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Story by wolfbane on SoFurry

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More computerized changes for our fox friend

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Fenton rushed home from work the next day. The entire time it felt like his coworkers had been staring at him as though he knew his secret. The fox shucked off his clothes and rubbed a paw over his nullified crotch. A fateful encounter the night before had felt like nothing more than a strange dream that he couldn't wake up from. He had found a website that appealed to his yiffy side, one that created a community of furs that loved transformation of all shapes and sizes. It was there that he had met Carter, sort of. The tiger had developed a transformation app that somehow teleported him out of his bedroom and into the computer where his body became a layer of art for Carter to mold and change as he saw fit.

The smooth fur patch was seamless, it was though he had never had a cock between his legs. This was his gift from the tiger, a present that solidified just how real the previous night had been. His cock had been cropped off of his body and left completely detached, although he knew that it was still a part of him. Fenton made his way to the bathroom and unhooked the dangling member, feeling his paw brush up against it was enough to get his blood pumping.

One good thing about his predicament was just how much he loved these types of stories. He'd spent a lot of time imagining what he might do if it could ever really happen and one idea had come in particularly handy. Before leaving that morning he had rigged up a slipknot and tied it somewhat loose around his sac, letting it hang just above the toilet. The blue fox penis looked foreign to him. He still couldn't quite wrap his mind around how all of this was real, but at least he had been able to use the bathroom whenever he felt like it from the comfort of his work desk. He flushed the toilet and made his way back over to the computer, holding his cock carefully as though it were fragile.

He didn't even bother looking for any new stories, instead navigating directly back to the TF Gateway website. Frantically he searched through the list of signed in registered members within the site chat room, but the tiger didn't appear to be among them. His ears lowered in disappointment but then a familiar chime played through his computer speakers.

"Hello there cutie, how's my fox doing today?" A private message from Carter came through and he could feel his fur stand on end with excitement. He hesitated, wanting to choose his words carefully.

"I'm doing okay, yesterday was fun but I was kind of wondering if you would put me back to normal? " He typed back, hoping that he wouldn't offend the guy.

"Hmm... I'll consider it, but we both know that's not what you really want. ;)" Carter replied almost instantly and Fenton found himself beginning to sweat. He looked over at his throbbing member, as scared as he was that he might never get it back, his horny mind was still racing with all of the possibilities.

"What do you mean?" He tried to act coy, at least through the computer it wouldn't be possible for Carter to see through his charade.

"We both know that you came here wishing that you could be transformed, I'm giving you the opportunity you've always dreamed of." Carter's words couldn't have been more spot on. Fenton bit his lip and picked up the blue member. He had been given such a unique opportunity, did he really want to give it up after only a day?

"I'm going to start up my app, but this time you can sit back and relax and just watch." Carter said before Fenton could reply. On the screen a small window popped up, it looked a little like a streaming video player. His cock throbbed in his paw, he raised it up to bring it to his mouth when it disappeared from his hands. Fenton nearly dropped his laptop as he scrambled to figure out where it went.

On the screen in the middle of the window was a 3d model of his cock. He reached out and placed a paw on the monitor, there was no doubt in his mind that it had been pulled into the tiger's transformation application. A pointer that looked like a hand shot across the screen and landed on his stiff member, he felt the hand slide up and down along it, panting as the tiger pawed him.

Fenton humped his bed, having no control over the phantom feelings that were being relayed through the media player. The stream was gaining viewers too, along the side he could see a list of members that were popping in to watch the spectacle. How many people had been watching yesterday? He wondered. He grabbed at his crotch, still shocked to find that it was devoid. Carter worked quickly, switching between tools. He would zoom in, run the pointer across the dick in various places and then zoom back out. Every time it felt like Fenton was being brought closer to the edge, and each time the cock would look slightly different. The unnatural blue fur tone was being smoothed out.

The fox moaned as various other furs typed away, casually remarking on how realistic the work appeared. Little did they know that the tiger was actually manipulating a real penis. Just when he thought he couldn't take it anymore, the pointer changed into a tool he had never seen before. With a couple of clicks, his proud member began expanding lengthwise. It wasn't expanded too much, but enough to be noticeable. It was also quite a bit thinner. The tip was pulled up by the tool in such a way that made it look very slanted. It was then that he realized the transformation taking place, he could finally see the bigger picture. The cock on screen appeared to have distinct scales, and now with the added length it looked very much like it belonged to a lizard. He could barely focus on how his new cock appeared however, as the sexual urges had pent up inside of him, stealing his concentration.

The pointer slowed down and made its way to the top of the screen. He silently begged for it to move back to his cock, to manipulate it just a bit more. All he needed was a few digital strokes and he would easily cum. The pointer clicked away at the top menu bar, Carter clicked to save the image and Fenton wondered if that meant he was saving a picture or actually saving the changes that had been made. Many of the guests applauded and lauded the work, he might have joined in if he had been watching a simple art stream. At the bottom of the menu was the option 'return' and Fenton knew immediately that if the tiger clicked it, he would have his cock back. But the pointer refused to move towards it. Instead it navigated over to another bar he had neglected to notice titled 'animations.'

There were so many options within the animation list that Fenton couldn't even begin to process what each of them were before the mouse clicked on one and made the list disappear. A large button displayed along the top of the screen and Fenton's eyes widened. The pointer flew back to the animation list and grabbed another button, placing it next to the first. Fenton kept his eyes locked on the buttons that were already there, and gasped when the third and final one was placed down above his computerized cock.

[Flaccid] [Harden] [Cum]

The pointer hovered over the button labeled 'cum.' Part of him was hoping that these buttons actually worked. He waited, holding his breath, the moment dragging on for what seemed like a lifetime. But the button wasn't clicked. Instead it shifted over and hovered on top of the flaccid button. With a simple click Fenton felt all of his horny thoughts wash away, the cock on the screen shrunk as it softened. Now that he was thinking straight, he was glad that he hadn't been forced to cum.

But then the pointer shifted back over to the harden button and clicked it. Instantly all of those thoughts returned. Carter was toying with him, giving everyone a show and proving that each button worked exactly as it was supposed to. Which meant only one thing, the last button needed to be pressed. He bit his lip as the pointer slowly made its way back over to the third and final button. The program wouldn't know what edging was, it only knew what the button commanded. The pointer clicked and Fenton involuntarily moaned as the display shot out a load of spunk. The button was clicked again, followed by another load, his muscles tightening as though he had just let loose into a tight tail hole. The button was clicked again. The animation remained the same, but Fenton was no longer paying attention to the computer monitor.

It wasn't until the flaccid button was pressed and he felt his rod soften that he could pull himself together. His bed sheets were soaked in his sweat, a simple button had managed to give him some of the best sex of his life. The pointer moved back over to the menu bar and for a moment he assumed that it was finally going to be returned to him. Instead the mouse moved down to the option below it and clicked 'post.' The stream closed. What does post mean? He stared at the website, there was only one thing it could possibly have meant.

"Have fun tonight!" Carter typed before signing off. He refreshed the page and looked at the most recently added items. Right there as the newest post was an animation submitted by Carter. Fenton clicked on it and on the screen appeared his new lizard like cock with three buttons above it. Others were beginning to view the submission at the same time, one guy took control of the shared mouse and clicked the harden button. Fenton felt his hard-on return immediately, undaunted by the fact that he had just cum multiple times. Another person took control and hovered over the cum button.