Axe And Moss 9. A friendship is born.

Story by The_Snow_Wolf on SoFurry

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#10 of Axe and Moss

Hey guys, it saddens me to say this but I am almost finished with the Axe and Moss series, there are two more to come and then its finished, i feel like i am running out of inspiration for this series and that's why I haven't put anything up in so long, however I am soon going to be moving on with a new series that should be fun and sexy with maybe a little bit of romance, either way i hope you enjoy this chapter, I decided against a sex scene in this one because i wanted to get back to the way i made the first one but you can look forward to a sex scene in each of the next two chapters and i will do my best to end the story well, and now without further adieu enjoy.

Hey, it's Max again, so these past few years have been pretty crazy right? First I have sex with every horny guy in town, then I die of diseases in my brother's arms as he bleeds to death, then I get brought back from the dead to help my two fathers get back together again and now I am in the realm of the gods living in a huge purple forest on a huge purple bed, they sure do make you easy to find here, not that it's bad having horny wolf gods know where to find you, all those ripped bodies with huge cocks, I do wonder why so many of the people I encounter are gay?

So this story begins where the last left off, we were new residents of the land of the gods and boy was I excited about all the hunks in the woods, I got to meet my father's ancestors and swap beauty tips with some hot she-wolves and later took a walk through the woods to see all the boys' reactions, the great bit about nobody wearing clothes here is all the hard-ons I get to peep at while the boys all peep at me. It was on one such walk that I encountered one of my fathers being impaled on a huge cock, a cock that belonged to a brown wolf that was not my other father, I was shocked beyond belief that my father would do such a thing, especially after he just patched things up with my other father, so when I went by to his forest clearing later that day I confronted him about it.

So it turns out the huge mountain of a wolf was Decimus, god of the earth, and that my father had an arrangement in which they would have sex whenever Decimus called and my father would keep him in the closet until he was ready to come out. I decided after that to pay this Decimus guy a little visit. I got to his clearing and was shocked to find this behemoth running around in circles, destroying everything in his path until he finally just broke down crying. Such a gorgeous beast, the epitome of masculinity, weeping into the dirt. I cautiously approached the beast, wary but confident, as soon as I entered the clearing he noticed me and buried his face in the dirt, I padded over to him and sat in front of him, resting my paw on his shoulder, he looked up at me with tears in his eyes and I couldn't help myself, I went in for a hug but as my nose bumped his I couldn't control my lips, I kissed him, not just a light peck either, it was lip-locking, tongue-wrestling, full on making out and I loved every second of it, we kept at it till I felt his wet, throbbing member rubbing against me. It was then that he threw me off him with such force that I smashed through a tree, I faded and the world went black, this was just like dying.

I came too with Decimus hunched over in front of me sobbing, I looked at him and said "Gee you sure do cry a lot, especially for a hunk of a man." He proceeded to apologize profusely until I assured him that I was ok, just a little woozy and very confused. Then he told me why he was crying in the first place, he was gay, but he hated it, he hated that everyone would judge him if they knew, after all he was renowned as the most masculine and "straight" of all the gods and if people discovered this secret they would definitely ridicule him, or so he thought, and when we were kissing he was enjoying it too much, and he hated that he enjoyed it, that he found me attractive, that every once in a while my father would come over and sleep with him, he hated it all so much but there was nothing he could do but resist the urges, even that angered him though. I decided to tell him my story then, I was out and proud, fucking anyone who offered, I thought I was special, that all the boys wanted me and loved me when really they just wanted my body and only cared about getting themselves off in the next available hole, yes I was gorgeous and that's why they were attracted to me but they didn't care for the person that I was inside, then I let my self-destructive behaviour affect my life in terrible ways, I got depressed and pushed away those who were closest to me, I went on benders night after night, I skipped school, I had sex with teachers and students alike, if it had a dick I would be riding it sooner or later and that led to my undoing, I died knowing that I had hurt the people who loved me so much that it destroyed their lives, I destroyed their lives, my brother killed himself, my parents split up and even though they don't blame me, I blame myself, had I been a better person my family wouldn't have suffered as they did, by the end of my story I had begun to cry and I came to a conclusion, despite being open about my sexuality and appearing proud of it, I too hated being gay, I hated the gay community, I hated that my worth was established on my looks and how well I could take a dick.

I sat with Decimus for the rest of the night, we talked about everything we could think of, we even moved on to lighter topics and by the end of the night we were laughing together, his loud, booming laughter was so magical, I was mesmerized by this beast of a man who was centuries older than I am but who I got along with so well. When I started getting tired Decimus put his arms around me and I feel asleep like that. When I awoke I was covered by two thick, furry, tree trunk like arms with a warm body at my back and a warm member between my butt cheeks, I could tell then that my sleeping friend was the most well-endowed man I had ever met but I resisted the urge to mount that rod, I needed to get back to my family anyway, apparently I was meant to be starting school in London soon, it was going to be strange leaving the realm of the gods every day and returning after school, and as always I had my twin to support me, but josh had been rather distant lately, he didn't sneak into my bed at night anymore, he would barely acknowledge my existence when I spoke to him, he just seemed bored with me for some reason, even though he told me he loved me, even though he killed himself for me, now he was bored of me, I just couldn't understand what was going through his head, I never could.

When I got back to my clearing I found my whole family there, apparently today was the first day of school and I was going to be late for the first day of my final year, they asked me where I was all night and I told them I went for a walk, I don't know why I felt the need to lie about Decimus, why I felt I should hide our new friendship or why I just couldn't get him out of my head. It looked as though some interesting times were coming though.