hostile action away from your presence."


"Did you, or did you not complete your mission objective soldier?"

"I-yes. Yes sir I did."

"Then I see no problem at all with your current setup. In fact, of all the mixed units in this operation, you and your partner have performed exceedingly well. You are among only a small handful of others that have integrated well together. The Sarkarthian may be unconventional by our military standards, but she has proven to be intelligent and resourceful. But also bold. A perfect match to your own set of skills Connor. You of all people should see this, especially in the line of work you come from. The board has denied your request for a transfer of another partner. Dismissed soldier."

"Sir, I-"

"Dismissed soldier. We'll send you and your partner details shortly on your next assignment."

Connor saluted his commander before leaving the office building in silence. He was going to visit the infirmary and give his partner a piece of his mind. But first, he needed to have a drink.

5 weeks later

Connor sat in his quiet corner of the bar, when he heard the telltale sign of several people coming in. Judging by the sound of it, they were pretty new here, loud and annoying. But that didn't matter so long as he could drink. Shipping out tomorrow for another task, after his "companion" had nearly got him killed. The mission parameters were met, so the brass was happy. Except he wasn't. His mood took a turn for the worse when from near his backside he heard his name called out.

"Woah guys! Is that O'Connor? Smooth Talker O'Connor?"

There murmurs of yes among the group, and one man approached, sitting on the stool next to him.

"Shit guys, it is! Man, what are you doing in here?"

Connor looked over to the young man who had a smile plastered over his face.

"Trying to get some peace and quiet."

The man apparently didn't take the hint.

"Hey, you're shipping out soon right? You're one of the best damn scouts here! We heard about your setup for a few operations around here! What's your secret?"

Connor took another drink.

"What secret?"

"Working with the Sarks! Hell, we've been in a paired unit for over two weeks now, and Jimmy back there got his ass handed to him when he made some remarks about our mean green lady pals."

Connor looked back and sure enough, there was a trooper, wearing a cast over his arm and foot. His face was still healing from the many bruises all over it.

"No secret kid. In fact I'm in here drinking right now because of this shit."

Somebody else in the crowd made a remark.

"No way, he's just hiding something from everybody!"

Connor turned around to the small crowd behind him, and felt all eyes in the bar on him. Even other troopers who had stayed quietly on the sidelines were now watching from their seats.

"And what would that be? You think I'm hiding something? Let's hear it!"

The crowd went silent as Connor took another drink from his glass.

"Well come on then! I wanna hear the shit that's going around!"

The crowd was silent, but as Connor stared at them, somebody stepped up to the plate.

"There's no way in hell you're doing the same stuff we are. I mean Jimmy here was being an asshole, but we're nice to them too, and it don't seem to make a damn difference with them. You gotta be doing something else. I mean, you spend all that time out there alone on scouting runs........."

Connor suddenly added things together in his addled mind, and stood up from his stool clutching his glass white knuckled.

"Are you being serious right now!?"

The crowd backed off as the sudden anger showed in his voice.

"I want to hear you say it, so I know I didn't just fuck up! Come on, say it!"

"You're fucki-"

Connor jumped at the nearest man in the crowd.

By the end of the night, Connor was dragged out of the bar kicking and yelling his lungs out by the other troopers in there, while they simultaneously dragged the members of the new group away to the infirmary. Connor was tossed into the drunk tank for the night, and left there. He'd come to in the morning, probably having a few commanding officers barking down his neck over his display, as well as drinking far past the accepted level that was allowed on military bases.

Sonara stood perfectly still as her commander addressed her. Even though she was merely a hologram, walking in circles around her, Sonara had long been taught to respect the presence of higher authorities.

"So you wish to separate from your partner?"

"That is correct."

"Your records show quite shiningly. The number of successes with your assigned partner far outweighs those of several others."

"The Human male ended up intoxicated last night, and put on a display of shameful behavior to his caste. He is unrefined, belligerent, and crude. I would wish to be paired with a female of their kind. Perhaps they have better training and are more disciplined than their male counterparts."

Sonara's commander hissed while she stopped in front of her.

"This is not in your range of judgment to make. Results have shown that your partner is ideal, and you two have proven this. Although his methods, like most Humans, are cowardly and underhanded, he has proven that he is your ally. He provides options where none would exist for you normally."

Sonara's commander strode around her one last time.

"Your request is denied. If we find conclusive evidence of another that could replace your companion, I will notify you. I bid you farewell."

The hologram faded and Sonara was left on her own. Sonara's spines quivered as she looked around her quarters, the telltale hissing that her kind could make through their throats sounded out. If this happened again she would have to put her companion in line.

3 Months Later

Connor sat under the gravity bubble in his respective corner, drinking from the silver flask that he always liked to carry on him. This job was killing him. He'd been out here for three weeks now, monitoring a patch of nothing. Command was damn sure there was something here. But worst of all, Sonara was about as entertaining as a rock. In the vast amounts of downtime, Sonara stayed quiet, meditated and said chants that her kind were so often known for. Likewise, Connor had nothing to report to command other than the fact that they were stuck out here watching sand blow. So Connor did what he always did on downtime. Connor took another drink from his flask before looking over Sonara's way.

"Hey, tell me something."

Sonara opened her bright yellow eyes, staring at Connor.

"What do your males do?"

Sonara's nostrils flared.

"Why do you ask?"

