Tahikida, Chapter 2

Story by jcrescent on SoFurry

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A soft knock on his door interrupts him from his deep thoughts about his brief phone conversation with his mother, " Come in" Tahikida answers. Ramon, one of his roomates peeks his head in surprised to see his freshman roommate not yet dressed, and even more surprised to see the pensive look on his usually calm face.

" What's wrong my dear cub, why aren't you dressed yet? You know orientation is in an hour right?" the Tiger asks as he sits next to Tahikida on the bed, "What's wrong?"

Tahikida wraps his arms around the tiger and buries his face in the soft fur on his chest and cries softly. " Oh, love is it that bad?, shhhh, calm down, tell me what's going on."

Tahikida looks up at Ramon with glossy eyes, " I let somebody take me for the first time last night... I feel like such a slut, he used me Ramon, not even a kiss good night..."

"Oh, I see, look sweetie, my first time wasn't with my boy friend ya know, it was with some hot stud in high school who wanted to fuck for the first time, it doesn't make you a slut or some kind of sex maniac, you just know what you want thats all... It was good for you right?" Ramon, softly tickles Tahikida's stomach to get the younger lion out of his sad mood, the response was better than he expected.

" Yeah, it was better than good, at least he know what he was doing and didn't hurt me too much at first."

The door opens, and Andy, Ramon's boyfriend, walks in with a smirk on his face, " So, Ramon, are you trying to seduce our young cub here, his german accent playing in the ears of his beloved.

" No, love, just trying to give the little one hear a pep talk" replies Ramon, they always treated Tahikida like a younger brother ever since they were kids themselves.

" I couldn't help overhearing, what was said" Andy sits on the other side of Tahikida " You are a beautiful boy, and you deserve to get what ever you want, don't feel like your some kind of slut because your first time wasn't with some one you love. Not everybody has a wonderful romantic experience their first time, its quite normal, OK. Besides, with curves like yours, I'd expect a whole bunch of guys throwing themselves at you..."

"Believe me, I appreciate the attention, but I don't just want hot sex, I want someone to love me, like you and Ramon love each other, I know I'm ready for that. I just haven't found the right person.... Most people who approach me don't want me for my heart, the want me for the body that they see, they don't care to know what's on the inside, I just finally gave into one and now i feel foolish..."

The wolf pics up the smaller lion and places him in his lap as he would one of his younger brothers and kisses him on the nose. " Tahi, my friend, one day you will find your one true love, he's out there waiting to be discovered by someone like you, believe it, cub, believe it, I have a feeling something else is bothering you though." Andy remarked. " Are you sure its not your gift of sight, you are a mage just like me, you and Ramon."

Tahikida releases a tense sigh, "My mother knows about this, she called me an hour ago wanting to meet after orientation today... do you think she approves of this, she can be somewhat cryptic about things sometimes... I just don't know what to think."

" Of course she does, matter of fact, she was the one who suggested that we take you out today." Ramon quipped " You of all people should know that your mother wants you to explore your sexuality freely without guilt, its a mages rite"

"But what about my father, what if he found out about this, he was always OK with me being gay but hinted at not diving into random sexual relationships, he's a bit old school you know."

Andy laughed a bit, " Oh I hardly think he's that bad, he is married to your mother, and with her being such a free spirit I don't think they would be able to stand each other if he was truly like that. Your father was always gentle with you, he loves you more than you will ever know, and will regardless what you do. He was the one who selected us as your roommates, because we've been friends since childhood."

" You can't blame me for being a little worried, gentle or not, these are my parents" Tahikida stated.

" I know, now its time for you to get dressed. Cute as you are, I don't think your classmates would appreciate you appearing in just a towel, well, some of them might..." said Ramon after swiping Tahikida on the rump.

Orientation lasted exactly two hours, and the Department Head, Professor Eisen, an otter who looked younger than he was, managed to go through the keynotes without completely loosing his audience to boredome, It actually was a bit exiting to learn how the semester would be spent, but not all of Tahikida's attention was on the Professor, some of it was divided to a certain tall siberian husky with sky blue eyes he ran into on his way to the rest room, his smile and his slight russian accent captivated him, but he tried his hardest not to act like a complete fool when he met him again after orientation.

" Hello there, we met earlier, my name is Misha, and you are..."

"Tahikida" the lion answered, accepting the husky's firm yet controlled handshake.

"Ahh, Tahikida, such a beautiful name, well it is a pleasure to meet you, what year are you? I don't remember your face so you're either a freshman or an exchange student." Misha inquired, fumbling with his ear piercing.

" Oh, I'm a freshman, this is my first semester at Tech." said Tahikida, softly, blushing as much as a Black Lion could.

" I see, well, I'm a sophomore here, and a professor's assistant in the IT department, so if you need anything, let me know, my contact number is listed in the student employee directory."

" Sure thing, thanks" Tahikida smiled.

" Well, enjoy the rest of the day, Ill see you around, yes?" asked Misha

"Of course, see you around" Now to deal with mother, he thought...