Chapter XX: This Bond Between Us
#20 of Kaeden's Commitment
Not much to say about this chapter...but it is a step outside Kaeden's normal day-to-day life, so it should be interesting for some folks.
At this point we are somewhere between 75-80% done with the story. There's a bit to come, but we are through most of it. Hang in there, it's a fun ride to the end!
Kaeden's Commitment
by Draugr
Chapter XX: This Bond Between Us
Sonia improved slowly over the course of the next week, although she was far more resistant than Kaeden had ever been. Ashleigh had planned a special occasion with Kaeden for the day after he got back from his sleepover, but Sonia's poor behavior simply didn't allow for it. The Shepherd also needed a few extra days to recover from the disappointing results. No matter how many times Ashleigh tried to reassure him that he hadn't 'failed' anything - he couldn't help but see that result in it.
A week later with little improvement in Sonia's behavior, and no improvement in Kaeden's mood, Ashleigh decided her outing with her male charge could no longer be delayed. Rashid agreed to watch Sonia for the day, as the fox was far,_far_from being at any point in her recovery where she could be trusted outside the house. She broke the news to him during his morning diaper change.
"Wait, what? We're... leaving the house?" Kaeden asked, jaw hanging slack.
The Pyrenees nodded. "Yes, pup. I think it would do you some good."
Kaeden laid his ears backed and whined, his tail curling up between his legs. Ashleigh quickly pulled it back so she could clean him up.
"What's the matter, puppy?" she asked.
"People might see me... " he whimpered.
"Oh, pup, don't be so somber. I've got some clothing for older puppies too. You'll still have to wear a diaper, but nobody will notice a thing."
After she got him taped up into a dry diaper, she helped him get dressed. The first item was a blue onesie, which confused him. This certainly wasn't something an 'older puppy' would wear, but he had learned to trust his caregiver at this point, and said nothing. Once she was done fastening the snaps, she helped him step into a pair of khaki pants. It had elastic in the waist, no doubt to ease the removal process for a caregiver, but it wasn't as obvious as any of his shorts would have been, all of which had snaps on the inside legs and crotch to aid in diaper changes.
As he stood up, the reason for the onesie became clear: if the waistband of his diaper rose above his pants, it wouldn't be visible. Lastly, Ashleigh got out a simple dress shirt for him, which she buttoned up. She led him over to her bedroom, and let him step just inside to look at himself in the floor-length mirror attached to her door.
"Satisfied?" she asked, smiling.
Kaeden turned back and forth, checking for tell-tale bulges or other signs that he was something 'younger' than what he appeared. Finally, he nodded.
"You can't even tell that I'm a puppy!" he said, then immediately blushed, placing his paws over his mouth. "I-I mean, that I_look_like a puppy... " he said, ears flat. Though he'd accepted his role under Ashleigh - even embraced it - he'd never really outright called himself a puppy before. That had been Ashleigh's gentle nickname for him.
"Too late, pup, the cat is out of the bag. But it's okay. You'll be all grown up soon enough, I'm sure. Besides, you've enjoyed being my puppy, right?"
Kaeden bashfully swing his footpaw back and forth a couple times, looking down at the floor. "Yeah, I guess so... " he said, trying to suppress a shy smile. Indeed, he'd long since found the entire process therapeutic, now that he was no longer actively fighting against it.
"Good. Now, let's go take a trip. Let me get your diaper bag ready and we can go."
"M-my what?" he stammered.
"You don't seriously think I'm going to let you walk around all day under a hot sun in a wet diaper, do you?"
"You're gonna change me... out there?" he said incredulously.
"Oh, don't be so dramatic, Kaeden. There's family-style restrooms, and if all else fails, I can just change you in the back of my van. I'll be sure to park somewhere secluded and out of view."
He nodded as she grabbed a backpack, throwing a in a few diapers, a changing mat, some baby powder, baby lotion, and a change of pants, just in case he had a leak. It hadn't happened before, but it never hurt to be prepared. His pacifier went in as well, though she reassured Kaeden that it was only for the drive back.
"Ikici will have to stay here, though," she said, indicating the wolf plush in his crib. We wouldn't want him getting eaten by the lions, would we?"
Kaeden shook his head back and forth. "Nope."
Their last stop was in the kitchen to get some apple juice for Kaeden, who felt a twinge of embarrassed delight that he was going to be allowed to drink from his sippy cup while on the road.
After saying their goodbyes, and making sure everything was prepared for Rashid, Ashleigh buckled up her charge in his carseat, and pulled out of the drive. It was a two hour trip, but neither dog spoke much. Kaeden was trying to suppress his puppyish excitement, and Ashleigh was concentrating on safely driving her and her charge through the hectic morning traffic.
