Breaking Routine, Chp. 1

Story by Aetherous on SoFurry

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The loud screech of a speeding car, accompanied by persistent honking and angered shouts tore Derian from his fitful sleep. The lion sat up with a start, his body coated in a thin sheen of sweat, matting his golden fur to his body, his heart racing as the last visions of his dreams faded into the waking world. In an instant, a pounding headache overtook him, sending him flopping back down onto his mattress, groaning in pain as he raised a hand to his eyes, shielding himself from the bright morning light seeping in from the open window across the room.

For a few moments, he remained immobile, his haggard breathing broken by the occasional cough as he struggled to swallow through his parched throat. His tongue was dry; he was unbelievably thirsty, and his stomach growled hungrily, as if he hadn't eaten in days. That might very well be true, he thought to himself. He could barely remember the last few days.

Stretching out on the rough, sweat-soaked sheets, the lion tentatively slid his hand from his face, cracking his eyes open slightly, wincing as the bright light assailed his senses. He blinked back some tears and turned his head to the side, glancing over to the alarm clock he had set on his nightstand.


Too early, but he wouldn't be getting any more sleep now. Though his body seemed unnaturally heavy, worn down by fatigue and the events of the previous nights (which he could hardly remember), he knew that his mind was too awake now to allow him to slip back into the graceful peace of sleep. He yawned, the joints in his jaw popping slightly, but he ignored this. Rolling over onto his back, he let his arms fall to his side, starring up at the ceiling with the kind of half-sleeping disinterest one could only feel during the first few moments after waking up.

Memories of the previous evening slowly came back to him, each of them blurry and tainted with uncertainty and confusion. He remembered drinking, a lot. He remembered meeting up with old friends he hadn't seen in years, and drinking with them, a lot. Then, he couldn't remember anything but fleeting fragments, hazy visions of stumbling back to his apartment, barely able to hold himself up. He had mustered just enough strength to peel away his clothes, which had seemed so restricting and overly warm, and fall into bed, passed out before he even hit the pillow.

And then it was morning. Derian groaned as he looked back over at the clock.


Nope, this wasn't just a dream; he really was awake. This was going to be a damn long day, he thought to himself. Thankfully, it was the weekend, and he would be left relatively unharassed, and he could get the rest he needed.

Of course, it only took a few minutes of inertia for the lion to realize how utterly depressed and bored he really was. Maybe it was the early morning wake-up, maybe his unbelievable hangover, or maybe just his robust nature, but he was wide-awake, and although he wouldn't last the entire day, he was up now. "Damn it," he groaned as he stretched again, bringing his hands to rest on his torso as he contemplated what he could possibly do so early. There didn't seem to be much to do, at least not yet.

Lifting his head from the lumpy pillow, Derian glanced down his body, grinning to himself as his eyes fell upon his hard cock, fully erect and throbbing with a kind of eager need to release. Sighing quietly, the lion let his head fall back, now becoming vaguely aware of how hard he really was. He often woke up with an arousal like this, but rarely this intense. Must have been the drinking, he thought idly as he slowly sat up, propping himself on his elbows, looking down once again to his thick length of lion meat as it jutted from his firm body. "What the hell," he said, lowering himself back onto his bed as he slid one hand between his legs, gripping his shaft in a vice-like grip.

Derian smiled as a small stream of sticky precum fired from the tip of his shaft, dribbling down his fingers as he tugged on his pole, gripping himself firmly at the base. Wasting no time, he slid his hand up along his pounding member, twisting his hand along the way in order to stimulate every inch of his manhood to the best of his abilities. His smile changed to a profound snarl as he clenched his teeth, feeling the first ephemeral waves of pleasure wash over him as he continued to move his hand up and down, spreading his muscular legs wider apart.

