Nyuni--part 1

Story by Caracalsie on SoFurry

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#1 of Nyuni

Nyuni, part 1(of 4)


"So... what's your name?"

No answer. That was a little awkward. Nyuni sat on the smooth rock, looking at the other cheetah. She gave a shy, uncertain smile and flicked the tip of her tail, a nervous habit. The other cheetah raised his eyes disinterestedly, and then returned to slowly lapping water. Nyuni peered down at him from her perch across the trickling brook. He was about her age, perhaps a bit older, and obviously doing well for himself. His body was sleek and toned, with coat in good condition. Nyuni titled her head curiously, unsure if the other cheetah was going to answer.

At last, he lifted his head and rose from his crouch, licking the shining droplets from his whiskers laconically. "Kubwa," he replied, barely casting a bored glance in her direction before walking away in the opposite direction. Nyuni bounded across the narrow stream. "Wait! You're welcome to stay if you like."

The male cheetah paused and looked over his shoulder disdainfully at the female cheetah, so obviously new to living on her own. "No thank you."

"Well, there's good hunting here," she said, trying her best to look friendly and presentable. She trailed behind him a few steps. Nyuni was as Kubwa had already diagnosed in his head: a young cheetah girl recently established in the area, eager to begin her adult life, filled with the naive cheer of youth. And about to have her hopes crushed for the sixth time this season.

"Not interested," he said, walking off towards the border where Nyuni's home range merged with that of the nearest neighboring female. Nyuni sighed, shoulders slumping. Kubwa sauntered off into the other range without a backward glance. Nyuni watched him leave with a frown, and then turned back towards the stream. When she came to her rock, she flopped down on the cool surface and sighed again.

A fluttering of wings caught her attention. "Don't let that dotty tomcat upset you," said a voice above her. Nyuni tilted her head upwards at the tree. Jua the snake eagle had landed on one of its spiny branches, a dead mamba in his talons.

"Did you see that whole thing?" Nyuni asked. The dark-breasted eagle rousted his feathers. "No, I just caught the end. I was out getting breakfast." With his plumage in order, he stabbed the limp body of the snake onto a thorn and began picking at it with his hooked beak. "Yum."

Nyuni's stomach growled, but her downtrodden spirit quelled her appetite. "First there were the three brothers, then the two loners, and now Kubwa. No one wants me."

"Dond lesh ish upshet yuf," said the eagle. Nyumi cocked her head, "What?"

Jua gulped down a large chunk of scaly flesh and swallowed. "I said, don't let it upset you. That cynical little brat was hardly a month older than you, but he thinks just cause he can feed himself and doesn't live with his sisters anymore that he's hot stuff."

"A guy who can provide IS pretty desirable," Nyuni pointed out.

"Don't interrupt," squawked Jua, ruffling his tail feathers. "I wasn't finished." Nyuni sat up on her haunches, "Alright, what else?"

"Well, he's not. He doesn't have a territory, and since he doesn't have any brothers or even a cousin to help him out, he probably never will. So he's not worth being sad over. Do you want a wanderer? Save yourself for the more worthy males. You're only a young thing."

"I know," sighed Nyuni. "That's the problem. The young guys like the older females with better land. My range is way out here on the edge of everything. I mean, if I was any closer to the desert I'd be in the Sahel!"

Jua looked down on her kindly. "Don't worry. You're the best hunter I've seen for a cheetah your age. Believe me, we raptors have a lot of free time on our claws, and I've been watching cheetahs since before you were born. Not once have I seen a youngster more talented than you. If you were any more efficient, why--I'd have trouble believing you weren't a hawk! Keep feeding yourself well, and in no time you'll be able to take over one of the inner ranges--maybe even one by the waterhole. Wait and see Nyuni. In a year or so you'll be the most desirable little spotted feline in the whole Serengeti."

Nyuni smiled, "Thanks Jua. I feel better."

"Good," the bird gulped, swallowing another chunk of snake meat. "Want some?"

Nyuni looked at the black reptile with distaste. "Eh, no. I'll go kill a guineafowl later. They've been getting complacent."

"Mm, guineafowl. Tell me when you're finished so I can get the scraps before the jackals and vultures show up. The chicks will love it."

