TransformaniaTime: Ian McGraw
I didn't see any kitsune transformaniatime characters, so i decided to adapt yoshielder's character script for lucas robertson into a kitsune tf/tg, since i knew that lucas robertson's script was good, and i decided
ETTFC: Herm on Herm Dragon Taur TF Sex
#14 of enter the tf chamber want to tf into a sexy anthro herm and have fun with your new busty hung body? this is an interactive tf story that lets you do just that!
ETTFC - Herm Taur 69
#15 of enter the tf chamber want to tf into a sexy anthro herm and have fun with your new busty hung body? this is an interactive tf story that lets you do just that!
Thirteen Tales 2020: The Culprits Revealed
Tale 1 victim: lockely starting form: anthro fox ending form: faerie fox culprit: holly method: tf virus personality quiz important clues: while the test gives lockely magic, the quiz claimed the tf itself was science
Writing Stream: Transformation 1
End of tf.
Enter The TF Chamber Demo: Taur Edition
#8 of enter the tf chamber want to tf into a sexy anthro herm and have fun with your new busty hung body? this is an interactive tf story that lets you do just that!
Enter The TF Chamber Demo
#1 of enter the tf chamber want to tf into a sexy anthro herm and have fun with your new busty hung body? this is an interactive tf story that lets you do just that!
Let's Make a Story #2! (FINISHED)
Official, government sponsored tf g. strange dream tf h. exclusive club or resort package 9. tone a. scientific, documented b. casual, laid back c. humorous, self-aware d. surreal, dream-like e. kinky, experienced f. harsh, rough g.
Thirteen Tales 2020 Sign Ups Open
For all thirteen slots (or however many participants we have) i need to match people with tf interests.
ETTFC: Post Herm Dragon TF Funtime
#7 of enter the tf chamber want to tf into a sexy anthro herm and have fun with your new busty hung body? this is an interactive tf story that lets you do just that!
Park Rangers (A Sentai Adventure)
As long as you carry the transformator functioner (henceforth referred to as "tf device") on your person, you need only think about suiting-up and the technology in the tf device will obey and begin the transformation process.
Survival of the Fittest - Registration
) sensitive ( ) techno-impared ( ) weak ( ) xenophobic ( ) kinks: (please put a y next to those you prefer, an n to those you don't, or leave blank if you have no preference either way) beastial tf