Looking After the Boys: Sam

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#2 of Looking After the Boys

The second part in Riley's adventure with Collin and his brothers. Hope you all enjoy! I appreciate feedback, so don't be afraid to leave a comment on how you think!

Still fighting SF formatting, whai? =/

Riley slowly opened his eyes after sleeping rather soundly though the night. There was an unfamiliar warmth beside him. He turned his head and saw Collin holding onto him tightly.

Holy shit. Riley thought to himself. The previous day seemed so surreal to him he could have sworn he dreamt it. He recalled how it started with Collin just getting into his underwear. How it came to them blowing each other was beyond him.

His morning wood felt strangled. Riley lifted the sheets he was under and saw he was still in Robert's briefs with his cock begging for release. Letting out a frustrated whine, he gently pried Collin off of him, who turned to his other side with his back facing him. Riley couldn't wait to free his cock from its tight prison so he slowly began pumping his hand up and down his shaft. He was careful not to wake Collin, taking slow rhythmic strokes. Riley ran though the events of the previous day in his mind and despite something inside him telling him how wrong it was, easily got off to them. He was about to cum when he heard Collin moan out his name.

"Riley?" The cub had turned to face him. His eyes were still heavy with sleepiness. "Are you pawing?" Collin smiled a little.

"U-uhh I..." Riley was legitimately embarrassed. "Y-yeah." His length started to soften. Collin turned to face him.

"Want me to help you?" The cub's question breathed new life into Riley's arousal.

The older wolf blinked and his heart started to beat fast again.

"Y-you want to?" Riley's question went unanswered as Collin just slipped down beneath the covers. Riley watched the mound under the covers move down to his legs. He tensed up, waiting for the inevitable touch of the cub. Riley gasped and his muscles convulsed as he felt a wet tongue glide up the underside of his shaft. He let out incomprehensible moans of pleasure when the mound began rising up and down as Collin began to suck him off.

Riley laid back and let his body relax more as his morning wood was expertly handled beneath the covers. He was still close from pawing himself, so he swiftly popped his load into Collin's maw. He moaned in total ecstasy at his release, and then quickly began giggling as Collin continued to suck him.

"C-Collin!" He laughed out from the cub over stimulating him. The young white wolf crawled up his chest and popped his head out inches away from Riley's.

"Hehe sorry, you just taste good," The cub giggled happily. He nuzzled into Riley's chest and hugged onto him tightly. Riley caught his breath and sat up with Collin.

"So, what's on the agenda for today pup?"

"The what?" Collin chuckled and sat back to stretch.

"The plan for today," He explained as he admired Collin's slender, little form.

"I dunno. Sam and Mike are gonna get back sometime later today, so maybe just you and I can have more 'fun'?" Riley blushed as Collin emphasized the word 'fun.'

"You're a horny little puppy aren't you?" He chuckled.

"What's horny mean?" Collin wagged his tail as he smiled up at Riley with the cutest and -still somehow- the most innocent eyes. Riley kept forgetting that despite the boy being skilled at sucking cock, he was still just as young and naive as other cubs his age.

"Heh, it just means you like to uh, play with your peepee a lot," He said in the lamest terms to get Collin to understand.

"Oh! Yeah I'm horny!" The cub laughed as he exclaimed his new vocabulary word.

Great, what have I done? Riley thought to himself, immediately regretting he taught him such a word.

"Yeaaah, just don't go around saying that at school or anything ok?" He stood from the bed and adjusted his package inside the snug briefs.

"Don't worry, I won't Riley." Collin hopped out of the bed and stood next to him, nuzzling his side. He tugged Riley by his hand to a large set of cabinets and opened the top drawer for him. "Go ahead, pick one!"

Riley looked in to see what 'one' was and it was a rather clean and organized underwear drawer. It felt almost voyeuristic to be looking though his best friend's undie drawer.

"Uh Collin, how about you and me go shopping for underwear for me instead of me wearing your dad's?" He suggested it partly because it would get them out of the house and unable to continue with any sexual antics. It was also partly because he actually wanted some briefs for himself.

"Sure that sounds fun! Can we go now?" Collin was back to his usual energetic self upon hearing the suggestion. He happily wagged his tail as he went through the list of stores that he knew they could go to.

"We can't right now bud. I doubt any stores are open at this hour, but we'll go around noon ok?" He ruffled the boy's fur between his ears. "I'll make us some breakfast in the meantime.