"No problem," Nyuni stretched. "Sometimes I wish cheetahs were more like birds."

"Doesn't everyone want to be an eagle?" Jua chuckled, preening himself.

"Hmph," Nyuni scowled playfully. "No, I mean I wish cheetahs could stick with one mate. You've been with Kalumi since you were fledged. It must be nice, knowing each other so well. You can always count on the other. But even if I do find a mate this year, I'll have to find one again next year, and the year after that... and he won't even stick around to help feed or protect cubs. It's not fair. I get lonely sometimes. You're a good friend, but you're not the same as a feline companion."

Jua shuffled his tail feathers sympathetically. "I know, Nyuni. I have been watching your kind for many years, but that's not the way of things. Too bad you weren't born a lion. Then you'd always have your pridesisters."

"Ugh," Nyuni shuddered. "I don't want to be a lion. Two is plenty crowd for me. Besides, lions are bullies and everyone knows it. Always ready to steal before ever putting in the effort to kill something themselves. Do you know how many hard-earned meals I've caught only to have a lion steal it, even all the way out here?"

Nyomi got to her feet. "Well, I'm hungry. I'll bring whatever's left of the guineafowl over to your nest tree if I catch one, alright?"

"Sounds good," said the eagle. Having finished the snake, he stretched his wings. "See you later," he called as he took off into the sky. Nyoni watched him wheel away with a touch of jealousy before heading off across the hot savannah to go find some brunch.

Nyuni slunk low through the grass, her tan coloration and small spots camouflaging her from view. She could smell the guineafowl up ahead. They were silent. Good. They hadn't heard her coming yet.

Nyuni snuck closer. She could hear them, only a leap away. As if on cue, the raucous, alarming bird chatter began. Nyuni dashed out from the grasses, keen eyes scanning for her prey as she sprinted out in to the open. There! A panicked, screaming guineafowl, scurrying away through the dry brush. The bird looked wounded. It fluttered its wings awkwardly, hurrying away with legs flailing. In the excitement of the hunt, Nyuni did not notice the rope dragging her prey by the neck. There was only the target, and exhilaration, and the chase. Everything else blanked from her mind as her body gave way to running.

Suddenly, the black bird disappeared. Nyuni stopped up short, skidding to a halt in the dirt with her tail lashing wildly for balance. Her claws scrambled in the dust as confusion hit. With a clang, a barrier fell in front of her face. In a state of bewildered panic, Nyuni flung her body at the bars that cut her off from the outside world. Trapped! She whirled, kicking and biting, as she scrambled to escape. Muffled noises came to her ears. The chatter was foreign.

"Someone get the tranquilizer. She's worth less if she injures herself!"

Frenzied, Nyuni sprang at the bars again. There was a thud as her furry body impacted with the metal, and a frightening clatter as the cage rattled. She spooked and jumped, hitting her head on more bars above. With a caterwaul of despair, she flung herself against the ground, and felt a sharp poke in her side. All around her, the colors became blurry. Nyuni panted, trying to lift her head. She whimpered, dizzy and exhausted. The world faded to black, and she swiftly drifted into unconsciousness.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

When Nyuni first awoke, a strange barrage of scents hit her nose and she thought she must be dreaming. Strange sounds invaded her ears too... bird calls she had never heard, distant roars, and mumbled animal noises that sounded vaguely familiar--Oh! She remembered! Nyuni's head snapped up, and looked alertly at her surroundings.

She was in another cage. This one has plastic bars, and a solid floor that didn't hurt her feet. There was a solid wall at one end, but through the others she could see her captors. They were tall, apelike creatures. Hairless, smooth--except for a patch at the top of the head--with loose, oddly crinkled skin. It was they who made the mumbling noise. The vocalizations was complex, like a bird song, but lacking crispness and variation in pitch. Nyuni strained her ears. She could not understand the strange creatures. They were different apes than the ones that had captured her; that much she could tell by their voices. Maybe they would help her.

"Hello?" she said, hoping to get their attention. The naked apes turned to look at her. "I'm not sure where I am," Nyuni told them, "but I'd like to go home." One of the apes made a mark with a stick he held in his paw against the flat object he held. "New arrival seems alert," he told one of the other apes. But Nyuni still couldn't understand him, and she quickly concluded that they couldn't understand her either.