"God, I need this," the lion said to himself as he shifted his heavy frame up along his bed, sitting up and leaning his back against the wall. Letting his head fall forward, he looked down his body, admiring the muscular build of his chest. His shoulders were broad and wide, giving him a powerful frame that well complimented the rest of his body. His firm pecks bore a darker fur of burnished copper, much coarser and thicker than the rest of his golden fur. A stream of that same, bronze fur ran down his torso, passing along the center of his defined, chiseled abs before crowning his sheath and balls. The rest of his body was just as muscular and compactly built, his legs and arms corded with well-developed muscle, not overly large, but enough to give him the perfect shape. As he stroked himself off, his body flexed and tensed in various places, reminding him perpetually of his sexy look. Yes, he was attractive; he knew it, and people often went out of their way to tell him so. In fact, he was damn hot, and he loved himself that way.

He blinked back a few tears as a burst of pleasurable bliss washed over him. Leaning his head back against the wall, he gazed back up at the ceiling, jerking himself off a little faster as he released a low growl, feeling himself melt away into his own, expert grasp. His entire body shook and trembled as he pounded his hand along his cock, feeling his balls swell and tense in anticipation, ready to fire his load when the pleasure became to intense. "Shit..." he exhaled through clenched teeth, his fangs pressed tightly together as his lips pulled back in a feral snarl. His hangover was gone now, replaced completely by his growing, orgasmic delight.

He smashed the back of his head against the wall, repeating the motion again, and then a third time as his conscious thoughts entirely focused on the task at hand. He could barely feel his own body anymore, except for his throbbing cock that continued to spurt out more of his precum, most of it landing on his beefy chest as it rose and feel with each deep, shuddering breath. He was growing numb; it felt almost as if someone else was jacking him off, but no one was this good. If there was anything he knew he was good at, it was sex (everyone told him that too), and his greatest specialty was sexually pleasing his own body.

"Fuck!" he shouted, biting his lower lip when he realized how loud he had cried out. It was early, but he knew that most of the other tenants would be up at this time. He didn't want to give any of them reason to come knocking at his door, but this just felt so good. Within moments, he was no longer able to hold his breath, to keep his moans of pleasure in check. He closed his eyes, his hand now flying along his length of lion meat, his cock so hard it felt as if he was rubbing a large, smooth rock.

Gripped by instinctual impulses, the lion's eyes snapped open, filled with a sudden, sexual clarity he knew all too well. Still rubbing his meat with the same ferocity, never missing a beat, he brought his free hand up to his face, suckling on his index and middle finger as best he could between intermittent grunts of pleasure. When his furry digits were sufficiently soaked, he brought his hand down between his legs, tenderly tickling the base of his ballsac as he readjusted his position, raising his bare rump while keeping himself flat on the bed, his legs still spread apart. In this position, his abs stood out far more distinctly than before, and he shuddered at the sight, admiring his masculine perfection as he pressed his dripping, saliva-drenched claws against the tender opening of his ass, careful not hurt himself in his blinding, maddening passion.

Derian pressed down on his fleshy rim, not stopping until his anus finally parted, allowing him to enter the tight, wet warmth of his inner body. He opened his mouth to scream, eyes shut and head thrown back, but he caught himself at the last moment, chocking on his cry as his ass exploded with numbing pleasure. He plunged his fingers as deep as they could go, pressing carefully against his burning depths as he continued to jerk off. He writhed in place, barely able to stay awake and focused as his orgasms blossomed to new heights. Sweat trickled freely down his body as the air around him became muggy and warm, bearing down on him from all sides, making it difficult to breath. Funny, breathing didn't seem that important to him at the moment.

The lion couldn't retain his roar as he propped his feet up on the bed, raising his ass slightly as he pounded into his ass, fingering himself with the brutish ferociousness of a wild animal in heat. Saliva dribbled from his open maw as he howled in delight, struggling amidst tumultuous thoughts of sexual satisfaction and bliss to stay as quiet as he could. His ass was on fire, his cock felt so good, and his balls throbbed almost violently, bouncing wildly between his furry, beefy thighs with every pass of his hand and thrust of his fingers.

His fingering became more strained as his twitch anus started to flex and convulse, swallowing his fingers with surprising force. Derian yearned for something bigger to fuck himself with, but he hardly seemed to have enough time to find something suitable. He was so close to cumming, so close it hurt. He wanted this so unbelievably much he could hardly believe it himself. His fur was matted to his body, so drenched with sweat it looked as if he had just stepped out of the shower. His chest and torso were smeared with precum, and his face and neck stained with drool. He threw his head back and yowled in delirious delight, thrusting his ass off the bed, fingering himself harder and faster as he stroked his meat with more sexual depravity than ever before. He was almost there.