"Because your women own your respective military. No males allowed. And it looks like they own most of your governing body as well. So what do they do all day long?"

Sonara watched Connor carefully.

"Our males are good for work. They have no control over any political or military endeavors. However, they are great inventors, scientists. They work our production lines and factories, schools and hospitals."

"You think they're okay with that?"


"Your males. They okay with being restricted like that?"

"It's not their judgment to make Human."

Connor took another drink from his silver flask. Sonara watched him.

"Why do you drink so much human? What is it that you constantly require?"

Connor smiled.

"People say I'm good at my job. I'm good at scouting territory, and good at sabotage if need be. And that's about it. And that's all they know. I can't sit around for too long, otherwise I start thinking."

Sonara watched him more intently now, crossing her scaled green arms together.

"Thinking is not a bad thing Human. In fact it does most good."

"Not when you've seen the places I've been to."

Connor took yet another drink from his flask.

"Tell me, how many wars have you ever actually fought in? I mean full scale, both sides throwing everything they had?"

Sonara flared her nostrils, inhaling a deep breath of air.


Connor simply nodded.

"You ever been groundside during a blitz? You're planet side, and the sky is black with starships. And they aren't yours. And you know, you're going to have to fight that. And you know, every, single, last person around you will die. Even you're ready for your own time to come. All your friends, your buddies, the people you're protecting, they go, one by one, until there's only one left."

Connor turned his flask upside down for emphasis and watched as a single drop of alcohol landed on the sand.

"So why do I drink, Sonara? I drink because I only want to focus on what's happening now. And right now, I'm stuck out here, on your species' own little colony, fighting this little skirmish against Tenchutians playing ring around the god damn rosie, stuck in the middle of fucking nowhere."

Connor tossed his flask into the sand, laughing.

"And wait, just you wait, cause this is where it gets good. We'll go through all this, and when it's done, the higher ups will give each other pats on the back, while we get nothing in return from your kind, probably not even a thank you, and mark my fucking words, 10 years, 10 years tops, we'll be fighting you."

Sonara went to reply but Connor cut her off.

"The higher ups will think we're "friends." But in reality, you're sizing us up! And our own god damn military is too. And in about 10 years, once you really get going, you'll show up, give us a good, long hard kick, and we'll have to fight back while the brass scratches their heads like a bunch of monkeys. And we'll win. We'll stomp you back down to your home world. But the cost, Sonara. The cost for it all."

Connor crossed his arms. Sonara watched him closely.

"And you call our kind xenophobes."

Connor exploded back into action once more.

"I call out what I see. And I've seen this same god damn thing over and over again. And this one, this time, will be no different. Your culture is too backwards to be up there, up in the stars! And when you start to grow and expand, you'll start to lash out because of your own stupid beliefs, and your outdated morals."

Sonara straightened up, flaring her nostrils. She stood up on her legs, motioning to Connor.

"You and me. Outside, now."

Connor continued to sit in his corner.

"I'm not going anywhere. Even if we are in the middle of nowhere, I won't compromise our position."

Sonara took a few quick steps forward, and grabbed Connor by the scruff of his neck. Her nostrils flared as she stared into his eyes.

"You need not play me Human. I already know your regards for rules. You abide by only yours alone."

Connor simply laughed.

"Look who's talking."

Sonara bared her teeth to Connor, as a reptilian tongue flicked back and forth.

"I could kill you, here and now, Connor."

Connor smiled weakly.

"By all means, try it sweet cheeks. You want to start the party early? Go ahead. But you've got to take one thing into account."

Connor held up a small trigger in his hand.

"I may be drunk off my socks as some people I know would say, but I know when an alien would like to kill me. And right now, we're sitting under quite a bit of sand. And the gravity bubble keeping us hidden and safe is Earth tech. I can deactivate it or even detonate it if I press one little button on this here trigger."

Connor flicked his thumb for emphasis.

"So by all means, you can use your superior strength or marital prowess to kill me if you want. But I'll press the button here. And as strong or as fast as you are, you can't escape sand Sonara."

Sonara's eyes burned bright as she stared into Connor's. She let Connor go, and returned to her corner of the small camp, sitting back down onto the sand.

"I will get you one day for your slander Human."

Connor slid back down onto the sand, and grabbed his silver flask.

"We all gotta go sometime. But not today for me I think."

Sonara went quiet as she closed her eyes and took a deep breath, laying her arms across her lap as she wrapped her tail at her side. Connor turned his flask upside down, watching as nothing came out.

6 Months Later

Connor staggered his way back into the recreational part of the base, stumbling back onto a chair. Several troopers noticed, and one even came over to him and sat down with him. The woman looked over to Connor as he sat in his own drunken stupor.

"I heard your partner got hit pretty bad in your last scouting run. The Tenchutians are being real fuck heads about this aren't they?"

Connor nodded.

"Everything gone wrong about as much as it could. She covered my ass while we got out of there. She got a couple heavy rounds through her. Docs are taking a look at things."

The trooper patted him on the shoulder.

"She's a Sark. They don't go down easy. She'll make it through."

Connor nodded in silence.

Connor slept in his bed, tossing and turning. By all means, the relationship with his partner could be best described as bumpy, but over the course of the last half of the year, Sonara had been less and less conflicting with him. That, or he was less conflicting with her. He couldn't tell. He wasn't sure what it was, but he had his theories it was because the Tenchutians were pushing back with a fair bit of force. Connor and Sonara both had been dropped into increasingly dangerous situations as of late. And they couldn't afford to hate each other's guts out so much when survival was the main priority.