"Poor girl," said the ape with the longest hair. "Trapped and taken to the black market. At least they were caught before they managed to sell her as a pet or a coat. The authorities turned her over to us. She'll make a good addition to the stud book. We need greater variation in the captive cheetah gene pool."

Nyuni cocked her head. The female ape was speaking to her--or about her--she wasn't sure which. But it was garble. She watched as the ape leaned over the cage and released two notches on the far end. The solid wall slid up. Nyuni peered up at the ape, then outside. There was a hill and grass beyond the cage. A rock, trees, bushes. In the distance, she could smell gazelle and a host of other delicious animals. Cautiously, she crept through the opening. Then, as her courage grew, she stood up to get a better view of her new environment.

It looked like a good habitat. Perhaps the naked apes were helping her after all. The rock at the top of the hill was flat and perfect for surveying the savannah. The grass was lush, meaning nearby antelopes would be attracted to graze. There was high foliage to stage an ambush from. She could hear trickling water nearby. The breeze blowing in from the south was heavy with the scent of prey.

The solid wall slid shut behind her. For a moment Nyuni was startled. Then her natural curiosity took hold, and she regained her bravery. Nyuni trotted over to the rock, and in two easy leaps was at the top. To the east, whence she had come, was a flat rock face, with an indention near the base where she knew the door to the cage was located. To the south, her hill overlooked a plain of grass stocked full of various grazers. Nyuni noticed they were segregating sharply, with very uniform bramble growth between the groups. She was not yet familiar with the concept of a fence, and so did not understand what kept the herbivores from mixing. To the north were shrubs, and beyond them another grassy hill. There was a lioness lounging on the grass, but she was asleep and far enough away not to be a threat.

To the west was thick foliage growth, tropical. Jua had told her of the wet, green forests beyond the savannah, so she knew she must be near the edge of the Serengeti. Strange... she hadn't thought the transition would be so abrupt.

Nyuni hopped down from the rock, starting off in a southward direction. This was a nice habitat the apes had delivered her too, but she wanted to return to her old home range. That was where her friends were, and one day--as Jua said--she would live near the waterhole.

But when she came to the bottom of the hill, there was no way to continue on to the herbivores. Instead, a steep and glassy smooth ravine blocked her way. There were steps leading in and out of the ravine on her side, but Nyuni could already see that the far side had no such traction for escape. She turned to the north.

There too, after she had pushed her way through the bushes, Nyuni found her way blocked. Hidden behind all the plants was another ravine. So she turned to the western edge, and paused before the lush, green growth. It was like nothing she had ever seen before. So rich, so full of life, so... dark. Nyuni's tail twitched as she slunk into the high ferns. She slid through the cool leaves, not without accidentally making noise, until she arrived at a wall of bars. There was no way out. So this habitat, which seemed so promising, was merely another trap!

Suddenly the breeze shifted to the south, coming in from the north. The scent of predator hit her nostrils, heavy and musky. She recognized wild dog, hyena, leopard, and lion in high concentration. What kind of place was this?

The plants to her right rustled, and Nyuni arched her back in fright, hissing. Something was approaching. If there was nowhere to run in this trap, the only option left... was to fight.

Nyuni gave a bloodcurdling hiss, hoping to scare off whatever was coming. She could smell the hot, rich odor of a large predator, distinctly feline. It was male, whatever it was. The plants rustled closer, and Nyuni raised a paw, ready to strike. Her claws were blunt, but they were sharp enough to distract her opponent with a wicked scratch to the nose or eyes. Hair on end, she waited for the attacker to emerge. The rustling stopped.

Then, without warning, a slinky yellow object dropped down in front of her face. "Eeiahh!" she squealed, falling backwards on her haunches in a clumsy heap. Python!? Nyuni scrambled back out into the open, grassy portion of her cage. The fluid body of a spotted feline leapt to the ground, chuckling lightly. The cat's yellow tail swayed gracefully behinds its back. Feeling foolish, Nyuni realized she had mistaken a tail for a snake.

Nyuni stared at the poised predator nervously. "Are you a leopard?" she asked.