"Awwh ok," Collin pouted a little as he followed Riley out of the guest room and to the kitchen. He hopped up onto the counter and watched as Riley prepared them both an egg and bacon breakfast.

"So um, Collin," Riley piped up as he was cooking, "What do you think Sam and Mikey will think about you- um... doing all this stuff with me?"

"I don't know. They like you just as much as me, so maybe they'll wanna play with you the same way too!"

Riley found himself both hoping that would and wouldn't be the case. He liked the prospect of getting into more naughty fun with the other two boys, but some rational voice in the back of his head kept yelling that all of this was so wrong. He looked at the undie-clad pup who seemed to be sporting a hard-on inside his briefs. Once again that voice shouted at him, but he ignored that voice wanting nothing more at that point than to touch the cub all over, to bend him over, and fuck him.

"NO!" Riley violently shook his head clear of the urge, causing Collin jump in surprise.

"What! What?" The cub looked around frantically. Riley rubbed his forehead, realizing he must look insane.

"N-nothing Collin, just had a weird thought." He went back to cooking their meal.

"Oh, you scared me," Collin chuckled a little as he reached between his legs and rubbed himself through his briefs.

God Collin why? Riley watched him from the corner of his eye. He watched as Collin became a bit more active with his rubbing. He felt himself getting harder inside the tight briefs.

With a sigh of frustration he finished breakfast and served them up a couple of plates. They ate at the dinner table in relative silence, Collin occasionally asking if they could go out now.

As soon as they both had finished Riley rushed out of the house with Collin, taking quick note of the size of the briefs as he changed back into his own clothes. He drove them into town to the small outlet mall there at Collin's direction. They walked to a designer outlet store that Collin practically dragged Riley to.

The cub led him to a corner of the store that had an entire wall of underwear of all shapes, colors and sizes. Collin immediately began to grab pairs off the wall and handing them to Riley. Once Riley had sifted through them all he was left with seven pairs that he was willing to buy.

"Jeeze Collin these are expensive," He said as they walked to the register.

"Yeah but they're awesome and totally worth it!" The little cub watched as Riley shifted though the pairs and picked out several that he liked and handed the ones back to him to put back. They then walked up to the counter were Riley shyly set all pairs on the cashier counter. He shifted around looking slightly embarrassed as the woman behind the counter handled them to scan the tags.

"Doing your annual undie shopping?" The cashier asked giggling.

"U-uh yeah, something like that," Riley said scratching his head, he was hoping she wouldn't say anything. She held up a pair of white bikini briefs and looked at Riley, who just responded by blushing and looking down at his feet.

"I like these," He said as she scanned them then the rest.

Riley blushed even hotter. Normally he wouldn't mind getting hit on by a hot woman, but with everything going on in his mind he felt like a confused and insecure high school freshman again. He paid as quick as he could and when the cashier handed him the bag she winked at him. He could not get out of there fast enough, dragging Collin behind him. Once they were both outside he rubbed his eyes.

"Well that was embarrassing. Where to now Collin?" The cub looked around at the different shops that they could go into.

"We could go into that one." He pointed at a large retail store. Riley figured Collin just wanted to go there to look at toys or video games like a regular kid, so he didn't mind at all taking him there. He needed to pick up some groceries anyway.

"Sure" He said and the pair of wolves began walking into the store. Once there, Collin ran off to the opposite end of the store. Now alone, Riley just smiled and shook his head and he went off into the grocery section to shop for food for the next couple of days.

He went down the aisles placing things in the cart as he passed them. He was going to have to cook for four people soon. As he turned to enter another isle, he saw a familiar white wolf cub talking with another cub near the freezer section. Thinking he was Collin, he crept up behind him and grabbed him.

"Gothca Collin!" He yelled. The cub screamed and turned around.

"R-Riley?" He stammered out, looking terrified. His voice was ever so slightly different than Collin's.

"Sam?" He asked, now slightly confused.

"Riley!" The cub leapt up onto him and wrapped his arms around him. "You scared me!"

The older wolf was taken by surprise as the cub jumped up onto him and he held him up by his butt to support him.

"Heh, sorry, I thought you were Collin, we were just out shopping for food and he ran off into the store. Where's Mikey? I thought you were both at a friend's house?"