But, he had to admit, he was worried. Their cover had been completely blown on their last run, and Sonara had waded into battle to cover their retreat, even as Tenchutians with heavy weaponry and even gunships had attacked. Fear did not hold much of a meaning to Sonara, as he had noted by now. Connor turned over on his bunk, and looked over to the bloodied pack at the foot of his bed. Instinctively he got up, and slapped on some basic gear. He rummaged through the pack, and found what he was looking for. Sonara could probably really use all she could get right about now.

Connor had a few issues with the Sarkarthians on the base as he tried to get through the infirmary, but upon showing them and explaining to them what he was trying to do, the aliens let him pass. They understood what he was trying to do. But he had one more to go through before he could get to his goal. A very insistent doctor.

"I won't have you inside the medical wing Human. I respect that you honour our soldier's traditions, but I can't risk the contamination of foreign material."

Connor looked at the male who was clad in medical gear.

"Look doc, I've been working with her for a while now. I've been shot around her, and she's been shot around me. I had to patch things up in the field with her before. If there was any problem with contamination, we would have had it a while back."

The doctor looked at him, placing a gloved hand across his masked face.

"Five minutes human."

Connor nodded.

"Thanks doc."

Connor entered the room, and found Sonara laying on a bed, with various tubes inserted into her, and machinery like pumps doing some work. Her bright yellow eyes opened in response as he stepped into the room. She pulled a hand up slowly to the oxygen mask over her mouth, pulling it off. She took a deep breath, and Connor winced slightly as he could hear the passage of air going down her throat. Something definitely wasn't right. But she gave him a smile across her lips anyway.

"Did I ever tell you I want those bastard aliens off my planet?"

Connor gave a slight smile.

"A few times. But you said a little bit more too."

Connor brought out what he'd brought along with him, Sonara's weapon, which she never went anywhere without. He held the small silver staff out.

"I know you'd be pissed if I gave you a rifle and told you to start shooting in place of your own weapon. But I found this before we left. Thought you'd want it back."

Sonara reached out weakly, grasping the weapon in her hand.

"Thank you, Connor. In the future, I will not use this weapon to repay you for your drunken insults of my kind that you've made over the past months."

Connor gave her a salute.

"If that's a thank you in your language, I'll take it. You take care now. I'm actually lonely out there now that I don't have anyone to talk to."

Sonara spoke briefly, before she had to slide the mask back over her face.

"You too. I'm the only one that's allowed to even consider killing you. Got that?"

Connor nodded, as the Sarkarthian doctor came in to shepherd him out.

"I'll keep it in mind partner."

1 Year Later

A still hush had come over the Human and Sarkarthian forces as just a few hours ago, the Tenchutians had unconditionally surrendered, and where now evacuating the Sarkarthian Colony. The air among both forces was one of high spirits, as today, there was no fighting to be done. There was work to be done, but now, both sides could breathe a sigh of relief as the conflict finally ended. As the usual standard of things, Connor was in the recreational area of the base, hanging around in the bar, celebrating in silence as others roamed the base with gusto.

The place was totally empty save for him, giving him even more room to drink to his heart's content. His superiors wouldn't give him shit even if they found him, so long as he didn't make any shows. He enjoyed the quiet for once, staring into the end of a bottle. He didn't even notice when the door to the place opened up and footsteps rang out across the floor. Further still, he was oblivious to the fact that someone had pulled up a stool and sat down next to him. It was only until they spoke that he was brought out of his quiet stupor.

"The end of a conflict should be a time of celebration, Connor. You won't come outside and enjoy it?"

Connor looked over into the eyes of Sonara who was leaning down on the table as he was.

"I do things my own way. Besides, better this way. I just want time alone."

"The air is grand outside. Free and clean. Like our world."

Connor took a drink from his bottle.

"Still smells the same to me. Then again you've got the better nose."

Sonara reached over to one of the numerous bottles that had piled up near Connor. She looked it over as she spoke.

"You drink with abandon. Do you want to get into trouble with your commanding officers?"

Connor shook his head.

"Nobody to get in trouble with. I got my orders. I'm shipping out tomorrow. All the non-essential crew of this base are being shipped off to some other end of space. There's always a war on somewhere."

"And you're spending your last hours in here?"

Connor wobbled slightly on his chair.

"No offense intended this time, but I had my fill of your planet. It's time I moved on. I'm just speeding up things."

Sonara placed the bottle back onto the pile with the others. Connor looked over in a daze.

"What are you doing for celebrations?"

"Admittedly, my work out there has made me less apt with my kin. I don't feel correct when in a large group."

Connor reached over, somewhat shaky, and patted her on her scaled shoulder.

"There you go, finally picking up on some Human stuff. The groups always die first. You do better when you work alone."

Sonara did not recoil, but gave him a look with her bright eyes, as Connor eventually pulled his arm away.

"So you don't have anyone to celebrate with but me then eh? Well pull up a chair. I couldn't drink this whole place out if I wanted to. Maybe with another I could make a dent though."

Sonara tilted her head.

"Are you suggesting I drink? On duty?"

Connor nodded.

"If your higher ups spot you, you can blame it all on me. Besides, not like you have anything better to do right?"