Eventually, they pulled into the parking lot of the zoo, and as promised, Ashleigh chose a spot near the back of the lot, under the shade of some old trees. She unbuckled Kaeden, but rather than walking toward the entrance, she opened up the back of the van and helped him lay down on some soft blankets. The Shepherd blushed, realizing he was getting his diaper checked. Even though he trusted Ashleigh not to humiliate him in public, he still couldn't help but lean up to look out the back windows of the van to make sure nobody was around.
A little of the apple juice had already run through him, but he wasn't wet enough to need changed, so she snapped his onesie back up and pulled his pants back on. She noticed Kaeden was a little antsy as well, and figured it was best to wait to change him regardless until he was more comfortable in these new surroundings. She helped him get the backpack on filled with his changing supplies, then locked up the van.
"So, what do you want to see first?" she asked, as they walked toward the entrance.
Kaeden found it odd not to be holding his caregiver's hand, but refrained from the urge. "I'm... I'm not sure. I haven't been here since I was a puppy. An_actual_puppy."
"You_are_an actual puppy," Ashleigh laughed. "But I understand. Just let yourself relax, little one, and let your younger self speak for you. What does two-year old Kaeden want to see first?"
The Shepherd furrowed his eyebrows, then stopped, closing his eyes. His body posture noticeably relaxed, and then his eyes opened, brighter than before.
"Sorry, Mommy," he said, quietly. "Had to let myself relax. Can we go see the wolves first?" he said, tail wagging excitedly.
"Sure," she said, laughing. "You can tell me which one looks most like Ikici."
After paying their admission, they made their way to the wolves' den. Kaeden was initially upset by the large crowds of people, but then realized it was easier to blend in than he'd realized. With so many people at the zoo today, nobody was paying anybody else any particular attention, and certainly nobody was listening into their conversations.
Five minutes later they were at their destination.
"You made a good choice, pup," Ashleigh said. The wolves were all out enjoying the cool morning air. Ashleigh read the sign out loud for Kaeden, which mentioned that they usually sought out the dark confines of their den during the hot day sun. The Shepherd could read, of course, but just as Kaeden found it difficult to completely let go of his puppyish tendencies, Ashleigh also found it difficult to avoid treating him as one, at least entirely.
"What next?" she asked.
Kaeden thought a moment. "I kind of want to go see the tropical birds, but I can't remember where they are. It's been so long since I've been here, and my dad kind of has a thing about birds so we didn't see them but once, ever."
"Why don't you go ask one of the staff for directions?"
"Huh? Can't you do that?" he asked, blushing.
"Don't be so shy, Kaeden. Part of your recovery is learning that you can trust other people for simple things like this."
"I know I can, I just, you know. It's hard."
"Good. Then it will build some character."
Kaeden groaned. "My dad_always_says that."
"Then it sounds like your dad is_always_right," she retorted. "Now, go ask, pup."
"Yes, Mom... " he sighed, walking over. The zookeeper was facing the other direction as Kaeden approached. He wished the badger would simply turn around and face him, so that he didn't have to initiate the conversation. He wrung his paws together a few times, and looked back at his 'mommy' for encouragement. She urged him on, so he cleared his throat.
The badger turned around.
"Um, Mr... O'Meles?" he asked, reading the nametag on his uniform.
"Yes? Can I help you?"
"I'm trying to find the tropical birds... Mo-, I mean, Ashleigh," he said, pointing at his caregiver, "isn't sure where they are." Kaeden hoped his blushing at his near-slip went unnoticed.
"Oh, sure! We've actually moved them to a new, larger enclosure since last year, if you were here then. It's near the back - just follow the main road, and veer right when it finally goes into a 'Y'. You should see some signs for it after that."
"Thanks!" he said, hurrying back Ashleigh.
Ashleigh gave him a quick hug as he returned. "Good pup," she said. "For one so small, you seem so strong."
"I know! I did it!" Kaeden exclaimed.
"Of course you did, pup. I never doubted you. Now, let's go see your birds. You can lead the way."
Kaeden was enthralled with the tropical birds, although he got close enough to a parrot to nearly get his nose nipped. They spent quite a bit of time in there, and at Ashleigh's request, even gave directions to a stranger to get up to the wolf den.
With the drive there, and having viewed two attractions, it was already time for lunch. They went back to the 'Y' and took the other branch, going to the African safari area. They stopped at a themed cafe.
"Normally I'd order for you, but I'd like you to do that today," Ashleigh said.
Kaeden nodded, and although he was a bit nervous, he shook his head. His nerves were ridiculous. He had never liked talking to people, even in brief instances like this one. Kaeden avoided it when possible, but, he had to prove he could do this. He_could_do this. He'd already done it twice today.
"H-hi," he stammered, walking up to the cashier.