The golden feline chuckled again, "No, leopards are across the way." He had a deep, purring voice with a slight accent.

"Well, then, what are you?"

The cat smiled smugly, and licked his massive paw. "Why, I'm a jaguar. Uma onca. Can't you tell?" He stood up so Nyuni could take in his profile. He looked a leopard, with yellow-orange coat and gracefully sloping back. The hindquarters were bunched and muscular. The forelegs were also stocky and the feet looked powerful. His head was strong, round and heavy. Now that Nyuni looked closer, she could see his coat was different; the spots were complicated rosettes splotched across his body. And unlike her coarser flanks, the jaguar's pelt shone with glossy luminosity under the leaf-filtered sunlight.

"The name is Duke, cheetah-girl. From the enclosure next door. Welcome to the zoo. You have something you prefer to go by?"

Nyuni's mind was in a whirl. Enclosure? Zoo? Jaguar? All of this was new to her. "I'm Nyuni," she said, "but I don't understand. What is this place?"

"You mean you came from outside?" Duke asked.

"I came from Africa. I lived on the Serengeti. I was trapped while hunting, and the next moment, I woke up here."

"That must be rough," Duke said sympathetically, "but I'm sure you'll adapt to living here. It's not so bad."

"You mean I can't go home?"

"Probably not," the jaguar hummed. "You see, this is a zoo. People--" he noticed Nyuni's confused stare, "...those naked ape things--migrate outside the enclosure. Sometimes they stop, especially if you've just sat down for breakfast. You might think they're hungry, but don't bother sharing. They won't eat it. Speaking of food, there's another type of person around here too. They're residents. They don't migrate. And they bring the meat."

"You don't hunt here?"

"Don't need too. Of course, the occasional bird or squirrel that wanders in makes an amusing snack. But the residents feed generously."

"Oh," Nyuni said, face consternated in thought. "What do you do all day then, if you don't hunt and your territory is already divided?"

"Watch the migrants, eat, sleep, swim." The jaguar grinned, "and breed. My last mate and I had twelve cubs over the last four years. But they moved her out to a different zoo because our genetic stock is over-represented." He noticed puzzlement growing in the cheetah's eyes, and said, "Don't worry about it. You'll understand their language soon enough, and learn all sorts of interesting information, most of which is absolutely irrelevant to our day-to-day lives. Anyways, they moved my Reina, and now I live alone till they manage to acquire another female jaguar..." His ears swiveled alert. "That's the residents now. They'll be bringing food. They don't know I've managed to dig a hole between the enclosures, so I've got to go. See you later tonight, after the residents leave. It was nice meeting you, cheetah-girl." Duke slipped away within the trees before Nyuni could even see where he had gone.

"Hey!" Nyuni squealed. She still had questions. But the door at the far end of her enclosure opened, and revealed a half skinned hare. She had never seen a rabbit, but all of a sudden she realized how famished she was. Nyuni retrieved it from the crate and carried it to the top of her rock, digging into the flesh ravenously. She noticed a toddler migrant watching her earnestly. He was cute for a hairless ape. But she remembered what Duke said and did not share. The eager eyes of the chubby young ape watched her so raptly. He really did look hungry. She felt slightly guilty for leaving leftovers on the bones, but she was stuffed. But the baby ape seemed capable of finding sustenance for himself, prying a sticky pink wad from the bottom of the bar between them and popping it rapturously into his mouth. He waved at Nyuni with a sticky hand as his mortified mother quickly pulled him away through the crowd.

Later that evening, Nyuni tried to go to sleep. She felt restless, unable to find a comfortable position. It was because she was in a new place, she decided. Her lower belly felt tingly and warm, but Nyuni figured it was the foreign meat disagreeing with her. She didn't feel sick. Nyuni looked up at the tree above her. The branches were empty. She suddenly missed Jua and her real home.

Just before dark fell, when everything was quiet except the far off growls, groans and barks of the animals in other enclosures, the bushes by the west fence rustled. Out from the ferns slid Duke, his golden fur gleaming dusky orange in the sunset.

"How was your first day?" he asked, climbing to the top of her hill. "Not so traumatic?"

Nyuni shrugged. "I suppose. I miss my home." She sniffed, looking up into the branches of the tree again, half expecting to see the snake eagle perched there with the sound of her stream trickling by. But no stretch of imagination banished the reality; her new life was not a dream. She was stuck.