"I've never ingested what you're drinking before."

Connor shook his head.

"This is simple stuff. If you're a carbon based life form and you have a liver, chances are you can drink it."

Connor pulled another bottle along and passed it over to Sonara. Reluctantly, the Sarkarthian took it.

"Okay then Connor, let's see why you like this stuff so much."

Connor held up his bottle in the air.

"Here's to trying something new on a new day."

Sonara opened up the bottle and took a smell of the contents.

"Not very pleasant."

"This is cheap military stuff. The real stuff actually doesn't smell like the ass end of a Tenchutian."

Sonara took a swig of the bottle and swirled the contents around before swallowing. The Sarkarthian made a strange face with her features as she turned over to Connor.

"Bad at first, but it has an odd aftertaste. Almost, addicting."

Connor nodded.

"And there you go. First time trying alcohol that's not a bad reaction. I've seen worse."

The two ended up staying in the recreational area for quite some time, and Connor soon found out that Sonara was a lightweight. Connor himself was on the edge of being full on drunk, but Sonara quickly passed him, and in no time at all, she was acting something else. If someone happened to walk in on this there'd be hell to pay for sure. He was partially joking when he said she could blame it on him if she had to. So with that, it was time to head out.

Connor practically dragged Sonara along over his shoulders as she gave haphazard directions across her side of the base to the barracks, and eventually, Connor found the right area. He dragged Sonara along and eventually found her room as she had described it, and stumbled into the very small private quarters, trying to minimize the noise. The Sark's may have had private rooms all to themselves in their military, but that didn't change the fact that if you were loud enough you could get someone's attention through a wall if you tried.

Connor ended up collapsing onto Sonara's bed, and simply laid there as Sonara effectively pinned him. He was more tired than expected, and too drunk for proper coordination. He spoke as Sonara continued to rest over top of him.

"Hey, Sonara. This is a bit awkward. Care to roll off me?"

The alien over top of him grumbled something in her language, slurring profusely. Connor replied back,

"Speaking Common would help too."

"I've got you!"


"I told you, someday I'd get you! There's no running away now!"

Connor sighed.

"You're doing a pretty bad job of it by the looks of it."

"Pffft, I could kill you right now."

"Well by all means if you feel like it. But I've got to get back to my side of the base now."

Sonara simply clasped her arms over Connor's shoulders, keeping him pinned.

"Pfft. Too early to go anywhere. Nights last a long time here. You don't leave until the morning. You're not making any sense Connor."

"I think your normal you would kick your ass now if she heard what you're saying."

"Nooooo, she's fine with it."

Connor simply sighed.

"Yep. Okay. I'll just lay here like this then. All night."

"That wouldn't be so bad. You're company is never dull."

Connor tried shifting around, and only succeeded in rolling over with Sonara still drunkenly clinging over top of him.

"Where do you think you're going? I told you already I'd get you."

Connor sighed.

"Okay. Fine. I'm just going to sit here, in your bed, in your quarters, and drink myself till I'm pissed. You want me, well you got me. When you snap out of it you'll have no right to blame me for anything you know."

Connor brought out his silver flask, and began drinking from the stronger stuff he usually liked to carry around, while Sonara simply kept him pinned, and eventually leaned in close over top of him, resting on top of him. Time went by slowly for Connor as he drank himself into another stupor, while pinned by an alien warrior who was practically ready to pass out on top of him. Sure enough, it seemed like Sonara really wasn't going anywhere, and Connor wasn't up for trying to get her off. At least she was quiet now.

Connor woke up to darkness, and found Sonara still laying top of him. He had no idea what time it was. But, maybe now he could slide on out of here. Connor placed his arms on her shoulders to try and slide her off, and cursed silently when she stirred. Her bright eyes opened up as she looked around, before she placed a hand across his hair. Judging from her voice, she was still pretty drunk.

"What're you doing here?"

Connor shrugged.

"Brought you here after you got pissed. You passed out on me."

"What were you doing before?"

"Trying to slide you off."

Sonara slid her arms around the back of Connor's neck.

"You should stay. Just sleep here. S' comfy."

"Not my style Sonara."

"You've got no say in it, funny Human."

Sonara leaned her head back down, and went to sleep, brushing the side of her scaled face up against his. Connor let himself relax, eventually accepting that he was stuck like it or not. The two stayed there for some time, and eventually ended up shifting places. When Connor woke up, he found himself wrapped up in Sonara's arms, held close to him in the night. It was a new feeling for him, being so close to another, made even more foreign by the fact that she wasn't Human. But it didn't feel bad.

But reluctantly, it was time to leave. His time on this world, in this war was done. And now it was time to move on. Connor slipped away from Sonara, and looked back one last time over the alien as she slept. He saluted her silently before he walked out the door.

12 Years Later

Connor sat alone on the dunes as he scanned the environment. Far down below, several kilometers off, sat a Sarkarthian city. It was heavily contested, and as of late the brass wanted to take it back. It would be a key position in the coming battles. The Sarks had incredible defensive networks planet side, enough to easily fend off invading fleets, forcing soldiers to go groundside. And the Sark's had the advantage. The invading Human forces had to rely on hit and run guerilla tactics, as drops for personnel and weapons were few and far between. If they could just take one city, and shut down the orbital defenses, they could pull their fleets in.