"He wanted to stay an extra night there, his sister was just taking me home but had to stop here for something." The cub hopped down. "Me and Ryan were just talking." He pointed at the other cub who waved.

"Hey there," Riley smiled and waved back. "Well lucky I ran into you before you left else you wouldn't have a way into the house."

"Nah! I know how to get in even if the doors are locked." He said pridefully.

"Oh, you'll have to show me one of these days!" He looked around. "Well do you wanna find your brother and head out? We just need to pick up a few more things you guys will want."

"Sure!" Sam turned to his friend. "Just tell your sister that my friend Riley took me home with Collin, I'll see you later dude!" He moved next to Riley and they both walked away. After picking up a few more items, they walked around near the back of the store in search for Collin. Sure enough Collin was looking though the video game aisle when they found him.

"Collin!" Sam shouted and ran towards his brother. Colin turned around just in time to be blind-sided with a hug from his brother.

"Sam!" He laughed as he hugged his brother back. "What are you doing here?"

The other cub explained just as he did to Riley as to why he was there. The nearly identical boys joined Riley next to the cart and they walked to the front of the store to pay for the groceries. On the short walk back to his car, Riley began to worry about Sam learning what he and Collin were doing the previous day.

Once back to his car, he quickly hid the bag of underwear behind a few other things that were already in his trunk before putting the groceries away. They all hopped into his car, Riley had both of them sit in the back seat.

After a short ride they were back home, Riley had the boys help him carry in the bags to the kitchen. He turned his back to put something into the refrigerator and when he turned around, Collin had jumped out of his clothes wearing just his tight little briefs once again. Sam laughed and followed his example stripping off all his clothes.

Riley's heart nearly skipped a beat when he saw Sam wasn't wearing anything, but after another closer look at the cub's butt, he realized that he was just wearing white briefs. Against his white fur it seemed as though he was naked. He began to put everything away as the cubs began to play around with each other. They playfully wrestled around, giving Riley a few indulging glimpses when he looked over from putting the groceries away.

His cell phone began ringing and vibrating in his pocket. He pulled it out to see that Robert was calling him. He cleared his throat and answered the phone.


"Hey Riley it's me, just checkin' in on you and the boys, how are they doing?" The voice of his friend came through his phone.

"Oh they're fine, we just got back from grocery shopping and now Collin and Sam are just..." He looked at the cubs again. Collin was practically pinning Sam down and rubbing his bulge in his brother's face. "Playing...they're playing right now." He turned away from the cubs.

"Mikey isn't there?"

"Uh no. He wanted to stay another night at his friend's house, I picked up Sam at the store." Riley replied then was pelted in the back of the head by a pillow. He spun around to see the two boys giggling. He held a finger to his lips and turned back around.

"Oh alright then. Sorry about the place not having a lot of food, like I said I had to leave right away, I'll pay you back once I get back." Robert sighed a little on the other end.

"Nah don't worry about it man. You actually didn't tell me where you were going." He playfully threw the pillow back at the brothers, hitting Sam in the chest.

"New York. Corporate is having a big meeting with some of our benefactors and they wanted me here to show them our numbers and how we've improved."

"Damn man that sounds important," Riley said then turned around to see what the boys were doing, only to get an eyeful of both their cloth-covered rumps.

"Yeah it is, my boss said if everything goes right I could get a promotion, which would reaaaally help, ya know?" He waited a little for a response. "Riley?"

"O-oh yeah! That would defiantly be nice for all of you guys." He snapped himself out of his stare and turned his head back away. Robert chuckled.

"Alright, well I'll let you go then. I'll give you a call tomorrow, try not to let the boys drive you crazy." He joked.

"Yeah...crazy. Later man." He hung up after Robert said goodbye then went back to putting all of the groceries away.

Once he had everything stored away, he grabbed a soda and flopped down on the living room couch with a sigh of relief. He was quickly assaulted by crazed underwear-clad furballs. "Hehe hey hey! What are you guys doing?" He said as he put and arm around each of them.

"Nuffin" They both said at once.

"Was that our dad?" Sam asked.

"Yeah he was just checking up on us, makin' sure you boys aren't driving me nuts." He laughed and pulled both of the boys closer to him. "You guys never drive me nuts though!" He ruffled both of their heads. Collin licked Riley's muzzle.

"Are you gonna put your new undies on now?!" Collin said wagging his tail.