Duke put his paw around her shoulder comfortingly. "I know," he murmured. "I've lost homes too. I lived in the Brazilian jungle till I was three months old. I was trapped, much like you were, by poachers. When I was two, I was confiscated and shipped off to Texas. When I finally became comfortable there, I was traded to this zoo. It's hard to leave what you knew behind."

Nyuni sniffled again, soothed by the warm weight of Duke's body. "Thank you," she said. "I'm glad I met you."

Duke chuffed, pleased to see the cheetah's spirits lifted. "Be glad you weren't lodged next to the leopards. If they were clever enough to dig a hole under their enclosure, they'd eat you. Rude buggers, they are."

"Why don't you?" asked Nyuni, nestling herself deeper within the jaguar's muscular embrace.

Duke flicked his tail and yawned, giving Nyuni a clear view of the saberlike canines within his maw. "Eh, too lazy. I get all the food I can eat and you don't look like you have enough meat to be worth the effort. Besides, I'm lonely without Reina."

"Did you love her?"

Duke shifted his weight away from Nyuni. "She was a good companion," he said, "and the mother of many of my cubs. But she was wild born and raised, a more solitary sort. She didn't love me. That's the problem with the zoo. Sometimes you don't get to choose."

Nyuni yawned, becoming drowsy now that the sun was down. She felt a contended, happy glow throughout her body lying next to the jaguar, and her belly bulged from the rabbit meal.

"Do we get to eat so much everyday?" she asked. Duke laughed, "No, they'd be bankrupt. Some days we get a piece of lamb or goat. Others we get ground-up stuff. And sometimes, we get nothing. Tomorrow we fast, because the residents are on holiday and the zoo is closed."

"Oh," Nyuni yawned. She nestled against Duke, closing her eyes. Within a few minutes she was asleep, overwhelmed by everything that had happened to her that day. Duke lay at her side, watching her sleeping face with his placid yellow eyes. Somehow, he was finding the long-legged, lanky cat attractive. He had befriended cheetahs before--or made acquaintance rather, since the previous cheetahs he had known lived in a group and were more interested in each other--but this was different. Nyuni was different. He could look at her slender, spotted form all night.

Duke shook his head clear. "You've been alone too long," he murmured to himself, "that's all." Yet he felt a twinge of desire when he gazed at the pretty young cheetah, a stirring in his groin as he breathed in her scent. Rolling gently to his feet, so as not to wake Nyuni, he crept silently back to his own enclosure, looking over his shoulder before he passed into the vegetation. Nyuni stirred and murred, softly arching her back as if in a dream. Then she curled in a ball again, appearing to fall into a deeper sleep. The heavy summer air and black velvet skyscape of stars served as the perfect blanket for the warm night.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

When Nyuni awoke, she was aware of one overpowering sensation throughout her whole being. Mind and body were consumed with a throbbing need. She had never felt anything like it before. Aching with unfulfillment, she arched her back. Ahh... never had a stretch felt so good. Nyuni swished her tail, pacing around her enclosure. When she passed by the north side, a new yet deeply familiar noise struck her ears.

One of the lionesses she had scented yesterday was slinking down the hill in the neighboring exhibitl. The lioness groaned and chuffed as she swayed her tail invitingly. The groan was laden with audible lust, and Nyuni felt a tingle down the base of her tail. A male lion appeared behind the lioness, trailing her closely. He stopped short when she crouched, licking his lips as she flicked her tail to the side. Taking the cue, the male lion eagerly mounted her. Nyuni watched, mesmerized, as the lion's powerful hindquarters moved, his tail pumping. The sight intensified the strange new sensation that gripped her body.

Nyuni's breath quickened as the lions continued. Her eyes locked on to the male's flexing hips, his dangling testicles. She lay crouched on the ground watching them, unaware that her own muscles were tense and tail raised. Suddenly the male released his grasp on the lioness's nape and thrust forward, letting out a triumphant roar. The lioness snarled and writhed beneath his hold. She swiped at him with her claws sheathed, but not before he was quick to dismount. The lion sneezed and shook his mane while the lioness rolled over onto her back with a blissful grin on her face. Nyuni found herself staring at the glimpse of hard pink flesh beneath the male lion's tail.