But it was easier said than done. Over the last few years, the Sarkarthian military had grown strong, and adopted new tactics. They were still excellent ground fighters and un-matched in martial prowess. But they had more things covering their weakness. A huge array of orbital defenses for any type of flying craft. Stronger defenses for their warriors against other soldiers using guns and other equipment. Even new exo-suits to contend with vehicles that accelerated their reflexes, speed and strength greatly.

Connor couldn't help but drink now that he was off on his own. Somewhere, far off in distant memory, there were a few words he'd said once coming back to him. Of all the worlds he'd not wanted to come back to again, it was this one. And now, by chance, it was the best chance of toppling the aggressive Sarkarthian Empire, since the Human military had the most data about this world. They'd even saved a few bits for themselves, about old Tenchutian bases hidden deep in the planet's crust, which was what they were now using as their base of operations.

Connor was one of many scouts taking notes about the city down below, and knew there were already infiltration units working inside the city, looking for weaknesses in the defenses, or anything they could hit before the main army was ready for the assault. But already, losses had been heavy handed, and Connor suddenly found himself bitter over it all. Now more than ever he wanted to forget things. Connor sent down another wave of alcohol, and was in the process of screwing the cap back on when a footprint appeared right beside him in the sand.

Before he could react, he felt the heat of a blade as it was held up to his face. He stayed stone still, as his eyes traveled upward to the de-cloaking figure before him. He sighed deeply.

"It would be you wouldn't it?"

Sonara looked down at him with contempt.

"And it would be you as well. Collecting information on our defenses."

"I do my job. Your people attacked first."

Sonara kept her staff on him.

"As I do mine. Things aside, it is good to see you again."

"Wish I could say the same."

Sonara circled around Connor, keeping the bladed end of her staff held close to him.

"I have a partner, several kilometers away. If I do nothing the penalties I will face will be severe."

"Then do what your job is, Sonara."

"I can't. Not in your back. Not like this."

"You always said you'd get me back one day for my drunken slander. Looks like that's today. Lost your nerve so suddenly?"

"I've seen the skies, black with starships Connor. Not invading starships, no. But ours."

Connor nodded.

"So have I. I've lost a lot to your kind."

"As have I."

"Then do your job as a soldier. Your kind take no prisoners."

"I would never backstab my allies."

"By being here, you've already proven that wrong, on both sides."

"You must have something on you that you can use. I wanted to come here because I knew my partner would kill you as soon as she got the chance. But I can give you a chance to escape."

"You'd get yourself in shit for little old me?"

"I have been known to talk too much rather than act before. My reputation would recover."

"And you'd let me get away only to inflict more pain and suffering for your kind?"

"Would you do the same if it meant having to kill me?"

Connor hesitated at his reply. For some reason, it was yes.

"I can't betray my kind. But I can't betray you either. But I won't kill you. All I can give you is a chance to escape."

"You may as well kill me here and now. Doing this will only drag you deeper into the shithole. Trust me, you don't want that."

"Please, Connor."

"You know if I get free this will just happen again right? Sure enough you'll find me again. And next time you'll have to kill on sight for it not to be suspicious. And I'm not going to kill you either."

"Not if we both are killed in action."

Connor raised his eyebrows.

"You're not serious are you?"

"There is honour in dying in battle. If the both of us are dead, we won't have to worry about that."

"Are you seriously saying that we go AWOL?"

"What do you think Connor? Is the cost worth it? This is one fight I do not wish to take part in. What about you?"

Connor reached slowly for a small module on his belt from under his sand coloured cloak.

"Stay close by me, draw your blade up like you're about to kill me."

Sonara brought it up without hesitation and took a step closer as she brought it down, and Connor pressed the button on the module. The gravity bubble activated, encasing both Sonara and Connor in the protective bubble as it suddenly traveled down, deep into the sand. Connor set it up to travel so far down that no digging would ever bring it up.

In a flash they were suddenly engulfed as sand surrounded them, held at bay by an invisible barrier as they sank. Sonara stopped her blade mere inches away from his back, de-activating it as she slunk down onto her knees. The bubble came to a stop, halting deep in the sand. Connor looked up with a sigh of relief. Sonara was close by, suddenly hit with the weight of her actions.

"First time doing something right when you knew it was against your own orders?"

Sonara nodded silently. Connor stood up and tossed off his cloak, taking another drink from his flask before closing it up.

"Don't worry, on your deathbed, it'll be the one thing you can look back on and know that what you did was right."

Sonara watched him closely.

"What do we do now?"

"Well, we'll wait. Then I'll send this bubble up somewhere else. I can still call my bike over. I'll send this back down and detonate it. When my own people come to investigate or yours do, they'll find carbonized glass and nothing else."

Sonara nodded.

"At least, I'm not betraying my kind alone."

Connor sat down over top of his cloak.

"That's a first for me too."

The wait inside the bubble lasted for hours, as Connor wanted to be sure about things. Sonara was suddenly much quieter than she normally would have been, and Connor noticed, even he was too. He spoke little to her, and only briefly. 12 years was a long time. But to him, it seemed like she hadn't aged much. But she was different in her thinking, that was for sure. In the stillness of the bubble and the dim light it generated, Connor ended up sitting beside her.

"What'd you do for the past 12 years?"

Sonara looked away briefly.

"I set foot on other worlds."

Connor nodded.

"Same here. Drank a bit more on some of the fun ones."