Riley quickly shot a glance at Collin, he didn't want his brother knowing anything but the loud-mouthed pup already brought attention to him. "U-uh-"

"New undies?" Sam tilted his head curiously.

"I-""Yeah! I took Riley to that one store Daddy likes to shop at and he bought a bunch of undies that I picked out for him!" Collin one again blurted out before Riley could even say anything.

"You went underwear shopping with him? Why?" Sam asked, now interested.


"All he had before were yucky boxers so I told him he should get briefs! I gave him a pair of Daddy's to wear and he really liked them. Didn't you Riley?" Collin said, more than happy to explain everything it seemed.

God Collin stop, please. Riley thought to himself as he pushed the cub down to try to settle him. He was about to whisper something to him when once again the cub spoke up.

"Riley come on! Join us, it was so much fun yesterday!" Collin hopped up on his knees, bouncing.

Damn. It. Riley sat in defeat.

"What did you guys do yesterday?" Sam asked, now on his knees like Collin. Riley sat still with no intention to speak, but he knew Collin was about to spill it all.

Riley and I played in our undies, like we do with Daddy!" Riley shut his eyes and sighed slightly. Sam was taken aback and looked between the two others.

"Collin what? We're not supposed to talk or do anything like that with anyone else but dad." He looked at his brother seriously.

"I knooow, but Riley has been out friend since we were born! We can trust him, he really liked playing with me too, we played each other's peepees!" Collin was noticeably becoming hard inside his briefs from recalling the events of the previous day once again.

Sam sat still, mostly in fear of what their father would do to them when he found out Collin had done naughty things with Riley. He wasn't comfortable with the thought, even if it was Riley, his father's best friend.

"Come on Riley! Go get your new undies!" Collin egged him on until he finally got up and walked out to his car to get the bag from his trunk. When he came back in it appeared that Collin and Sam had been arguing, but when he came back into the living room they stopped. "Hehe come on Riley! Show Sam how fun you are!"

Riley sighed heavily, but decided to loosen up and just have fun as best he could. He took off his shirt then threw it at Collin, who dodged it laughing. Next came his pants so he was left in just his boxers. He looked at Sam and asked, "So you don't like these either Sam?"

The cub just shook his head and watched as the older wolf took off his boxers, but vision was blackened after getting pelted in the face with the plaid boxers. He pulled them off of his face to watch Riley step into a pair of red briefs and pull them up over his butt. Sam blushed slightly, it being the first time he'd seen him in anything less than shorts.

"Wow these are... a liiiittle smaller than I thought." He looked down and felt them on himself, his bulge being held firmly in place by the soft fabric. "How do they look Collin?" He posed for the boys half-heartedly.

"They look awesome!" The cub jumped up to feel them. His little paws went directly for his bulge, evoking a slight moan from Riley. "Come feel them Sam, they're really soft!" He looked back at Sam as his paws wandered around Riley's new underwear.

Sam reluctantly got up then walked over to the other two wolves. He looked up at Riley, so seemed just as hesitant as he did. His paws were soon on Riley's briefs as well, feeling the soft fabric.

"They...do feel nice." He admitted.

Riley was now in a particularly interesting situation, with two boys at his sides feeling him around his private areas. He slowly became aroused and both boys took notice. He closed his eyes, leaving the boys to do what they wanted with him.

"Hehe he's getting hard!" He felt a paw grab his hardening length.

"Yeah he is" He chuckled. "You said you've sucked it?"

"Yeah! You wanna together?!" Riley's heart skipped a beat, forcing his eyes closed still.

"Like we do with daddy? Sure!"

"Ok!" He felt his cock be exposed to the cool air of the room as the front his briefs were suddenly pulled down. Two pairs of small paws began feeling it up.

"He's a lot smaller than Dad isn't he?"

"Yeah he is, I like it though, it'll be easier to suck!" Riley felt his face turn bright red from embarrassment.

"You ready?" His heart and cock throbbed in anticipation.

"Yeah let's do it!" For a moment nothing happened, then suddenly Riley's member was assaulted by two smooth little tongues. His eyes shot open and he looked down. Collin was on his left while Sam was on his right, both boys were eagerly licking his cock as if it were a popsicle. His legs wobbled from the incredibly hot and pleasureful moment. He was leaking pre already as both boys sucked on their respective sides.

