Cecil Changes CHPT 3: Panic!

Story by Maxwell2199 on SoFurry

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#3 of Cecil Changes

Cecil Changes CHPT 3: Panic! Three days after he met Ashley, Cecil was wandering down the road, and passed a local Electronics store. The channel was set to the news as usual, but the anchor was what had caught his eye. It was a horse! After doing a double take, Cecil paused to watch the story, which was just beginning. "....As all over town, there have been cases of the random transformations happening, people waking up in the morning to find out that they have been changed, into all types of new animals, including myself. Widespread panic is expected to soon spread across the city......." So it wasn't just him and Ashley! This was an interesting fact that he just had to tell Ashley! He pulled out his cell phone, and dialed the first number in his contacts, Ashley Gria. As he waited for the ringing to stop and for her to pick up the phone, he thought more about this problem. How happy she would be to find out that there was no reason to believe as she still did that they were simply freaks, and that no one else had been affected by this problem. "Hello? Cecil are you there?" Ashley's response snapped him from his thoughts, and he suddenly said "ASHLEY! You'll never guess the story I just saw on T.V!" "You mean the one about lots of people being changed into animals?" He heart fell as she spoiled his surprise. "Yea, all the news channels have been running stories about it all morning! I just sat down and watched it about ten minutes ago, when I got home from school. Speaking of which, want to come over and play my Wii?" He grinned to himself, as he enjoyed his new found stamina and looked forwards to the half mile sprint to her house. "I'll be right over Ashley. I love you, bye!" As he hung up he chuckled to himself, putting his cell phone in his pocket and preparing to run. He crouched, then sprang up and started running.