Connor held his flask out to her. Sonara took it, oddly at ease. Connor chuckled at how things had changed.

"About 11 years ago you probably would have cut my hand off if I offered you that stuff."

Sonara took a drink and passed it back.

"I'm sorry you were right, Connor."

"It's no big deal. I've been around. I call them like I see them. There was an exception to that rule though. You turned out a bit different."

"It didn't matter in the end."

"Does any of it?"

Sonara placed a hand over his shoulder.

"What are we going to do?"

"I don't know. But we're on our own side now, apparently. We run and hope that our ploy works."

"Where could we go?"

"The galaxy is a big place. We could find jobs pretty easy. Never tried mercenary work before."

Sonara leaned her head on Connor's shoulder.

"You remember the last time you saw me?"

Connor nodded.

"You were completely pissed and passed out on top of me."

Sonara took a deep inhale through her nostrils as the spines on the back of her head quivered.

"I was angry, more than anything when I woke up."

"Well, you always did have a temper."

"I wasn't angry about what happened. I was angry because you left."

Sonara pulled Connor close for emphasis.

"That was a fun night. And I was angry that it had to end."

Connor suddenly wised up to the fact that Sonara wasn't taking her eyes off him.

"You never did say goodbye either. Not very nice, Connor. I'll get you back for that one day too."

Connor smiled.

"Well, looks like I-"

Sonara cut him off when she leaned in close, bringing her face up to Connor's. Connor recoiled slightly as her larger nostrils flared as she took a sharp intake of air. Her slightly larger eyes focused on his as her slits narrowed. Connor took in her features from her sudden gesture of closeness, how her scales became softer and more spaced out across her face to allow movement and facial expressions, to the odd, semi-human like face that she had, her eyebrows hardened ridges, her nose semi flat. She stayed close, simply watching him, and inhaling air with sharp intakes.

Connor wanted to speak but stayed quiet, simply watching Sonara as she studied him. But she spoke first.

"Do you have any idea, what I saw, out there?"

Connor only nodded slightly.

"Things you won't forget. Things you don't want to remember. You close your eyes and they're right there."

Sonara finally closed the gap, and pressed her strange lips up to his, hesitating. Her breath was right there, on the very edge of his own, hot as she spoke once more.

"We didn't need to expand. We should have stayed with our worlds."

"It's not your fault. You're just a soldier. They point, you kill."

Sonara surged forward, finally pressing her lips up to his, wrapping her scaled arms around his head. And just as quickly as she had clambered over top of Connor, she broke the kiss, but still remained close. She spoke in a hushed tone.

"I break the sanctity of my own kind further."

Connor watched her bright yellow eyes closely. He said nothing, and simply watched. He leaned in forward, and kissed her back, and broke off.

"We're even now if it matters. You won't be doing it alone after all, right?"

Sonara hugged him, something Connor would have never expected her kind to be capable of. Connor, who he himself was iffy about contact, slowly brought his arms up and joined her. The two stayed in the quiet embrace for a time, and Connor, almost instinctively, stroked the back of Sonara's head, gently feeling the spines that passed for any sort of hair. Connor spoke in a hushed tone, slowly into her ears.

"We'll leave this place. Run away from all of it. Go somewhere far away from it all. It'll be okay."

Sonara held him close.


Several Days Later

Connor stood on the bridge of the Sarkarthian craft, watching as Sonara worked on the controls. He put a hand on her shoulder.

"We didn't kill any of your kind for it. You did good. We're in the clear."

Sonara spoke as she set the trajectory of the small trade ship.

"They'll be tracking us. We'll need to leave this ship."

"We can sell it for a good price on the markets. The cargo will fetch a good price. Then we'll disappear. They don't know it's me and you. We'll have an advantage."

Sonara set the coordinates, and punched them in. The small ship stirred as the engines came to life, rumbling through the decks. Sonara took one last look at her home world, as the shutters of the ship closed, protecting it on its travels. That was it then. They'd done it. Sonara held Connor close as they watched the fading image of her world slip away as the craft fled to the reaches of space. It was the first, and the only time he'd see a Sarkarthian cry. And he felt bad about it. It was something he didn't want to see again. He patted her on the back.

"Come on. We shouldn't be sitting up here all glum. We should celebrate. A toast to something new."

Sonara looked over her shoulder to Connor.

"A fresh start?"

Connor nodded.

"No more of this. We leave all of it behind."

"Every last piece."

"Every last damn piece."

Evidently, there wasn't much to celebrate with on-board the small craft, and Sonara had eventually retired to the crew's quarters, leaving Connor all by his lonesome. Eventually his little flask was all but used up and this ship wasn't carrying much of interest. So he really only had one option. And it wasn't staying alone aboard an alien vessel.

Connor knocked on Sonara's door and watched as it slid open. She was already out cold sleeping, under the strange setup one would call for a room. It seemed Sarkarthians had a hard time in space, and needed something a little more, homey. The room was partially layered in stone, and in some spots, they had even gone so far as to add sand. The bed that Sonara was sleeping on had a large dome over it, generating a warm light and faint heat. The closer Connor got, the more relaxed he felt. He looked down at Sonara, and agreed. Sometimes, the best way to deal with all the crap out there was to sleep.

