Log Error

Story by Runakei on SoFurry

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this is my first story ever, please tell me what you all think of it.

"Good morning Sir!' KIX's bright, cheerful voice greeted Zack as he walked into the control room. "Good morning KIX, are any of the servers active?" "Yes Sir, opening one now." Zack sat down on at his chair. On the moniter before him lay list of data entries, log files, and memos for the previous day's work cycle. He opened a video com window and leaned back, steeling himself for the hell that was sure to greet him on the other side. "Server XVI is online, shall I patch you through to Command?" "Yes, and run through your daily scans again, last thing we need is the boss finding some other flaw in the log data." "Already done, Sir, running Systems-Check 3." KIX replied. Although KIX's constant positive attitude was annoying at times, she was one of the most efficient AIs in the Network. "And while you're at it, hide your avatar." Zack double checked the list one last time before the com link was established. The numbers checked out. Someone had made a logging error that, if unchecked, could throw off production for the entire month. "Com link with Command open." KIX hid her avatar. She knew the boss was in a horrible mood. "Moorse? Is that you?" "Yes Commander." "Moorse, you have ten seconds to tell me exactly what happened before I drag your ass in for trial as well." "On October 7th, Month Beta, an error was found on one of the shipping logs. Had we not have found it, all of our shipments in the Pegasi System would have arrived 3 days late, at the wrong planets." "Tell me the ships haven't left the docks yet!" Commander Xelva's voice was rising, her face clearly showing her rage. " A few did, but I had stopped them before they left the system. The problem will be corrected in less than 4 hours." "Good work Moorse, you just saved all our asses." Xelva sounded relieved, an odd change from her usual tone. "Now then, what about the ones responsible for this error?" "KI- Our AIs are currently scanning records from the last 3 days." Zack almost made the fatal mistake of mentioning KIX. Though KIX was named after Commander Kealen Ioa Xelva, she had none of the Commander's personality traits, and Xelva hated her for some reason. Even thinking about her in the Commander's presence was career suiside. "Post your findings in a Memo and save it to your confidential records 'till I get there, I'm dealing with those responsible in person" "At once, Commander" Closing the com link, Zack stood up and stretched, He already knew at least one of the people at fault, and KIX and the other AIs would locate the identity of the others shortly. Walking out of the control room, Zack flicked off the light. Seven Days. Everyone in the shipping docks would be locked in for seven days. Shaking his hair out of his eyes, Zack walked back to his quarters. * * * Xelva sat down in Michealson's office. The fool was already off on his way to prison, about to be questioned for his actions involving the logging error. He had been the only one responsible, six different AI scans confirmed that. She glanced at the mirror hanging on one of the walls, her dark, grey fur looked filthy. Xelva shook her head. The past seven days she had spent traveling in her ship to the shipping docks. There had been no time for a shower. "Commander," WILKES' voice came in through a loud speaker, "There is a Mr. Zack Moorse here to see you." "Send him in, I told you to let him in the moment he got here." "Yes Commander" WILKES wasn't the smartest AI. Xelva stood up as Zack walked into the room. "You wanted to see me Commander?" "Yes Moorse, I just wanted to have a quick word with you. Please, sit down" Zack sat down in one of the two chairs placed infront of the desk. Xelva took her place behind the desk. "Moorse, how long have you been working here?" "About 10 months Commander," he looked uneasy. Xelva smiled. "There is no need for formalities Moorse, call me Kealen." "Yes Kealen," Zack still look uneasy, he wasn't used to a smiling Commander Xelva, she was usually pissed off for some reason or another. "Moorse, why exactly did you join the Company?" "I had a degree in computer programming, and this was the closest job in the system." "And you have refused all promotion offers so far?" "Yes, I felt that I could do more good for the Company in the control room, rather than in an office" "Well, that's about to change starting today. From this point on, you are now Executive Moorse. Congragulations." "With all due respect Kealen, I don't see why-" "God Damn it! Enough with the modesty shit!" Xelva sprang to her feet, "You are the most competent person on this dock! You know it, I know it, even Michealson knew it!" Xelva walked around the desk and lifted the fox up by his shoulders. Zack tried to squirm out of her vice-grip, but Xelva just held on tighter. "Commander, what are you do-" Zack was cut off again as Xelva me his lips with her own. The stunned fox's eyes opened wide as her tongue invaded his mouth. Suddenley she let go of him and Zack fell to the floor. "Get up Moorse, this is one reward you aren't passing up." Zack stood up as Xelva took off her pants. Setting down and opening her legs, she beckoned Zack over. "As you wish, Commander" Zack walked over to Xelva and sat down on his knees in front of her. He bent forward and started to lick her. Xelva closed her eyes as Zack's tongue pleasured her. Hours seemed to pass by, though it could have only been minutes. She could feel herself getting closer to her climax. She cried out as Zack buried his mouth deep inside of her. This was it, she could contain herself no more...

"Commander Xelva, the one responsible for the logging error is here." Xelva woke from her daydream. She had been starting to get wet from it. Damn it, she thought, just when it was getting to the good part. "Send him in WILKES." The door opened and a young fox walked in. He stood there, trembling at the thought of what was going to happen to him. "Moorse, you know this was the last straw. Out of all the mistakes you've made, this was the worst. The wrong ships were sent to the wrong planets, behind schedule." "Y-y-yes m'am" Zack stammered. Xelva felt sorry for him. "I know you didn't do it on purpose, but the law is very clear about this kind of thing." "Please don't have me put to death! I have a mother and sister to take care of ! It was an accident, honest! I-" Zack was cut short as Xelva pulled opened one of the desk's drawers. Placing a blaster on the desk, she knew that there would be no turning back now. "WILKES, did you ready the records I requested?" "Yes Commander, the records have been stored in triplicate, on three different hard-drives." Good old WILKES, efficient as ever. "Listen Moorse, I was the one who told you to make the error, on the threat of death for you and you family if you didn't." Xelva picked up the blaster. "Commander, you never told me to do that!" "Quiet Moorse, it might just save your life." Pointing the blaster at herself, Xelva took a deep breath. Damn she thought, I never got the chance to ask him. "Moorse, take care of yourself." Xelva pulled the trigger.