"So Zuri must be in heat again," said a voice behind her. Nyuni jumped, startled. Duke stood at the top of her hill, looking over at the lions. "They'll be at it all day," he sighed. "Poor Mfalme," he said, indicating the male lion, who had just flopped down in the shade on the far side of the hill. "He's past his prime. If Zuri is in heat, it won't be long before her five pridesisters are too. Mfalme'll be exhausted keeping up with them." Nyuni was hardly listening. She was only vaguely aware of what Duke was saying. Her heart was pounding as she stared down at the lions.

Duke walked through the short grass towards Nyuni. Halfway down the hill her scent reached his nose. For a moment the sudden strength of pheromones dazed him. He opened his maw, pulse quickening as his eyes caught sight of the delicate pink slit under the cheetah's slowly swishing tail. He had a sudden urge to pounce on her then and there, but a branch snapped beneath his paw as he started forward, and he gathered his wits. So the cheetah was in heat too? He tried to clear his head. How long had Reina been gone? Nearly two years? He could feel his sheath tightening around his involuntarily growing erection.

Duke stared at the cheetah as she shifted her hind legs, flicking her tail to the side. Did she know what she was doing? He had never imagined he would ever find a cheetah so attractive. She was slender and fragile in his eyes, innocent and kind. Her strong musk made her even more attractive.

But he couldn't. It was wrong. She was young, inexperienced. This was probably her first heat. And she wasn't even the same species. Duke groaned, his cock now fully erect. It was almost uncomfortable to stand there and gaze at what he shouldn't have. The responsible thing to do, he thought, would be to return to his own enclosure and dunk himself in the chilly pool. Duke stared at the cheetah girl, his groin hot. He stepped towards her. The temptation was irresistible.

Duke padded down the hill, sitting beside the crouched Nyuni. He turned his hips from her so she couldn't see how much she excited him. But the scent of aroused male reached her regardless and worked unconsciously on her senses. Nyuni fidgeted, tensing her lower back. "Duke," she said, "I've never felt like this. I'm in heat, right? I've never been in heat. I didn't realize it would be so... consuming." She paused and took a shaky deep breath. "I don't know what to do," she bemoaned. "I can't stand it!"

Duke inhaled sharply as her warm fur brushed against him and her scent came even stronger. Nyuni pressed her weight into him. Duke suppressed a moan of desire. His blood was pulsing through his veins. Trying to calm himself, he whispered, "It's natural. You just have to live with it for a while."

"How long?"

"A few days... maybe," Duke said, though he had no idea how long a cheetah's first cycle lasted. His erection was not subsiding. Being so close to her was only making it worse. He was so hard it almost hurt.

Nyuni raised her head. "I can't stand it. It's overpowering. I need to--please Duke," she panted.

His heart caught in his throat. "Please what?"

Nyuni rubbed her body along his flank, crouching in the grass again. "Fuck me. Like the lion."

Duke tried to protest as his pounding heart leapt to his throat with craven desire. "Nyuni--you don't even what you're asking."

"I know enough. Please, I can't stand it anymore."

"I don't want to hurt you," he said. The cheetah's tail lashed impatiently, exposing the glistening pink slit beneath. Nyuni looked back at him, trust showing through the lust her in eyes. "You wouldn't hurt me. Not on purpose. Please?"

Duke decided he couldn't protest further. In his mind he knew it was inappropriate. The poor cheetah was barely an adult, alone in a new world, her actions driven by heat. Sure she was begging for it, but she might regret their actions later when she was in a more rational state of mind. Too bad, thought Duke, stalking forward to straddle the cheetah. The temptation was more than a horny old jaguar could resist. Almost unconsciously, Nyuni arched her back, raising her tail. The warm weight of the jaguar on her back forced her belly to the ground and her rump to the air. She could feel his purrlike growl vibrating deep in his chest against her spine. Duke grabbed the cheetah's nape, alternating between caresses of tongue and teeth. Nyuni moaned impatiently, squirming sensually beneath his grip.