    • * When he got to Ashley's house, he went around back as he had been told to do the first time when he came to visit the red fox's family home. He knocked on the door three times, and stood to wait. Less than 5 seconds later, he heard commotion in the house, and ten seconds following, saw that beautiful fox come to the door, and leap out, pouncing him to the ground and licking all of his face. " CEILY POO! So glad you could come!" Ashley said excitedly. Her tail wagged enthusiastically, as her voice yipped from the sudden heavy breathing. She got up off of him, and he followed her back inside. As he followed her, he noticed some of the changes that had taken place since the last time he was there. They had changed the sofa, later she informed him that she had taken to sleeping on it rather than her bed, because she no longer liked to climb the ladder going up to her room in the attic, and now the sofa folded out into a full sized bed. They plopped down on the sofa, before she asked "Would you like anything to drink? We've got orange juice, and soda." "Soda would be nice I suppose." She leaned down to kiss him, before prancing into the kitchen happily. As she poured them both a soda, he leaned down and started to set up the Wii. Since their changes, they had come to realize no one else was really a challenge for them, with their new heightened senses, they were able to react faster, so they started to withdraw more from society and just hang alone. However, with the more volatile transformations happening all over the city, maybe they could find a new crowd to hang with. Ashley walked back into the living room, and handed him his glass. "Now let's play!"
    • * Several hours later, Cecil's phone rang, and he paused their game of Super Smash Bros Brawl to check it. It was his friend Matt Rozai, who he'd not talked to since before his change, and who had avoided him on Monday. "Hello, Cecil speaking," he answered. "What's up Matt, how you been?" "Well... ummm I've kinda got a problem, only you could help with....." Matt said hesitantly. "What's wrong Matt? Something happened?" Cecil asked curiously. "Kinda... Lemme just send you a picture dude." Cecil waited patiently for the picture that Matt was taking. When his phone vibrated to signify a new picture mail message, he checked it. He had to check the sender twice. Matt had been changed as well! He seemed to be some kind of canine as well, maybe a wolf, but he was a silky gray, the light in the room he'd taken the picture from reflecting off his fur. Cecil quickly Called Matt back, after showing Ashley the picture, to which she was intrigued. "Dude, when did this happen?" "I woke up like that this morning, and I don't know what to do. I'm laying here naked, I've gone through 4 shirts, none of them fit, and my pants don't let my tail through! Aside from that, I'm freaking out. Oh, and I've not had breakfast." Cecil chuckled as he recognized several of the same problems he had had when he had first changed. "Well, at least put a robe on, and me and Ashley will be right over ok man?" "Ok later man, see ya soon." Matt hung up, and Cecil explained the problem to Ashley. When Cecil remarked that Matt was naked, Ashley giggled, and recommended they go over to help him. They left Ashley's house, and started prancing down the street, holding hands together.
    • * When they arrived at Matt's house, they knocked on the door. Several seconds later, Matt answered, wearing only a black robe, that was obviously too short, but Matt had also appeared to grow about half a foot taller. Ashley and Cecil looked up at him. "Wow grow much Matt?" Cecil remarked. Matt blushed, and slouched some, decreasing his height by about 2 inches. "Sorry guys.... I woke up off my bed too, so I didn't realize I'd grown taller..... Come in, cmon guys." They followed Matt up to his room, and he sat down on his bed, a clear sag in the mattress. There were pieces of fabric strewn across the room, presumably from Matt's previous attempts to get dressed, and his carpet was torn up in a line, like he had been pacing, his new and unfamiliar claws carving into the carpet. Other than that, it was the same mess it had always been when Cecil had visited his friend before, clothes everywhere, and scattered books and games. "So now what?" Cecil looked around the room once more, until he spotted a pair of undestroyed boxers. He grabbed a pair of scissors and cut a crude hole in the back, before chucking them at Matt. "Well, put those on to start with dude, that robe is barely doing anything." Matt headed into the bathroom to change, and a few minutes later he came back, wearing only the pair of tight boxers. "I think they are a little small....." Matt said quietly. Ashley giggled, seeing how his bulge pressed against the front of his boxers. "Well, something certainly isn't too small!" Ashley said smiling. Looking down, Matt blushed, grabbing a nearby blanket to cover himself better. Cecil smiled at Ashley's teasing, and began searching for a pair of Matt's jeans that were not destroyed. All of them joined in, and they scoured the room for a pair. However, it seemed Matt had destroyed everything that they found, and they sat down to think of another solution. Matt suddenly sprung up, and ran out of the room. They heard some yelling at the other end of his house, and then Matt came sprinting back into the room, a pair of jeans in his hand. "Ok so, I had to steal these from my bro, but they ought to fit, he's bigger than I am." Matt said breathlessly. Cecil nodded, again taking the scissors and cutting a hole in the back for his tail. Matt took the jeans and headed into the bathroom again, coming out only shirtless now. Ashley let out a low whistle. "With only that much revealed, you look H! O! T!" Ashley remarked in a very low seductive tone. Cecil looked around the room again, at all the tattered shirts. "Well, it looks like you need a bigger shirt, and I doubt you could steal one from your bro. So if you have some money, I'll go buy you one, and you can pick out your own later. Matt handed him a few dollars, sitting down on the bed. Ashley instantly sat down beside him, latching onto his arm. "I'll stay here for moral support." Ashley said quickly. Cecil, more than a little jealous, yet agreeing because he could go faster alone, left the room, heading to the store, and to buy Matt his shirt.
    • * Back in Matt's room, Ashley curled up with Matt, smiling, and tracing a heart on his chest with her finger. She looked up into his eyes, her own full of lust. Matt, confused by the sudden actions of this friend of Cecil's, who he had thought to be his girlfriend, pushed her away a little, half-heartedly trying to remove her from his chest. She instead, moved onto his lap, straddling his legs, and kissing him full on the snout. He pulled back, full of surprise, she grinned at him, grinding her hips to his. "Ummmm the store is only around the block, Cecil will be back soon....." Matt stated. "Good, then we can make it a quicky." Ashley responded simply. She slid down his body, undoing his pants and pulling them off quickly. His cock, erect in his boxers, stuck up as she reached down his underpants to pull it out, pulling down his boxers to below his balls. She climbed back up his body, reaching down to guide his wide cock to near her opening, pushing her panties aside and impaling herself on him. She moaned softly, and started gyrating her hips to his again, his cock sliding around inside her wet cunny. He gasped as she did all of this, then his instinct told him to thrust, so thrust he did. He started hammering into her with the amount of movement that she had allotted to him. She stopped him, pinning him to the bed, riding him roughly, moaning as she did. She slid up and down his hard grey cock, gyrating her hips to his. She moaned, her cunt dripping as she slid off of his cock, spinning around to present her sopping cunt to his face, sliding her lips down over his cock with one sudden movement. Matt sat there for a moment, confused on what to do, before Ashley reached back with one hand, her mouth still on his cock, grabbing his hand and bringing it up to stroke her pussy lips. she moaned into his cock as she made him do this for a few seconds, before he got the idea, and started stroking her lips, squeezing her clit gently, and nuzzling her in her crotch. She gasped as he slid a finger into her dripping cunt. She keep sucking on his hard cock, bouncing her head up and down, as he buried his face into her cunt, licking deep into her pussy with his long tongue, lapping at her precum. Ashley screamed, nearing her orgasm, and started to squeeze his balls gently, forcing his hard cock back into her throat, deep throating him slowly, sliding the head of his cock deep into the back of her throat, trying to swallow all of him. He moaned back at her, growling into her tight pussy, his tongue and lips pressed to her cunt. At the vibrations from his growling she screamed again, cumming, covering his tongue in her juices, filling his mouth with all the results of his actions. He withdrew his face from her crotch some in alarm, as she released more onto his face, coating his muzzle in her juices, he gasped tightening and shooting his enormous load into her mouth, overflowing from it and covering her facial fur in his jizz. She rubbed her face into his crotch, rubbing his ejaculate into her skin. "Mmmmm you're as good as Cecil." she remarked happily, licking the remains from his cock, spinning around and cleaning herself up some with a nearby towel. He layed there stunned, his face covered in her juices as she sat back down simply, pulling up his boxers and pants, rehooking them. "Well, you better get cleaned up too!" she explained. She chucked the towel at his head, and he caught it, wiping off his face. Several seconds after he put down the towel, Cecil wandered back into the room, and stopped, sniffing around, then growling and at Matt, then looking over at Ashley, and looking hurt. "Here's you fucking shirt you dick!" Cecil threw the shirt at Matt's head, then stormed out. Ashley looked from Matt to Cecil, then followed him out the door, chasing him down and hugging him before he got out of the house. He threw her off, roughly throwing her down on the couch, walking out the door. She layed there for a few minutes, before sniffling and walking out to walk home, crying. * * * COMING SOON: Cecil Changes CHPT 4: The Reunion * * * Cecil and Ashley meet again, and several more characters are added to the story, in their battle to stay away from each other in their ongoing fight for high school romance!