And then, a knock at the door.

Derian chocked, squinting through half-closed eyes at the door down the hall, directly across from his bed. He wanted to speak, but more importantly, he wanted whoever was there to go the fuck away. He ignored it, still pleasuring himself as his climax bubbled to life, searing through every fiber of his being as he prepared himself to fall over the edge.

Another knock, more insistent this time. The lion swore beneath his breath, so close to released he could almost feel his seed flowing from his heavy, sweaty balls to his shaft. However was at his door was not going to go away, and he knew he would have to answer the door. He wanted to cum, but his conscious, civilized mind (the smallest part) screamed at him to get up, diminishing his pleasure to the point that he felt a stinging pain flow through him. Though the pleasure he felt was still immeasurable, his climax had been taken from him, at least for now. He cursed again, struggling to regain control of his breathing and to slow his racing heart. "Fuck..." he whispered before raising his voice. "Who's there?!?" he asked after, still hammering his fingers into his tight hole and pounding his hand along his shaft as he spoke.

"It's Ms. Lockit. I need to speak to you," came an elderly voice, the voice one of the tenants from down the hall. Derian knew her well; he had helped the old wolf move in many years ago, not long after arriving himself, and he knew her grandson well too. Though she was kind and generous, as most grandmothers were, at least those he knew, he didn't really have any patience right now.

"Can it wait?" he asked out loud, pushing his fingers deeper into his ass, biting his lower lip as a trembling moan escaped him when the tip of his claws brushed gently against his burning prostate. "I'm...kind the middle of something."

He had barely finished speaking when Ms. Lockit spoke up again. "It's about Theal." Theal, the name of her grandson.

Again, Derian swore, breathing in and out with long, slow breaths as he let his body relax. He tore his fingers from his hole with a grunt, keeping one hand wrapped around his huge, throbbing dick as he threw his legs over the side of the bed, sitting up slowly. Rubbing his eyes with his free hand, he rose to his feet and made his way towards the door, still caressing his manhood with short, percussive strokes around the base, just enough to keep himself painfully erect, but not enough to cloud his judgment, at least not much. His ass still burned, his tail flicking from side to side as the undeniable urge to touch himself right there continued to tingle hotly in his mind. He liked Ms. Lockit as a neighbor very much, but she had a habit of perpetually interfering with his personal life, a very lustful, sexual life indeed.

Derian made sure to lean behind the door as he opened it a crack, keeping his naked lower body hidden from view as he continued to touch himself intimately. Leaning on one arm on the other wall, he peeked out into the hall, smiling to the elderly wolf as she looked up at him. "I'm sorry to disturb you, I hope you weren't doing anything important," she asked him, an earnest, caring look in her eyes.

The lion shook his head, chuckling softly under he breath. "No, don't worry about it. I was just unloading a few things."

Ms. Lockit seemed taken aback. "You're not thinking of moving, are you?"

"I wouldn't dream of it," Derian said as his cock spurted out another burst of precum, splattering it all over his door. He masked his trembling pleasure with a smile, his eyes glazing over from time to time, though the wolf didn't notice.

"Well, that's good to hear. At any rate, I was wondering if you had seen Theal, or heard of him, recently. I haven't since last night."

"Not that I know of," the lion replied, clenching and unclenching his ass as he spoke, trying his best not to think about what would feel good thrust up there right then and there.

Ms. Lockit nodded, looking somewhat distraught. "Well, I have to go and take care of m groceries. If you see him, can you tell him I am looking for him?"

"I'll do that."

"Well, I'll let you get back to what you were doing," Ms. Lockit said with a kind-hearted smile. "Is there anything I can do to help."

Derian reached out for her and gave her shoulder and affectionate squeeze. "I assure you, Ms. Lockit, I am in good hands," he said, still kneading the thick base of his cock with one hand. "You have a nice day."