Connor carefully stepped onto the bed, and brought himself close to Sonara, pulling her tight to him. There was some awkwardness because of her tail, but in the end he adopted something comfortable. Right away he eased up, an all too familiar sensation greeting him from distant memory. She was right. That one, drunken night was fun. Comforting even. He slid his hands across her scaled arms, feeling the warmth from the heating device up above as it built up in her scales. Touch was something Connor was foreign with. His line of work demanded distance, and his years of trauma did nothing to ease things. But Sonara was the only one he had ever felt any sense of comfortability around, ironically. He held her close and quickly fell asleep there as well, like all those years ago.

Connor stirred faintly, opening his eyes up to dim surroundings, and felt Sonara still there in his arms. The room had gone dim save for the device up above them, simulating a night cycle. Connor spoke something quietly to Sonara.

"Hey. You awake?"

Sonara stirred somewhat, and Connor was surprised when she replied.

"For a short time. I didn't want to disturb anything."

"We shouldn't have left. You should have finished me out there, on your sands."

Sonara made a point to roll over to face Connor.


"Because this, this is new to me. And it feels like I'm the one who brought you along. And to me, it doesn't feel right. And I know, if it doesn't for me, then it's got to be hurting for you."

"It does."

Connor watched Sonara closely.

"I've been trained to obey orders without question. And most of all, trained for loyalty. I left my people, to whatever fate awaits them, and ran away with the very enemy of my kind that sits in their sights. But I did it because you showed loyalty to me, even above all your slander, and our disagreements, and our fights. And most of all, how could I kill you there on the world you came so far to protect so long ago? How could I kill you when this felt so right?"

Sonara kissed Connor yet again, her eyes watching his, as she pulled him close. She broke away from him in silence, waiting. For lack of a better term Connor was breathless. Everything was laid out in front of him. Revealed in full, in the form of an alien warrior who clung to him mere inches away. Every question, everything he could have blustered on about in some form of resistance, was answered for him.

"I don't, feel right, about any of this. But, some small part of it does feel right. So I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt on this one."

Connor brought a hand up to her face, feeling the strange, softer patchwork of her scales against her cheek.

"I never did thank you for all the times you saved me. And now, above all the times before, you really went out of your way this time. It's not something I can repay you for. But I can do my best to try."

Sonara took a softer intake of breath, making less of an obvious hiss with her lungs.

"You don't need to repay a debt when you owe nothing to me Connor. If I can have you with me, that's all I need. I will miss my world. And I will miss my people. But you are more important to me."

Sonara shifted her position, and ended up rolling over top of Connor, who didn't resist.

"I want this to be special Connor, like the night before. Will you stay with me?"

Connor, once again, was speechless for a time. There were no objections of any kind. But he was overcome with a leap inside him as he looked into Sonara's bright eyes.

His answer was obvious.

It was clear that Sonara had more than just one meaning behind what she had said, and Connor was nervous, a strange feeling to him after all these years. Under fire from heavily armoured Tenchutians that sported weapons that weighed twice that of a small hover bike, he was fine. But suddenly, a companion, a soldier, a friend, wanted to spend intimate time with him, and he was practically a wreck. He didn't know what to think. Was he afraid that after all this time, now that he let his guard down, all his fears would come true? It didn't matter anyway. He was laying on his back peacefully on the bed, having stripped himself down and out of his gear. Sonara had turned off the lights completely on his admittance of unease. She herself had admitted, that she was uneasy too. The both of them were by the very definition of things, xenophobes.

But worry changed to excitement, as he felt pressure on the bed, the telltale sign that Sonara was back, as she breathed slowly. Her voice reached out from the dark of the room.

"You can't see me, right?"

Connor shook his head.

"Not a thing. But I'm curious."

"There isn't much to see. Just scars. However, I can see you. You're handsome, for your kind."

Connor simultaneously entered a state of worry upon realizing that Sonara's kind could see in low light settings much better than Humans, but had shivers travel down him when he felt both of her scaled hands travel up his chest. There was a deep intake of breath from Sonara in response.

"So soft and yet, so firm. You must be able to feel everything."

Connor let out a small gasp as he felt his own hands pulled up by Sonara, and dragged across the scales of her stomach. It felt so, wrong, to be in contact like this. But as he felt out the features of Sonara's body in the darkened room, felt as she dragged his hands along her stomach, across her navel and hips, up to the tougher scales at her sides, it was entrancing in a way. The device above them was still putting out heat, and her scales felt warm to the touch.

"You don't feel much then, do you?"

Sonara shifted on the bed.

"Only over softer areas."

Connor once again shuddered as Sonara suddenly completely burst the bubble of Connors personal space, and slid her body up against his, her scales rubbing against him in a somewhat itchy manner. He felt something long glide across him as she eventually came to settle down over top of him, and retracted her tongue. She was warm, having collected all the heat from the device above them, and Connor found himself wrapping his arms across her, feeling the tougher scales at her shoulders and back.

Sonara kept still for the most part, so as not to rub too much against Connor, and he slowly began to make out the details of her body as she rested against him. Her stomach was somewhat softer than the rest of her body, and as he trailed further up, the softest part of her features were up beyond her breasts, which were almost unnoticeable to him from the texture of things, and her face was granted the widest range of feeling and flexibility. As he clasped his hands over her toughened shoulders, he felt the spine like growths run down the back of her head and neck, and across her back, down her spine, she had smaller ridges of the spine like growths, that shook and moved in response to touch.