"B-Boys!" He gasped out. "I... I need to sit down, my legs are too wobbly," He huffed out. They stopped sucking him and he wobbled to the couch and flopped down on it where the two boys quickly got back into position between his legs. With a nod they both began licking again, Collin on his cock and Sam on his still brief-covered balls.

Riley leaned back with his eyes closed and moaned in ecstasy as the two cubs serviced his manhood. They said something to each other and suddenly the licking was replaced by full-blown sucking. He opened his eyes as the now familiar feeling overtook his senses.

He tried to calm himself, wanting to draw out the blow job as long as he could. Nearly all of his length was buried in Collin's maw, while Sam was down sniffing and licking his balls though his briefs. Not much time passed before Collin switched with his brother.

Sam looked at the saliva slicked penis of his friend for the first time. He slowly opened his maw and took Riley's shaft into it. He overcompensated for the girth and relaxed his jaw more around the cock that was smaller than he was used to. He began so slowly suck up and down on Riley's throbbing manhood.

"G-god!" Riley huffed out, using every ounce of his will to not cum. In the end, he could only hold of for a few seconds as his orgasm had already began. He moaned as he released his seed into the cub's mouth, surprising him and making him pull away. Riley looked down and watched in slight embarrassment as he shot his last few strings onto the cub's face.

"S-sorry Sam" Riley spoke as Sam rolled his tongue around in his mouth a little.

"Tastes different." He stated plainly. He looked at his brother who may have been enjoying himself a little much with Riley's balls and pulled him back.

Riley was leaned back in a drunken haze of pleasure. His tongue was hanging out and he was panting heavily. He looked down at the boys as his cock softened back into its sheath.

"T-that was amazing." He said. "You do that to your dad often?"

"Yeah!" They both said at once. Collin was licking Riley's seed off of his brother's face.

"Usually on nights when he's too tired to play rough, otherwise he likes to put his peepee in our butts." Collin giggled.

Riley had forgotten all about that little bit of information. How the three boys could handle or even enjoy anal with their father was beyond him. He stuffed his sheath back into his briefs and fixed his posture on the couch.

"We like to play with him a lot, but he says we shouldn't play like that all the time. He said it should be special or something," Sam said.

From the cub's words Riley, began to guess that Robert was either still a romantic or he didn't want his relationship with his sons to be based around sex. He felt sorry for Robert for a moment, knowing that his relationship with his son's had changed so drastically forever. He looked between both of the cubs.

He forced a smile as he spoke, "T-thank you boys. That felt really good."

"You're welcome Riley." Sam said as he hopped back up next to the brown wolf on the couch. "You are lots of fun to play with. I just hope Daddy won't be too mad at us for sharing our secret with you." He started to worry again.

"It'll be fine Sammy! Riley is Daddy's best friend, he'll be ok with it!" Collin said to console his brother.

Now Riley also feared of the implications of his own actions. What if Robert wasn't as receptive as his sons? What if he gets mad at him, disgusted? His mind raced with possible outcomes of what could happen if Robert reacted poorly to the news that his sons have been sexually active with him. He was jolted out of his trance when Collin jumped onto his lap.

"What's wrong Riley?" He asked with an adorable smile on his face.

"N-nothing." He lied. "What do you want to do now kid?" He ruffled his head fur.

"We could have more fun! Maybe you could, ya know, play with us?

An image flashed though Riley's mind for an instant, but he forced his thoughts aside. It unnerved him somehow that they all considered sex as playing.

"I-I can't Collin, I'm not...I'm not ready for that." He didn't want to outright tell him he just didn't want to go that far with him.

"Awww." The cub's ears dropped. "Ok... do you wanna watch me and Sam do it then?" He wagged his tail.

"What?" Riley stared dumbfounded at the white-furred cub.

"Me, Sam, and Mikey play with each other too! Not just with our Dad!" He hopped down from the couch, pulling Sam off with him. "Do you wanna be on top or bottom this time?" He asked with the same enthusiasm as if choosing between two different video games.

"You were on top last time so I wanna top this time!" He giggled as he tugged his white briefs down so he was completely naked. Collin followed suit then dropped onto his paws and knees, wagging his tail high up in the air.

Riley watched wide-eyed and quickly became hard again from watching the two brothers. Sam walked in front of Collin and stood with his legs spread apart with his sheath dangling right before his brother. Collin responded by taking the small fuzzy tube into his maw and sucking on it.