She wished him the same and turned to leave when suddenly another voice called out his name from down the hall. Ms. Lockit came to a stop, peering down the hallway through her unimaginably thick glasses. "Looks like the mail is here. Special delivery, I think."

The lion groaned, leaning his head against the door as he closed his eyes for a moment. His balls, still bouncing between his powerful legs with each rapid pass of his hand along his rigid member, ached for release, painfully tight and swollen. "This is not what I need right now," he whispered, raising his head once again when the delivery man, a young-looking raccoon, at least two feet smaller than him, walked up, carrying a large parcel and clipboard.

"Excuse me," he said, nodding to Ms. Lockit before looking down at his delivery papers. "Are you Derian Rolthar?

Derian nodded, blinking back tears as a sudden eruption of pleasure overtook him. He wouldn't last long if he kept touching himself like this, but he couldn't bring himself to stop. Nor would he let the morning's interferences stop him; this was a matter of principals now. "Yeah, that's me."

"I have a package for you here. I'll need your signature," the raccoon explained, handing Derian the clipboard and a pen.

The lion took them, pressing his cock up against the door as he released it, moving himself back and forth slightly, using the cool wood to stimulate himself as he signed the papers. "Was this really the only time available for you to deliver this," he asked offhandedly, not really wanting an answer.

"Is this a bad time?"

Looking up at the raccoon with a smile, Derian shook his head, handing back the clipboard while once again gripping his meat, immediately picking up where he left off. "Not at all. I was just handling a package of my own, that's all."

"Well, I'm sorry if I disturbed you," the deliveryman said, passing the package to the lion. "Here you go. Have a nice morning, both of you."

Ms. Lockit nodded as the raccoon turned and left, and then turned to look up at Derian as he read the label on the package. The lion, however, was not reading anything. His eyes were blurry and unfocused, and he was barely aware that the old wolf was still standing there.

"Are you going to open it?" she asked him after a few moments of silence, causing him to shake his head and look back down at her.

"I'll wait until a better time. I'm still...pretty busy right now."

The elderly wolf shrugged. "It's not really my place to say anyway. Well, I should really be off before..."

Again, she was cut off as another tenant walked up to both of them, looking rather flushed and worried. Katheryn, a tigress from the floor below, who eyed Derian, and his buff, powerful chest for a moment as she walked by, approached them hurriedly, looking as if she had just run two laps around the entire city. Derian knew her as the perpetually-energetic, organized one who always seemed to believe the everything in life could and should be neatly organized into a tight-fitting schedule. She was a businesswoman after all. "I'm glad I caught up to you two. I'm still arranging the preparations for Mr. Kopesh's (the landlord) birthday party, and I need to know what the two of you plan on doing for the celebrations."

Ms. Lockit raised a hand to her muzzle, looking perplexed all of a sudden. "Oh dear, I completely forgot. Oh my, I must be getting forgetful in my old age."

"That's not a problem, Ms. Lockit," Katheryn replied, smiling at the older woman as she spoke. "The party is not for another few days, so there is still plenty of time to plan. What about you, Derian?"

The lion inhaled deeply, barely conscious of what the tigress had just said. "I haven't really thought about it. My mind has been elsewhere lately, especially this morning."

"Well, if the two of you don't have any inspiration, I can run by you a list of what still needs to be done." Damn her and her lists, Derian thought to himself. She always had a list for everything. "So far, we need a..."

And on she went, droning article after article, item after item, preparation after preparation until Derian thought he would be sick. Ms. Lockit nodded from time to time, looking keenly interested in everything Katheryn had to say. Derian did his best to stay focused, stroking his cock with a little more force and speed than he had originally intended, but he was just too hard to care right now.

"Mr. Rolthar?" came a strangely familiar voice.

Cracking his eyes open, Derian looked down to the same raccoon who had delivered the packaged a mere moment before. "Wh...what is it?" he asked, his words slurring slightly as his pleasure escalated.

"I'm really sorry, I'm still kind of new at this job, and I forgot to ask you for a piece of identity of some kind, you know, just to be sure I'm delivering this to the right place."