"I warn you, it might hurt at first... I'm somewhat larger than a cheetah," Duke chuckled in his throaty, rich voice, "so tell me if you want me to stop." Nyuni responded by pushing her rear backwards into his groin. Duke growled with gratification. Hips flexing, his hard catcock found her moist entrance and thrust inside.

Nyuni yowled as her virginity vanished. Duke clutched her nape tight, making sure she didn't try to wriggle away and hurt herself further. He paused with only the first few inches lodged within her warm embrace, and then slowly began to push forward, working his way in.

Nyuni was tighter than he had expected. Duke was fairly certain female cheetahs were not designed to accommodate anything of his size. Nyuni panted as he pushed forward little by little, each inch of his tapering cock wider than the last. Duke paused three-quarters of the way, taking a deep breath to calm his racing pulse. Her muscles resisted his intrusion, clenching tight around his shaft. He felt like he could cum without moving at all.

"You alright?" he asked Nyuni breathlessly. The cheetah was still panting. "Yes, yes. More Duke. I need it." She closed her eyes in an expression of pained bliss, pressing her hips back into him.

Duke took another deep breath. He withdrew a few inches, then thrust forward again. The cheetah clenched involuntarily, and he felt he would explode. She was so good.

He entered a rhythm, taking long deep strokes. "Ohhh," Nyuni moaned. She had never felt so fulfilled in her life. The jaguar's pointed cock ploughed through her virgin passageway, stimulating her inside and out on every stroke. Her sensitive walls stretched around his thick shaft as he opened her wider. The initial pain was gone. She dug her claws into the ground and let herself be taken by the pleasure that swelled through her body.

Duke's strong muscles roiled under his golden-orange fur as he mated the cheetah, exuding idle power. He couldn't keep this pace for very much longer. Already he could feel his control slipping. Hoping the cheetah was ready, Duke picked up speed.

Nyuni braced herself against the jaguar's stocky forelegs. His cock pistoned in and out of her slick pussy as he began thrusting in earnest. Nyuni whimpered in rapture as the jaguar fucked her, now with complete abandon. His hindquarters flexed with power, driving the cheetah to a level of excruciatingly pleasurable stimulation. Duke's hard cock throbbed. The cheetah was too good. He couldn't hold back. All the lust that lay pent up in his loins for two years was about to release...

Nyuni felt her muscles clench around him at the same time she felt Duke bury his entire length deep in her canal. She yowled out with pleasure as the nubs on the jaguar's penis suddenly stiffened, digging into her inner walls. Duke thrust forward till his tight balls were pulsing against the cheetah's slick entrance. The tension was unbearable. He was so close, so cl--ahh! Duke bared his teeth as he climaxed, releasing Nyuni's nape to snarl his pleasure out over the zoo. He kept the cheetah pinned with his weight, tailbase flexing as he pumped her tiny passage full of his seed.

Nyuni instinctively tried to writhe free but Duke was not done yet. He had not waited two years for a fuck only to have it over before he was finished. He grabbed the cheetah by the nape again. Nyuni could feel his round balls twitching against her sensitive slit as they unloaded their contents, and her climax was reignited. She squealed with delight. Duke snarled again as her pussy milked the cum from his shaft. He couldn't take it anymore. He had never orgasmed so hard in his life. With a roar, he spent the last of his seed and released the cheetah. She squirmed free as Duke jumped backwards, landing exhausted in the grass.

Duke, panting, looked over at Nyuni. She was sprawled out beside him, utterly worn out but wearing a blissful, serene expression on her face. She rolled over and chirred, rubbing her head against his neck. "That was... amazing. I didn't know anything could feel like that."

"You're welcome," Duke rumbled smugly. He savored the weight of the warm furry body beside him.

"Hey Duke?"

"Hmm?" the jaguar said. Nyuni smiled. "Thanks for everything. You don't know how scared and lonely I'd be in this place without a friend. I'm glad I have you." She snuggled her body into his embrace and shut her eyes peacefully. Within a few minutes she was asleep. Duke laid his head on her shoulders and sighed tranquilly. "I'm glad I have you too," he murmured, slowly shutting his eyes and drifting off into sleep.

The End (for now)

If you enjoyed this story, I hope you'll look forward to reading what happens next. It might take a while, but I have 4-5 parts planned.