The Koe, Part 1

Please enjoy part one of this sneak peak into a new story arc for Tahikida, I hope I was able to iron out all errors before publishing, if not, let me know and Ill fix them promptly J. The Koé Anatomy The Koé are a humanoid,...

Tahikida, Chapter 7

To new readers, if you aren't familiar with this story, I urge you to read the first chapters before reading chapter 7, otherwise, enjoy! Tahikida chapter 7 "Hey" "Hey" The ice blue eyes of the husky standing before him...

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Tahikida, Chapter 1

Tahikida, Chapter 1 The alarm wakes him up with a start, as usual. He groggily swipes at it knocking it on the floor and silencing it as the batteries come loose of their cartridge. Slowly the events of last night come seeping back to him in...

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Tahikida, Chapter 6

Tahikida Chapter 6 The gentle nuzzling from his brother, who was still deep inside of him, awakened him. The twitching member served as a vivid reminder of last night's activities. Suddenly the feeling of Talanos' raspy sandpaper-like tongue on...

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Tahikida Chapter 5

It wasn't, the opening of the door, nor the soft thump of the boots, not even the settling of his weight on the bed that startled Tahikida awake: it was the hand that lovingly caressed his face and teased his ears (which had done the same thing every...

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Tahikida, Chapter 4

The feast wasn't officially over, but Tahikida and Misha quietly excused themselves after staying for the twenty minutes required by protocol for such events. For the first time in as long as he could remember, Tahikida was actually comfortable having...


Tahikida, Chapter 3

The trip to the consulate was long enough to give Tahikida plenty of time to think about his life. Tahikida, is the nephew of King Arroz, his mother, head of the mages society in their kingdom His father is a data center typhoon who was smart enough to...

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Tahikida, Chapter 2

A soft knock on his door interrupts him from his deep thoughts about his brief phone conversation with his mother, " Come in" Tahikida answers. Ramon, one of his roomates peeks his head in surprised to see his freshman roommate not yet dressed, and...

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