"Isn't my signature enough?" the lion asked with mounting frustration. He had to get rid of these people, but he was running out of patience, and running out of time.

"I...I'm not sure," the raccoon said, scratching his chin in thought.

Derian smiled, looking up to Ms. Lockit and Katheryn. "Could you two excuse us for a moment. I'll get back to you about the party, and Ms. Lockit, if I hear from Thean, I'll let you know."

The old wolf and the tigress nodded, saying good-bye as they walked off down the hall together, still talking when they turned the corner and disappeared from sight. When they were gone, Derian lowered himself to a crouch, making sure to keep himself well hidden behind his door as he moved closer to the raccoon, motioning for him to lean in, which he did.

"Listen," he said softly into the raccoon's ear, biting his lip in order to hold back a whimpering moan before going on. "I woke up this morning hornier than you can imagine, and I have been trying ever since to get myself off. Now I am dangerously close to cumming all over the place, and I do not have the will to deal with you or anyone else right now. Can you give a guy a break and let me blow my load in peace?"

The raccoon frowned, his mouth falling open as the lion spoke. For a few moments, the deliveryman said nothing, looking into Derian's eyes with a mixture of uncertainty and confusion. Derian could hear his thoughts: was he joking, or was he serious. Naturally curious, as most raccoons seemed to be, the deliveryman leaned closer, peering past Derian's door, immediately catching sight of the lion's massive cock and heavy balls, nestled in a sweaty coppery pelt; Derian made no move to stop him. Precum oozed from the lion's shaft like steady stream, and it was more than evident that he was about ready to burst. The raccoon stared at his manhood in amazement, hardly able to tear his eyes away, it seemed.

"You can stay and watch if you want," the lion chuckled jokingly, feeling his climax tingle to life, starting in his aching balls before blazing to life throughout his entire, muscular frame. The raccoon opened his mouth to speak, but Derian pushed him out the door with a single clawed hand. "Maybe next time."

With that done, the closed the door and slammed a fist against it as he collapsed to his knees. "Ffffuucckk..." he roared, choking back the cry lest everyone in the apartment hear him. His hand flew along his shaft, sending rippling explosions of orgasmic pleasure flowing through him, robbing him of his very awareness. He pressed his head against the door, urgently moving his free hand to his ass, hastily thrusting two trembling fingers into his hole. He moaned as he drilled his hole, drooling from his open maw, his eyes fixed to the floor but starring far away.

He had rarely experienced a climax as strong as this one. A pang of almost painful bliss shot through his balls, forcing him to twitch and shudder as his cock throbbed harder than ever before, spewing out his first rope of cum with unbelievable force. His kept fingering and stroking himself without relent, gushing out one heavy load of lion seed after another, releasing a single, low moan all the way through. His cum fired from his shaft like a hose, splattering all over his floor and his door, seeping around his knees. His orgasms did not fade, but only intensified with each wad of cream that flew from his member. As his climax escalated, he leaned back with a snarl, falling onto his back, lifting his legs to better pound his ass with his fingers, assaulting his prostate as more steamy ropes of cum fired onto his chest, some of it shooting onto his face. He lapped some of it out of the air, relishing the taste of his seed, using the potent flavor to fuel his desires. God he needed this.

After many long minutes, his orgasm finally faded. With a content groan, he collapsed to the floor, panting heavily, waiting for his heart to stop racing and his lungs to stop burning. When he had somewhat relaxed, he sat up, looking at the massive, splattered cum stains all over his apartment entrance and himself. It looked as if an orgy had came to a conclusive end at his front door, but it was all him. "Now that's the sign of a real man," he said to himself with a grin as he rose to his feet.

The lion gave his still-hardened cock an affectionate squeeze. His meat fired another spurt of cum, causing his knees to buckle slightly beneath his weight, but he quickly recovered. "Fuck, I'm still pretty hard," he said to himself with a grin. "Better deal with this, but first, a nice shower to start the day.

With that said, Derian the lion made his way towards the bathroom, sampling his cum on his fingertips as he walked off, leaving his eruptions of seed behind for now. Maybe this wasn't going to be such a bad day after all, he thought to himself.

It came off to a good start, and it would only get better.