Sonara was taking things very slow, and easy going, and was merely resting on top of Connor, taking pleasure when she felt various impressions across her softer scales as he explored. It was exciting for her, to be so handled in such a manner. She spoke to Connor as he brushed a hand down her backside.

"I'm surprised Connor. My kin aren't regarded as the most attractive of our kind."

Connor spoke in a quiet tone, as he continued brushing his hands along Sonara's scales.

"If you've seen Human women before, you'll know that they aren't much different from you. Except, you're a little taller and more slender. You don't give yourself enough credit."

Connor cut Sonara off by placing his lips against hers, pressing his hand against the back of her head to let her know that he wanted her to stay there.

Over the next few hours, the two simply stayed close, growing more comfortable in each other's presence. By now, Connor knew every inch of Sonara, without having even seen her. They remained close as the heat of the room staved off the cold of the starship, wrapped up in each other's arms. Connor always felt vulnerable without any of his gear on, but was at ease when Sonara's slender frame was against his, warmth collected and held in her scales, as she brought every available inch of her body as close to his as possible, wrapping herself around him in comfort, as the two eventually drifted off to sleep.

Connor opened his eyes up to the morning rays of sunshine, eventually realizing that it wasn't sunshine, but the warm light suspended above him. As he grew out of his morning stupor, he quickly realized that Sonara was partially resting over him. One of her hands was draped across his chest while he cradled her head in one of his arms. Her very long tail was curled up at his feet, and one of her legs was draped over his torso. She was sleeping soundly with no hint of being awake yet. Connor remained still, but roamed his across her now visible frame.

He had passed over every inch last night, and grown so very comfortable with her. It was still somewhat of a shock to see her outside of her armour. When she wore it, there was no hint of what she really looked like underneath. And the only thing that was ever vaguely ever exposed were her arms and part of her tail. She was built for speed, he could see it in her frame, and she had a wiry strength to her that came from being in her own military. And, under the warm light of the orb above them, he could make out scars now too. Miscoloured scales that didn't match and line up properly with everything else, having grown back stunted. The two most obvious were ones she had gained in her time with him, when she had covered his exit and taken heavy fire from Tenchutians. There was a large patch over her stomach, and another, across the softer plates of her chest were a round had torn through one of her lungs.

She was fine now, the Sarkarthian doctors having done their best to keep her going. Connor mused back on the night when he stumbled into the Sarkarthian medical wing and brought her back her weapon that he had caught when she went down. He wondered if any of the others out there that had done well together had met, or even been forced into circumstances like theirs. Maybe Sonara and him wouldn't be the only ones going AWOL. It didn't really matter now.

Eventually Sonara woke as well, and the two roused, beginning to move around the ship. Sonara didn't put anything on, and when asked why, simply stated it that it was common practice among her kin that when two intimates were alone in their privacy, they often wore little to nothing at all. Connor was taken aback at first, and decided he'd try it out. Sarkarthian ships were cold for some reason, but this was quickly abolished by Sonara, who spent every waking hour with him. But it made the experience for Connor relaxing, even fun. And over the course of the few weeks that their ship traveled, Connor found himself an ever increasing fondness of how close she was to him. He couldn't go anywhere without being partially wrapped up with her.

But eventually, they came across their destination, an out of the way space station on the outer edges of the galaxy. Connor had heard about it once, a long time ago. It was owned by a powerful, yet oddly kind man. The place had long since been given many nicknames by travelers, and it was Connor that had suggested it. They could sell their ship here, and maybe even get directions to other quiet parts of the galaxy. After all, they both needed to lay low now. As they docked with the station, both Connor and Sonara donned their respective armours.

He never really appreciated how stunning she was until now, as he watched her strap on her gear. She was alien. Stubborn and short tempered, like him. But under all of it she was kind hearted, and gentle. He was glad that none of his requests for transfers ever went through. Because right now, he didn't want to be anywhere else but with her. The two stood up, taking one last look around, and Connor watched as Sonara scooped up a handful of sand from one of the regions of the room, and placed it in a pouch on her armour. She unlatched her weapon, looking it over one last time, before placing it on the bed. She looked back to Connor.

"I don't want to fight, wherever it is that we will end up."

She patted the bag of sand tucked safely away in her armour.

"But I do want to remember how I came here, and who I did it with."

She wrapped her long tail around him, pulling Connor in close before she gave him a deep kiss, in which he returned it. The two broke off quietly. Connor held out his hand in a sign often made by fellow soldiers. Sonara wrapped her own fist up with his, holding the bond tight.

"We go together."

Sonara's bright eyes gleamed as Connor smiled.

"Let's see if this place is interesting. Do a little recon, check for potential targets. If you catch my drift."

Sonara gave him a genuine smile on her features.

"I've got your back Connor."

Connor nodded.

"Okay then partner. Want to go find the head honcho? I hear friends of his call him Jax. Let's see what kind of deal we can make with him."

"Hard or soft?"

"You do what you always do Sonara. Make the call and I'll either run or cover you."

Sonara took a deep breath.

"Okay then. A new life. I have faith Connor. We can do this."

The two left the room behind, proceeding down to the docking bay of the craft. Connor wasn't sure what would be waiting for them, but it didn't matter so long as Sonara was with him. And they'd find their place, away from the pain and suffering they both came from, in a new union of peace.

That or they'd do one hell of a show to get there.