"Afternoon!" the black-and-white dog said. Kaeden couldn't place his breed - he was certain he'd never seen anything like him before. The name tag on his uniform read "V. Urowf"
"Um... could I get a Safari Burger meal, and, ah... " Kaeden paused, not actually sure what he was supposed to do for Ashleigh's order. He turned around to his caregiver. "What do you want, Mommy?" he asked, wincing as he said it. The shepherd nervously twisted at his ear, as though he could drive out the blush that crept into them.
Ashleigh let out a wry smile, finding his slip quite adorable. "You can pick, pup. If it makes it easier, I'll have whatever you're having."
Kaeden nodded, then turned around, still a little read. "Two meals, please."
"Sure thing!" the dog said, ringing up their total. "It'll be ready in about ten minutes. 20.42 krones, please," he added.
Kaeden suddenly realized he didn't have any money, and turned to the Pyrenees, who was already one step ahead of him. She pulled out two bills and handed them to him. Again blushing, he turned to the black and white dog, and paid. He was about to return the change to Ashleigh when he saw a donation box for a children's hospital - and after getting an approving look from his caregiver, deposited the change there.
"Thanks!" Mr. Urowf said. "Everything helps."
"Y-you're welcome," Kaeden said, managing a smile before leaving to take a seat with Ashleigh.
"I'm proud of you, puppy," she said, putting an arm around him and pulling him close. "That was a really sweet thing to do, even if it was with my money," she said, laughing.
Kaeden pulled away and giggled. "Maybe I should have an allowance."
"Maybe when you're old enough, pup," she replied, the two sharing a good-natured laugh.
When their number was called, Ashleigh sent Kaeden up to retrieve their food. They ate silently, both dogs fairly hungry. Kaeden finished first, waiting until Ashleigh was nearly done with her meal to speak up.
"Mommy?" he said quietly. Ashleigh looked up, eyes inquisitive.
"Thanks for bringing me here. I really needed this."
"Of course, pup. I'd do anything to help you - you know that."
"Still, I appreciate it," he said.
"Well, you're welcome, Kaeden. I'm glad you're having a good time. Go throw away the trash, and then ask the nice man where the restrooms are."
"Why... oh," Kaeden said, looking down and blushing.
"Settle down, pup," Ashleigh said, patting his back. "Nobody knows you're getting your diaper changed. It's a perfectly normal question to ask."
After getting directions, it turned out the restrooms weren't too far off - and were actually in the same direction they were going anyway. Kaeden was indeed pretty wet by this point, and fidgeted back and forth at the itchy feeling in his diaper. Luckily, there was nobody around the family restrooms at this point, and they didn't have a line to wait on, or have anybody see him and Ashleigh enter it together.
Ashleigh locked the door, then turned Kaeden around to get his changing supplies out of the backpack. She laid down the changing mat, a clean diaper, and a small pack of baby wipes. She pulled off his backpack and helped him lay down on the floor, where she quickly got to work. His pants, with the elastic waistband came off easily enough, quickly followed by his onesie.
"My, you're really wet, pup. I'm glad we didn't wait any longer," she said.
"Mommyyyyy," he whined quietly, drawling out the syllables.
"Shush," she said, placing a pacifier in his muzzle to settle his nerves. Kaeden was a little embarrassed, but nursed on the pacifier nonetheless. It_did_help calm him down.
Ashleigh got him out of his soggy diaper, cleaned up, changed into dry padding, and re-dressed in short order. She repacked the diaper bag and put it back on Kaeden's shoulders. She had a large plastic bag for his soiled diaper, which went in the restroom waste can. Kaeden's combination backpack and diaper bag went back on his shoulders, his pacifier joining the rest of his supplies, before they left the restroom.
Like when they'd entered, nobody was around that time, either.
Kaeden and Ashleigh managed to see the rest of the zoo attractions during the afternoon, and even got another glimpse of the wolves as the sun started getting lower in the sky and the temperature cooled off. The Shepherd wasn't happy when Ashleigh announced it was time to leave, but went along with her regardless.
"I know you want to live with the wolves, Kaeden," she said, buckling the fussy Shepherd into his carseat and popping his pacifier into his mouth, "but no puppy of mine is going to be raised to live like an animal. Besides, you had fun, didn't you?"
Kaeden nodded. "Yeth Ommy," he replied around his pacifier, a smile creeping across his muzzle.
By the time they got home - well past Kaeden's bedtime, the Shepherd was already asleep, and didn't even wake up until after his diaper had been changed, and he was being tucked into his crib. He started getting a case of the sniffles - evidently he'd had a bad dream, despite the great day he'd had.
"Go back to sleep, pup," Ashleigh said, petting his forehead. "I'll protect you, from all around you. I'll be here, don't you cry." True to her word, she stayed in the rocking chair by his crib until he fell back asleep.