Riley reached into his briefs and rubbed his hard cock inside of them. He didn't want to say anything, but he was content to just lean back and enjoy the show. He watched Sam's penis slowly slip out of its sheath each time Collin pulled his head back away from it as he sucked it.

He began to fantasize about the boys, picturing them all together in a similar situation. He knew what was coming and he was strangely anticipating it. He wanted to see Collin get speared by his brother. He wanted to hear the sexual music that the two would make. Any form of guilt that was building inside of him was being overpowered by sexual desire.

Each time Sam moaned from Collin sucking him, it sent a shockwave through Riley. He stopped fantasizing about the boys and just watched them. Sam was grabbing Collin's ears as he slowly thrust into his brother's maw. Riley stopped rubbing himself so he didn't miss anything that they did.

Sam pulled away when his legs started to wobble. His little cock slipped out of Collin's mouth, now slick with his saliva. He stood still a moment to regain his composure. Looking down at his brother he asked, "You ready Collin?"

"Yeah! Put it in!" Collin shouted as he raised his tail high and spread his cheeks apart with his hands. He watched Sam walk around to his rear and soon felt the familiar warmth of Sam's penis prodding and pushing against his tailhole. He gasped and moaned loudly when Sam finally pushed into him. He began to enjoying every bit of this brother's cock.

Riley began to eagerly beat his cock to the sight of the cubs having sex. He couldn't believe the boys that he'd known since they were born would enjoy such an activity, much less be so adept at it. He began stroking himself to the rhythm of Sam's thrusts, picturing himself in his place in his mind. He watched the entire scene but his eyes were focused on Sam's cock plunging in and out of Collin. He wanted nothing more than to fill that tight hole with his own manhood, but he restrained himself.

Riley picked up his pace as he closed in on his orgasm. This was better than any high production porn flick that he'd ever seen and he loved every second of it. After a few more seconds, he couldn't hold back anymore and blew a second load onto his stomach. He was now completely exhausted, but he continued to watch the cubs.

Sam was now being more aggressive in his thrusts, slamming in harder and pulling out faster. He slipped out a few times and had to push back into his brother, all the while Collin was squirming around in total pleasure. The two boys had obviously done this plenty of times before and were very skilled at it.

"C-Colliiiin!" Sam howled out, nearing his climax. He shoved into Collin one last time and shivered as he began to spurt into him. His knees began to wobble and he fell onto his rump, his little cock slick with his cum. He huffed as he laid flat on his back.

"Gah, that was awesome." He said sleepily. Collin still had his ass up in the air and was breathing heavily. He let out a whine.

"Saaaam, I didn't get to squiirt." He looked back at his brother, pouting. Before Sam could respond Collin was hoisted up by the scruff of his neck and by his butt by Riley. "-woah what?"

His eyes went wide as Riley lifted him up and stood him up on his knees while he still sat on the couch. He soon felt Riley's warm tongue licking his still hard shaft. He smiled once he looked down to see the older wolf vigorously suckling on him. He put his paws on Riley's head and slowly thrust his hips in rhythm with his head bobbing.

Sam watched as Riley sucked off his brother and couldn't help but join the action. He hopped up and wiggled his muzzle between Collin's cheeks and once his lips were pressed up against his tailhole he started to slowly lick it. The pleasureful moans that emanated from his brother excited him, but he wanted more. He spread Collin's cheeks before he pushed his tongue past the tight ring of muscle and licked around inside of him.

This was a new sensation for Collin. He'd been both sucked and rimmed before, but never at the same time. His knees wobbled, his heart raced and he became short on breath. Riley supported him by holding him up at his hips. It didn't take Collin long to reach his orgasm between the two-pronged oral assault. He yipped as he came into Riley's maw who all too happily swallowed it all.

Riley let Collin pull away, leaving a string of saliva connecting his mouth to the cub's small penis. He sat the pup down on his lap and hugged him, soaking in the warmth of another. Sam hopped up on the couch with them.

"That was fun!" He exclaimed happily.

"Y-yeah." Collin huffed out. He was exhausted and would have fallen asleep in Riley's arms in peace, but the door opened and slammed shut. All three wolves' ears shot up and their eyes snapped to the entryway hall.

"Guys I'm ho-" Mikey stopped in the hall at once. He saw the state of his brothers and his father's life-long friend, staring at them wide-eyed.

"Crap," Riley said now blushing hotly. His night was about to take another interesting turn.